How to find modulus patterns using Mathematica - wolfram-mathematica

Is there any way to find the lowest modulus of a list of integers? I'm not sure how to say it correctly, so I'm going to clarify with an example.
I'd like to input a list (mod x) and output the "same" list, modulus y (< x). For example, the list {0, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22} (mod 24) is essentially the same as {0, 4} (mod 6).
Thank you for all your help.

You are looking for a set of arithmetic sequences. We'll consider your example
ee = {0, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22};
which has two such sequences, and an example with four of them.
ff = {0, 3, 7, 11, 17, 20, 24, 28, 34, 37, 41, 45};
In this second one we start with {0,3,7,11} and then increase by 17. So what is the general way to get from the nth term to the n+1th? If the set has k sequences (k=2 for ee and 4 for ff) then add the modulus to the n-k+1th term. What is the modulus? It is the difference between the nth and n-kth terms.
Putting this together and assuming we know k (we don't in general, but we'll get to that) we have a recurrence of the form f(n+1)=f(n-k+1) + (f(n)-f(n-k)). So we need to find a recurrence (if one exists), check that it is of the correct form, and post-process if so.
Here is code to do all this. Note that it in effect solves for k.
findArithmeticSequences[ll : {_Integer ..}] := With[
{rec = FindLinearRecurrence[ll]},
{Take[ll, Length[rec] - 1], ll[[Length[rec]]]} /;
ListQ[rec] &&
(rec === {1, 1, -1} || MatchQ[rec, {1, 0 .., 1, -1}])
(Afficionados of pure functions might prefer the variant below. Failure cases are handled a bit differently, for no compelling reason.)
findArithmeticSequences2[ll : {_Integer ..}] :=
If[ListQ[#] &&
(# === {1, 1, -1} || MatchQ[#, {1, 0 .., 1, -1}]), {Take[ll,
Length[#] - 1], ll[[Length[#]]]}, $Failed] &[
In[115]:= findArithmeticSequences[ee]
Out[115]= {{0, 4}, 6}
In[116]:= findArithmeticSequences[ff]
Out[116]= {{0, 3, 7, 11}, 17}
Note that one can "almost" do such problems by polynomial factorization (if the input has no partial sequences at the end). For example, the polynomial
In[117]:= poly = Plus ## (x^ee)
Out[117]= 1 + x^4 + x^6 + x^10 + x^12 + x^16 + x^18 + x^22
factors into
which contains the needed information in a way that is easy to see. Unfortunately for this particular purpose, Factor will factor beyond this point, and obscure the information in so doing.
I keep wondering if there might be a signal processing way to go about this sort of thing, e.g. via DFTs. But I've not come up with anything.
Daniel Lichtblau

Wow, thank you Daniel for this! It works nearly the way I want it to. Your method is just a bit "too restrictive". It doesn't return anything useful if 'FindLinearRecurrence' doesn't find any recurrence. I've modified your method a bit, so it suits my needs better. I hope you don't mind. Here's my code.
findArithmeticSequences[ll_List] := Module[{rec = FindLinearRecurrence[ll]},
If[! MatchQ[rec, {1, 0 ..., 1, -1}], Return[ll],
Return[{ll[[Length[rec]]], Take[ll, Length[rec] - 1]}];
I had a feeling it'd have to involve recurrence, I just don't have enough experience with Mathematica to implement it. Thank you again for your time!

Mod is listable, and you can remove duplicate elements by DeleteDuplicates. So
DeleteDuplicates[Mod[{0, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22}, 6]]
-> {0,4}


How do I apply Map[] to a function using two arguments in Mathematica?

In general, I was trying to compute the norm of the difference between every set two elements in a list which looks something like
X = {{1,2,3,4,5},{6,7,8,9,10},{11,12,13,14,15}}
therefore evaluating
Now, applying Outer[] is one possible way how to do this
Outer[Norm[X[[#1]] - X[[#2]]] &, {1,2,3}, {1,2,3}]
but unfortunately it results in a quite slow code if I increase the number of elements in X and the length of each element.
Is there any possible way to construct a Map[] operation? Something like
MapThread[Norm[X[[#1]] - X[[#2]]] &,{{1,2,3},{1,2,3}}]
does not work give the desired "currying" which I was looking for.
I'm using Mathematica Version, so I don't have access to Curry[].
Would be happy about any advice!
mX = {{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}}
Apply[Norm#*Subtract, #] & /# Subsets[mX, {2}]
Two equivalent approaches:
(Norm#*Subtract) ### Subsets[mX, {2}]
Apply[Norm#*Subtract, Subsets[mX, {2}], {1}]

