Visual Studio sorts usings in wrong order - visual-studio-2010

I've just discovered what seems to be an annoying bug in Visual Studio 2010. It appears that the Sort Usings function is sorting my usings in the wrong order. Have a look at this code:
namespace Test
using Test.WebPages.Utilities;
using Test.WebPages.WebRef;
using Test.WebPages.ViewModels;
namespace WebPages
namespace Utilities { class A { } }
namespace WebRef { class B { } }
namespace ViewModels { class C { } }
public class Program
public static void Main()
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
var c = new C();
Obviously the sort order is wrong. Annoying when you're using StyleCop SA1210.

I don't think that Sort Usings does anything to usings inside of a namespace

Aha, now I have some more insight. I tried this:
using Test.W; // place W here, initially
using Test.U;
using Test.V;
using Test.X;
using Test.Y;
namespace Test
namespace U { class A { } }
namespace V { class B { } }
namespace W { class C { } }
namespace X { class D { } }
namespace Y { class E { } }
public class Program
public static void Main()
new A();
new B();
new C();
new D();
new E();
Sorting the usings above results in:
using Test.U;
using Test.W; // place W here, initially
using Test.V;
using Test.X;
using Test.Y;
which is wrong, of course. However, I then tried this order initially:
using Test.U;
using Test.V;
using Test.X;
using Test.Y;
using Test.W; // place W here, initially
Sorting this resulted in the correct order:
using Test.U;
using Test.V;
using Test.W; // place W here, initially
using Test.X;
using Test.Y;
Very strange.


I can't use a Winforms Control created with a Class

I was looking for a Circular Picture Box for my app and I stumbled across this code (IT IS NOT MINE) and I've tried as many times as I could but I can't find any mistake. I have followed every step that was made in the tutorial for this Rounded Picture Box so it can't be a miscopy because it was working perfectly in the tutorial.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace New_Radio_Barcelona.Controls
class RashiCircularPictureBox : PictureBox
private int border = 2;
private Color colorBorder = Color.RoyalBlue;
private Color colorBorder2 = Color.HotPink;
private DashStyle borderstyle = DashStyle.Solid;
private DashCap borderCap = DashCap.Flat;
private float gradiant = 50f;
public RashiCircularPictureBox()
this.Size = new Size(95, 95);
this.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
public int Border
return border;
border = value;
public Color ColorBorder
return colorBorder;
colorBorder = value;
public Color ColorBorder2
return colorBorder2;
colorBorder2 = value;
public DashStyle Borderstyle
return borderstyle;
borderstyle = value;
public DashCap BorderCap
return borderCap;
borderCap = value;
public float Gradiant
return gradiant;
gradiant = value;
protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)
this.Size = new Size(this.Width, this.Width);
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
var graphic = pe.Graphics;
var rect = Rectangle.Inflate(this.ClientRectangle, -1, -1);
var rectborder = Rectangle.Inflate(rect, -border, -border);
var size = border > 0 ? border * 3 : 1;
using (var bordercolorG = new LinearGradientBrush(rectborder, colorBorder, colorBorder2, gradiant))
using (var path = new GraphicsPath())
using (var pen = new Pen(this.Parent.BackColor, border))
using (var penborder = new Pen(bordercolorG, size))
graphic.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
penborder.DashStyle = borderstyle;
penborder.DashCap = borderCap;
this.Region = new Region(path);
graphic.DrawEllipse(pen, rect);
if (border > 0)
graphic.DrawEllipse(penborder, rectborder);
I compile the project and then try to add it to the Design tab as shown in the tutorial. It says it could not be loaded. I was trying to understand what is not working properly but I still do not find the mistake. Some help plis?
Another aspect to take into consideration is the fact that in class RashiCircularPictureBox : PictureBox puts 1 reference above the code and in public RashiCircularPictureBox() it says 0 references. It may be for this but I'm no expert on Classes and I'm stuck in this stupidity. if anyone could clear my mind about this issue I would be so grateful about it
The designer in most versions of Visual Studio up until recently has been a 32-bit process. So if the control was built as 64-bit, it wouldn’t be able to load it at design-time, but VS would still be able to create 64-bit applications that can use the 64-bit control at runtime.
This means if you build your control as 32-bit or AnyCPU, it should solve the design-time loading problem.
The release notes of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.0.0 state that “devenv.exe is now 64-bit only”. I haven’t tried this myself, but it probably means you can now use 64-bit controls at design time with the newer versions of VS.
In all cases, AnyCPU should work.

