why is vs2010 so slow lately? Its nearly unusable - visual-studio

Not sure what has happened on my dev machine but I can barely use visual studio 2010 these days. I have a copy of professional edition installed on a win7 pro x64 build running on top of a i5 M430 and 6 gigs of ram.
With only VS2010 open i've seen the process leak away to 600,000k+.
The editor is extremely slow. Every character I type sends the gui into "Not Responding" for 5 seconds and starting/stopping the debugger is a ~30 second operation.
I've done a repair install. No change.
I've removed productivity power tools and installed the perfwatson extension.
When I installed perfwatson the GUI sped up a bit while opening/loading a project. But the text editor still has an awful delay.
What else can I do? Harware rendering is off in my environment options.
an example of the slowness (literally): typing Height="1024" takes about 30 seconds to display in the text editor and do its update flash to go out of not responding. The word "Height=" takes 5 seconds to show. The intellesense and blank " " takes another 5 seconds. Each digit pops in every five seconds after that.
Needless to say even trying to edit existing work is a frustrating experience.
edit: rolled back one version on video driver. No noticeable changes after reboot.
edit: did some winforms projects today. No slow issues with this project type. Must be something with just wpf/sl projects.
edit 8/18/11: Took troublesome project to the production server. VS2010 editor works great there. Very snappy and responsive. Not at all slow. So it's not something inside my project. It's something in my machine. But a full out OS rebuild is something I can't just do now. Probably will start a bounty soon.

Delete the .sdf and .sou that have the same base file name as your solution file.
If your solution file is
You should delete
This solves 98% of the problems of slow VS.
These files contain intermediate information that is not important for the functionality of the solution and as time goes by they swell up and become bloated and fragmented. VS relies on these files for and if dealing with them is slow, everything is slow.

I know this is an old post but I have just had an issue where my visual studio project has been working fine for about 2 1/2 years and suddenly every time I clicked run I had to wait about 3 minutes and the same when clicking stop. I tried the old windows reboot but to no avail.
I found a post about deleting the projects .suo file (it was only 4MB).
I deleted the .suo file and everything is completely back to normal. I guess the file had corrupted or something.

Having a large number of breakpoints or a large number of files open can cause serious performance problems, but it sounds like your problems are worse than that...

A bios update and a intel chipset update on my machine solved nearly all my performance issues.
The slowness started to creep out into the OS and I was pegging the cpu at idle. I've got 4 cores and 8gb ram. It shouldn't do that. Now its happy at 8% load at idle.
Thanks to those that tried to help.

had the same problem. not sure what causes this ridiculous performance nightmare, but eventually i had to re-install windows. This same issue was posted on Microsoft forums but the best answer was to re-install VS or windows.


Visual Studio Mac replacing (corrupting) file contents.

Since I loaded build 1868 of VisualStudio for Mac, it has been randomly replacing the contents of an open tab with the contents of another open tab. If I don't notice and compile, it will then save those contents to both files which basically destroys one of my source files.
I loaded v. 7.7.1 (build 15) hoping they snuck a fix for the problem in there. If anything, now it's worse. I'm having to close and re-open VS every 15 minutes, or so, and digging up a backup to repair a corrupted file every couple of hours (when I don't notice and it overwrites a file).
This is REALLY slowing me down. I haven't been able to find anyone else complaining about this, which makes me wonder if it's just me?
I'm running on macOS Sierra (v. 10.12.6). I'm using Xamarin to develop a mobile application, and am currently focusing on the Android side (and will get back to iOS eventually).
Does anyone have any ideas why this may be happening? Do you have any advice besides remove then reload everything? Sure it's an easy answer, but takes a very long time to do with less than awesome internet speed.
Thanks in advance for your help!

