I need code to The solution of this problems Use Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
Problem 1:
Write a complete C++ program that takes five floats A, B, C, D, and E and reorders them such that the smallest number is stored in A, and the largest number in E. Assume that the Five numbers are distinct (different). The program reads five floats from the keyboard then reorder them. The program should then print the values of A, B, C, D, and E after the Reorder.
Problem 2:
Write a C++ program that reads in one of two characters input by the user. If the user input C, the program should calculate the area of a circle of radius input by the user. If the user inputs R, the program calculates the area of the rectangle of width and length input by the user.
Problem 3:
Write a C++ program that finds the roots of a second order equation (if they exist).
The equation will be:
a(X^2)+bX+c, the user will input the coefficients a, b, c. The program will first determine if the equation has roots or not. If it does, then the program will find these roots and display to the user:
a(X^2)+bX+c=(X-R1)+(X-R2) where R1 and R2 are the roots of the equation.
First program:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
float A,B,C,D,E;
float b,c,d,e;
cout<<"This program takes 5 float inputs,reorder then print them";
cout<<"\n Enter the first float";
cout<<"\n Enter the first float";
if (b>A){
else B=b;
cout<<"\n Enter the second float";
if (c>A){
else if (c>B){
else C=c;
cout<<"\n Enter the third float";
if (d>A){
else if (d>B){
else if(d>C){
cout<<"\n Enter the fourth float";
else if(e>B){
else if(e>C){
else if(e>D){
return 0;
Chef has N axis-parallel rectangles in a 2D Cartesian coordinate system. These rectangles may intersect, but it is guaranteed that all their 4N vertices are pairwise distinct.
Unfortunately, Chef lost one vertex, and up until now, none of his fixes have worked (although putting an image of a point on a milk carton might not have been the greatest idea after all…). Therefore, he gave you the task of finding it! You are given the remaining 4N−1 points and you should find the missing one.
The first line of the input contains a single integer T denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follows.
The first line of each test case contains a single integer N.
Then, 4N−1 lines follow. Each of these lines contains two space-separated integers x and y denoting a vertex (x,y) of some rectangle.
For each test case, print a single line containing two space-separated integers X and Y ― the coordinates of the missing point. It can be proved that the missing point can be determined uniquely.
the sum of N over all test cases does not exceed 2⋅105
Example Input
1 1
1 2
4 6
2 1
9 6
9 3
4 3
Example Output
2 2
Problem link: https://www.codechef.com/problems/PTMSSNG
my approach: I have created a frequency array for x and y coordinates and then calculated the point which is coming odd no. of times.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// your code goes here
int t;
long int n;
long long int a[4*n-1][2];
long long int xm,ym,x,y;
for(int i=0;i<4*n-1;i++)
long long int frqx[xm+1],frqy[ym+1];
for(long long int i=0;i<xm+1;i++)
for(long long int j=0;j<ym+1;j++)
for(long long int i=0;i<4*n-1;i++)
for(long long int i=0;i<xm+1;i++)
if(frqx[i]>0 && frqx[i]%2>0)
for(long long int j=0;j<ym+1;j++)
if(frqy[j]>0 && frqy[j]%2>0)
cout<<x<<" "<<y<<"\n";
return 0;
My code is showing TLE for inputs <10^6
First of all, your solution is not handling negative x/y correctly. long long int frqx[xm+1],frqy[ym+1] allocated barely enough memory to hold positive values, but not enough to hold negative ones.
It doesn't even matter though, as with the guarantee that abs(x) <= 109, you can just statically allocate a vector of 219 elements, and map both positive and negative coordinates in there.
Second, you are not supposed to buffer the input in a. Not only is this going to overflow the stack, is also entirely unnecessary. Write to the frequency buckets right away, don't buffer.
Same goes for most of these challenges. Don't buffer, always try to process the input directly.
About your buckets, you don't need a long long int. A bool per bucket is enough. You do not care even the least how many coordinates were sorted into the bucket, only whether the number so far was even or not. What you implemented as a separate loop can be substituted by simply toggling a flag while processing the input.
I find the answer of #Ext3h with respect to the errors adequate.
The solution, giving that you came on the odd/even quality of the problem,
can be done more straight-forward.
You need to find the x and y that appear an odd number of times.
