Problem with Unit Testing Revit 2012 addin in Visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I am trying to create unit test in VS2010 for Revit addin that I developed.
Problem is when I create unit test for a method and then run that test, I get this message:
Test method TestProject1.SimpleTestCommandTest.ExecuteTest threw exception:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'RevitAPIUI.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found.
RevitAPIUI.dll is properly added to references of Revit addin project, and also in references of test project.
Any idea what should I do to fix this?

You might want to take a look at this blog points Jeremy Tammik posted recently.

Make sure that CopyLocal is true in the properties of that reference.

NOTE: This is a rehash of my answer to the same question on the Autodesk forums that I'm posting here for SO users that may not look there. Apologies in advance if this is inappropriate.
The Revit API DLLs have dependencies on the Visual C++ Runtime. You need to ensure the VC++ Runtime is loaded into the process. Simply resolving the VC++ DLLs in an AssemblyResolve event handler produces an error that says that the runtime hasn't been loaded properly. I ran out of time and didn't go any further.
I'm also not convinced that unit testing with Revit types would work very well since most of them are tightly coupled to Revit's native code. That is, I don't think you could just new up certain elements to be used reliably in unit tests.


UnityPlayer_UAP_ARM64_release_il2cpp.pdb not loaded

I've installed several packages in a Unity (2020) app I'm building. Namely: World Locking Tools, MRTK, PUN2. World Locking Tools provides some examples that are built with assemblies defining scripting symbols that any derived files I want to build would need access to. I'd like to create my own version of certain files from one of these examples. To do this and have access to the scripting symbols in one of those examples, I created an assembly reference to reference the assembly for that example code within World Locking Tools package installed in my project space. In so doing, I kept running into the common "...not found, are you missing an assembly reference" issue, which ultimately led me to creating assembly references for many of the assemblies provided by the various packages I needed to use (not just the particular example code I initially wanted to modify). Once my project finally built successfully in unity, I then tried to upload to a Hololens 2 headset in Visual Studio. This provided the error in the title of this post. Coincidentally, the app also appears to fail to start on the headset. Before I tried to alter my codebase with modified versions of files from that World Locking Tools example and with assembly references, the code would successfully build in Unity and successfully deploy to the Hololens 2 headset.
Does the behavior and missing .pdb error I describe mean that I'm missing assembly references for yet other packages even though Unity successfully builds the project?
This is my first foray into using assemblies so be please be gentle :)
For the .pdb message, that one is ignorable since will not have that symbol available. However, the app not starting is definitely likely due to a missing component or loading issue. When ran in debugger, may get a better idea on what is missing or from a debugger log in Unity.

Microsoft Fakes "Assembly not supported"

I am attempting to add a Fakes assembly (in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate) for an library that I reference in my code so that I can test independently of the libraries implementation. The the problem I'm having is that when I right click the referenced assembly and click "Add Fakes Assembly" I receive the message:
"Assembly not supported
Fakes does not support this assembly."
I've tried Googling this message but get 0 results if I put it in quotes and nothing relevant if I don't. I thought this was quite strange as you would expect someone else to have run into this issue at some point but anyway...
After giving up on searching for the message I tried searching for somewhere that might tell me what types of assembly Microsoft Fakes does support but this also proved fruitless.
I guess my question is: Does anyone know what types of assembly Microsoft Fakes does/doesn't support.
I've included some information about the assembly I'm referencing in case anyone knows why this one in particular isn't supported:
-Its a COM Interop assembly.
-Its an ActiveX component.
-It isn't strongly named.
Any leads at all would be greatly appreciated.
To be honest, the things you mentioned probably aren't the problem. It's entirely possible to fake Excel interop classes, for instance (not that you can use them!).
But if you take a look at what thing's don't support fakes, such as sealed classes, which don't allow stubs because stubs require inheritance, and some reflection classes which restrict shims, it's clear that some classes will have neither, thereby allowing a dll to have no fakeable components. Not much you can do there.
Additionally, Shims cannot be used on all types from the .NET base class library mscorlib and System. says MSDN.

