Spring caching solution with time based data - spring

I'm a 'caching beginner' and I was looking at Spring's alternatives to solve the following requirements:
I have some time based data that is inserted into the database every minute. Once the data is inserted it will never be modified or deleted. Also, data will never be inserted in any days prior to the current one (no insertions 'in the past').
Users frequently request past data between a starting date and the current one. I would like their requests to be fulfilled by a mixed cache/database solution.
E.G. If an user requests last week of data once a day every day, I would like to access the cache for the first 6 days and the database for the last one. The cache would then be updated and I would have the same behavior the day after.
Is there a way to configure/implement this in a clean way using any of Spring's caching alternatives?
Thank you.

EHCache support all of this and more and it integrates with Spring nicely.
[update] - If I am reading your question right, you need to configure timeToLive and timeToIdle on your cache. All of this is documented in the main configuration page.


Apollo Client v3 Delete cache entries after given time period

I am wondering if there is a way to expire cached items after a certain time period, e.g., 24 hours.
I know that Apollo Client v3 provides methods such as cache.evict and cache.gc which are a good start and I am already using; however, I want a way to delete cache items after a given time period.
What I am doing at the minute is adding a TimeToLive field to every object in my Apollo schema, and when the backend returns an object, the field is populated with the current time + 24 hours (i.e. the time in 24 hours time). Then when I query the data in the front end, I check the to see if the TimeToLive field of the returned data is in the future (if not that means the data was definitely retrieved from the cache and in which case I call the refetch function, which forces the query to fetch the data from the server. However, this doesn't seem like the best way to do things, mainly because I have to iterate over every result in the returned data anch check if any of the returned objects are expired; and if so, everything is refetched.
Another solution I thought of was to use something like React Native Queue and have a background task that periodically checks the cache and deleted items that have expired. But again, I am not totally sold on this solution.
For a little bit of context here: I am building a cooking / recipes app - and recipes / posts are cached on the device; however, my concern is that a user could delete a post, but everyone else who has that post cached would still be able to see it, and hence by expiring the cached item at least they would only be able to see for a number of hours before it is removed. However they might be a better way to do this all together, i.e. have the sever contact clients with the cached item (though I couldn't think of any low lift solutions at the time of writing this)
apollo-invalidation-policies replaces the Apollo-client InMemoryCache with InvalidationPolicyCache and within the typePolicies you can specify a timeToLive field. If an object is accessed beyond their TTL, they are evicted and no data is returned.

Springboot Ehcache load data

Service using SpringBoot, Maven, MongoDB, Ehcache.
Service requires a fast and frequently cache server, so eventually, I chose Ehcache.
All the cache will be called almost at the same frequency so there are no hot cold data in this case.
The original data in MongoDB will be updated every day by a timer service, so what I do is to load all the updated data to Ehcache every day.
Each item in this data has a connection with each other, like you use one to find the relevant Ids of the other. So if one cache is updated, but the other one hasn't, then you can't find these relevant Ids. I want to avoid this situation.
So my question is, is there any way to achieve a function like this, like using two Ehcache servers or something? i.e. When one is in use, the other one can load the data from MongoDB. When the update is done, switch it to the updated one. So every day when the MongoDB data updated, and I have to update the Ehcache data, it won't influence my current cache. That's just a thought I have. Another thought is something like a SQL transaction. Is there any other way to achieve this.
Please advise.
Good question. I see two ways.
One is to use an application lock. When you are ready to reload the cache, you block access to it and do it. There is no way to clear all caches are the same time. The problem is that everything will be blocked during the update.
The other way is to use an other cache. So you load the new cache with the new data and then swap the new cache and the expired one. The problem with this solution is that at a given moment you will take twice the memory since both caches are in memory.

