Converting this into a Ruby one-liner - ruby

I'm currently trying to making my obfuscated, short mandelbrot set code into a one-liner, but I'm having a lot of trouble in doing so. \
It was originally written in Python, but due to Python's limitations, I could not compress the code to one line. So now I'm going to try Ruby. I'm familiar with the language, but I'm not very skilled in using blocks - which is where I am having the issue.
Anyway, the code I want to "convert" is
for q in range(801):
if q%40==0:print s;s=''
Which I've attempted to rewrite in Ruby...
0.upto(800).each {|q|
if !q%40
p s
Which throws the error
Line 2:in `upto': no block given (LocalJumpError)
from t.rb:2
After sorting this out, I'd like to shorten it further to one line. Which I've started here...
h,s='.;*&8#','';0.upto(800).each {|q| if !q%40 then s='';p s end;i,k=0,0;while(k.abs<2*(i<15))do k,i=k**2+Complex(q%40*0.075-2,q/40*-0.1+1),i+1 end}
But anyway, I'm just doing this for fun, and hoping to learn a little more Ruby in the process. So if anyone can explain to me what is throw these errors, that would be great.

require 'complex'
0.upto(800).each {|q|
if q%40 == 0
p s
while(k.abs<2 && (i<15))
s+=h[i/3, 1]
Issues I dealt with:
Ruby conditionals return boolean values, not 1 or 0, and ! has a high priority
You were clobbering s before printing it
To work on 1.8.x and 1.9.x you need to index strings with [x, 1]
And here it is rearranged a little as a better starting point for a one-liner:
require 'complex'
800.times { |q|
(p s; s='') if q%40 == 0
k,i=k**2+Complex(q%40*0.075-2,q/40*-0.1+1),i+1 while k.abs<2 && i<15
s+=h[i/3, 1]

Fist, get rid of the each, the block should go with upto. Once you did that, you'll get another error: undefined method '%' for false:FalseClass. This is because of !q%40, since precedence will first do the logical negation of q (anything but nil and false are true) and then try to evaluate false%40. Also you seem to assume that a zero would evaluate to false, which it doesn't. Then the next problem will be in the condition of your while loop, since k.abs<2 as well as i<15 evaluate to boolen values (`*': true can't be coerced into Fixnum). This should get you started...

Here's a multi-line version; feel free to put it all on one line:
0.upto(800).each { |q|
(puts s;s='') if q%40==0;
k,i=k**2+Complex(q%40*0.075-2,q/40*-0.1+1),i+1 while k.abs<2*(i<15?1:0);


Using ampersand with an enumerator in a comparison

I have the following snippet that throws an error:
w = %w[ant dog]
w.all?(&:length > 4)
It throws an error comparison of Symbol with 4 failed (ArgumentError).
I'm not sure why &:length is a symbol and not a number. I tried:
w.all?((&:length) > 4)
but that gives me a syntax error. Is there a way to get this to work or do I have to do: w.all? { |word| word.length > 4 }.
You receive the following error, because the interpreter actually executes the following piece of code:
&:length > 4
and can't compare symbol :length with number 4.
Is there a way to get this to work or do I have to do: w.all? { |word| word.length > 4 }
You could do something like: { |n| n > 4 }
But the following code is the simpliest way to go:
w.all? { |word| word.length > 4 }
Is there a way to get this to work this way w.all?(&:length > 4)?
There is no way to make it work this way because it will require you to rewrite Ruby's interpreter.
or do I have to do: w.all? { |word| word.length > 4 }
Yes, this is simple to read yet efficient way to do what you need.
I had to hunt around a bit for a good technical answer to what's going on. I found a thorough explanation here. The last section of that page explains what is happening in this particular case (but you should read the top part of the page as well).
Coming from Perl, I imagined the &:length was acting kind of like the $_ variable. This is not correct.
What is happening is that instead of passing a block to the all? method, you are passing arguments to the all? method (note the parenthesis instead of curly braces). Here, we are passing the symbol for the method length as an argument to to all?. You put the & in front of the symbol to get it to call the to_proc method (whatever that is) on the length method so it can call the length function inside the all? method for each element.

Ruby elegant alternative to ++ in nested loops?

