How to create a collection of Expression<Func<T, TRelated>>? - linq

I have a repository with the following method:
IEnumerable<T> FindAll<TRelated>(Specification<T> specification,
Expression<Func<T, TRelated>> fetchExpression);
I need to pass in more than one expression. I was thinking about changing the signature to:
IEnumerable<T> FindAll<TRelated>(Specification<T> specification,
IEnumerable<Expression<Func<T, TRelated>>> fetchExpression);
Is this possible?
How do I create an array, say, of expressions to pass into this method?
Currently I'm calling the method from my service layer like this:
var products = productRepository.FindAll(specification,p => p.Variants);
But I'd like to pass p => p.Variants and p => p.Reviews for example. And then in the repository I'd like to iterate through the expression and add them to a query.
For a bit of background on why I am doing this see Ben Foster's blog post on Eager loading with NHibernate.

You could use params to do it:
IEnumerable<T> FindAll(Specification<T> specification,
params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] fetchExpressions)
var query = GetQuery(specification);
foreach(var fetchExpression in fetchExpressions)
return query.ToList();
You can call this like so:
var products = productRepository.FindAll(specification,
p => p.Variants, p => p.Reviews );

You can change your call to this:
var products = productRepository.FindAll(specification,
new [] { p => p.Variants,
p => p.Reviews });
But this will only work if the T is the same in both!


using linq to find if a text field contains any string in a list

im running this in core v3.1
my question is similar to this question:
How to use Linq to check if a list of strings contains any string in a list
with the specific question relating to the first answer such that
filterTags = ["abc", "cd", "efg"]
var results = db.People
.Where(p => filterTags.Any(tag => p.Tags.Contains(tag)));
so basically saying
give me results from the db of all People
who's Tags field contains any of the filterTags
where Tags = a big text field populated by a bunch of space-delimited tags
This seems straightforward (esp since this has been written before)
but i get an error back
System.InvalidOperationException: The LINQ expression 'DbSet
.Where(p => __filterTags_0
.Any(tag => p.Tags.Contains(tag)))' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to either AsEnumerable(), AsAsyncEnumerable(), ToList(), or ToListAsync()
does anyone know what this means or what im doing wrong?
This is not possible with pure EF LINQ. You have to create helper which transforms your search list in Expression Tree.
public static class QueryExtensions
private static MethodInfo _containsMethodInfo = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains")!;
public static IQueryable<T> FilterUsingContains<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, Expression<Func<T, string>> prop, IList<string> items)
if (items.Count == 0)
return query.Where(e => 1 == 2);
var param = prop.Parameters[0];
var predicate = items.Select(i =>
(Expression)Expression.Call(prop.Body, _containsMethodInfo, Expression.Constant(i, typeof(string))))
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(predicate, param);
return query.Where(lambda);
Then you can use this extension in your queries
filterTags = ["abc", "cd", "efg"]
var results = db.People
.Where(p => p.Tags.AsQueryable().FilterUsingContains(t => t, filterTags).Any());
Here is a workaround for you:
using System.Linq;
string[] filterTags = {"abc", "cd", "efg"};
var results = db.People.Where(p => filterTags.Contains(p.Tags)).ToList();

Distinct/GroupBy in WhenAll result Async

I am writing a method in which i am using async prog.
var tasks = new List<Task<List<SomeClass>>>();
var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
i want distinct records from this result. How to achieve that.
currently i have written
return results.SelectMany(s => s).GroupBy(x => x.Name).Select(x => x.FirstOrDefault()).ToList();
But i am not sure with SelectMany, will this give correct result.
SelectMany(s => s) is a "flatten" operation. It takes a sequence of sequences and flattens them to a single sequence.
The LINQ "distinct" operator is called Distinct. If your SomeClass overrides equality to be based on Name, then that's all you need:
return results.SelectMany(s => s).Distinct().ToList();
But if SomeClass doesn't define equality that way, you'll need to do another kind of distinct.
One option is to use the Distinct overload that takes an equality comparer. Then you can pass in an equality comparer that determines equality by Name. To do this, first define an equality comparer:
public sealed class NameEqualityComparer: IEqualityComparer<SomeClass>
public int GetHashCode(SomeClass obj) => EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(obj.Name);
public bool Equals(SomeClass x, SomeClass y) => EqualityComparer<string>.Default.Equals(x.Name, y.Name);
and then you can invoke the correct overload:
return results.SelectMany(s => s).Distinct(new NameEqualityComparer()).ToList();
I have a library that helps define custom comparers (properly handling all edge cases), which I prefer to use for things like this. With the Nito.Comparers library, you don't need to define a custom NameEqualityComparer; instead, you can define comparers in-line like this:
return results.SelectMany(s => s).Distinct(b => b.EquateBy(x => x.Name)).ToList();
or separately, if desired:
var comparer = EqualityComparerBuilder.For<SomeClass>().EquateBy(x => x.Name);
return results.SelectMany(s => s).Distinct(comparer).ToList();
A completely different option is to add a new "Distinct-By" operator that acts the way you want. This is part of MoreLINQ or you can add it yourself:
public static IEnumerable<T> DistinctBy<T, TKey>(this IEnumerable<T> #this, Func<T, TKey> selector)
var keys = new HashSet<TKey>();
foreach (var item in #this)
if (keys.Add(selector(item)))
yield return item;
Then you can use the new operator like this:
return results.SelectMany(s => s).DistinctBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
All of these options are more efficient than grouping.

