Comment System using Redis Database System - comments

I am trying to build a comment system using Redis database, I am currently using hashes to store the comment data, but the problem I am facing is that after 10 or 12 comments, comments lose their order and start appearing randomly, anyone know what data type should be used for building a commenting system using Redis, currently my hashes are of the form.
postid:comments commentid:userid "Testcomment"
Thanks, Any help will be appreciated.

Hashes are set up for quick access by key rather than retrieval in order. If you need items in a particular order, try a list or sorted set.
The reason it appears to work at first is an optimization for small sets - when you only have a small number of items a list is the most efficient structure, so that is what redis uses internally. When you get more items, an actual hashmap is needed for efficient querying and redis rearranges the data so that it is ordered by hash rather than by insertion order.

With my web app, I am using a format like this.
(appname):(postid):(comment id) - The hash of the posts
(appname):(postid):count - The latest comment id
And then I query the (appname):(postid):count key to get the amount of times I should run a loop that gets the contents of the (appname):(postid):(comment id) hash.
Example Code
$c = $redis->get('(appname):(postid):count');
for($i = 0; $i<$c; $i++) {


Redis : Get all keys by providing one of the value in the values list

In redis I'm planning to store key as a unique string and value will be a list.
I have a use case where I need to do 2 things.
First, I need to get all the values associated with a key by providing the key as input.
Second, I want to get all the keys associated with a value by providing one of the value in the values list.
Second part is where I need the advice, how we can achive this ?
I cannot get all the keys or key value pair and loop through because I will have millions of entries in Redis.
As mentioned in the comment above the retrieving of all keys with associated value at will probably sometimes create a performance issue as this will be a run through large entries.As also suggested in the official documentation about retrieving data from the memory caches you can try and use the following Redis command to get the value and see if that is what can solve your purpose.

In redis,how to get the keys descending order based on insertion order?

I am implementing a feed for a social network in that newly uploaded post should be served first and so on.I use hashes of posts as keys and posts as values.I need the posts in "newest first order".How to do it?
My idea is
Store the post and timestamp with hash as a key
Get all keys and timestamps
Sort the timestamps in descending order
Then use the respective keys to get th latest images
Question1:But this approach is not good.How to do it ?
EDIT:Question2:Please tell me what algorithm you use to serve feed.If feed is common for all users based on "newest-first",how to implement it?
This is my first time in backend.Please if the question is dumb.
Here are three options for you:
Use a sorted set, using the timestamp as score, and the post-hash as value. The post-hash is also the key in a hash where the actual posts are stored. Commands involved: ZADD, HSET, ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, HGET.
Use a sorted set, using the timestamp as score, and the post with metadata as value. Make sure "post with metadata" is unique, you can include the timestamp and user to achieve this. This will have better performance, but makes it a bit harder if you have to find a specific post. Commands involved: ZADD, ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, ZRANGEBYSCORE.
Use Redis Streams. If you want a uniform insert order independent of client time, Redis can set the timestamp for you. However, stream entries cannot be modified, so either users cannot edit posts, or whenever they edit the post is brought up as new. Commands involved: XADD, XREVRANGE, XDEL.
Redis Commands
Introduction to Redis Streams

Marklogic - get list of all unique document structures in a Marklogic database

I want to get a list of all distinct document structures with a count in a Marklogic database.
e.g. a database with these 3 documents:
1) <document><name>Robert</name></document>
2) <document><name>Mark</name></document>
3) <document><fname>Robert</fname><lname>Smith</lname></document>
Would return that there are two unique document structures in the database, one used by 2 documents, and the other used by 1 document.
I am using this xquery and am getting back the list of unique sequence of elements correctly:
for $i in distinct-values(for $document in doc()
return <div>{distinct-values(
for $element in $document//*/*/name() return <div>{$element}</div>)} </div>)
return $i
I appreciate that this code will not handle duplicate element names but that is OK for now.
My t questions are:
1) Is there a better/more efficient way to do this? I am assuming yes.
2) Is there a way to get back enough detail so that I could build up the xml tree of each unique structure?
3) What is the best way to return the count of each distinct structure e.g. 2 and 1 and in the above example
If you have a finite list of elements for which you need to do this for, consider co-occurance or other similiar solutions:
This requires a range index on each element in question.
MarkLogic works best to use indexes whenever possible. The other solution I can think of is that you actually create a hash/checksum for the values of the target content for each document in question and store this with the document (or in a triple if you happen to have a licence for semantics). Then you you would already have a key for
the unique combinations.
1) Is there a better/more efficient way to do this? I am assuming yes.
If it were up to me, I would create the document structured in a consistent fashion (like you're doing), then hash it, and attach the hash to each document as a collection. Then I could count the docs in each collection. I can't see any efficient way (using indexes) to get the counts without first writing to the document content or metadata (collection is a type of metadata) then querying against the indexes.
2) Is there a way to get back enough detail so that I could build up the xml tree of each unique structure?
After you get the counts for each collection, you could retrieve one doc from each collection and walk through it to build an empty XML structure. XSLT would probably be a good way to do this if you already know XSLT.
3) What is the best way to return the count of each distinct structure e.g. 2 and 1 and in the above example
Turn on the collection lexicon on your database. Then do something like the following:
for $collection in cts:collections()
return ($collection, cts:frequency($collection))
Not sure I follow exactly what you are after, but I am wondering if this is more what you are looking for- functx:distinct-element-paths($doc)
Here's a quick example:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace functx = "" at "/MarkLogic/functx/functx-1.0-nodoc-2007-01.xqy";
let $doc := <document><fname>Robert</fname><lname>Smith</lname></document>
Outputs the following strings (which could be parsed, of course):
there are existing 3rd party tools that may work, depending on the size of the data, and the coverage required (is 100% sampleing needed).
Search for "Generate Schema from XML" --
Such tools will look at a sample set and infer a schema (xsd, dtd, rng etc).
They do an accurate job, but not always in the same way a human would.
If they do not have native ML integration then you need to expose a service or exort the data for analysis.
Once you HAVE a schema, load it into MarkLogic, and you can query the schema (and elements validated by it) directly and programmatically in ML
If you find a 'generate schema' tool that is implemented in XSLT, XQuery, or JavaScript you may be able to import and execute it in-server.