Mathematica, maximize element extraction from list

I think this is a simple question for mathematica experts.
How can I maximize the extracted value from a list given a index that has to respect some constrains?
For example:
S = {4,2,3,5}
Maximize[{Extract[S,x], x<= 3, x>=1},{x}]
I would like 4 is returned instead of this error:
Extract::psl: "Position specification x in Extract[{4,2,3,5},x] is not an integer or a list of integers."
Does someone know like solve this?
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot!! The last approach shown is what I was looking for but applied to my real problem does not work.
I have the following problem:
I have to maximize the satisfaction of an employee with respect to a certain shift in an certain day of a month.
I have the matrix satisfaction (Employees,shifts) and is something like this:
S= {{4,3,5,2},{3,4,5,1}}
Each element represents the satisfaction of an employee with respect to a certain shift so employee 1 has satisfaction 4 with respect shift 1.
My model has to choose the right shift for all month days in order to maximize the employee satisfaction by respecting certain constraints.
My greatest problem is relate satisfaction matrix with chosen shift.
I am not able to use in method NMaximize a function that takes the chosen shifts and employee and returns the satisfaction and so doing a summation over all month days.
I need to maximize something like this:
Summation(from j=1 to j=31) getSatisfaction[1,chosenShift for that day)
Do you know how can I write this in mathematica?
I am struggling to this problem for several days but I am not able to solve this problem.
I need the input to relate chosen shift with satisfaction matrix.
Thanks a lot!!
If you don't need to find the value of x then I suggest you merely extract the acceptable range of the list and then find the Max of that:
s = {4,2,3,5};
s[[1 ;; 3]] // Max
If you have particularly hairy constraints then you may need something like Pick:
list = {5, 7, 1, 9, 3, 6, 2, 8, 4};
Pick[list, Range#Length#list, x_ /; x <= 7 && x >= 3 && Mod[7, x] == 1]
{1, 6}
You can then use Max on the returned list.
For completeness, if you need the value of x or other details from the process, here is an approach:
list = {6, 5, 7, 3, 4, 2, 1, 8, 9};
pos = Cases[Range#Length#list, x_ /; x <= 7 && x >= 3 && Mod[7, x] == 1]
values = Part[list, pos]
maxpos = Part[pos, Ordering[values, -1]]
{3, 6}
{7, 2}
Answering your updated question:
If you have:
shifts = {{4, 3, 5, 2}, {3, 4, 5, 1}, {4, 3, 5, 2}}
(Tally /# Transpose#shifts)[[All, 1, 1]]
gives you:
{4, 3, 5, 2}
Which i a list with the preferred shift for each employee.