RAD studio takes very long time to open

I was using RAD 10.1 (Berlin) with no problem until now... Last month I applied Windows Creator Update and was occupied by other businesses... Now, each time I start the IDE, the loading progresses quickly up to "All design time packages loaded". At this time RAD studio sits on its splash window and consumes ~25% CPU. It takes at least 10 minutes before the IDE appears...
I've installed RAD 10.2 (Tokyo) and all provided patches, hoping for a fix... But the problem remains the same.
I can't go back to previous version of Windows 10 (more than 10 days after install).
I've already searched for an answer and Matthias E suggested that it was linked to https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-17972.
But, in my case, the (very) long period stands only for IDE loading even when there is no project to (auto)load. I'm not talking about the time-period to load the project or to start project execution or even to start the application execution. Once the IDE has been loaded (after ~20'), everything (editing, compilation, building, debugging, execution) is working quickly...
I have become accustomed to never close the IDE once opened but this is particularly disturbing.
Could you help me ?
--- Edited ---
For those who cannot access the link above, here is the content :
Type: Bug Bug
Status: Open Open
Priority: Major Major
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 10.2 Tokyo, 10.1 Berlin Update 2
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Debugger, IDE (Development Environment), Libraries/Frameworks
Labels: None
Platform: Windows 10
Language Version: English
Edition: Professional
InternalID: RS-83785
InternalStatus: Open
The debugger goes haywire for everyone in our organization with Creators and Tokyo/Berlin. Reverting to Windows Anniversary brings back the sanity.
Debugger problems with Tokyo/Berlin and Creators:
App takes a long time to load with modules loading and unloading and re-loading many times
IDE freezes
Memory consumption of bds.exe explodes, sometimes (> 3GB)
I will attached before and after screenshots showing how modules load and unload and re-load with Windows 10 Creators.
I presume these problems have the same root cause(s) than those in https://forums.embarcadero.com/thread.jspa?messageID=884382*
--- ---
Thanks to Lieven Keersmaekers's suggestion to use procmon, I was able to find the cause of the problem. RAD studio was heavily trying to access an enormous (128 GB) zip backup file (see : qed-electronic.com/Download/170808-ProcMonTrace.jpg ). I've simply moved the backup file to another location and RAD studio now starts as before. I have no idea why RAD wanted so much to access this file : none of my project files were located in this zip. The Windows Creator Update was apparently not guilty...
bds.exe must be launch with only one CPU !
CPU Affinity CPU=0
Thx to Javorszky
To run quickly without entring TaskManager and change Setting CPUAffinity,
just create a batch file on the desktop:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\bin\"
start /affinity 1 bds.exe
Why ?
"The reason for this is that most applications you run these days have been designed with multi-core processors in mind and will work with the operating system to distribute their operations as evenly as possible across all the available cores. "
see : https://www.techrepublic.com/blog/windows-and-office/change-the-processor-affinity-setting-in-windows-7-to-gain-a-performance-edge/

VS2013 permanent CPU usage even though in idle mode

I've recently updated VS2013 to Update 1 and since then VS takes CPU usage to 25% (on a 4 cores intel i5 cpu) permanently even though it's supposed to be idle. I thought it has some unfinished background processes so I left it running for a while but it keeps using the cpu when it's supposed to be idle.
Are you getting a similar behaviour after updating?
Edit 1: I'm using git and python tools for vs, so there might be some conflicts after Update 1.
Edit 2: The git integration in VS2013 is buggy. I ran a profiler on devenv.exe and git2-msvstfs.dll takes most of cpu usage although it should be idle. I sent a failure notice to MS. If you have the same problem please vote for this: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/844616/vs2013-update-1-cpu-usage-not-normal
Edit 3: Update 2 has been recently released. This bug was fixed in VS2013 Update 2.
Edit 4: Updates 3 & 4 were released and CPU usage goes crazy due to multiple causes (not only git dll module). Disabling Browser Link as in one of the below answers seems to fix the problem.
For me (VS 2013 update 4) the solution was to disable Browser Link as specified here:
The CPU slowed down right away from 25 % to 1 %.
Edit 2: Possible bug regression in Updates 3 & 4.
Edit 1: The bug was fixed in VS2013 Update 2.
One can disable git plug-in from Visual Studio 2013 in this way:
Source Control: set Current source control plug-in to None
Use other git clients to manage your repositories.
We fixed it by opening the VS in SafeMode. Add / SafeMode to the initiator.
In my case, it was the inclusion of References to the solution that caused the high CPU usage. The project was an IronPython package that also used some DLLs. Adding the DLLs to the References was fine. The first time that a DLL was opened in the Object Browser then CPU hit 25% (1 core) and stayed there. Deleting all the References returned the CPU to normal again.
Yet Another Solution: Delete any objects under the project References.
(VS2013, Update 5, with Python Tools 2.2)
In my case, I normally run several copies of Visual Studio at the same time. I've found, if I start the 2nd (or 3rd) copy of Visual Studio BEFORE the 1st (or 2nd) copy has completely loaded and settled down, I get a DEVENV stuck at 100% CPU no matter what I do after that. I have to close all copies, and open again.
I hope this helps someone, it was driving me nuts.
Had a similar problem with vs2015 - deleting the .suo solution file fixed it for me so far.

