How to manipulate the ajax response text - ajax

I've an ajax code like this:
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '', false);
if(req.status == 200)
var response = http_attendance.responseText;
document.getElementById('divAttendance').innerHTML = response;
When I get result on the page, FF browser shows the DOM elements on 'divAttendance'. If I want to put put some jquery effect on the result, I can't be able to do it.
DOM elements is clearly viewed using firebug. But, when I generate the source code of that page then there is no repsonse text on 'divAttendance'. It is blank like thisL:
<div id="divAttendance"></div>
How to manipulate or put some effect on that result ???

Well, if you are using jQuery then you should be using jquery ajax anyways
Regardless, if you are populating your div with AJAX response then it will not show up using "View Source" rather you will have to use a tool like firebug.
Your div initially should look like following
<div id="divAttendance" style="display:none"></div>
and your javascript should have the following
document.getElementById('divAttendance').innerHTML = response;
For such operations jQuery load is easy and usefull function, have a look at
Your specific example can be rewritten as
<script language="javascript">
$('#divAttendance').load('', function() {
<div id="divAttendance" style="display:none"></div>


ajax works but not displaying content?

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Chat_Box_Files/Script_Files/AJAX.js"></script>
// JavaScript Document
// load index page when the page loads
function Load_ajax_page(url){
//before we make a ajax request we have to show the loading image
$("#Applets").html('<center>Loading... Please Wait...</center>');
//this is a jquery method to make a ajax request
$.post(url,"",function (data){
//this is the place where the data is returned by the request
//remove loading and add the data
<div id="Applets">
here is my fiddle of it all in action, but it wont display the content from the html file, it used to idk what I have done wrong?
It looks like you are using ASP.NET on the server. You can add the following line to your source pages:
Response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

Getting Google Plus button to show after inserting markup with ajax

I'm trying to load a google+ 1 button on a page, the goal is to have the buttons markup inserted into the page via ajax and then make the call for the button to be rendered.
The button renders fine when the page is loaded first time around. The problem arises when the markup is fetched from /displaycode.php and then the render call is made again.
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
{"parsetags": "explicit"}
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$("#btn").click(function() {
$("#live-preview").load('/displaycode.php #code');
return false;
<div id="live-preview"><div id="code"><div class="g-plusone"></div></div></div>
A demo of the problem can be viewed here . Thanks for any help in advance.
Render method
Use explicit render:
instead of:
Also needs "{"parsetags": "explicit"}" set:
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
{"parsetags": "explicit"}
You further have to make sure to call render after the jQuery load is complete. So the element is really in the DOM.
$(function() {
$("#btn").click(function(e) {
$('#live-preview').empty(); // Not necessary
$("#live-preview").load('/displaycode.php #code', function() {

JQuery Ajax Request

I currently have a link:
<a href="view.php?page=1">Click Here<a>
What I need is to do the same thing using ajax so that I don't have to go to a different url and still get the same result.
I have page A and page B
On page A I have a link to page B
<a href="view.php?page=1">Display Page B<a>
<div id="page-b-goes-below">
Page B goes here
Can the above be done please?
You cant change a pages complete html with ajax, and the script in the ajax file won't be executed. so you have to make some tricks
some thing like iframe or a master div.
if you wish to use iframe ajax is no need.
still you need this in ajax what you have to do is.
1. ajax files should have only the body content not even the body tag.
2. have a div next to body tag of the first page and load all the file with ajax in that div.
First or Initial page.
<div id="ajax-container">
you content comes here..
$(document).ready(function() {
function init_linkhandler() {
$('a').click(function() {
return false;

Using Jquery in Controller Page-ASP.NET MVC-3

Could any one give an example, how to use Jquery in Controller Page. MVC3 -ASP.NET(How To put various tags like )
I want to show a simple alert before rendering a view in Controller.
Thank you.
Hari Gillala
Normally scripts are part of the views. Controllers shouldn't be tied to javascript. So inside a view you use the <script> tag where you put javascript. So for example if you wanted to show an alert just before rendering a view you could put the following in the <head> section of this view:
<script type="text/javascript">
alert('simple alert');
As far as jQuery is concerned, it usually is used to manipulate the DOM so you would wrap all DOM manipulation functions in a document.ready (unless you include this script tag at the end, just before closing the <body>):
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
// ... put your jQuery code here
If you are talking about rendering partial views with AJAX that's another matter. You could have a link on some page that is pointing to a controller action:
#Html.ActionLink("click me", "someAction", null, new { id = "mylink" })
and a div container somewhere on the page:
<div id="result"></div>
Now you could unobtrusively AJAXify this link and inject the resulting HTML into the div:
$(function() {
$('#mylink').click(function() {
$('#result').load(this.href, function() {
alert('AJAX request finished => displaying results in the div');
return false;

jQuery Ajax don't remember generated code?

I just started using Ajax with jQuery and PHP. I have a working code (below) which inserts some HTML code to a HTML container (div called nav sub).
Next time I try to run a similar code to the one below on my generated HTML, jQuery don't seem to find it. I guess it don't update it self about it when it's added.
$(" a").click(function(){
var a_class = $(this).parent().attr("class");
$(".nav.sub").load("<?php echo get_bloginfo('url'); ?>/?addmod_ajax=1",{button: a_class});
return false;
Let's say the generated code looks like this:
<div class="nav sub">
My new generated button, forgotten by jQuery?
And the new container looks like this:
<div class="settings"><?php # AJAX ?></div>
Is it some way to use jQuery and Ajax on HTML code generated with jQuery?
I figured it out. The solution is to use "live".
$(' a').live( 'click', function() {
var a_class = $(this).parent().attr("class");
$(".nav.sub").load("<?php echo get_bloginfo('url'); ?>/?addmod_ajax=1",{button: a_class});
return false;