Unable to write Extension method to wrap a NEST client method

Basically, I was attempting to write the following extension method to avoid having to constantly write the .Suffix("keyword"). I dislike having string literals all over the place, and multiple properties of my ElasticSearch indices happen to require adding the keyword suffix to query properly.
public static class NestHelperExtensions
public static object UseKeywordSuffix(this object #object)
return #object.Suffix("keyword");
If I use the method presented above, it doesn't apply the suffix, but I'm not sure why it wouldn't work. I may be going about this the wrong way, and perhaps there is a way to add a model attribute or something to build a nestCilent.Search<T>, but when I attempted to use the KeywordAttribute, that didn't seem to work either.
Can anyone offer up an explanation as to why it wouldn't be this simple and if it should be possible, can you provide an example or workaround e.g. using attributes?
This won't work because the Suffix method is specifically handled when visiting the field expression
if (methodCall.Method.Name == nameof(SuffixExtensions.Suffix) && methodCall.Arguments.Any())
VisitConstantOrVariable(methodCall, _stack);
var callingMember = new ReadOnlyCollection<Expression>(
new List<Expression> { { methodCall.Arguments.First() } }
return methodCall;
So, an extension method like above would need to be called Suffix to begin and it would have to have at least one argument. You might think of supplying an optional parameter with a default value of "keyword" would work, but expression trees do not support this, so wouldn't work.
Another approach would be to utilise the AppendSuffix extension method on Expression<Func<T, object>> to build something; the nicest way to use this would be to pull the lambda expression out of the fluent call and into a variable
public static class NestHelperExtensions
public static Expression<Func<T, object>> KeywordSuffix<T>(this Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)
return expression.AppendSuffix("keyword");
var client = new ElasticClient();
Expression<Func<Person, object>> firstName = f => f.FirstName;
var searchResponse = client.Search<Person>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.Match(m => m
The not so nice way would be casting the lambda expression to Expression<Func<T, object>> inline
var searchResponse = client.Search<Person>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.Match(m => m
.Field(((Expression<Func<Person, object>>)(f => f.FirstName)).KeywordSuffix())
Another, perhaps simpler approach, would be to introduce a constant for the string "keyword", and use that in the Suffix extension method; it avoids using a string literal all over the place.