Visual Studio 2012 high CPU usage and unable to debug

I'm using Visual Studio 2012 Update 3. When I open a project, VS automatically creates a process called <myproject>.vshost.exe, even before starting to debug.
When I start debugging and later close the debug application, most of the times the <myproject>.vshost.exe process closes as well. When this happens, devenv.exe starts taking up 3x more memory than normal and CPU goes up to 25% (on a i7 Quadcore with 8GB ram) for around 1 minute. At the end of 1 minute, a new <myproject>.vshost.exe opens up (even though I'm not debugging), CPU falls back down to 0 and memory drops back down as well.
Trying to start debugging whilst the CPU is at 25% and <myproject>.vshost.exe is not running in the background will results in the solution building but the debug does not start.
If I wait until the CPU falls back down and <myproject>.vshost.exe process is running again then I can start debugging normally.
This happens to me 80% of the times after closing the application I am debugging. The remaining 20% of the times when I stop debugging <myproject>.vshost.exe continues running in the background and I am able to start debugging again immediately after with no delay.
This also happens regardless of code changes in between debugs.
This is a new install of VS2012 U3, I've tried resetting all settings and disabled ReSharper but still no joy.
I don't want to disable vshost debugging because of the features I would lose.
Has anyone else encountered this problem before? Is this a known issue? Are there any solutions/workarounds?
I changed the platform from Any CPU to x86 and it appears to work properly, but I still can't understand why I shouldn't be able to debug it as Any CPU. Even though this might be the workaround I'd still be interested in knowing whether this is a known issue and if there are other (better) solutions.
By 'working properly', I mean that when I stop debugging the vshost doesn't close, in fact it never closes, but the CPU of devenv stays at 0% and it allows me to start and stop debugging as many times as I want one right after the other.
Actually it appears that changing the platform to x86 only worked properly for a while, after about 20 rebuilds it is now doing the same as leaving it as Any CPU.
On another note, closing and opening VS makes no difference.
I've ended up formatting the computer again and re-installing everything from scratch. For not it appears to be working fine, let's see how long this lasts for.
I know this is several months old but I'm trying to post this answer in a few places since this is what was causing my ills: I had the Data Sources toolbox open in Visual Studio 2012. Once I closed that, it seemed to eliminate the lengthy delays when switching windows. You may also want to close Server Manager if you don't need it open.
I know this is old Post but, I think I need to share my solution for everyone.
and this is my first post so, please improve the answer if I miss something.
I have the same issue with Visual Studio 2012, When I try to build or debug it will use CPU up to 100%.
So, I try below steps to reduce the CPU usage while debugging:
Please close unnecessary opened file.
Hide unnecessary debugging panels like: breakpoints, auto, local, output, find symbol result, etc.
If still use high CPU then try to hide call stack panel.
Remove unnecessary breakpoints.

ReSharper slow and troublesome

Im using ReSharper 6 in a Vs 2010 Pro environment and are doing some pretty large scale projects. Development box includes 2 x quadcore xeon with 24 GB ram. Project's are running on a PCI-E x4 SSD drive with 1GB/s read and write (for real). So, i suppose there is not much I can do to give the development machine more power.
The worst project is an Umbraco site with roughly 14000 files and folders and some pretty nasty css. I got everything from second long freezes to 30 sec VS freezout.
I've optimized VS2010 according to every guide available in VS optimization. Even enabled the 64bit memory enhancement but the problems continue.
I've even added the media library folder to the skip list.
Are there any other magic tricks someone would know of, please let me know!
gorohoroh's comment lead me to the solution, the 6.1 nightly dec 13 rocks!
I am using 7.0.1 and I find that it's killing my machine too.
However, it normally happens if I have more than one VS2010 open.
If it happens then the only way of fixing it I have found is to close VS, delete the DotSettings.user and the suo, and then reopen.
I'm using 6.1, and find that it slows down over time, and typing becomes really laggy. I've just discovered that when it starts to chug, if I go to "Tools..Options..ReSharper..General", then click on Suspend, then Resume - it goes back to it's initial speed.