Before anything, I have read all the answers of Why doesn't Ruby support i++ or i—? and understood why. Please note that this is not just another discussion topic about whether to have it or not.
What I'm really after is a more elegant solution for the situation that made me wonder and research about ++/-- in Ruby. I've looked up loops, each, each_with_index and things alike but I couldn't find a better solution for this specific situation.
Less talk, more code:
# Does the first request to Zendesk API, fetching *first page* of results
all_tickets =
# Initialises counter variable (please don't kill me for this, still learning! :D )
counter = 1
# Loops result pages
loop do
# Loops each ticket on the paged result
all_tickets.all do |ticket, page_number|
# For debug purposes only, I want to see an incremental by each ticket
p "#{counter} P#{page_number} #{} - #{ticket.created_at} | #{ticket.subject}"
counter += 1
# Fetches next page, if any unless all_tickets.last_page?
# Breaks outer loop if last_page?
break if all_tickets.last_page?
For now, I need counter for debug purposes only - it's not a big deal at all - but my curiosity typed this question itself: is there a better (more beautiful, more elegant) solution for this? Having a whole line just for counter += 1 seems pretty dull. Just as an example, having "#{counter++}" when printing the string would be much simpler (for readability sake, at least).
I can't simply use .each's index because it's a nested loop, and it would reset at each page (outer loop).
Any thoughts?
BTW: This question has nothing to do with Zendesk API whatsoever. I've just used it to better illustrate my situation.
To me, counter += 1 is a fine way to express incrementing the counter.
You can start your counter at 0 and then get the effect you wanted by writing:
p "#{counter += 1} ..."
But I generally wouldn't recommend this because people do not expect side effects like changing a variable to happen inside string interpolation.
If you are looking for something more elegant, you should make an Enumerator that returns integers one at a time, each time you call next on the enumerator.
nums = do |y|
c = 0
y << (c += 1) while true
end # => 1 # => 2 # => 3
Instead of using in the code above, you could just write:
nums = 1.upto(Float::INFINITY)
As mentioned by B Seven each_with_index will work, but you can keep the page_number, as long all_tickets is a container of tuples as it must be to be working right now.
all_tickets.each_with_index do |ticket, page_number, i|
Where i is the index. If you have more than ticket and page_number inside each element of all_tickets you continue putting them, just remember that the index is the extra one and shall stay in the end.
Could be I oversimplified your example but you could calculate a counter from your inner and outer range like this.
all_tickets = *(1..10)
inner_limit = all_tickets.size
outer_limit = 5000
1.upto(outer_limit) do |outer_counter|
all_tickets.each_with_index do |ticket, inner_counter|
p [(outer_counter*inner_limit)+inner_counter, outer_counter, inner_counter, ticket]
# some conditional to break out, in your case the last_page? method
break if outer_counter > 3
all_tickets.each_with_index(1) do |ticket, i|
I'm not sure where page_number is coming from...
See Ruby Docs.

Detecting bad syntax in a string [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Better way to write "matching balanced parenthesis" program in Ruby
(8 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I just went through those interview coding quizzes for the first time and I'm somewhere between submerging myself in a tub of dran-o and investing in No Tears bubble bath products along with a bunch of toasters.
The problem was as follows:
If you're given a string like "zx(c)abcde[z{x]}", write a function that returns true if the syntax is correct and false if the syntax is incorrect: for example, in that string the brackets and braces are messed up. In other words "{hello}mot[o]" will pass but "{hello}mo{[t}" would not.
My throught process went like: keep a list of opening and closing bracket/brace/parens positions, then see if there is overlap. But that wasn't an optimal solution so I bombed it.
I'd like some help understanding how to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.
[Edit: I've incorporated both of #sawa's excellent suggestions.]
One way you can do this is with a stack.
MATCH = { '['=>']', '('=>')', '{'=>'}' }
def check_for_match(str)
str.chars.each_with_object([]) do |c, arr|
case c
arr << c
return false unless c.eql?(MATCH[arr.pop])
check_for_match("zx(c)abcde[z{x]}") #=> false
check_for_match("zx(c)abcde[z{x}]") #=> true
[Edit: I thought this question seemed familiar. I and several others answered it a while ago.]
Another way to do this is to first strip out the irrelevant characters, then sequentially remove adjacent matching pairs until either the string is empty (return true) or the string is not empty and there are no more matching adjacent pairs (return false).
def check_for_match(str)
str = str.gsub(/[^\(\)\[\]\{\}]/, '')
while str.gsub!(/\(\)|\[\]|\{\}/, ''); end
check_for_match("zx(c)abcde[z{x]}") #=> false
check_for_match("zx(c)abcde[z{x}]") #=> true
Reader challenge: provide a proof that the syntax is incorrect when false is returned.
I would replace each bracket with an XML tag, and just run it through an XML validator. It'll pick out weird stuff like this:
This will fail XML validation, so you can just return that.

