Testing if a new window opens with Watir-Webdriver - ruby

I'm using Watir-webdriver and I was wondering if there was a good way to check if a new window opens. I've googled around a bit and couldn't find anything though it feels like there should be an easy answer.
I have a printer friendly link and I want to test that the link opens in a new window or tab and I would like to test this with ie, firefox, chrome and safari if possible.

You can check the number of windows:
or check if a specific window exists:
browser.window(:title => "foo").exists?
More examples in the specs.

You can also use index based browser window checking where you need to worry about index only and it follows zero based index ordering. So, the default window is of index: 0 and if a new window opens it will be of index: 1, the next will be of index: 2 and so on.
To check first child window if you want to test that the link opens in a new window ,
browser.window(index: 1).exists?
Or to work inside this window,
browser.window(index: 1).use do
# do scripting here


AHK Cannot ControlClick on hidden elements in nested child window

I'm trying to automate a many clicking process, just to narrow it to the user input.
I encountered problems in controlClicking interface elements, which seems not to be standard Windows GUI elements.
When pointing them with WinSpy they don't appear as separate buttons, but I can point the whole child Window which is drawn in the main program window.
As on pic1, I pointed the whole window and I can find each tab/button by it's text inside and on pic2 I can inspect the ClassNN of that element and it's ID.
As far as clicking other buttons in the main menu bar of the program works, a simple:
ControlClick, ClaTab_01000000H26, WindowName
doesn't work. I think during the day, and many possibilities I tried, I could ControlClick the above button by pointing it with its ID, but that ID changes every instance. I could confirm that tomorrow if it works by ID.
Of course I tried SetControlDelay -1 and ,NN option. But don't take that for granted, I can try any of your suggestions tomorrow.
Both tabs marked with purple color, are to find in the Windows->SiblingWindows tab. I really don't want using x,yCoords (that actually work), but I need the script to be as reliable as possible.
So my questions are:
Am I missing something or you have any suggestions how to click that elements?
Is it correct, that no matter how deep the child windows get (one has buttons to open another on top of it), all the time the WinName stays the same pointing to the main program ***.exe?
Could you provide an example from the web or yours, to find an element's ID by providing the text attached to the button (pic1-red line and also pic2 in "text")?
I also cannot maximize the child window. Double clicking it works, but I can't find the appropriate ClassNN of the window to call.
Could you provide an example, how to use the Messages tab? I assume, if I find the button as on the pictures, I could send a message with controlClick and see if there's a reaction?
1.Ugh. I found the solution, which is awesome, but a little frustrating that with a bit of luck I tried another aproach that's not that logical for a newbie like me:
ControlClick, ClaTab_01000000H6, ahk_class ClaWin01000000H_2,,,, NA
it's just
ControlFocus, ClaTab_01000000H6, ahk_class ClaWin01000000H_2,,,, NA
2._Yep. One child window creates another and another and another, but winTitle stays the same. In my case:
ahk_class ClaWin01000000H_2
3._Code below returns the handle/ID of the element you specify. Change ClaTab and ClaWin to your chouice.
ControlGet, OutputVar, hwnd,, ClaTab_01000000H1, ahk_class ClaWin01000000H_2
MsgBox, %OutputVar%`
Probably to be continued.
I highly recomend to both use
WinSpy https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=28220
SimpleSpy https://www.the-automator.com/downloads/simple-spy/
First one has lots of useful information and the window tab provides information of hidden buttons/windows. Second one in a more clear way indicates the parent window and its class.

is it possible to scroll to specific position in browsing?

I am no programmar nor tech savvy person myself.
I just wanna know if it's possible to achieve this goal:
The default behavior of the browser(e.g. chrome) is it sends one page up or page down depending on where I click(above or below scroll thumb).
But when clicking somewhere on the scroll track, I wish it navigates right through the target position in the web page.
for better understanding, here's the screenshot of cnn.com main page for reference:
(In first screnshot, I highlighted where I will click.
Second screenshot is the default behavior of the browser as a result.
Third screenshot is what I want realize for my own convenience. it's useful when navigating through long articles.)
I think it is almost impossible to do this on my part because maybe it's hardcoded in browser's engine level or something, but I wanted to make sure it really is.
or any workaround like making autohotkey script or something?
thank you so much!
There seems to exist a trick with Shift, but it doesn't work in browsers.
However, you are manipulating a browser, and browsers have a built-in scripting language — JavaScript. Here's the setup you need to do:
Go to the place on the page you want to scroll to.
Open the developer console (Ctrl+Shift+I and then click on the "Console" tab). This shouldn't interfere with the scroll position.
Type window.scrollY and press Enter.
After that, the console will output the amount of vertical scrolling. In the following AutoHotkey code I'll use 12345 as an example; replace it with the value you have. Note that it also scrolls to the left margin.
Send {F6}javascript:window.scrollTo(0,12345)`%3Bvoid`%200{Enter}
It appears that, due to a bug, this doesn't work in Firefox.
I know your problem, I think chrome must have this config, you can type in the address bar "chrome://chrome-urls" for searching

How to determine coordinates of an element with Watir Webdriver?