Can't view Application property page - E_FAIL / Method Not Implemented

In the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio 2012, I right click on my wp8 project and go Properties, and the Application tab shows:
An error occurred trying to load the page.
Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
An error occurred trying to load the page.
The method or operation is not implemented.
Would anyone know how to go about debugging this?
I cannot repro this problem with a fresh project, but haven't been able to nail out where it is failing in my project...
Maybe related to AssemblyInfo.cs? Source file 'Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs' could not be found
BTW it builds and deploys to my device just fine...
So after an exhaustive round of brute force elimination, I was able to narrow this down to my use of .java files. Yes it is weird, but it has worked. I have been including .java files in my project and setting their properties to Compile as c#. There were merge reasons for doing so, and I had of course modified the java code slightly to compile, but somehow Visual Studio's property pages spaz out when a .java file is included this way, even though the project compiles just fine. So I wrote a little tool to copy all the .java files to .java.cs and include them that way and everything is fine now!
I found this issue in all of my projects and reasoned it might have had to do with a recent Windows update. I updated VS 2017 to 15.9.15 and that resolved it for me.

Visual Studio 2010 keeps complaining about Invalid XML although there is none (WP7)

I experience a strange behaviour in Visual Studio 2010 when creating Windows Phone 7 apps. After some time VS starts to complain about Invalid XAML although there is no problem and the app compiles and runs just fine.
It bugges me because I cannot use the visual desingner saying "Exception was thrown on "DataTemplate": Invalid XML" and there is a DataTemplate higlighted in the code. The data template is always ok, VS does not complain about it when copy-pasted to another project.
I found out that problematic are usually the DataTemplates with custom converters or when usin g classes like PhonePerformance.
Sometimes the error is "Exception thrown was due to document error: Invalid XML" and nothing is even highlighted in the XAML file.
I tried reinstalling .NET. Visual Studio etc. and the problem occurs on two separated machines so I do not think it is specific to my configuration. It may be specific to my code.
Anyone experienced similar behaviour?
When using XAML, if you reference a library that needs to be evaluated but can't be at design time you get this kind of error. You can turn off the visual editor and just work in XAML - that will stop the error (and save you time).
You reinstalled .NET and VisualStudio??? You should have just spun up a second instance, opened the solution in both, then attached the debugger from one to the second and opened up the visual editor. It would have told you exactly what in your code was causing the problem. Also DesignerProperties.IsInDesignMode in your converters. Jeez. You wasted so much time :(
As for design time data, that's tricky. Either you have DesignTimeDataWithDesignTimeCreatableTypes that aren't or DesignData that can't create proxies for your real types (for whatever reason, had this issue many times deep in the past).
The only way to figure this out is to debug one instance from another. Its actually not that hard. I do it alot (debugging WF4 ActivityDesigners).
A friend has found a solution and you would not believe where the problem is. This happens if you have a space in the name of your assembly. I found out that I really have a space in assembly name in all the problematic projects, renamed the assemblies and the designer works again.
The solution is also mentioned here

Create Language Service for VisualStudio 2010

I want to build a language service for visual studio 2010. I was first trying to follow the tutorial and documentations from MSDN.
The problem is i don't succeed to make this works (i'll explain later my problem). So i digged into existing implementations, i found Ook! and lua . both of these projects doesn't use the tutorial or documentation i found on MSDN, but something based on MEF. Lua used this only with previous Visual Studio versions.
So i'm wondering if i'm using an obsolete method to create a language service (But the documentation aims Visual Studio 2010), or there is different ways to do this, which depends on needs.
In my case, i've got a language that doesn't need to be compiled into cli, but i want to have an editor that have colorization, syntax warnings and errors, intellisense ...
The problem i mentionned is that when launching exp instance, there is no text editor with my file extension, and visual studio begins to have many lags. The language service is registered using 3 attributes : ProvideServiceAttribute, ProvideLanguageServiceAttribute and ProvideLanguageServiceExtension. Also initialized in Package intialize method, like mentionned in Proffer the Language.... The package is loaded when i try to open the file with my extension, the language service is initialized.
So i don't get it why i does not work, could you please help me to understand how language service works, and what is the best way to implement it
Good chance your IScanner implementation has an endless loop, happened to me.