How would I change the colour of an object using 'OnMouseEnter'?

The script used to be:
function OnMouseEnter()
renderer.material.color = Color.grey;
But using that is now obsolete after an update and I have no idea what the current syntax is or how one would go about finding it out. I've searched everywhere and couldn't find an answer.
Since Unity 4.6 there is a new way of handling input events. One have to use interfaces from UnityEngine.EventSystems namespace. Look at this example:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems; // dont forget this
public class SomeController : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler, IPointerClickHandler
private bool hovered = false;
// from IPointerEnterHandler
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData)
hovered = true;
// from IPointerExitHandler
public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData)
hovered = false;
// from IPointerClickHandler
public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
// send some event
Still, you have to add collider component to your object.

Haxe - sending enum as flags to a function

I'm just trying to convert my code from C# to Haxe NME. I use enums as flags.
enum State
StateOne = 1,
StateTwo = 2,
StateThree = 4
And use it
if (someObj.HasState(State.StateOne | State.StateTwo))
// Contains both the states. Do something now.
I had no idea on how to do this in Haxe NME.
In Haxe 3, there is haxe.EnumFlags. This uses Haxe 3 Abstract Types which basically wrap an underlying type, in this case, it uses an Int, just like you have done - but then it wraps it up in a pretty API so you don't have to worry about the details.
Here is some sample code:
import haxe.EnumFlags;
class EnumFlagTest
static function main()
var flags = new EnumFlags<State>();
if (flags.has(StateOne)) trace ("State One active");
if (flags.has(StateTwo)) trace ("State Two active");
if (flags.has(StateThree)) trace ("State Three active");
if (flags.has(StateOne) && flags.has(StateTwo)) trace ("One and Two both active");
if (flags.has(StateOne) && flags.has(StateThree)) trace ("One and Three both active");
enum State
All of this works is stored as a standard Int, and uses integer operators like you have done, so it should be pretty fast (no wrapping in an external object). If you want to see how it works under the box, the source code for EnumFlags can be viewed here.
If you're still on Haxe 2, then you could create an object that is really similar, but of course, it has to create an object as well as the integer, so if you're doing thousands (millions?) of them then you might get a slow down. The equivalent code, that should work with Haxe 2 (though I haven't checked):
class MyEnumFlags<T:EnumValue>
var i:Int;
public function new(?i=0)
this.i = i;
public inline function has( v : T ) : Bool {
return i & (1 << Type.enumIndex(v)) != 0;
public inline function set( v : T ) : Void {
i |= 1 << Type.enumIndex(v);
public inline function unset( v : T ) : Void {
i &= 0xFFFFFFF - (1 << Type.enumIndex(v));
public inline static function ofInt<T:EnumValue>( i : Int ) : MyEnumFlags<T> {
return new MyEnumFlags<T>(i);
public inline function toInt() : Int {
return i;
I've managed to find it. I had trouble using enums but I had been successful using constants. This is the simple test file I used.
package ;
class FlagsTest
static inline var FLG_1:Int = 1;
static inline var FLG_2:Int = 2;
public static function main() : Void
var flag:Int = FLG_1;
if (hasFlag(flag, FLG_1))
trace ("Test 1 passed");
flag |= FLG_2;
if (hasFlag(flag, FLG_2))
trace ("Test 2 passed");
public static function hasFlag( flags:Int, flag:Int ) : Bool
return ((flags & flag) == flag) ? true : false;
FlagsTest.hx line 14: Test 1 passed
FlagsTest.hx line 19: Test 2 passed