Sort by key in Cassandra

Let's assume I have a keyspace with a column family that stores user objects and the key of these objects is the username.
How can I use Hector to get a list of users sorted by username?
I tried to use a RangeSlicesQuery, paging works fine with this query, but the results are not sorted in any way.
I'm an absolute Cassandra beginner, can anyone point me to a simple example that shows how to sort a column family by key? Please ask if you need more details on my efforts.
The result was not sorted because I used the default RandomPartitioner instead of the OrderPreseveringPartitioner in cassandra.yaml.
Probably it's better not to rely on the sorting by key but to use a secondary index.
Quoting Cassandra - The Definitive Guide
Column names are stored in sorted order according to the value of compare_with. Rows,
on the other hand, are stored in an order defined by the partitioner (for example,
with RandomPartitioner, they are in random order, etc.)
I guess you are using RandomPartitioner which
... return data in an essentially random order.
You should probably use OrderPreservingPartitioner (OPP) where
Rows are therefore stored
by key order, aligning the physical structure of the data with your sort order.
Be aware of inefficiency of OPP.
(edit on Mar 07, 2014)
This answer is very old now.
It is a system-wide setting. You can set in cassandra.yaml. See this doc. Again, OPP is highly discouraged. This document is for version 1.1, and you can see it is deprecated. It is likely that it is removed from latest version. If you do want to use OPP, you may want to revisit the architecture the architecture.
Or create a row called "meta:userNames" in same column family and put all user names as a look up hash. Something like that.
Users {
key: "meta:userNames" {david:david, paolo:paolo, victor:victor},
key: "paolo" {password:"*****", locale:"it_it"},
key: "david" {password:"*****", locale:"en_us"},
key: "victor" {password:"*****", locale:"en_uk"}
First query the meta:userNames columns (that are sorted) and use them to get the user rows. Don't try to get everything via single db query as in SQL driven databases. Use Cassandra as huge Hash Map which provides rapid random access to its data.

Redis: possible to expire an element in an array or sorted set?

Is it currently only possible to expire an entire key/value pair? What if I want to add values to a List type structure and have them get auto removed 1 hour after insertion. Is that currently possible, or would it require running a cron job to do the purging manually?
There is a common pattern that solves this problem quite well.
Use sorted sets, and use a timestamp as the score. It's then trivial to delete items by score range, which could be done periodically, or only on every write, with reads always ignoring the out of range elements, by reading only a range of scores.
More here:!topic/redis-db/rXXMCLNkNSs
Is it currently only possible to expire an entire key/value pair?
As far as I know, and also according to key commands and document about expiration, currently you can set expiration only to specific key and not to it's underlying data structure. However there is a discussion on google groups about this functionality with outlined alternative solutions.
I came upon a different method of handling this, don't know if it's helpful to any of you,but here goes:
The hash and the sorted set are linked by a guid.
I have a hash that is set to expire in 'x' seconds
I have a sorted set that is used for ranged queries
The data for both is added in a transaction, so if one fails, they both fail.
Upon a ranged query, use 'EXISTS' to see if the hashed value exists as the results are iterated over
If it does not exist, it has expired, so delete the item from the sorted set
What about creating two seperate sorted sets?
Main sorted set which is key = value.
Expire sorted set which is key = expire_timestamp.
If you only want to expire a single score you can set as key:unique_id = expire_timestamp.
With mercy of zrangebyscore we can get expired keys. Then all we need to do is check periodically and zrem.
If you only want to expire a single score: ​zincrby -1.