Generate a list in Mathematica with a conditional tested for each element

Suppose we want to generate a list of primes p for which p + 2 is also prime.
A quick solution is to generate a complete list of the first n primes and use the Select function to return the elements which meet the condition.
Select[Table[Prime[k], {k, n}], PrimeQ[# + 2] &]
However, this is inefficient as it loads a large list into the memory before returning the filtered list. A For loop with Sow/Reap (or l = {}; AppendTo[l, k]) solves the memory issue, but it is far from elegant and is cumbersome to implement a number of times in a Mathematica script.
For[k = 1, k <= n, k++,
p = Prime[k];
If[PrimeQ[p + 2], Sow[p]]
][[-1, 1]]
An ideal solution would be a built-in function which allows an option similar to this.
Table[Prime[k], {k, n}, AddIf -> PrimeQ[# + 2] &]
I will interpret this more as a question about automation and software engineering rather than about the specific problem at hand, and given a large number of solutions posted already. Reap and Sow are good means (possibly, the best in the symbolic setting) to collect intermediate results. Let us just make it general, to avoid code duplication.
What we need is to write a higher-order function. I will not do anything radically new, but will simply package your solution to make it more generally applicable:
tableGen[f_, iter : {i_Symbol, __}, addif : Except[_List] : (True &)] :=
If[# === {}, #, First##] &#
Last#Reap[Do[If[addif[#], Sow[#,sowTag]] &[f[i]], iter],sowTag]];
The advantages of using Do over For are that the loop variable is localized dynamically (so, no global modifications for it outside the scope of Do), and also the iterator syntax of Do is closer to that of Table (Do is also slightly faster).
Now, here is the usage
In[56]:= tableGen[Prime, {i, 10}, PrimeQ[# + 2] &]
Out[56]= {3, 5, 11, 17, 29}
In[57]:= tableGen[Prime, {i, 3, 10}, PrimeQ[# + 1] &]
Out[57]= {}
In[58]:= tableGen[Prime, {i, 10}]
Out[58]= {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29}
This version is closer to the syntax you mentioned (it takes an expression rather than a function):
SetAttributes[tableGenAlt, HoldAll];
tableGenAlt[expr_, iter_List, addif : Except[_List] : (True &)] :=
If[# === {}, #, First##] &#
Last#Reap[Do[If[addif[#], Sow[#,sowTag]] &[expr], iter],sowTag]];
It has an added advantage that you may even have iterator symbols defined globally, since they are passed unevaluated and dynamically localized. Examples of use:
In[65]:= tableGenAlt[Prime[i], {i, 10}, PrimeQ[# + 2] &]
Out[65]= {3, 5, 11, 17, 29}
In[68]:= tableGenAlt[Prime[i], {i, 10}]
Out[68]= {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29}
Note that since the syntax is different now, we had to use the Hold-attribute to prevent the passed expression expr from premature evaluation.
Per #Simon's request, here is the generalization for many dimensions:
SetAttributes[tableGenAltMD, HoldAll];
tableGenAltMD[expr_, iter__List, addif : Except[_List] : (True &)] :=
Module[{indices, indexedRes, sowTag},
SetDelayed ## Prepend[Thread[Map[Take[#, 1] &, List ## Hold ### Hold[iter]],
Hold], indices];
indexedRes =
If[# === {}, #, First##] &#
Last#Reap[Do[If[addif[#], Sow[{#, indices},sowTag]] &[expr], iter],sowTag];
SplitBy[indexedRes ,
Table[With[{i = i}, Function[Slot[1][[2, i]]]], {i,Length[Hold[iter]] - 1}]],
It is considerably less trivial, since I had to Sow the indices together with the added values, and then split the resulting flat list according to the indices. Here is an example of use:
{i, j, k} = {1, 2, 3};
tableGenAltMD[i + j + k, {i, 1, 5}, {j, 1, 3}, {k, 1, 2}, # < 7 &]
{{{3, 4}, {4, 5}, {5, 6}}, {{4, 5}, {5, 6}, {6}}, {{5, 6}, {6}}, {{6}}}
I assigned the values to i,j,k iterator variables to illustrate that this function does localize the iterator variables and is insensitive to possible global values for them. To check the result, we may use Table and then delete the elements not satisfying the condition:
DeleteCases[Table[i + j + k, {i, 1, 5}, {j, 1, 3}, {k, 1, 2}],
x_Integer /; x >= 7, Infinity] //. {} :> Sequence[]
Out[126]= {{{3, 4}, {4, 5}, {5, 6}}, {{4, 5}, {5, 6}, {6}}, {{5, 6}, {6}}, {{6}}}
Note that I did not do extensive checks so the current version may contain bugs and needs some more testing.
Note the important bug-fix: in all functions, I now use Sow with a custom unique tag, and Reap as well. Without this change, the functions would not work properly when expression they evaluate also uses Sow. This is a general situation with Reap-Sow, and resembles that for exceptions (Throw-Catch).
EDIT 4 - SyntaxInformation
Since this is such a potentially useful function, it is nice to make it behave more like a built-in function. First we add syntax highlighting and basic argument checking through
SyntaxInformation[tableGenAltMD] = {"ArgumentsPattern" -> {_, {_, _, _., _.}.., _.},
"LocalVariables" -> {"Table", {2, -2}}};
Then, adding a usage message allows the menu item "Make Template" (Shift+Ctrl+k) to work:
tableGenAltMD::usage = "tableGenAltMD[expr,{i,imax},addif] will generate \
a list of values expr when i runs from 1 to imax, \
only including elements if addif[expr] returns true.
The default of addiff is True&."
A more complete and formatted usage message can be found in this gist.
I think the Reap/Sow approach is likely to be most efficient in terms of memory usage. Some alternatives might be:
DeleteCases[(With[{p=Prime[#]},If[PrimeQ[p+2],p,{}] ] ) & /# Range[K]),_List]
Or (this one might need some sort of DeleteCases to eliminate Null results):
FoldList[[(With[{p=Prime[#2]},If[PrimeQ[p+2],p] ] )& ,1.,Range[2,K] ]
Both hold a big list of integers 1 to K in memory, but the Primes are scoped inside the With[] construct.
Yes, this is another answer. Another alternative that includes the flavour of the Reap/Sow approach and the FoldList approach would be to use Scan.
result = {1};
Scan[With[{p=Prime[#]},If[PrimeQ[p+2],result={result,p}]]&,Range[2,K] ];
Again, this involves a long list of integers, but the intermediate Prime results are not stored because they are in the local scope of With. Because p is a constant in the scope of the With function, you can use With rather than Module, and gain a bit of speed.
You can perhaps try something like this:
Clear[f, primesList]
f = With[{p = Prime[#]},Piecewise[{{p, PrimeQ[p + 2]}}, {}] ] &;
primesList[k_] := Union#Flatten#(f /# Range[k]);
If you want both the prime p and the prime p+2, then the solution is
Clear[f, primesList]
f = With[{p = Prime[#]},Piecewise[{{p, PrimeQ[p + 2]}}, {}] ] &;
primesList[k_] :=
Module[{primes = f /# Range[k]},
Union#Flatten#{primes, primes + 2}];
Well, someone has to allocate memory somewhere for the full table size, since it is not known before hand what the final size will be.
In the good old days before functional programming :), this sort of thing was solved by allocating the maximum array size, and then using a separate index to insert to it so no holes are made. Like this
x=Table[0,{100}]; (*allocate maximum possible*)
Table[ If[PrimeQ[k+2], x[[++j]]=k],{k,100}];
x[[1;;j]] (*the result is here *)
Here's another couple of alternatives using NextPrime:
pairs1[pmax_] := Select[Range[pmax], PrimeQ[#] && NextPrime[#] == 2 + # &]
pairs2[pnum_] := Module[{p}, NestList[(p = NextPrime[#];
While[p + 2 != (p = NextPrime[p])];
p - 2) &, 3, pnum]]
and a modification of your Reap/Sow solution that lets you specify the maximum prime:
pairs3[pmax_] := Module[{k,p},
Reap[For[k = 1, (p = Prime[k]) <= pmax, k++,
If[PrimeQ[p + 2], Sow[p]]]][[-1, 1]]]
The above are in order of increasing speed.
In[4]:= pairs2[10000]//Last//Timing
Out[4]= {3.48,1261079}
In[5]:= pairs1[1261079]//Last//Timing
Out[5]= {6.84,1261079}
In[6]:= pairs3[1261079]//Last//Timing
Out[7]= {0.58,1261079}

