should changes to the db always be part of CI? - continuous-integration

This question came up on the development team I'm working with and we couldn't really get to a consensus:
Should changes to the database be part of the CI script?
Assuming that the application you are working with has a database involved. I think yes because that's the definition of integration. If you aren't including a portion of your application then you aren't really testing your integration. The counter-argument is that the CI server is the place to make sure your basic project setup works -- essentially building a virgin checkout of the latest version of your code.
Is there a "best practices" document for CI that would answer this question? Is this something that is debated among those who are passionate about CI?
Martin Fowler's opinion on it:
A common mistake is not to include everything in the automated build.
The build should include getting the database schema out of the
repository and firing it up in the execution environment.

All code, including DB schema and prepulated table values should both be subject to source control and continous integration. I have seen far to many projects where source control is used - but not on the DB. Instead there is a master database instance where everyone is doing there changes, on the same time. This makes it impossible to do branching and also makes it impossible to recreate an earlier state of the system.
I'm very fond of using Visual Studio 2010 Premium's functionality for database schema handling. It makes the database schema part of the project structure, having the master schema under source control. An fresh database can be created right out of the project. Upgrade scripts to lift existing databases to the new schema are automatically generated.
Doing change management properly for databases without VS2010 Premium or a similar tool would at best be painful - if possible at all. If you don't have that tool support I can understand your collegue that wants to keep the DB out of CI. If you have problems arguing for including the DB in CI, then maybe it is an option to first get a descen toolset for DB work? Once you have the right tools it is a natural step to include the DB in CI.

You have no continuous integration if you have no real integration. This means that all components needed to run your software must be part of CI, otherwise you have something just a bit more sophisticated than source control, but no real CI benefits.
Without database in CI, you can't roll back to specific version of an application and you can't run your test in real, always complete environment.
It is of course not an easy subject. In the project I work in we use alter scripts that needs to be checked in together with source code changes. These scripts are run on our test database to ensure not only the correctness of current build, but also that upgrading/downgrading one version up/down is possible and the process of update itself don't mess anything up. I believe this is the better solution than dropping and recreating whole database, it lets you to have the consistent path to upgrade the database step by step and allows you to use the database in some kind of test environment - with data, users etc.


Best Practice for Having a Base Project and Multiple Similar Sub-projects

I have been writing an E-shop project for a customer and now I have signed a new similar contract with another customer. I was wondering what would be the best practice to continue the first project while staring the second so that the reusability is at maximum?
One way would be to change the first project to read all menu items, slider pictures, ... from the database so that I can deliver the same project to both customers with different databases. The benefit of this approach is that I have to manage only one project, but it leads me to gradually write a CMS, which is a time-consuming task.
The other solution would be to use Git. For example, I would fork the base project into two different projects. If the functionality I am writing is the base one, then I would push it into the base project; otherwise, I push it into the appropriate forked project.
Which one is a better approach in your opinion? Or you guys have any better idea?
There are a few things that need to be considered.
First of all, This project as you said has the capability to be sold more. So, you must think about how much is possible to make it dynamic via Configuration files, Hooks & Plugins to make the modification to the functionalities of the project through that. I know you have considered this already.
Second, Using a Core Repository and different forks for customization. (It's a great idea but needs proper discipline, workflow and manpower to make sure everything is fine-tuned and works properly )
It's highly recommended to make your application cloud-native and provide proper UAT/QAT Environment for test before launching on the production, And also implementing Test cases to be checked within the Git and CI/CD pipelines in order to prevent issues in the merge process.
I'm not certain about what you want, but if you want to develop an enterprise project that contains many features such as wallet, tracking, payment,... I think you can implement each service as a microservice and integrate all of them.
About git, I think it's better just for handling the source code and you had better use git module for handling microservice and just using branches for developing process
I have finally found some solutions that I would like to share with you guys. Let's divide differences into 2 big categories of data differences and code differences:
Differences in data
If the database in each project is different (e.g., the product has some features in one project and some other features in another project), then the best solution is to use NoSQLs such as MongoDB. In the first place, NoSQLs are designated to support databases that don't have well-defined data structures, and you don't know what features you may add to each entity at present or in the future. It completely applies to my scenario that each shop may have a different data structure. However, since my project is based on Laravel and it does not have built-in support for MongoDB, I have decided to design some key-value tables that haven't been so bad so far.
Differences in the code
Regarding differences in the code, I would definitely suggest branches in Git and other functionalities provided by Git repositories such as Gitlab repository mirroring. Each feature has a different branch in my code, and I can provide each customer with different functionalities by merging those branches I want to deliver to the customer.
All in all, you may take as much business logic as you can into the database since changing it in the future is more straightforward. On the other hand, you'd better keep themes in the code because every customer likes a different theme, and changing them in the code is easier than taking them to the database.