Magento SOAP API V2 takes long time to respond

I have developed custom API with Magento(1.9 community edition) SOAP API V2 to fetch orders. The problem is APIs are taking more than 25 seconds to respond.
There are couple of API calls involved.
/login to get API key
/customOrdersApi to get orders
Both calls are taking too long to respond. CPU utilization is also maxed out during calls.
An interesting behavior I found while monitoring Magento cache (var/cache), it created a WSDL file every time and deleted it after an end of execution. That WSDL cache file's id was in upper case mage---345_WSDL_CONFIG_GLOBAL. There was already cached WSDL file in lower case mage---345_wsdl_config_global but Magento didn't pick it. After that I dug deep in Magento core files and found in code/Mage/core/Model/Cache.php, function _id($id) was turning ids in to upper case. I commented that out and Magento started to pick cached lower cased WSDL file. Response time decreased drastically and both calls started to take less than 3 seconds.
FYI Magento Core API WSDL cache is already set to true.
Has anyone experienced this behavior of Magento? Is there an efficient way to improve the speed of Magento SOAP API?
I am had and still having the same issue. The only thing I found so far:
Looking at the MySQL Database with the SQL command show processlist; I saw, that it tries to update the sales_flat_quote table on every request. If the table is huge it takes a lot of time.
If found this query
DELETE FROM sales_flat_quote WHERE updated_at < DATE_SUB(Now(),INTERVAL 60 DAY) to only keep the last 60 days.
MagentoExchange - How to handle huge sales_flat_quote tables
If I set it to 5 days the time my API call takes has reduced by 50%.

Duplicate records are inserting into database with spring transaction

We have 10 servers.Some flight related data will come to the servers.From servers that data will come to our application.Means same data can come to our application more than one time,but finally i need to save that data only once in the database.So we are checking in the database before inserting the data.If that record is already not exist in the database then only we are going to save the data.But for some reason we are getting duplicate records in the database.
Is it necessary using synchronization in this scenario.
What might be the problem here.Thanks in advance...
In our company the way we deal with multiple data sources where same piece of information may go through is by utilizing batches.
What we found is by doing this at code level (java and .NET), we would invest a lot of devops time and still have duplications.
By implementing a batching process we stored everything locally and process using 2 batch jobs.
1st will ensure quality of data and remove duplications
2nd will compress and push data to our persistence service (we use XCOM to push straight into a db queue which then plugs the data in).
If you can implement something similar because you have a central point of entry upon which you can implement proper quality gates.
Hope our example helps, if not let me know happy to remove this. :)

Can DB2 tell a web-app when a table data is updated?

I have a table of non trivial size on a DB2 database that is updated X times a day per user input in another application. This table is also read by my web-app to display some info to another set of users. I have a large number of users on my web app and they need to do lots of fuzzy string lookups with data that is up-to-the-minute accurate. So, I need a server side cache to do my fuzzy logic on and to keep the DB from getting hammered.
So, what's the best option? I would hate to pull the entire table every minute when the data changes so rarely. I could setup a trigger to update a timestamp of a smaller table and poll that to see if I need refresh my cache, but that seems hacky to.
Ideally I would like to have DB2 tell my web-app when something changes, or at least provide a very lightweight mechanism to detect data level changes.
I think if your web application is running in WebSphere, setting up MQ would be a pretty good solution.
You could write triggers that use the MQ Series routines to add things to a queue, and your web app could subscribe to the queue and listen for updates.
If your web app is not in WebSphere then you could still look at this option but it might be more difficult.
A simple solution could be to have a timestamp (somewhere) for the latest change on to table.
The timestamp could be located in a small table/view that is updated by either the application that updates the big table or by an update-trigger on the big table.
The update-triggers only task would be to update the "help"-timestamp with currenttimestamp.
Then the webapp only checks this timestamp.
If the timestamp is newer then what the webapp has then the data is reread from the big table.
A "low-tech"-solution thats fairly non intrusive to the exsisting system.
Hope this solution fits your setup.
Having the database push a message to your webapp is certainly doable via a variety of mechanisms (like mqseries, etc). Similar and easier is to write a java stored procedure that gets kicked off by the trigger and hands the data to your cache-maintenance interface. But both of these solutions involve a lot of versioning dependencies, etc that could be a real PITA.
Another option might be to reconsider the entire approach. Is it possible that instead of maintaining a cache on your app's side you could perform your text searching on the original table?
But my suggestion is to do as you (and the other poster) mention - and just update a timestamp in a single-row table purposed to do this, then have your web-app poll that table. Similarly you could just push the changed rows to this small table - and have your cache-maintenance program pull from this table. Either of these is very simple to implement - and should be very reliable.
