I am trying to integrate full calendar plugin (adam Arshaw's). I need to display the month name. When i try to alert month.getMonth(); it shows the numeric value of month. ie. for July month it shows 7. I need to display it as full Month. for eg. Jul or July. How is it possible? Please help
Quick, dirty solution. Have an array of months
var months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
Then get the desired full Month by deducting 1 since our array index starts with 0.
From my comments in your previous question:
fullCalendar has a monthNamesShort array that you can define during the declaration.
select: function(start, end, allDay) {
if(start < date)
var shortName = this.calendar.options.monthNamesShort[start.getMonth() - 1];
Just access it through the calendar options.
I am using KendoUI scheduler in my application. is there any way to get the start of week when the selected view is week.
Yes. Use the navigate event to catch current date and get the start of week by manipulating the retrieved date. i.e.
navigate: function (e) {
if (e.view.toLowerCase() === "week") {
function GetStartDateOfWeek(d) {
d = new Date(d);
var day = d.getDay(),
diff = d.getDate() - day + (day == 0 ? -6:1); // adjust when day is sunday
var startOfWeek = new Date(d.setDate(diff));
Hope it helps!
Reference: JavaScript - get the first day of the week from current date
I an using kendodate picker in my solution.I want to retrieve the dates for full week whenever user selects some date from the kendodatepicker.e.g.lets say today is Feb 21,2014(Friday) whenever user selects some day say Feb 24,2014(Monday) then i need to retrieve its week's dates(starting and ending date).the answer should be(Feb 22,2014-Feb 28,2014)considering the fact that my week starts from Saturday(Feb 22)and ends on Friday(Feb 28).Kindly guide.i am new very much new to kendoUI.thanks
Define the change event handler as:
change : function (e) {
// Get a reference to the row (week) containing the selected date
var tr = $(".k-state-selected", cal._table).closest("tr");
// Get the first day
var first = $("td:first", tr).text();
// Get the last day
var last = $("td:last", tr).text());
Example here : http://jsfiddle.net/OnaBai/W9VFB/9/
If you want to have the first and last date as text, then you might use:
var first = $("td:first", tr).find("a").attr("title");
var last = $("td:last", tr).find("a").attr("title");
Example here : http://jsfiddle.net/OnaBai/W9VFB/12/
Every 5 minutes a row in a sql server table is added. The fields are:
DateTime timeMark,Int total.
Using entity framework I want to populate a new list covering a whole week of five minute values using an average of the totals from the last three months.
How would I accomplish this with Entity Framework?
Assuming your log is really exact on the "five mintues", and that I understood well
, you want a list with 7 day * 24 hours * (60/5) minutes, so 2016 results ?
//define a startDate
var beginningDate = <the date 3 month ago to start with>;
//get the endDate
var endDate = beginningDate.AddMonths(3);
var list = myTable.Where(m => m.TimeMark >= beginningDate && m.TimeMark <=endDate)
//group by dayofWeek, hour and minute will give you data for each distinct day of week, hour and minutes
.GroupBy(m => new {
dayofWeek = SqlFunctions.DatePart("weekday", m.TimeMark),
hour = SqlFunction.DatePart("hour", m.TimeMark),
minute = SqlFunctions.DatePart("minute", m.TimeMark)
.Select(g => new {
total = g.Average(x => x.Total)
I have date column in my grid, with format dd/MM/yyyy when I set field like 12/12/12 it updates grid with 11/12/12, (that happens due to silly time conversion:
kendo.parseDate('Mon Dec 12 2012 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)').toISOString(). Is there any way to fix this?)
So I decided to stick with just 'Month Year'.
This is in grids columns array:
{ field: "published", title: "Published", format: "{0:MMMM yyyy}",
Dates are correct as Month Year on rows, but datepicker in edit mode pops up with 'day' precision, how do i tune it?
Ok I slapped it hard with the wrapper:
function Date2MDY(date) {
var dmy = '';
dmy += String(date.getMonth()+1) + '-'
dmy += String(date.getDate()) + '-'
dmy += String(date.getFullYear())
return dmy;
And it fixed the issue
A number of holidays move around from year to year. For example, in Canada Victoria day (aka the May two-four weekend) is the Monday before May 25th, or Thanksgiving is the 2nd Monday of October (in Canada).
I've been using variations on this Linq query to get the date of a holiday for a given year:
var year = 2011;
var month = 10;
var dow = DayOfWeek.Monday;
var instance = 2;
var day = (from d in Enumerable.Range(1,DateTime.DaysInMonth(year,month))
let sample = new DateTime(year,month,d)
where sample.DayOfWeek == dow
select sample).Skip(instance-1).Take(1);
While this works, and is easy enough to understand, I can imagine there is a more elegant way of making this calculation versus this brute force approach.
Of course this doesn't touch on holidays such as Easter and the many other lunar based dates.
And it gets complicated if you have to consider non-christian holidays. For example, jewish holidays are based on the jewish calender..
Maybe not so elegant, but more error prone - you can just add a table of all relevant holidays for the next 100 years.
int margin = (int)dow - (int)new DateTime(year, month, 1).DayOfWeek;
if (margin < 0) margin = 7 + margin;
int dayOfMonth = margin + 7*(instance - 1) //this is for 0-based day number, add 1 if you need 1-based. instance is considered to be 1-based
Please note that I wrote it without trying to compile, so it is to give the idea, but may require some clean up. Hope this helps!