Shuffling a list in Mathematica

What's the best/easiest way to shuffle a long list in Mathematica?
Yes, it's really that simple. At least since version 6.
Before RandomSample was introduced, one might use:
#[[ Ordering[Random[] & /# #] ]] & # list
Before RandomSample was introduced, I've used the below MathGroup-function heavily, though RandomSample is faster at least by one magnitude on my machine.
In[128]:= n = 10;
set = Range#n
Out[129]= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
In[130]:= Take[set[[Ordering[RandomReal[] & /# Range#n]]], n]
Out[130]= {8, 4, 5, 2, 3, 10, 7, 9, 6, 1}
Other problem besides performance is that if the same random reals are hit twice (improbable, though possible) Ordering will not give these two in random order.
Currently I use
This is for Mathematica 8. Combinatorica also has a RandomPermutation function (earlier versions).
I am looking for other/better solutions, if there are any.

How to get the oddly indexed elements in a list in mathematica

How to get the oddly indexed elements in a list? I am thinking of Select, but did not find anything returning an element's position, especially considering there are repetitive elements in the list.
Also in general, how to select those elements whose indices satisfy some certain conditions?
Here's a few more in addition to #belisarius's answer, which don't require computing Length[lis]:
Take[lis, {1, -1, 2}]
lis[[1 ;; -1 ;; 2]]
You can often use -1 to represent the "last" position.
There are a lot of ways, here are some of them:
In[2]:= a = Range[10];le = Length#a;
In[3]:= Table[a[[i]], {i, 1, le, 2}]
In[5]:= Pick[a, Table[Mod[i, 2], {i, 1, le}], 1]
In[6]:= a[[1 ;; le ;; 2]]
In general, with Pick[] (as an example) you can model any conceivable index mask.
For some reason the terse form of Span has been omitted from the answers.
{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19}
Quoting the documentation:
from the beginning to the end in steps of k.