In java
int[] missingPoint(int[][] a) {
//int n = (a.length + 1) / 4;
int[] pt = new int[2]; // In C initialize with 0.
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
pt[j] ^= a[i][j];
return pt;
This uses exclusive-or ^ which is associative and reflexive 0^x=x, x^x=0. (5^7^4^7^5=4.)
For these "search the odd one" one can use this xor-ing.
In effect you do not need to keep the input in an array.
i wrote the following code.
its basically enter 5 variables(a, b, c, f_a, f_b)
and calculate f_c= f_a + (f_b-f_a)*(c-a)/(b-a)
in the main function, i declared and scan all variables,
then i calculate the X, which is equal to f_c.
The question is how can i move the calculation of X to second function calculateFreezingTemp.
I tried to create a function f_c with 5 variables, failed.
double calculateFreezingTemp(double);
int main(void)
{double a, f_a, b, f_b, c, f_c, x;
printf("Please enter the data point A\n");
scanf("%lf %lf", &a, &f_a);
printf("Please enter the data point B\n");
scanf("%lf %lf", &b, &f_b);
printf("Please enter the salinity value between %f and %f\n", a, b);
scanf("%lf", &c);
x = f_a + ((c-a)/(b-a))*(f_b-f_a);
f_c = calculateFreezingTemp(x);
printf("For salinity %f ppt, Freezing Temperature is: %f\t",c, f_c);}
double calculateFreezingTemp(double x)
{double f_c;
You can pass the input variables to the 'calculateFreezingTemp' function:
f_c = calculateFreezingTemp(a, b, c, f_a, f_b)
and move the calculation into the function:
double calculateFreezingTemp(double a, double b, double c, double f_a, double f_b)
return f_a + (f_b-f_a)*(c-a)/(b-a);
I did search and looked at these below links but it didn't help .
Point covering problem
Segments poked (covered) with points - any tricky test cases?
Need effective greedy for covering a line segment
Problem Description:
You are given a set of segments on a line and your goal is to mark as
few points on a line as possible so that each segment contains at least
one marked point
Given a set of n segments {[a0,b0],[a1,b1]....[an-1,bn-1]} with integer
coordinates on a line, find the minimum number 'm' of points such that
each segment contains at least one point .That is, find a set of
integers X of the minimum size such that for any segment [ai,bi] there
is a point x belongs X such that ai <= x <= bi
Output Description:
Output the minimum number m of points on the first line and the integer
coordinates of m points (separated by spaces) on the second line
Sample Input - I
1 3
2 5
3 6
Output - I
Sample Input - II
4 7
1 3
2 5
5 6
Output - II
3 6
I didn't understand the question itself. I need the explanation, on how to solve this above problem, but i don't want the code. Examples would be greatly helpful
Maybe this formulation of the problem will be easier to understand. You have n people who can each tolerate a different range of temperatures [ai, bi]. You want to find the minimum number of rooms to make them all happy, i.e. you can set each room to a certain temperature so that each person can find a room within his/her temperature range.
As for how to solve the problem, you said you didn't want code, so I'll just roughly describe an approach. Think about the coldest room you have. If making it one degree warmer won't cause anyone to no longer be able to tolerate that room, you might as well make the increase, since that can only allow more people to use that room. So the first temperature you should set is the warmest one that the most cold-loving person can still tolerate. In other words, it should be the smallest of the bi. Now this room will satisfy some subset of your people, so you can remove them from consideration. Then repeat the process on the remaining people.
Now, to implement this efficiently, you might not want to literally do what I said above. I suggest sorting the people according to bi first, and for the ith person, try to use an existing room to satisfy them. If you can't, try to create a new one with the highest temperature possible to satisfy them, which is bi.
Yes the description is pretty vague and the only meaning that makes sense to me is this:
You got some line
Segment on a line is defined by l,r
Where one parameter is distance from start of line and second is the segments length. Which one is which is hard to tell as the letters are not very usual for such description. My bet is:
l length of segment
r distance of (start?) of segment from start of line
You want to find min set of points
So that each segment has at least one point in it. That mean for 2 overlapped segments you need just one point ...