How to version products inside monorepo?

I have been educating myself about monorepos as I believe it is a great solution for my team and the current state of our projects. We have multiple web products (Client portal, Internal Portal, API, Core shared code).
Where I am struggling to find the answer that I want to find is versioning.
What is the versioning strategy when all of your projects and products are inside a monorepo?
1 version fits all?
Git sub-modules with independent versioning (kind of breaks the point of having a mono repo)
Other strategy?
And from a CI perspective, when you commit something in project A, should you launch the whole suite of tests in all of the projects to make sure that nothing broke, even though there was no necessarily a change made to a dependency/share module?
What is the versioning strategy when all of your projects and products are inside a monorepo?
I would suggest that one version fits all for the following reasons:
When releasing your products you can tag the entire branch as release-x.x.x for example. If bugs come up you wouldn't need to check "which version was of XXX was YYY using"
It also makes it easier to force that version x.x.x of XXX uses version x.x.x of YYY. In essence, keeping your projects in sync. How you go about this of course depends on what technology your projects are written in.
And from a CI perspective, when you commit something in project A, should you launch the whole suite of tests in all of the projects to make sure that nothing broke, even though there was no necessarily a change made to a dependency/share module?
If the tests don't take particularly long to execute, no harm can come from this. I would definitely recommend this. The more often your tests run the sooner you could uncover time dependent or environment dependent bugs.
If you do not want to run tests all the time for whatever reason, you could query your VCS and write a script which conditionally triggers tests depending on what has changed. This relies heavily on integration between your VCS and your CI server.

TFS Team Build - Testing to Production

I have scoured the internet to find out what I can on this, but have come away short. I need to know two things.
Firstly, is there a best practice for how TFS & Team Build should be used in a Development > Test > Production environment? I currently have my local VS get the latest files. Then I work on them & check them in. This creates a build that then pushes the published files into a location on the test server which IIS references. This creates my test environment. I wonder then what is the best practice for deploying this to a Live environment once testing is complete?
Secondly, off the back of the previous - my web application is connected to a database. So, the test version will point to a test database. But when this is then tested and put live, I will need that process to also make sure that any data connections are changed to the live database.
I am pretty much doing all this from scratch and am learning as I go along.
I'd suggest you to look at Microsoft Release Management since it's the tool that can help you to do exactly the things you mentioned. It can also be integrated with TFS.
In general, release management is:
the process of managing, planning, scheduling and controlling a
software build through different stages and environments; including
testing and deploying software releases.
Specifically, the tool that Microsoft offers would enable you to automate the release process, from development to production, keeping track of what and how everything is done when a particular stage is reached.
There's an MSDN article, Automate deployments with Release Management, that gives a good overview:
Basically, for each release path, you can define your own stages, each one made of a workflow (the so-called deployment sequence) containing the activities you want to perform using pre-defined machines from a pool.
It's possible to insert manual interventions/approvals if necessary, and the whole thing can be triggered automatically once your build is done.
Since you are pretty much in control of the actions performed on each machine in each stage (through the use of built-in or custom actions/components) it is also certainly possible to change configuration files, for example to test different scenarios, etc..
Another image to give you and idea of how it can be done:

