Doubling each number a number of times as specify by the user - hadoop

I am new to hadoop and I am learning by using few examples. I am currently trying to pass a file with random integers on it. For each and every number i want it to be double base on the number specify by the user at runtime.
3536 5806 2545 249 485 5467 1162 8941 962 6457
665 6754 889 5159 3161 5401 704 4897 135 907
8111 1059 4971 5195 3031 630 6265 827 5882 9358
9212 9540 676 3191 4995 8401 9857 4884 8002 3701
931 875 6427 6945 5483 545 4322 5120 1694 2540
9039 5524 872 840 8730 4756 2855 718 6612 4125
Above is the file sample.
For example when the user specify at runtime
jar ~/dissertation/workspace/TestHadoop/src/DoubleNum.jar DoubleNum Integer Output 3
the output for say the first line will be
3536 * 8 5806* 8 2545* 8 249* 8 485* 8 5467* 8 1162* 8 8941* 8 962* 8 6457* 8
Because for each iteration the number will be double so for 3 iterations it will be 2^3. How can I achieve this using mapreduce?

For chaining one job into the next, check out:
Chaining multiple MapReduce jobs in Hadoop
Also, this may be a good time to learn about sequence files, as they provide an efficient way of passing data from one map/reduce job to another.
As for your particular problem, you don't need reducers here, so make it map-only by setting the number of reducers to zero. Sending the output to reducers will only incur extra network overhead. (However, be careful about the number of files you create over time, eventually the NameNode will not appreciate it. Each mapper will create one file.)
I understand that you are trying to use this as an example of perhaps something more complex... but in this case you can use a common optimization technique: If you find yourself wanting to chain one mapper-only task into another map/reduce job, you can squash the two mappers together. For example, instead of multiplying by 2, then 2 gain, the 2 again, why not just multiply by 2 and by 2 and by in the same mapper? Basically, if all your operations are independent on one number or line, you can apply the iterations within the same mapper, per record. This will reduce the amount of overhead significantly.


NiFi MergeRecords leaving out one file

I'm using NiFi to take in some user data and combine all the JSONs into one record. The MergeRecord processor is working just like I need, except it always leaves out one record (usually the same one every time). The processor is set to run ever 60 seconds. I can't understand why because there are only 56 records to merge. I've included images below for any help y'all may have.
Firstly, you have 56 FlowFiles, that does not necessarily mean 56 Records unless you have 1 Record per FlowFile.
You are using MergeRecord which counts Records, not files.
Your current config is set to Min 50 - Max 1000 Records
If you have 56 files with 1 Record in each, then merging 50 files is enough to meet the Minimum condition and release the bucket.
You also say Merge is set to run every 60 seconds, and perhaps this is not doing what you think it is. In almost all cases, Merge should be left to the default 0 sec schedule.
NiFi has no idea what all means, it takes an input and works on it - it does not know if or when the next input will come.
If every FlowFile is 1 Record, and it is categorically always 56 and that will never change, then your setting could be Min 56 - Max 56 and that will always merge 56 times.
However, that is very inflexible to change - if it suddenly changed to 57, you need to modify the flow.
Instead, you could set the Min-Max to very high numbers, say 10,000-20,000 and then set a Max Bin Age to 60 seconds (and the processor scheduling back to 0 sec). This would have the effect of merging every Record that enters the processor until A) 10-20k Records have been merged, or B) 60 seconds expire.
Example scenarios:
A) All 56 arrives within the first 2 seconds of the flow starting
All 56 are merged into 1 file after 60 seconds of the first file arriving
B) 53 arrive within the first 60 seconds, 3 arrive in the second 60 seconds
The first 53 are merged into 1 file after 60 seconds of the first file arriving, the last 3 are merged into another file after 60 seconds from the frst of the 3 arriving
C) 10,000 arrive in the first 5 seconds
All 10k will merge immediately into 1 file, they will not wait for 60 seconds