I have a problem. While parsing a page, a pop-up window appears and blocks access to html. I tried to click on the pop-up, but it re-directs me to a new page, and I have no clue how to get to the upper right area of the pop-up to close it. My question is how to determine the coordinates of that element? None of the related issues raised here at Stackoverflow helped me find a solutions, so assistance would be very much appreciated.
Why do you need the actual coordinates? That seems like a bad idea given it could move or have different results on different screen sizes (responsive designs). You'd be better off finding the class / id of the close button and calling browser.button(class: 'close').click or browser.link(class: 'close').click.
If you need help determining the class of the close button, open your browser and enable developer tools / console. They all have an inspector tool now to select the element and find all classes & ids.
In the unlikely event there are no classes or ids it may have a data attribute you could work off.
If the pop-up is a regular browser window you can close it by index. Your main window has index 0. So the pop-up has index 1.
if browser.window(:index => 1).exists?
browser.window(:index => 1).close

Detect order of applications, windows, tabs

I'm using AppleScript to find all tabs in multiple browsers (testing on Safari first) with certain criteria in it's title and give it to stdout for another script.
So I have the basic information I need;
window id
tab index
tab name
tab visible
So from this point I know which of my Safari screens are matching my criteria and I log their window id and their tab index. Besides that with tab visible I can know which is the foremost one.
Now I still have one issue. I really want to be able to know which window and tab was the last one active. Even if I can only know the window id that was used last by the user it would automatically mean that inside that window the tab with visible true is the last one.
But there is one more thing. If the visible tab is not meeting my criteria, then I would still need to know the order of the last active one too.
So what I'm looking for is an counter/order value of the last active windows and tabs. I can't find something in the documentation that could give me that counter. For example; the TAB-logic in OS X knows which apps were last used. I was wondering if that logic would be available as some kind of system variable and then also on it's window/tab sub level.
My code (slimmed down does this):
tell application "Safari"
repeat with win in winlist
repeat with t in tablets
# win.id
# t.index
# t.name
# t.visible
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
And so I'm looking for something that emulates win.lastUsedOrderIndex and t.lastUsedOrderIndex.
The simple answer is that if you do not find the properties you need in the application's dictionary, then you are out of luck. Window and Document lists in AppleScript are normally in a front-to-back ordering, since they are based on the orderedWindows and orderedDocuments NSArrays. Tabs in a browser are probably ordered left-to-right or right-to-left, based on the language localization, but I would be surprised if any browser had a reason to return tabs ordered by when they were "last used", whatever that means.

Microsoft Progress Bar Control is missing

I need to create the progress bar on a user form. For inserting progress bar, opened toolbox , right clicked on it and choose “Additional Controls”. (Alternatively, I could go up to the “Tools”/”Additional Controls” menu). But in that list of components, “Microsoft Progress Bar Control 6.0 (SP4)” is missing. I am using Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows 7. Please help me
Two suggestions :)
1) Search your pc for MSCOMCTL.Ocx. If you find it then register it by clicking on Windows Start Button ~~> Run and then typing this text and pressing Enter
regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.Ocx
I am assuming that the ocx is in C:\Windows\System32
If you don't have that then please download it from here and then repeat the above steps.
Once done, you will now be able to use the control.
2) Please see this link. Sometimes you don't need a progressbar control ;)
Topic: VBA - Working with Scroll Bars - The most simplest way
Link: http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?t=511916
You can make a makeshift loading bar whit any of the controlls you allready got, by simply useing width.
Example would be useing a label inside a frame, the frame will work as borders for it, so the top and left can be 0, then the total lenght of the frame works as max length for the label.. i think by now you see where im going whit this, basicly now all you gota do is come up whit a counter basicly a loop that counts up to max frame length :)
But, like i said whit creativity, you can use buttons, the form itself, scrollbar basicly contains itself if you dont mind it beeing a unclickable (scroll) button moveing across.