Using sonar in pretty big team

We have something about 20 people in our team and we are using sonar for now to analyse new code before submiting it to the main stream. So each designer uses it's own Sonar installed on his machine.
What I'm trying to do is to create a one instance of the Sonar which each designer will be able to use. The only concern I have is what will happen if:
One designer will launch analysis on one revision of file and right after that the second designer will launch analysis on another revision of this file (in the worst case we can have a bunch of such a files). First designer won't be able to see his violations and won't be able to see code he wrote at all. Do we have some mechanism to overcome this?
What will happen if two designers will analyse the same project at the same time? AFAIK, Sonar won't allow them to do so. Any workaround for this?
Of course, we can, somaehow, create a project on the sonar side for each team member, but this has it's drawbacks, such as issues, marked as false positive in one proect won't appear as such an issues in another project and so on.
Any ideas on such an issues?
What you probably want to set up is:
a central Sonar instance that analyses the code base on a regular basis (for instance every day) based on the code located in the repository. This instance should be the reference and the project manager(s) will use it to monitor the project.
ask the developers to run local analyses before commiting their code:
either using Sonar Eclipse if you're coding in Java, C++ or Python. Everything is perfectly described in the documentation, more precisely the "Checking code prior to commit" section
or using the Issues Report plugin if your language is not supported yet in Sonar Eclipse.

Automated Software Versioning integrated with Issue Control System

I decided to use the following pattern after reading semantic versioning at However, I have some unsolved issues in my mind in terms of automaticng and integrating SDLC tools.
Version Pattern:
Such that;
Major: major changes, should be increamented manually.
Minor: minor changes, should be increamented automatically, whenever a new feature or an enhancement to existing feature is solved in issue tracking system.
Revision: changes not affecting the minor changes, should be increamented automatically, whenever a bug is solved in issue tracking system.
Assume that developers never commit the source unless an issue has been solved in issue tracking system, and the issue tracking system is JIRA in this configuration. This means that there are bugs, improvements, and new features as issue types by default, apart from the tasks.
Furthermore, I am adding a continous integration tool in this configuration, and assume that it is bamboo (by the way, I never used bamboo before, I used Hudson), and I am using Eclipse IDE with mylyn plugin and plus the project is a Maven project (web).
Now, I want to elucidate what I want to do by illustrating following scenario. Analyst (A) opens an issue (I), which is a new feature, related to Maven project (P). As a developer (D), I receive an email about the issue, and I open the task via Mylyn interface in Eclipse. I understand and develop the new feature related to issue (I). Consider, I am a Test Driven Development oriented developer, thus I wrote the Unit, DBUnit, and User-Acceptance (for example using Selenium) tests correspondingly. Finally, I commit the changes to the source control. I think the rest should be cycled automatically but I don't know how can I achieve this? The auto-cycled part is the following:
The Source Control System should have a post-hook script that triggers the Continous integration tool to build the project (P). While building, in the proper phase the test code should be run, and their reports generated. The user-acceptance test should be performed in a dedicated server (For example, jboss, or Tomcat). The order of this acceptance test should be, up the server, run the UA test, then generate the UA test reports and down the server. If all these steps have been successfuly completed, the versioning should be performed. In versioning part, the Maven plugin, or what so ever, should take the number of issues solved from the Issue Tracking System, and increment the related version fragments (minor and revision), at last appends the build number. The fragments of the version may be saved in manifest file in order to show it in User Interface. Last but not the least, the CI tool should deploy it in Test environment. That's all auto-cycled processes I want.
The deployment of the artifact to the production environment should be done automatically or manually?
Let's start with the side question: On the automatic deployment to production, this requires the sign off of "the business" whomever that is. How good do your tests need to be to automatically push to production? Are they good enough that you trust things to just go live? What's your downtime? Is that acceptable? If your tests miss something, can you rollback? Are you monitoring production so you know if you've introduced problems? Generally, the answers to enough of these questions is negative enough that you can't auto-deploy there as the result of a build / autotest event.
As for the tracking, you'll need a few things. You'll need all your assumptions to be true (which I doubt they are, but if you get there that's awesome). You'll also need a build number that can be incremented after build time based on test results. You'll need source changes to be annotated with bug ids. You'll need the build system to parse the source changes and make associations with issues. You'll need an API into the build system so you can get the count of issues associated with the build. Finally you'll need your own bit of scripting to do the query and update the build number accordingly.
That's totally doable, but is it really worth having? What's the value you attach to the numbering scheme?
