mediaelement not displaying player in ie8 - internet-explorer-8

I have set up a mediaelement player that is being built dynamically using version 2.1.7.
Everything looks and works great in iOS, firefox, chrome, safari, as well as ie7 & ie9. But ie8 is not loading any flash or media. It displays blank. Please see:
I don't see any js conflicts or any debug errors.
Any help would be very seriously appreciated!

I had this issue and found I needed to move jQuery to the top of the page from the bottom. This was on


GeckoFX webBrowser control not loading css properly

I have a html file along with CSS which gets properly loaded in Standalone FireFox browser and also in Web Preview control(Chromium ) for Chrome. Same script does not show up rightly in on GeckoWebBrowser. CSS is not taking effect.
Buttons which are to be stacked vertically are all displayed horizontally aligned.
Currently Ia m using Chromium for Chrome and GeckoFX for Firefox.
Please suggest any other latest web browser control which can be used for Firefox.
Please suggest what could be wrong.

Smooth Scroll Class doesn't work in Chrome only

I need some help. I've upload this theme but I notice that the smooth scroll class doesn't work in Chrome. It works in chromium and firefox but in chrome no.
Here is the link:
thank you!

YouTube iframe not appearing properly in OSX Firefox

I'm building an application which plays videos using the YouTube iframe API. You can see the application here.
I've run into a weird issue where the player works ok in Chrome/Safari but won't show the video correctly in Firefox (I'm using FF22 on OSX 10.7.5). You can click the play button and hear the sound but the video never appears.
Anyone got any ideas what might be wrong?
Some Observations
You can see the YouTube branding (which is part of the player) so it's there, it's just not showing any picture.
According to #ceasar in the answers, the player works on Win 7 FF22. I have another report which states that it also works fine on Ubuntu FF.
If I open up the FF developer console and click various nodes in the DOM tree of that window, the video will appear. Try clicking to see this effect (It's under body > div.wide > )
There is a transparent overlay over the video but I'm setting ?wmode=opaque on my iframe (like this question suggests) so that should be ok.
This question suggests that setting certain styling rules such as border-radius on the iframe can mess with it. I'm not doing anything like that.
In FF the youtube logo isn't showing but working okay (win7 FF 22). Also in the other browsers I cannot click on the youtube logo. This is against the youtube TOS and you could be banned for this so be warned

Simplemodal not working correctly in ie8

I've grabbed the exaple code for simplemodal straight off the simplemodal site. While the examples on that website work fine on ie8 from that website, after I copied and pasted everything into my own page (and copied over the relevant js files) the modal window opens at the bottom of the html page, not centred over the top of it. This only happens in ie8 - it works fine on Safari in both iOS6 and OSX. Any clues?
Most probably IE8 is opened in quirks/compatibility mode in your case. Use IE Developer Tools to manually control rendering mode. It is also possible to force IE to render in standard mode.

silverlight sample not working in firefox

I wanted give another chance to silverlight, so I started reading the tutorials on the site.
Unfortunately, I have found a sample, that works in IE9, Chrome, Opera and Safari, but not in Firefox 14. Link to the sample: link (sample with blue rectangle)
Isn't the plugin fully cross browser?
In the Channel9, the Silverlight player have problems in Firefox too. I can start playing the screencast, but I can't stop it or scroll (the first link from the shore: link). To watch something there, I must use IE.
Are there any resources showing, why in Firefox there are such problems?
Now I see,the sample with red/yellow rectangle doesn't work too on Firefox..
Ok I have found it. To properly use a silverlight in the firefox browser, in the about:config, position dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npctrl.dll must be set to true (I had default false). Now these samples works :)