Generic Linq with specific where/order by clauses

I want to create a generic method that allows me to search a Sitecore 7 index using Linq to Sitecore (.Net 4.5).
This will be used for various searches such as:
Get top 5 latest news pages
Get the last 20 event pages
Generic site search
Etc, etc, etc
I can create a very generic search method, which works for all types of page. It provides a generic template predicate for the Where clause that would be applicable for all types of search.
However, for the searches above I also need to add specific predicates for the Where clause, and specific expressions for Order By etc. The intention would be to create subclasses for each type of search, which would implement these specifics.
I've condensed some code which is shown below. In this I try to add specific functionality for a new page search.
All page classes derive from "Base".
public virtual ReadOnlyCollection<T> Search<T>() where T : Base, new()
List<T> results = new List<T>();
using (IProviderSearchContext context = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_web_index").CreateSearchContext())
Expression<Func<T, bool>> outerPredicate = PredicateBuilder.True<T>();
// Create a predicate for the template id.
Expression<Func<T, bool>> templatePredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<T>();
templatePredicate = templatePredicate.Or(baseItem => (baseItem.TemplateIdFromIndex.Equals("8b1fc00c76314d32b8e1bce93dd41ccd")));
// Create a predicate for a news page search.
Expression<Func<NewsPageBase, bool>> datePredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<NewsPageBase>();
datePredicate = datePredicate.And(newsPage => newsPage.ArticleDate < DateTime.Now);
// 1. outerPredicate = outerPredicate.And(datePredicate);
// 2. IQueryable<T> searchQuery = context.GetQueryable<T>().Where(outerPredicate).OrderByDescending(newsPage => newsPage.ArticleDate).Take(5);
IQueryable<T> searchQuery = context.GetQueryable<T>().Where(outerPredicate);
results = searchQuery.ToList();
return new ReadOnlyCollection<T>(results);
This code complies and runs.
However, if I uncomment the line marked as [1], a compiler error me from Anding the generic template predicate with the specific news page predicate.
The error is "The type arguments for method 'Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq.Utilities.PredicateBuilder.And(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression>, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression>)' cannot be inferred from the usage".
It's a similar error if I uncomment the line marked as [2].
How do I create a generic method which has the specific functionality for each type of search?
Modifying your code as follows achieves what you need..
public virtual ReadOnlyCollection<T> Search<T>() where T : Base, new()
List<T> results = new List<T>();
using (IProviderSearchContext context = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_web_index").CreateSearchContext())
Expression<Func<T, bool>> outerPredicate = PredicateBuilder.True<T>();
// Create a predicate for a news page search.
Expression<Func<NewsPageBase, bool>> datePredicate = PredicateBuilder.True<NewsPageBase>();
datePredicate = datePredicate.And(newsPage => newsPage.ArticleDate < DateTime.Now);
//outerPredicate = outerPredicate.And((Expression<Func<T,bool>>)(object)datePredicate);
outerPredicate = outerPredicate.And((Expression<Func<T, bool>>)(object)datePredicate);
// 2. IQueryable<T> searchQuery = context.GetQueryable<T>().Where(outerPredicate).OrderByDescending(newsPage => newsPage.ArticleDate).Take(5);
IQueryable<T> searchQuery = context.GetQueryable<T>().Where(outerPredicate);
results = searchQuery.ToList();
return new ReadOnlyCollection<T>(results);
The changes I made were:
Removed the unused templatePredicate - I'm not sure if you had intended to use this or had forgotten to remove it when condensing your original code.
Create datePredicate using PredicateBuilder.True instead of PredicateBuilder.False - this is needed for use in .And() otherwise no results will be returned.
I (un)box datePredicate for use within outerPredicate.And(). The compiler complains if you try to cast datePredicate to Expression<Func<T, bool>> but casting it to object first solves this.
I have found a work around.
Instead of:
Expression<Func<NewsPageBase, bool>> datePredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<NewsPageBase>();
datePredicate = datePredicate.And(newsPage => newsPage.ArticleDate < DateTime.Now);
You can use:
Expression<Func<T, bool>> innerPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<T>();
innerPredicate = innerPredicate.Or(item => ((DateTime)item[(ObjectIndexerKey)"article_date"] < DateTime.Now));
For the OrderBy clause, you can use:
searchQuery = searchQuery.OrderByDescending(item => item[(ObjectIndexerKey)"article_date"]);
This will work if your base class is subclassed from the Sitecore class "SearchResultItem".

Dynamic LINQ OR Conditions

I'm looking to use LINQ to do multiple where conditions on a collection similar to
IEnumerable<Object> items;
items.Where(p => p.FirstName = "John");
items.Where(p => p.LastName = "Smith");
except for rather than having multiple AND conditions (as with this example), I'd like to have multiple OR conditions.
Sorry, to clarify I don't know how many of these conditions I will have so
items.Where(p => p.FirstName = "John" || p => p.LastName = "Smith")
won't work.
Basically, here's what I'm trying to do:
foreach(var name in names)
items = items.Where(p => p.Name == name);
Use PredicateBuilder:
Suppose you want to write a LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework query that implements a keyword-style search. In other words, a query that returns rows whose description contains some or all of a given set of keywords...
The ideal approach is to dynamically construct a lambda expression tree that performs an or-based predicate.
Of all the things that will drive you to manually constructing expression trees, the need for dynamic predicates is the most common in a typical business application. Fortunately, it’s possible to write a set of simple and reusable extension methods that radically simplify this task. This is the role of our PredicateBuilder class...
It sounds like your whitelist of names is only known at runtime. Perhaps try this:
string[] names = new string[] {"John", "foo", "bar"};
var matching = items.Where(x => names.Contains(x.Name));
You can use .Union() to return results that satisfy any condition.
var results = items.Where(p => p.FirstName == "John")
.Union(items.Where(p => p.LastName == "Smith"));
This is inferior to using the || operator. It isn't clear from your edit why that wouldn't work.
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> OrTheseFiltersTogether<T>(
this IEnumerable<Expression<Func<T, bool>>> filters)
Expression<Func<T, bool>> firstFilter = filters.FirstOrDefault();
if (firstFilter == null)
Expression<Func<T, bool>> alwaysTrue = x => true;
return alwaysTrue;
var body = firstFilter.Body;
var param = firstFilter.Parameters.ToArray();
foreach (var nextFilter in filters.Skip(1))
var nextBody = Expression.Invoke(nextFilter, param);
body = Expression.OrElse(body, nextBody);
Expression<Func<T, bool>> result = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(body, param);
return result;
Then, later:
List<Expression<Func<Person, bool>>> filters = names
.Select<string, Expression<Func<Person, bool>>>(name =>
p => p.Name == name
Expression<Func<Person, bool>> filterOfOrs = filters.OrTheseFiltersTogether();
query = query.Where<Person>(filterOfOrs);
You can't make the Where clause dynamic, but you can dynamically create the Lambda Expression you pass to it. Create the right Expression, compile it and pass the resulting lambda expression as a parameter to the Where clause.
Okay, seems like you can skip the part where you have to manually create the Expression and can use PredicateBuilder for it, as already answered by AS-CII.