Confusing Storm-UI

I am confused by the Storm-UI statistics.
For example:
Topology Stats show a number of 69 million
kafka-spout shows a number of 34 million
__acker is at 17 million
es-bolt shows 17 million too
My toplogy is kafka-spout --> es-bolt and I am not sure how the numbers above add up?
If Kafka-spout is emitting only 34 million, why do topology stats show 69 million?
And again if Kafka-spout emitted 34 million, why does es-bolt say 17 million?
I see a pattern of tuples being halved from top-to-down, but not sure I understand why? Is it because of ack-tuples or heart-beat bolts?
Are they always half of the upstream spout?
You can turn off system stats, then numbers will make sense.
There's button on the bottom of Storm UI stats page.
Topology Stats show a number of 69 million
This is sum of all your spouts and bolts: 34.x + 17.x +17.x
And emitting numbers of the spout and bolt are not necessarily related. It's related to your code.
Keep in mind that those metrics are sampled at the rate o of topology.stats.sample.rate, 0.05 by default. If you turn it up to 1.0 you'll see full-resolution, though at the price of more time spent collecting metrics.

Correcting improper usage of Cassandra

I have a similar question that was unanswered (but had many comments):
How to make Cassandra fast
My setup:
Ubuntu Server
AWS service - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 # 2.80GHz, 4GB Ram.
2 Nodes of Cassandra Datastax Community Edition: (2.1.3).
PHP 5.5.9. With datastax php-driver
I come from a MySQL database knowledge with very basic NoSQL hands on in terms of ElasticSearch (now called Elastic) and MongoDB in terms of Documents storage.
When I read how to use Cassandra, here are the bullets that I understood
It is distributed
You can have replicated rings to distribute data
You need to establish partition keys for maximum efficiency
Rethink your query rather than to use indices
Model according to queries and not data
Deletes are bad
You can only sort starting from the second key of your primary key set
Cassandra has "fast" write
I have a PHP Silex framework API that receive a batch json data and is inserted into 4 tables as a minimum, 6 at maximum (mainly due to different types of sort that I need).
At first I only had two nodes of Cassandra. I ran Apache Bench to test. Then I added a third node, and it barely shaved off a fraction of a second at higher batch size concurrency.
Concurrency Batch size avg. time (ms) - 2 Nodes avg. time (ms) - 3 Nodes
1 5 288 180
1 50 421 302
1 400 1 298 1 504
25 5 1 993 2 111
25 50 3 636 3 466
25 400 32 208 21 032
100 5 5 115 5 167
100 50 11 776 10 675
100 400 61 892 60 454
A batch size is the number of entries (to the 4-6 tables) it is making per call.
So batch of 5, means it is making 5x (4-6) table insert worth of data. At higher batch size / concurrency the application times out.
There are 5 columns in a table with relatively small size of data (mostly int with text being no more than approx 10 char long)
My keyspace is the following:
user_data | True | org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy | {"replication_factor":"1"}
My "main" question is: what did I do wrong? It seems to be this is relatively small data set of that considering that Cassandra was built on BigDataTable at very high write speed.
Do I add more nodes beyond 3 in order to speed up?
Do I change my replication factor and do Quorum / Read / Write and then hunt for a sweet spot from the datastax doc:
Do I switch framework, go node.js for higher concurrency for example.
Do I rework my tables, as I have no good example as to how effectively use column family? I need some hint for this one.
For the table question:
I'm tracking history of a user. User has an event and is associated to a media id, and there so extra meta data too.
So columns are: event_type, user_id, time, media_id, extra_data.
I need to sort them differently therefore I made different tables for them (as I understood how Cassandra data modeling should work...I am perhaps wrong). Therefore I'm replicating the different data across various tables.
the application also has redis and mysql attached for other CRUD points of interest such as retrieving a user data and caching it for faster pull.
so far on avg with MySQL and then Redis activated, I have a 72ms after Redis kicks in, 180ms on MySQL pre-redis.
The first problem is you're trying to benchmark the whole system, without knowing what any individual component can do. Are you trying to see how fast an individual operation is? or how many operations per second you can do? They're different values.
I typically recommend you start by benchmarking Cassandra. Modern Cassandra can typically do 20-120k operations per second per server. With RF=3, that means somewhere between 5k and 40k reads / second or writes/second. Use cassandra-stress to make sure cassandra is doing what you expect, THEN try to loop in your application and see if it matches. If you slow way down, then you know the application is your bottleneck, and you can start thinking about various improvements (different driver, different language, async requests instead of sync, etc).
Right now, you're doing too much and analyzing too little. Break the problem into smaller pieces. Solve the individual pieces, then put the puzzle together.
Edit: Cassandra 2.1.3 is getting pretty old. It has some serious bugs. Use 2.1.11 or 2.2.3. If you're just starting development, 2.2.3 may be OK (and let's assume you'll actually go to production with 2.2.5 or so). If you're ready to go prod tomorrow, use 2.1.x instead.

