Renaming a file and remove 'dot' and replace it with' _' - windows

I have set of files in a folder with name like abcd.15678
I want to remove the . and replace it with _
Pls suggest the windows command to do this

This solution is reposted from How to Batch Rename Files in Windows: 4 Ways to Rename Multiple Files by Chris Hoffman
PowerShell offers much more flexibility for renaming files in a command-line environment. Using PowerShell, you can pipe the output of one command – known as a “commandlet” in PowerShell terms — to another command, just like you can on Linux and other UNIX-like systems.
First of all, open Powershell ISE and then navigate to the directory (folder) that has the files and folders you'd like to rename by using this command:
cd "C:\your\directory\"
The two important commands you’ll need are Dir, which lists the files in the current directory, and Rename-Item, which renames an item (a file, in this case). Pipe the output of Dir to Rename-Item and you’re in business.
After you launch PowerShell ISE, use the cd command to enter the directory containing your files. You should put the files in their own directory so you don’t accidentally rename other files.
For example, let’s say we don’t want the dot character in our file names – we’d rather have an underscore instead.
The following command lists the files in the current directory and pipes the list to Rename-Item. Rename-Item replaces each dot character with an underscore.
Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $ –replace ".","_" }
Consult Microsoft’s documentation on the Rename-Item commandlet if you want help performing other, more advanced operations.

There isn't a windows command to do this. You should consider writing a script of some sort that obtains a directory listing and enumerates through each entry: changes the dot to an underscore, and calls the windows rename command appropriately.

Actually this should work :
Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $_.Name.Replace(".","_") }


Copying a list of files with wildcards into a new folder

I don't have much experience with the command line, but essentially I have a list of files in a single folder as follows:
And I also have a text file with the files I want. However, this list does not have the full file path, instead, it looks like this:
file1_a file3_c
because I want to move all files that start with 30 or so specific codes (i.e. everything that starts with file1_a and file1_c for all the files that start with this).
I have tried:
cp file1_a* file3_c* 'dir/dest'
but this does not work. I have also tried the find command. I think I have to use a loop to do this but I cannot find any help on looping through files with a wildcard on the end.
Thanks in advance! I am working on a linux machine in bash.
you can use the xargs command with find command and a pipe
find / -name xxxxx | xargs cp /..

How to use short-cut paths to Compress-Archive to zip current folder into same destination

I am using Compress-Archive and want to zip the current directory into the same path. However I do not want to have to type out the entire file path both times. Is there an easy way to do this?
I am using windows 10 pro.
This works for the most part Compress-Archive . but I want it to be on the same level as the current directory so I need to put it back one spot.
Something like this is what I want:
What I am getting:
It is going inside the actual folder which is not what I want
You propably want that:
Compress-Archive * ..\
The wildcard * avoids that the name of the folder is put inside the zip.
Using .. for the output path we go one level up in the directory tree.
This command will fail if already exists. Either add parameter -update to update the archive or add -force to overwrite the archive. Both can be used even if the archive does not already exist.
If the current working directory is "t", it can be included using the following command. I would note that I do not think putting the destination .zip file in the directory being compressed is a good idea.
Compress-Archive -Path $(Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Exclude -DestinationPath .\ -Force
It is shorter if you are willing to use aliases and cryptic switches.
Compress-Archive $(gci -r -e .\ -Force
If I have misinterpreted your situation, please leave a comment or improve the information provided by editing the question.

How to search through folders for a certain file using Powershell

I am writing an uninstall script for Office using Powershell. I need the script to search through:
There are a number of folders in there. Is there a way to find which folder has the contents that I am looking for? So let's say I am looking for a folder that contains:
and so on. How can I return that exact path? Because that is where I am running the uninstall from but the catch is I don't know what folder Office is in the ccmcahce folder.
Thank you all in advance.
No loop needed.
dir "C:\windows\ccmcache\*\Office.en-us" -Directory
Note that dir is an alias for Get-ChildItem.
#Tomalak when running the code you posted it works if there aren't a large number of files and folders to sort through, but if you really have no idea where the file or folder you're looking for lives at then specifying a -recurse parameter would be helpful
Get-Childitem "C:\*\Office.en-us" -Recurse
While this is sometimes necessary (in this case it doesn't seem to be), it can take an extended amount of time to run if there are large folders to sort through...

How can I organize recovered files into separate folders by file type?

I've got 218GB of assorted files recovered from a failing hard drive using PhotoRec. The files do not have their original file names and they're not sorted in any manner.
How can I go about sorting the files into separate folders by file type? I've tried searching for .jpg, for example, and I can copy those results into a new folder. But when I search for something like .txt, I get 16GB of text files as the result and there's no way I've found to select them all and copy them into their own folder. The system just hangs.
This is all being done on Windows 10.
Open powershell. Change to the recovered data folder cd c:\...\recovered_files. Make a directory for the text files mkdir text_files. Do the move mv *.txt text_files.
You really just want to move/cut the files like this instead of copying, because moving the files is just a name change (very fast), but to copy would have to duplicate all of the data (quite slow).
If your files are distributed among many directories, you would need to use a find command. In Linux, this would be quite simple with the command, find. In Windows, I have never tried anything like this. On MSDN there is an article about PowerShell that features an example which seems reminiscient of what you want to do. MSDN Documentation
The gist of it is that you would use the command:
cd <your recovered files directory containing the recup_dir folders>
Get-ChildItem -Path ".\*.txt" -Recurse | Move-Item -Verbose -Destination "Z:\stock_recovered\TXT"
Note that the destination is outside of the search path, which might be important!
Since I have never tried this before, there is NO WARRANTY. Supposing it works, I would be curious to know.

how do I find all exe files using command line for windows?

I'm a newbie. I am trying to figure out how to use the command line. Please could you tell me what command I should enter so that I can get a list of all the exe files on my computer. thanks.
You can use the dir functionality to search the directory and all of its children directories while filtering on a particular file type.
dir /s /b *.exe | findstr /v .exe.
If you want to find all the executable files that are on the path and/or in the current directory, i.e., all the files you can run from the command line without specifying a path, this should work:
where *.exe
To get names of all .exe files , that are currently running then type tasklist in cmd.
Here's another method I use a lot for tasks like this.
Open powershell and navigate to your root directory by entering the command
cd c:/
cd stands for change directory, and is an alias for the command "Set-Location". We are setting the location to C:/
Next run the following command:
Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.exe" -Recurse
Get-ChildItem is a function that gets the files and folders in a file system drive, and runs on whatever directory you're current at by default.
-Filter "*.exe" is an argument that specifies to only find filenames which end in ".exe". (The * is a type of regular expression notation).
-Recurse is an argument that specifies to search all child directories. This will make your function run on "C:/", but also all child directories of C:/, and all child directories of those directories and so on. This will allow you to search the entire drive.
