Disable artifact publishing if build fails in TeamCity - continuous-integration

My build scenario is like this (simplified):
Package (*.zip)
Deploy to test environment
Run tests over the environment
If tests fail TeamCity still publishes artifacts. This is unnecessary and consumes disk space. How can i prevent this? Can't find any check box or something (TeamCity 6.5 Enterprise).

As far as I can tell, TeamCity doesn't have a built-in option to disable artifact publishing if the build fails.
However, in the build script called by TeamCity you could try:
Removing artifact paths from the build configuration, and instead emitting the appropriate TeamCity service messages with your artifact paths only when tests are complete and successful.
Only copying files to the artifact paths configured in TeamCity after the tests are complete and successful.


TeamCity skips internal publishing after Artifactory plugin publishing error

We recently added a build step in each of our TeamCity build configurations which will publish certain artifacts to Artifactory (in addition to TeamCity publishing internally). We are working through some issues with our Artifactory repo preventing us from adding new files. When this happens, the Artifactory plugin in TeamCity errors out and the last step of publishing artifacts into other TeamCity locations also fails.
Is there a way to continue publishing artifacts in TeamCity even if the Artifactory publishing fails?
Step 2/2: Publish to Artifactory (Command Line)
[Step 2/2] Error deploying artifact:
Skipping deployment of remaining artifacts (if any) and build info.
Build was interrupted. Artifacts will not be published for this build
There's no way since your step is failing.
In order to not have your builds brake you can create another build configuration in the same build chain to publish to Artifactory. This new build configuration will publish the artifacts generated in the previous build, if it fails you can easily run it again.

Remove SNAPSHOT suffix from Jenkins build

I recently upgraded from hudson to jenkins. Since they are practically the same I thought it would be just plug and play. I noticed that when I build my projects my war files are being appended with the SNAPSHOT version instead of just .war. I didn't have this problem in hudson.
Is there a way to globally tell jenkins to use the release war, the one in my target directory, as it's artifact build file or have jenkins, I'm assuming the maven plugin, to not append the SNAPSHOT to the file?
SNAPSHOT is added on purpose. Don't mess with it. Either use bleeding-edge or perform mvn release:prepare release:perform in batch mode from Jenkins.

Properties file path was not found! (Relevant only for builds running on a CI Server)

I get the following message from gradle when I run a 'gradle build' with Artifactory configured.
[buildinfo] Properties file path was not found! (Relevant only for builds running on a CI Server)
It starts appearing when I include the following line in my build.gradle:
apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.artifactory'
I would like to know what it exactly means and what to do about it, but I cannot find anything anywhere about it.
Gradle integration with Artifactory can be achieved by using the Gradle Artifactory Plugin or alternatively from a CI server (Jenkims, Bamboo or TeamCity), by using the relevant Artifactory Plugin for the CI server.
All Artifactory Plugins for the CI servers share the same code with the Gradle Artifactory Plugin to integrate with Artifactory.
The warning message you're getting is relevant only in case the build is running on a CI server. If it is not, this message is not an indication of a problem and it should be ignored. To avoid confusion, in the next release this message type will be changed to info instead of warning.
As for the actual meaning of this message, here's a short description:
The Artifactory Plugins for CI servers use a property file to pass
information to the build tool process (Gradle for example). The Gradle
Artifactory Plugin code (running as part of the Gradle process) uses
the data of in the file for artifact resolution and deployment from/to
Artifactory, as well as deployment for the build information to
Using the Gradle Artifactory Plugin directly from your build script does not use or require this properties file and that's why you're seeing this message.

Maven deploy multi module project only if all modules build successfully

I have a maven multi module project with several modules. I want to deploy them (mvn deploy) only if they all pass a full mvn install (which includes the tests).
Currently, I run a mvn install on the project. If all modules pass, I run mvn deploy to do the deployment. The problem I see is the waste of time calling mvn twice (even if I skip tests on the second run).
Does anyone have an idea on this?
EDIT: I have learned that using Artifactory as a repository manager and the maven-artifactory-plugin with your maven setup will add the atomic deploy behaviour to the mvn deploy command. See the Build Integration section in the Artifactory documentation.
[DISCLOSURE - I'm associated with JFrog. Artifactory creator.]
Take a look at the deployAtEnd parameter of Maven Deployment plugin: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-deploy-plugin/deploy-mojo.html
This is a bit tricky. Maven is not atomic when it executes the build life-cycle. So a broken set of artifacts may end up in a repository.
One solution I know is Nexus Pro: http://www.sonatype.com/Products/Nexus-Professional/Features - it allows you to promote builds or define certain repos as staging. So only verified versions get promoted to be used. Maybe artifactory has something similar - I just don't know.
If that solution is too expensive you probably need to create a cleanup build or profile to remove artifacts that where already uploaded. My first guess would be to write a Maven plugin to use the the proxy remote API or maybe the maven features are already sufficient. But since deploy means update the meta-data xml files too I dont think there is a delete - not sure on this either.

Set up a project runner in Teamcity to deploy build artifacts to Artifactory

In our web-application we manage our continuous integration using TeamCity. So far we have manually added required jars and used an ant script to build and deploy our application. Lately we switched to Maven and added Artifactory to the cycle.
I need to know how to deploy our build artifacts from TeamCity to Artifactory.
I added the Artifactory plugin to TeamCity (following this guide) but when trying to add a new build step I can't seem to find any Artifactory related step (which I expect to find).
Am missing something here?
I don't think it is a separate step but actually a set of options at the end of the Maven build step itself (it should be toward the bottom).
See here for more detail:
Specifically, it says "The 'Deploy maven artifacts' option will only be available when using a 'Maven2' build runner."
