Place certain article anywhere in joomla template - joomla

Is it possible in Joomla to place a certain article in a template, additionally to the normal content? I want the article to show up on every page.

You can simply take it from the databse and print its content. In the template, where you want to show the article, write this:
$id=/*Id of the article to show*/;
$db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__content WHERE id=$id");
echo $item->introtext;
I can't find where i've used that code and i can't copy-paste it, so i try to write it again by looking at the view.html.php of the com_content:
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
$params = &$mainframe->getParams();
$dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array (&$item, &$params, 0));
//The last line triggers the onPrepareContent event, so if it does not work maybe you need other events, so try with onAfterDisplayTitle, onBeforeDisplayContent or onAfterDisplayContent

Have you seen this?
It allows you to place any article as a module on your Joomla site. And with modules you can have them displayed site wide.


Custom SEO article title in Joomla

While it's possible to manually enter the full title of a page displaying a category, how would I go about doing the same for an article page in Joomla 2.5?
The default is to use the article title as the page title, e.g. "How to care for goldfish", with an option to add the site name.
What I want is to have the title as follows:
How to care for goldfish | Fish care guides |
The obvious solution would be just to put all that in the title of the article, but then I'd have a problem in the "Latest articles" module, it would become unreadable with all the extra text.
How to solve this? Plugin, coding, or some clever solution? It needs to be more or less automatic though, I can access the Joomla database and change each page title manually but that wouldn't be feasible. If manual text entry is needed, it has to be in Joomla.
The plugin system responds to events, so the easiest solution would be a either a Content or System plugin that manipulates the Title by appending the relevant information prior to display.
I think with a content plugin you could use the onContentPrepare event to do all the work.
In rough psuedo code (i.e. this won't run), I would probably end up with something like this:
public function onContentPrepare($context, &$article, &$params, $page = 0)
// Don't run this plugin when the content is being indexed
if ($context == 'com_finder.indexer') {
return true;
// Perform a sanity check to make sure we're on an article layout
// Build new title

joomla Modules - Between Article or inside Article? What is correct?

I want to place articles and modules on my page. It should look like my scatch:
I am wondering if i can make 4 articles and one module (information box) and place this inbetween those articles, Or should i just create one article wich looks like the hole area (article 1-4 + INformation box)? So far i have tried to do {loadposition infobox-pos} into article 2. But than the box-width is not 100% but 50%.
Than aggain if i would make one big article with the contents from article 1-4 it would not fit great into my responsive layout.
I use T3-Framework.
Joomla doesn't support this natively, since module output is controlled by the template, and component output (in this case, com_content, view=category, layout=blog) is handled before modules are rendered.
You can proceed in many ways, I am listing them in order of decreasing ease:
Write a jquery script that moves the pieces in the browser. You could also use mootools and it's bundled with joomla, but odds are you already have jquery loaded anyways.
Write a view override for abovementioned view: so copy /components/com_content/view/category/tmpl to /templates/your_template/html/com_content/category (copy all files). Then edit blog.php and insert your module there, use something like /plugins/content/loadmodule/loadmodule.php :
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$renderer = $document->loadRenderer('module');
$modules = JModuleHelper::getModules($position);
$params = array('style' => $style);
foreach ($modules as $module) {
echo $renderer->render($module, $params);
Write a content plugin
you can also use {loadmodule YourCustomModuleTitle} and place this in <div> with custom style attributes like
<div style="width:100%;float:right">{loadmodule MyModule}</div>
<div class="something">{loadmodule MyModule}</div>
Note: the module which loaded must be assigned to the same menu item or "all"

How to use breadcrumbs in Joomla in custom components?

I wrote simple component by this example, but when i entering it i see Home instead of my components name.
And also is it possible to get deeper, for example joomla->my_component->some_other_component, but exactly after mine.
Found, but how use it automatically in every view?
Try this:
$mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication();
$pathway =& $mainframe->getPathway();
$breadcrumb = $pathway->setPathway(array());
$pathway->addItem( JText::_( 'YOUR_BREDCRUMB_ITEM' ),'');
Replace YOUR_BREDCRUMB_ITEM with your item name. Hope this will help.