Surely there are more option how to solve this, the obvious is genere & test with some heuristics like genere combinations only for segments that are overlapped more then once. So I would attack this task in this manner (using assumed terminology from #2):
sort segments by r
add number of overlaps to your segment set data
so the segment will be { r,l,n } and set the n=0 for all segments for now.
scan segments for overlaps
something like
for (i=0;i<segments;i++) // loop all segments
for (j=i+1;j<segments;j++) // loop all latter segments until they are still overlapped
if ( segment[i] and segment [j] are overlapped )
segment[i].n++; // update overlap counters
else break;
Now if the r-sorted segments are overlapped then
segment[i].r <=segment[j].r
scan segments handling non overlapped segments
for each segment such that segment[i].n==0 add to the solution point list its point (middle) defined by distance from start of line.
And after that remove segment from the list (or tag it as used or what ever you do for speed boost...).
scan segments that are overlapped just once
So if segment[i].n==1 then you need to determine if it is overlapped with i-1 or i+1. So add the mid point of the overlap to the solution points and remove i segment from list. Then decrement the n of the overlapped segment (i+1 or i-1)` and if zero remove it too.
points.add(0.5*( segment[j].r + min(segment[i].r+segment[i].l , segment[j].r+segment[j].l )));
Loop this whole scanning until there is no new point added to the solution.
now you got only multiple overlaps left
From this point I will be a bit vague for 2 reasons:
I do not have this tested and I d not have any test data to validate not to mention I am lazy.
This smells like assignment so there is some work/fun left for you.
From start I would scann all segments and remove all of them which got any point from the solution inside. This step you should perform after any changes in the solution.
Now you can experiment with generating combination of points for each overlapped group of segments and remember the minimal number of points covering all segments in group. (simply by brute force).
There are more heuristics possible like handling all twice overlapped segments (in similar manner as the single overlaps) but in the end you will have to do brute force on the rest of data ...
[edit1] as you added new info
The r,l means distance of left and right from the start of line. So if you want to convert between the other formulation { r',l' } and (l<=r) then
and back
Sorry too lazy to rewrite the whole thing ...
Here is the working solution in C, please refer to it partially and try to fix your code before reading the whole. Happy coding :) Spoiler alert
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int cmp_func(const void *ptr_a, const void *ptr_b)
const long *a = *(double **)ptr_a;
const long *b = *(double **)ptr_b;
if (a[1] == b[1])
return a[0] - b[0];
return a[1] - b[1];
int main()
int i, j, n, num_val;
long **arr;
scanf("%d", &n);
long values[n];
arr = malloc(n * sizeof(long *));
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
*(arr + i) = malloc(2 * sizeof(long));
scanf("%ld %ld", &arr[i][0], &arr[i][1]);
qsort(arr, n, sizeof(long *), cmp_func);
i = j = 0;
num_val = 0;
while (i < n) {
int skip = 0;
values[num_val] = arr[i][1];
for (j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) {
int condition;
condition = arr[i][1] <= arr[j][1] ? arr[j][0] <= arr[i][1] : 0;
if (condition) {
} else {
i += skip + 1;
printf("%d\n", num_val);
for (int k = 0; k < num_val; ++k) {
printf("%ld ", values[k]);
return 0;
Here's the working code in C++ for anyone searching :)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define ll long long
#define double long double
#define vi vector<int>
#define endl "\n"
#define ff first
#define ss second
#define pb push_back
#define all(x) (x).begin(),(x).end()
#define mp make_pair
using namespace std;
bool cmp(const pair<ll,ll> &a, const pair<ll,ll> &b)
return (a.second < b.second);
vector<ll> MinSig(vector<pair<ll,ll>>&vec)
vector<ll> points;
for(int x=0;x<vec.size()-1;)
bool found=false;
for(int y=x+1;y<vec.size();y++)
return points;
int main()
int n;
for(int x=0;x<n;x++)
ll temp1,temp2;
for(auto it:res)
cout<<it<<" ";
recently I found an interesting task given in a competition, but without any author solution or explanation how to be solved.
The task consists of the following: The user is given a number N, and has to calculate a^N (on the power of n, not the xor operation), where I can only calculate by multiplying by a, or by a previous result. I should give the smallest number of calculations I should do in order to get calculate a^n.
Then the answer is 6:
The limits for N are the following: N<=40000. The time and memory limits are: 2s and 256MB.
