How do I autosize the column in SlickGrid? - slickgrid

I want slickgrid to autosize the columns based on the widest content or header text - whichever is wider. In simpler terms, I want it to simulate the default behavior of regular HTML tables when it comes to column sizing. How can I do it in slickgrid?

When constructing your options, you can use forceFitColumns: true
var options = {
enableCellNavigation: true,
forceFitColumns: true
This will make the columns fill the entire width of your grid div.

The OP is looking for columns to grow to match their content. grid.autosizeColumns() grows the cells to fit the parent container, which is not the same thing.
I have added this feature, and it is about as manual as you might imagine. You loop through the displayed cells and measure each one, saving the widest cell and using that width to set the width of your column. SlickGrid gives you good access to the cells in the viewport, so that works nicely.
The measurement algorithm is your big decision. You may put the content off screen and measure it, as #jay suggests. This works, but it is the slowest method, as it requires a repaint to insert, and a repaint when you remove. There may be ways to optimize. The solution I went with is to measure the width of every letter in the alphabet, as well as other typographic characters we come across, and sum them to generate a width. Yes, this sounds absurd. It has many constraints: The font size must be the same, it doesn't support images, there can't be any line returns, and more. If you can live with the constraints though, you can calculate sizes for a huge grid viewport in <5ms, because the character widths are only measured once.
After you get the sizes of the columns, you assign them to your columns using grid.setColumns().

Slickgrid will not support column auto size based on data.You need to write a plugin or fork the slickgrid core to modify.
Here is the link I have created a plugin to handle slickgrid auto size

I added this after the grid is drawn and it works fine.
$(window).resize(function() {
var cols = grid.getColumns();

You should be able to call the autosizeColumns() method of the grid object.

Make this simple adjustment to Naresh's, on the init function:
Add $container.ready(resizeAllColumns); to the init function.
This ensures the columns autoresize on initial load

Insert the text into an off-screen element and retrieve the width of the element. This is what excanvas does to measure text. Use this to set the width of the column since it's expecting a pixel value.


Can NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayout support "growing cells"

I have a collection view showing a simple one-column list with a NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayout. The cells take the full width and have a fixed height.
I would like that, upon an external event, one of the cell grows in height (animated).
That could be for example :
when the cell is selected
when an image shown in the cell is downloaded
I found no way to do this in Apple's doc, when I think this is a fairly common use case. It seems that NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayout is very flexible in positioning cells, but very static. All cell sizes are computed once and for all.
Is there any API for this ? What's the way ?

jqgrid column resize after manually width change

i have a function where i manually set the width of a jqgrid column. If I after this want to use the resize handle, it adds or substracts relative from the original width size. So it doesn't see my new width to take as a base. I have tried putting the width and withOrg in the colModel without success.
I have a click handler inwhich i resize a column to a certain width on click. i set the width of the th trought JS. After this i would like to be able to use the .ui-jqgrid-resize element for resizing the column.
a short version of my code, say the th is 200px wide:
after the user doubleclicked, and the th went smaller in size to 100px, the user uses the resize handle to widen the th 10px. The expected result is a th of 110px wide, but the thjumps to 210px wide. It adds the 10px the user wanted to add to the original state, not the state i have set with the doubleclick.
I would recommend you to use setColWidth method, from the plugin which I wrote before (see the answer), to change the width of the grid column. You can download the current version of the plugin from github.
If you trying to set the width of columns based on the width of the content of the column then I would recommend you to take a look at the demo created for the answer and read the answer too. I don't see the suggested code as final solution, but the demos shows my view on the problem and the ways to implement "autowidth" functionality.

JqGrid add vertical scroll with horizontal scolling

jqGrid offers a bunch of fantastic features, but there is one feature missing that my customer keeps on complaining about (OK, he is never really satisfied with what he gets ) and that's proper vertical and horizontal scrolling. The grid I had to set up contains about 20 columns with some columns containing longer text so the grid won't even fit a 24″ screen. To properly layout the grid and the rest of the visual components (i.e. additional search and filter functions above the grid) I moved the grid to a scrolling div being about 95% of the screen width with a horizontal scrollbar to scroll the oversized grid, the problem with that workaround is that you won't see the vertical scrollbar of the grid itself, it only becomes visible if you first scroll to the right and that's not really comfortable.
Hope my explanation is comprehendible? If someone knows a good workaround, I would be eager to know it! Otherwise a "dual scrolling grid" would be a nice feature in 4.5
Thanks a lot!
Video example
jqGrid have many many options. It could be a problem with usage of jqGrid. The grid with many columns could be displayed in different ways.
One way is just to display full grid on the page and to use scrollbars of the browser windows. If you have simple page layout then the way could be really the best.
Another way could be to use shrinkToFit: false option. In the case you should specify the exact width values for columns in colModel. If you use shrinkToFit: false option you can set width option of jqGrid. In the case horizontal scrollbars will be placed in jqGrid.
In many cases the grid with many columns contains not always really interesting information for every user. So it can be helpful if you would provide columnCooser in the grid. Additionally you can save the users preferences in localStorage (see the answer and another one). It could improve user experience.
You don't wrote about the height of the grid, but the usage of height: "auto" produced typically good results.

jqgrid Row Size

How do you force a row to be a given height? I have a grid that has a column that sometimes has lengthy data and the rows auto-size to fit it in. I'd like to force the rows to remain a uniform height, however all of my searches seem yield results from people trying to achieve the exact opposite.
What you need to do is just set the CSS attribute 'height' of the row (of the <tr>) element. It is important that you can do this only after the row will be created. So you have to place the changing of the 'height' inside of loadComplete of gridComplete event handle.
The answer contain working demos. The usage of setRowData inside of the loop is not the best way from the performance side, but nevertheless the demos shows the main idea how to set the fixed row height dynamically.

Table Disobeys W3C Box Model, Ie8 Ignores Fixed Table Width !

I'm having hard time with tables and column widths.
Update: I'm using XHTML Strict 1.0.
The page is:
The first problem I have is, I have a column with a fixed width of 100px and 4px padding, but it disobeys my padding depending on the value. The column width (as the distance between two borders according to W3C Box Model) is 156 px even if padding is 0 or 4. Only the position of the text changes.
According to W3C Box Model ( available at ), borders and paddings aren't included in WIDTH attribute, so why does it render wrongly ?
The second problem is, when you look the page I gave with IE8, the first cell in the second row has 150px fixed width, but ie shows it about 50% of the total table width regardless of what i say.
You're using the default auto table-layout mode. That lets the browser decide fairly arbitrarily how much space to assign to each column, usually depending on the amount of actual content in the cells. In this mode, width is little more than advisory.
If you want the browser to take your column widths seriously you should set table-layout: fixed on the <table> element, and either include <col/> elements with explicit widths, or set widths on the cells in the first row, for the columns you want to be fixed-width. (The other columns will share the remain width equally.) fixed table layout also allows the browser to render faster.
For your page you might be better off with CSS positioning. Certainly for the internal table that seems to exist only to float-left the image. Nested tables are to be avoided.