Unexpected $end after while loop and nested if

I have this program that I am working on that is supposed to find the sum of the first 1000 prime numbers. Currently all I am concerned with is making sure that the program is finding the first 1000 prime numbers, I will add the functionality for adding them later. Here is what I have:
def prime(num)
is_prime = true
for i in 2..Math.sqrt(num)
if (num % i) == 0
is_prime = false
is_prime = true
return is_prime
i = 2
number_of_primes = 0
while number_of_primes < 1000
prime = prime(i)
if prime == true
When i try to run the program I get the following feedback:
sumOfPrimes.rb:32: syntax error, unexpected keyword_end
sumOfPrimes.rb:34: syntax error, unexpected keyword_end
what gives? Any direction is appreciated.
Ruby doesn't have ++ operator, you need to do += 1
number_of_primes += 1
Unasked for, but a few pieces of advice if you're interested:
One of the cool things about Ruby is that question marks are legal in method names. As such you'll often find that 'predicate' methods (methods that test something and return true or false) end with a question mark, like this: odd?. Your prime method is a perfect candidate for this, so we can rename it prime?.
You use a local variable, is_prime, to hold whether you have found a factor of the number you're testing yet - this is the kind of thing you'd expect to do in an imperative language such as java or C - but Ruby has all sorts of cool features from functional programming that you will gain great power and expressiveness by learning. If you haven't come across them before, you may need to google what a block is and how the syntax works, but for this purpose you can just think of it as a way to get some code run on every item of a collection. It can be used with a variety of cool methods, and one of them is perfectly suited to your purpose: none?, which returns true if no items in the collection it is called on, when passed to the code block you give, return true. So your prime? method can be rewritten like this:
def prime? num
(2..Math.sqrt(num)).none? { |x| num % x == 0 }
Apart from being shorter, the advantage of not needing to use local variables like is_prime is that you give yourself fewer opportunities to introduce bugs - if for example you think the contents of is_prime is one thing but it's actually another. It's also, if you look carefully, a lot closer to the actual mathematical definition of a prime number. So by cutting out the unnecessary code you can get closer to exposing the 'meaning' of what you're writing.
As far as getting the first 1000 primes goes, infinite streams are a really cool way to do this but are probably a bit complex to explain here - definitely google if you're interested as they really are amazing! But just out of interest, here's a simple way you could do it using just recursion and no local variables (remember local variables are the devil!):
def first_n_primes(i = 2, primes = [], n)
if primes.count == n then primes
elsif prime? i then first_n_primes(i + 1, primes + [i], n)
else first_n_primes(i + 1, primes, n)
And as far as summing them up goes all I'll say is have a search for a ruby method called inject - also called reduce. It might be a bit brain-bending at first if you haven't come across the concept before but it's well worth learning! Very cool and very powerful.
Have fun!

Ruby: how to find the next match in an array

I have to search an item in an array and return the value of the next item. Example:
a = ['abc.df','-f','test.h']
i = a.find_index{|x| x=~/-f/}
puts a[i+1]
Is there any better way other than working with index?
A classical functional approach uses no indexes (xs.each_cons(2) -> pairwise combinations of xs):
xs = ['abc.df', '-f', 'test.h']
(xs.each_cons(2).detect { |x, y| x =~ /-f/ } || []).last
#=> "test.h"
Using Enumerable#map_detect simplifies it a litte bit more:
xs.each_cons(2).map_detect { |x, y| y if x =~ /-f/ }
#=> "test.h"
The reason something like array.find{something}.next doesn't exist is that it's an array rather than a linked list. Each item is just it's own value; it doesn't have a concept of "the item after me".
#tokland gives a good solution by iterating over the array with each pair of consecutive items, so that when the first item matches, you have your second item handy. There are strong arguments to be made for the functional style, to be sure. Your version is shorter, though, and I'd argue that yours is also more quickly and easily understood at a glance.
If the issue is that you're using it a lot and want something cleaner and more to the point, then of course you could just add it as a singleton method to a:
def a.find_after(&test)
a.find_after{|x| x=~/-f/}
is a clear way to find the next item after the first match.
All of that said, I think #BenjaminCox makes the best point about what appears to be your actual goal. If you're parsing command line options, there are libraries that do that well.
I don't know of a cleaner way to do that specific operation. However, it sure looks like you're trying to parse command-line arguments. If so, I'd recommend using the built-in OptionParser module - it'll save a ton of time and hair-pulling trying to parse them yourself.
This article explains how it works.
Your solution working with indexes is fine, as others have commented. You could use Enumerable#drop_while to get an array from your match on and take the second element of that:
a = ['abc.df','-f','test.h']
f_arg = a.drop_while { |e| e !~ /-f/ }[1]