What is a good way to solve this task?
Thank you in advance!!!
This is one simple solution but not fast enough..
I wish someone could enhance this by some tweak?
Or for someone who is interested just in solving the problem.
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
set<int> A, B;
int n = atoi(argv[1]), i;
for(i=1; A.find(n) == A.end(); i++) {
for(auto& a : A) for(auto& b : A) B.insert(a + b);
for(auto& c : B) A.insert(c);
cout << i << endl;
Let's ask the other way..
How far can I know by calculaing n times?
It just doubles every time.
Am I missing something?
That said, only by this one line,
while(pow(2, n)< atoi(argv[1])) n++;
cout << n;
the result can be gained.
I had a question in my assignment to find whether a number was perfect square or not:
Perfect square is an element of algebraic structure which is equal to
the square of another element.
For example: 4, 9, 16 etc.
What my friends did is, if n is the number, they looped n - 1 times calculating n * n:
// just a general gist
int is_square = 0;
for (int i = 2; i < n; i++)
if ((i * i) == n)
std::cout << "Yes , it is";
is_square = 1;
if (is_square == 0)
std::cout << "No, it is not";
I came up with a solution as shown below:
if (ceil(sqrt(n)) == floor(sqrt(n)))
std::cout << "Yes , it is";
std::cout << "no , it is not";
And it works properly.
Can it be called as more optimized solution than others?
The tried and true remains:
double sqrt(double x); // from lib
bool is_sqr(long n) {
long root = sqrt(n);
return root * root == n;
You would need to know the complexity of the sqrt(x) function on your computer to compare it against other methods. By the way, you are calling sqrt(n) twice ; consider storing it into a variable (even if the compiler probably does this for you).
If using something like Newton's method, the complexity of sqrt(x) is in O(M(d)) where M(d) measures the time required to multiply two d-digits numbers. Wikipedia
Your friend's method does (n - 2) multiplications (worst case scenario), thus its complexity is like O(n * M(x)) where x is a growing number.
Your version only uses sqrt() (ceil and floor can be ignored because of their constant complexity), which makes it O(M(n)).
O(M(n)) < O(n * M(x)) - Your version is more optimized than your friend's, but is not the most efficient. Have a look at interjay's link for a better approach.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void isPerfect(int n){
int ctr=0,i=1;
if(!n)cout<<"\nSquare root = "<<ctr;
else cout<<"\nNot a perfect square";
int main() {
return 0;
I don't know what limitations do you have but perfect square number definition is clear
Another way of saying that a (non-negative) number is a square number,
is that its square roots are again integers
in wikipedia
WRITE "Yes it is"
WRITE "No it isn't"
examples sqrt(9) == floor(sqrt(9)), sqrt(10) == floor(sqrt(10))
I'll recommend this one
if(((unsigned long long)sqrt(Number))%1==0) // sqrt() from math library
//Code goes Here
It works because.... all Integers( & only positive integers ) are positive multiples of 1
and Hence the solution.....
You can also run a benchmark Test like;
I did with following code in MSVC 2012
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
void IsPerfect(unsigned long long Number);
void main()
clock_t Initial,Final;
unsigned long long Counter=0;
unsigned long long Start=Counter;
for( Counter=0 ; Counter<=100000000 ; Counter++ )
IsPerfect( Counter );
float Time((float)Final-(float)Initial);
cout<<"Calculations Done in "<< Time ;
void IsPerfect( unsigned long long Number)
if(ceil(sqrt(Number)) == floor(sqrt(Number)))
//if(((unsigned long long)sqrt(Number))%1==0) // sqrt() from math library
Your code took 13590 time units
Mine just 10049 time units
Moreover I'm using few extra steps that is Type conversion
(unsigned long long)sqrt(Number))
Without this it can do still better
I hope it helps .....
Have a nice day....
Your solutions is more optimized, but it may not work. Since sqrt(x) may return the true square root +/- epsilon, 3 different roots must be tested:
bool isPerfect(long x){
double k = round( sqrt(x) );
return (n==(k-1)*(k-1)) || (n==k*k) || (n==(k+1)*(k+1));
This is simple python code for finding perfect square r not:
import math
print ("yes")
print ("No")