I am using JBoss application server which is running on localhost at specific port(8443) and like to test the web pages using Jmeter proxy settings but I wasn't able to record the web pages.
In HTTP Request Defaults, I mentioned the servername as localhost and port as 8443.
Is there any way to record my web application?
Did you follow the Jmeter guide?
I have a problem with configuration with was elb to IIS 7.5.
The SSL protocol is shared on elb and we can't take the SSL for configuring into IIS , when I configure the port https of elb that point to HTTP port of IIS.
The problem is that when i logIn the j_spring_security_check.action redirect all in HTTP.
There is a method for force response of j_spring_security_check.action in HTTPS?
I tried with Url Rewrite module but not working for me .
It seems that there might be something wrong with settings on the application level.
I am not familiar with Spring Security framework. See this link.
Offloading https to load balancers with Spring Security
Besides, please refer to the official guideline for configuring SSL offloading to build connection between the web server and the ELB.
Here is a discussion about how to set up SSL offloading with the ARR load balance.
i am new in WAS so i configured WAS and also web server IHS then i created 2 application server
so through the web server the client can access the application then the traffic over HTTP to one of two application servers i created
integrate web server and 2 application server as an single endpoint then traffic distribute over applications server
like thie img how can i do that
so please can anyone help me in this?
You have to install on IHS the WebSphere Application Server plugin. Then generate the plugin config file. IHS will pass any http requests it cannot resolve to the plugin which will try to resolve to the known applications. If the plugin is not functioning properly then follow the instructions here to collect data and open an IBM Support ticket.
I have an application installed on my machine for learning purposes. Its URL is http://Localhost:8080/*****. JMeter fails to record the requests whenever I use the URL above. If I replace "localhost" with the machine IP, JMeter records without any issues. Loadrunner can record both URLs.
Is it a bug or is the JMeter proxy setting designed in that way?
JMeter doesn't filter loopback URLs, however you browser can do this, at least latest Firefox does:
As per How to Run Performance Tests of Desktop Applications Using JMeter article you might also need to install Microsoft Loopback Adapter
And last, but not the least, the application, browser and JMeter might be looking into different protocols: IPv4 and IPv6, you need to ensure that your localhost hostname resolves into the same IP address for all 3 components.
Latest version of Firefox by default does not allow localhost or to be proxied.
After searching a lot online, finally the following steps worked for me:
Enter about:config in the Firefox URL bar
Search for config network.proxy.allow_hijacking_localhost using the search box and toggle its value to true
Now try recording scripts in Jmeter from localhost related webpages.
I am using Firefox 80.0.1 (64-bit) and Apache JMeter 5.3
I found reference from Setup JMeter proxy to record activities on a local web application
Please find the about:config page for Firefox browser below.
Recently I installed SonarQube 6.1 version and I used Apache to enable HTTPs, now i am able to connect to SonarQube using both the URL's below.
Any idea how to disable the HTTP and make only HTTPs work ?
HTTPs URL = https://<SonarServer>/sessions/new
HTTP URL = http://<SonarServer>:9000/
According to your URL, the web front server and Apache are installing on the same host. So you just need to configure SonarQube to listen on localhost (in sonar.properties sonar.web.host= and configure Apache to do the reverse proxy for
Well there are two approaches which you can try:
Approach, make sonar https (http://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONARQUBE52/Running+SonarQube+Over+HTTPS)
based on the link above you could easily set sonar to https, instead of http - just be sure to provide a certificate etc.
you could as https://stackoverflow.com/users/2435199/eric-hartmann described, just simply bind it only to localhost
block 9000 from outside ips via firewall!
Imho i would stick with 1 or 2 depending on the time you would like to spend on that issue!
How to record a script using jmeter for capturing the webservice requests that occurs between two applications ?
Check out https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-jmeter-to-record-test-scenarios. Specifically, the information on how to set up the proxy for Firefox. You have to make requests through a proxy at or localhost:8080.
Configure both applications or underlying application server, or underlying Java Virtual Machine or underlying operating system to use host, running JMeter as a proxy and it will record all the requests between applications.
You can use Load Testing Mobile Apps. But Made Easy guide as a reference.
For more information on JMeter Proxy Server configuration see:
HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder User Manual Entry
JMeter Proxy Step by Step PDF guide