NSResponder mouseExited when hovering Window title - cocoa

I have an NSWindow with an NSToolbar and a content view.
I have set the tracking area to be the whole frame of the view.
I wish to have the mouseExited event fired when the cursor leaves the content view and enters the toolbar and/or the window title. What is the best way to achieve this? should I bound the tracking area to just below the toolbar?
The main reason I need this is because my view needs a special cursor. So I'm changing it in mouseEntered and wish to change it again when mouseExited

Why not add a cursor rectangle over the entire bounds of the view?


How to call NSScrollView autoscroll-method programmatically

I have simple chat application with text messages view-based NSTableView as you can see at the picture below.
Each message contains NSTextView instance having height to fit all the text.
All I need is to start NSScrollView (which NSTableView-instance is enclosed by) autoscrolling while the user selecting text dragging mouse far enough. Unfortunately, autoscrolling doesn't appear. In case of dragging somewhere outside of the text views all succeed.
I tried to call autoscroll:-method directly by simply push NSEvent-instance from NSTextView-subclass "mouse dragged"-event (like in example from this article):
- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)event
[self.scrollView autoscroll:event];
As I've overrode all the mouse events and implemented all the text selecting, this method often invokes. But the autoscrolling doesn't seem to work.
I figured out that before calling -autoscroll:-method there must be -mouseDown: of the same object. But it breaks my text selecting mechanism. The point even not in being first responder, there must be nothing but the mouseDown:-method.
Normally, a text view is within a scroll view of its own. Even if that's big enough to show all of the text without scrolling, it's still there. A call of -autoscroll: on anything within that scroll view (possibly including that scroll view itself?) will just try to scroll that scroll view, not the scroll view that contains the table view.
Try calling -autoscroll: on a view higher up in the hierarchy. Either self.scrollView.superview, the table cell view, or the table view.
Note, though, that the table view's scroll view will keep scrolling even after the cell view containing the text view is fully on-screen. In fact, it may keep scrolling it so far that it's off the screen in the other direction. Basically, it doesn't know that you're trying to select within the text view so it doesn't know to stop when the selection extends all the way to the edge of the text view.
Another approach might be to try to use a "bare" text view with no enclosing scroll view. I don't think IB will let you do that, so you'd have to do it programmatically. Bare text views don't play well with auto layout, though.

Cursor above siblings

Suppose there is a window with a very simple UI hierarchy which has just two siblings: NSTextView and NSButton, and they do overlap.
My question is, why is the cursor different when hovering over the button, depending on whether there is the textview below it or not? Why is the text cursor "leaking" through the button? How do I make the button retain its cursor regardless what is beneath it?
I thought I could create an NSView, place the button inside it and somehow make the view "opaque" but I didn't get too far...
What I'm trying to do is to have a button which "floats" above the textview and still displays the proper (normal) cursor.
For performance reasons, Cocoa does not enforce clipping among sibling
views or guarantee correct invalidation and drawing behavior when
sibling views overlap. If you want a view to be drawn in front of
another view, you should make the front view a subview (or descendant)
of the rear view.
You can use NSTrackingArea to update cursor manually:

How make button in NSWindow clickable while a sheet's on top of it

I have created a custom (themed) NSWindow, by creating a borderless window and then recreating all elements of the window border/background inside the content view. I've created the window widgets (close box, zoom box, minimize box) on top of my own fake title bar using -standardWindowButton:forStyleMask:.
Trouble is, when a sheet is presented on top of my custom window (e.g. "save changes...", those buttons do not receive the clicks.
Does anybody know how I can tell NSWindow not to intercept the clicks in my minimize box? It works with a standard NSWindow. When a sheet is up, I can still send both of them to the dock, or zoom the window out.
I thought maybe there's special code in the content view that ignores clicks in subviews while a sheet is up. But it seems as if -hitTest: is called on the content view and returns the minimize widget, but the widget's action never gets triggered.
I guess I could just replace the content view and perform the action in the content view's hitTest if it is the minimize widget ... but that seems a bit ugly.

How to autoscroll when mouse is near the edge of window

I have an (big) NSImageView embedded in an (smaller) NSScrollView. I want to automatically scroll if the mouse goes near the edge of the window, how do I do this?
You could create an NSTrackingArea to be notified when the mouse enters a particular area of a view and then use one of NSResponder's scroll.. routines to scroll the view.
Cocoa has a built in method called NSView.autoscroll(with:) which will automatically scroll the enclosing scroll view when tracking mouse events and the cursor is outside of the scroll view's clip view.

NSWindow's title as indicator popup button

I'm trying to make my first Cocoa app (previously I was making iOS apps) and what I wish to do for my custom view is make it's title clickable with indicator (accessory) triangle facing down.
Clicking the title would open a popup/menu with my items.
How is that doneable in Cocoa?
Rdelmar's answer is probably the easiest way to go, but may not do exactly what you might want to do (which is replace the actual title with a pop up item, instead of having a popup button under the title in the toolbar area). With respect to functionality your application will probably work just as well using the toolbar.
If, however, you truly want to replace the actual title, the means of going about this would be to set the NSWindow title text to #"" to hide it, and redraw it by sticking in your own view.
[[[theWindow contentView] superview] addSubview:theSubview];
This basically tells the superview of the main content view to add another subview (direct "translation" from the code), and you'll have to tinker with the frame of this new subview to have it be positioned where the title should be positioned (as now it's free to be placed anywhere in the window frame, including on top of the title bar, as opposed to simply inside the content view).
theSubview can be your popup button, or whatever you want, and you'll also probably have to custom draw the popup button to match the original drawing of the window title.
You can do this by adding a toolbar to your window in IB. Once, you add the toolbar, you can double click on it to open the customizer view of it. Drag a popup button into the Allowable Toolbar Items area and after it is inserted there you can drag it into the bottom area which shows the layout of the toolbar -- you can also drag out any of the default items there that you don't want.