Displaying a static block as a popup window in Magento

I'm trying to display a static block in Magento as a popup window, but can't seem to get the code to work.
I've found code in various places on the internet that seems to be fairly close to what I want but I can't get any results. I've used the basic code to return the "top links" to my site so I know that the basics work.
I've created a delpopup.php script in my Magento root folder and put in this code:
$layout = Mage::app()
echo '<p>before</p>';
echo $layout
echo '<p>after</p>';
Unfortunately the code doesn't display the static block. That part of the output is blank.
The idea is that I can place a link in a regular page in Magento and have my delivery into pop up. Like this:
<a title="" onclick="popWin('', 'deliveryinfo', 'width=300,height=300,left=0,top=0,location=no,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); return false;" href="#">Delivery Info</a>
Basically I want to be able to display a static block in a popup window that uses my Magento site's theme. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
As I thought, the problems lies on incorrect Block Id.
Now that the cms is able to be shown.
So now the question is: how to get the theme work?
Not really sure what do you mean by theme, if what you mean is css that was included in <default> tag, you can use:
Mage::getDesign()->setTheme('your theme');
echo $layout->getBlock('head')->toHtml();
After the xml has been finished generated, it means put that code after:
I'd first setup a controller and block(s) to render the type of layout that you want to throw within the popup. So, instead of doing this within a standalone php file, do it within the regular mage framework within a specific controller action.
Then, once you have that working - the question is how to pull it into a popup. I'd go with maybe a nice jquery popup widget that allows you to specify a URL to hit - and then just pass in the one that you prepped for step 1 above.
You may want to look at adminhtml/default/default/template/popup.phtml for inspiration. That's actually a popup template for the admin, not the frontend, but you can see what they've done.
They're pulling in some standard magento blocks including the head block, which should pull in all your CSS and JS, in order to give you the general color scheme / look&feel of your frontend, but without all of the navigation, etc.

Joomla: How to change template on a specific article

Is there a way to change the template on a specific article only?
Note that it should work without linking the article to any menu.
If you want the template override not to depend on the menu position than the standard joomla way of assigning a different template to a menu will not work. You will need to get your hands dirty and write some custom code. You will need to use the article_id as a trigger for template switch.
I did something like that at work but don't remember now how exactly this is achieved. I will post my code here as soon as I locate it.
EDIT: Found the code :)
You need to edit the file /includes/application.php, specifically the getTemplate() method. At the end of this method, just before:
// Fallback template
if (!file_exists(JPATH_THEMES.DS.$template.DS.'index.php')) {
$template = 'rhuk_milkyway';
you can add your condition for applying a custom template, like so:
if (JRequest::getVar('id')=='13' && JRequest::getVar('option')=='com_content') {
$template = $custom_template_name;
This will apply the custom template which name is inside the $custom_template_name to article with id=13. You can also use it to apply a different template to components, like I did with simplecaddy:
if (JRequest::getVar('option')=='com_caddy'){
$template = 'shop';
You should really try to stay away from hard coding anything in to the template if it can be avoided. Not sure why you would specify that the article not be linked from a menu. The easiest way to accomplish this without having to write and code is to create a new menu, then add a menu item that links to the article you want to specify the template for. You don't have to put the menu in a module anywhere so it will never show up on the site, but it will show up in the menu assignment in the template manager.
You can do this with single articles, categories, sections, or even components. As long as you have a menu link to associate the template to. I always create an Admin only menu to put links that are needed to run the site, but do not need to be accessed by users.
As Brent said, avoid the temptation to modify core Joomla code! Doing this will likely stop you from doing Joomla upgrades 'cos you know it's going to break the core changes that you made.
Apart from the "hidden menu item" technique (which is useful but can break SEF URLs in some situations), a useful tool is Chameleon. This allows you to select specific articles/categories/sections (plus things like browser type, user group, component, whatever) and use these to trigger a certain template.
Though this is an old post, I thought I'd share my thoughts: You can easily change template on a single article, by implementing the onAfterInitialize() - function in a system plugin. No need to modify the Joomla core.
This works for Joomla 1.5, but should also work in 2.5:
function onAfterInitialise(){
if(true){ // f.ex. test for article ID or whatever
JRequest::setVar('template', 'beez'); // change template
In joomla 3.x versions, url-parameters are handled differently. The following was tested in joomla 3.4.8:
public function onAfterInitialise()
if(true){ // f.ex. test for article ID or whatever
$app->input->set('template', 'beez3');
More on writing plugins for Joomla here