C# like events in D programming language

I recently finished a 6-month internship at a company that uses C# for the most part of their programming. During this time I first used and got accustomed to the C# way of doing events. Like shown below:
acc.AccountBalanceLow += new AccountBalanceDelegate(atm.AccountToLow);
acc.AccountBalanceLow +=new AccountBalanceDelegate(atm.AccountToLowAgain);
Does D support such constructs? I'd imagine one could be created by the user by using operator overloading, but I'm not entirely sure. If it's not possible what would then be a common excepted way of doing it then?
The equivalent construct in D is to use Signals and Slots. This is a different means of implementing the Observer Pattern, which is effectively what a C# event does.
D (and C++) use an analogous pattern called signals and slots.
If you're feeling the need to use the C# style-events instead of signals and slots, they're extremely simple to implement:
module fluidity.core.event;
class Event {
alias void delegate(EventArgs) handler_t;
handler_t[] handlers;
Object owner;
this() {}
this(Object o) { owner = o; }
void attach(handler_t handler) {
if (handler)
handlers ~= handler;
void detach(handler_t handler) {
int i = -1;
foreach (j, h; handlers)
if (h is handler)
i = j;
if (i > -1)
handlers = handlers[0..i] ~ handlers[i+1..$];
void raise() { raise(new EventArgs(owner)); }
void raise(EventArgs e) {
// call all handlers
foreach (handler; handlers)
if (handler)
void opAddAssign(handler_t handler) {
void opSubAssign(handler_t handler) {
class EventArgs {
Object source;
bool handled;
void handle() { handled = true; }
this() {}
this(Object s) {
source = s;
Here is an example of c# style events using signals, slots, and a templates:
import std.signals;
class Event(T...){
mixin Signal!(T);
void broadcast(T args){
void opAddAssign(slot_t slot){
void opSubAssign(slot_t slot) {
public Event!(int) onSomeEventOfInt;
public Event!(string, int) onSomeEventOfStringAndInt;
this.onSomeEventOfInt = new Event!(int)();
this.onSomeEventOfStringAndInt = new Event!(string, int)();
fire event:
int i = 4;
string str = "hello";
this.onSomeEventOfStringAndInt.broadcast(str, 4);
observer registration:
obj1.onSomeEventOfInt += &handleEventOfInt
obj1.onSomeEventOfStringAndInt += &handleEventOfStringAndInt
void handleEventOfInt(int g)
{ /*do something */ }
void handleEventOfStringAndInt(string str, int g)
{ /*do something */ }
Check out DFL's event system. It works EXACTLY the same way as C# .NET.
DFL Event Example
Download DFL, grab the events module and use it the way you like. I modified it to use variadic template arguments. This gives maximum flexibility.

Expression.Default in .NET 3.5

How can I emulate Expression.Default (new in .NET 4.0) in 3.5?
Do I need to manually check the expression type and use different code for reference and value types?
This is what I'm currently doing, is there a better way?
Expression GetDefaultExpression(Type type)
if (type.IsValueType)
return Expression.New(type);
return Expression.Constant(null, type);
The way you did it is good. There is no Type.GetDefaultValue() method built in to the .NET Framework as one would expect, so the special case handling for value types is indeed necessary.
It is also possible to produce a constant expression for value types:
Expression GetDefaultExpression(Type type)
if (type.IsValueType)
return Expression.Constant(Activator.CreateInstance(type), type);
return Expression.Constant(null, type);
The advantage of this I suppose would be that the value type is only instanciated once, when the expression tree is first built, rather than every time the expression is evaluated. But this is nitpicking.
How about using an extension method?
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
namespace ConsoleApplication3
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Type t = typeof(int);
Expression e = t.Default(); // <-----
t = typeof(String);
e = t.Default(); // <-----
public static class MyExtensions
public static Expression Default(this Type type)
if (type.IsValueType)
return Expression.New(type);
return Expression.Constant(null, type);
