Is Node.js production-ready on Windows? [closed] - windows

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Closed 9 years ago.
In the new 0.5.1 branch, there is an official Windows executable of Node.js. The Linux version of Node.js uses established libraries such as v8, libev, libeio.
Since libev and libeio is for *NIX platforms; is the Windows port of Node.js ready for production use, or is it only for development?

0.5.x branch is unstable. Even branch numbers are stable and odds are unstable, so you will have to wait for the 0.6.x if you want it production ready and stable.

Version 0.5.1 is marked unstable, so don't expect this to be production quality. Microsoft seems to back the Win32 port of Node however, so in the (near?) future it will be stable.

I have tried the Windows version of Node.js (0.5.1). It actually works very well, but I couldn't load "child_process" module. It seems that it was not shipped with the current version.
Just my two cents.
Here is the TODO.Win32, which answers my questions.


What programming languages are available on MAC for web programming [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am making the conversion from PC to MAC and wanted to know what options do I have to still develop websites. I usually create websites with c# but besides C# what other options do I have on the macintosh?
MAC is even better environment for development (web) than Windows. It is because it is nix. I used PC for years and I feel more comfortable on MAC. For example you can manually set working environment for PHP (appache, mysql) with ease, and you have more control with everything you do. Mac, by default, comes with installed Python, so you can easily create your web working environment. There is also Ruby etc.
Git + Editor(Textmate, Sublime) + Web = Perfect combination.
I would say that Ruby (Ruby on Rail) is pretty common. You still have PHP, Python too.
If you want some example try CodeCademy or CodeSchool

old jre 1.3 on windows 8 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
We have a very old client-server application that uses JRE 1.3, it's network communication is based on sockets and has a desktop client, my boss is asking me to investigate the chance to install it on windows 8.
I donĀ“t have a windows 8 at hand, so has someone tried to do such thing?
The desktop app is really huge, so upgrading it, is not an option.
Java strives to keep very strict backwards compatibility, so I would try to install the latest Oracle Java JRE version on the Windows 8 machine and execute the application on that.
Chances are it will work out of the box.
As Andrea says in another answer, backwards compatibility is very important in Java. However things do get deprecated and potentially eventually removed.
You may want to review the following, lists of things deprecated in the various java versions in case something in there is core to how your application works.
Java 7:
Java 6:
Java 5:
Java 4:

Type of ubuntu for install ruby on rails [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am a beginner, I want to install & ruby on rails on local system with ubuntu
I want to know which type and version of ubuntu i need on local system for install ruby application developement.
In general, just grab the latest stable image. If you are deploying a production server, you might want to consider using one of the Long Term Support versions, again probably the latest one.
Unless you have a specific reason not to, on a new project with no old or unusual library usage, go for the newest stable version of ubuntu, and install everything with apt-get.

How to configure Jboss 7 (v7.1.0) to run as a windows service [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I need to run Jboss 7.1.0 as a windows service. I have seen some instructions from google but most seem to be for earlier versions of Jboss.
Most examples seem to point to this location for a native library -
What is the native library and what does it do?
I tried to download the native library and looked at the batch file used for setting up the service. It refers to startup scripts that don't exist in v7.1.0.
Are there any instructions anywhere specifically for v7.1.0 or maybe 7.0.2 as they are almost the same?

Good open-source bug tracking / issue tracking sofware for Windows [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Besides the painful-to-install non-Windows Bugzilla, what open-source issue tracking programs can be recommended that are just as good but available as a regular windows-style install? (.exe or .msi)
You can try Redmine - a painless installation is provided by BitNami Redmine stack.
I have been working with Redmine for the last three weeks and it's love!
You can use Bitnami Stack to setup and running in few minutes.
Never used it, but Trac might be of use here. And yes, it does have a damn .exe. :)