Cassandra Reading Benchmark with Spark

I'm doing a benchmark on Cassandra's Reading performance. In the test-setup step I created a cluster with 1 / 2 / 4 ec2-instances and data nodes. I wrote 1 table with 100 million of entries (~3 GB csv-file). Then I launch a Spark application which reads the data into a RDD using the spark-cassandra-connector.
However, I thought the behavior should be the following: The more instances Cassandra (same instance amount on Spark) uses, the faster the reads! With the writes everything seems to be correct (~2-times faster if cluster 2-times larger).
But: In my benchmark the read is always faster with a 1-instance-cluster then with a 2- or 4-instance-cluster!!!
My Benchmark Results:
Cluster-size 4: Write: 1750 seconds / Read: 360 seconds
Cluster-size 2: Write: 3446 seconds / Read: 420 seconds
Cluster-size 1: Write: 7595 seconds / Read: 284 seconds
I launched the "cassandra-stress" tool on the Cassandra cluster (size 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 nodes), with following results:
Clustersize Threads Ops/sek Time
1 4 10146 30,1
8 15612 30,1
16 20037 30,2
24 24483 30,2
121 43403 30,5
913 50933 31,7
2 4 8588 30,1
8 15849 30,1
16 24221 30,2
24 29031 30,2
121 59151 30,5
913 73342 31,8
3 4 7984 30,1
8 15263 30,1
16 25649 30,2
24 31110 30,2
121 58739 30,6
913 75867 31,8
4 4 7463 30,1
8 14515 30,1
16 25783 30,3
24 31128 31,1
121 62663 30,9
913 80656 32,4
Results: With 4 or 8 threads the single-node cluster is as fast or faster then the larger clusters!!!
Results as diagram:
The data-sets are the cluster sizes (1/2/3/4), x-axis the threads, and y-axis the ops/sec.
--> Question here: Are these results the cluster-wide results or is this a test for a local node (and so the result of only one instance of the ring)???
Can someone give an explanation? Thank you!
I ran a similar test with a spark worker running on each Cassandra node.
Using a Cassandra table with 15 million rows (about 1.75 GB of data), I ran a spark job to create an RDD from the table with each row as a string, and then printed a count of the number of rows.
Here are the times I got:
1 C* node, 1 spark worker - 1 min. 42 seconds
2 C* nodes, 2 spark workers - 55 seconds
4 C* nodes, 4 spark workers - 35 seconds
So it seems to scale pretty well with the number of nodes when the spark workers are co-located with the C* nodes.
By not co-locating your workers with Cassandra, you are forcing all the table data to go across the network. That will be slow and perhaps in your environment is a bottleneck. If you co-locate them, then you benefit from data locality since spark will create the RDD partitions from the tokens that are local to each machine.
You may also have some other bottleneck. I'm not familiar with EC2 and what it offers. Hopefully it has local disk storage rather than network storage since C* doesn't like network storage.

external sorting

In this web page: CS302 --- External Sorting
Merge the resulting runs together into successively bigger runs, until the file is sorted.
As I quoted, how can we merge the resulting runs together??? We don't have that much memory.
Imagine you have the numbers 1 - 9
9 7 2 6 3 4 8 5 1
And let's suppose that only 3 fit in memory at a time.
So you'd break them into chunks of 3 and sort each, storing each result in a separate file:
Now you'd open each of the three files as streams and read the first value from each:
2 3 1
Output the lowest value 1, and get the next value from that stream, now you have:
2 3 5
Output the next lowest value 2, and continue onwards until you've outputted the entire sorted list.
If you process two runs A and B into some larger run C you can do this line-by-line generating progressively larger runs, but still only reading at most 2 lines at a time. Because the process is iterative and because you're working on streams of data rather than full cuts of data you don't need to worry about memory usage. On the other hand, disk access might make the whole process slow -- but it sure beats not being able to do the work in the first place.
