What is the best way to debug Typoscript in TYPO3 CMS? - debugging

What is the best way to debug typoscript in the TYPO3 CMS?
Assuming I have a list, which is not displayed -
what is the strategy to look for the issue?

Debugging Typoscript is not the most comfortable task, but there are several possibilities. Here are the most common techniques:
Use the TS Object Browser in the backend: Choose the Web > Template module, then pick the page from the pagetree you need to debug. If there are any obvious syntax errors or redundant/missing brackets, an error message will be displayed. Switch between constants and setup and use the search field extensively. In your example, search for the myListview parameter if your TypoScript object is named myListview.
Use the Template Analyzer in the backend (also in Template module): It's similar to the Object Browser, but the Template Analyzer gives you valuable insights where in your setup the errors (or warnings) exactly are that have been spotted.
Outsource your Typoscript setup (+ constants) to files, then use a syntax highlighter in your favorite text editor. You get a better overview and the highlighting helps to avoid misspellings. For example:
PhpStorm TypoScript plugin (recommended combo)
Netbeans TypoScript plugin
Eclipse / Aptana: DEV3
Coda: ts4c
Textmate: Textmate Typoscript bundle
PSPad: sweeTS
jEdit: jEdit plugin
Sublime Text: Textmate Typoscript bundle
Activate the admin panel in the frontend and use the section "TypoScript". It shows you selected rendered (config) values, SQL queries, error messages and more. However, it's not complete and I'm not using it frequently so I am also keen on knowing more about it.
Wrap your Typoscript objects with the stdWrap.debugFunc Function or use the build-in debugItemConf method for all MENU objects. Debug output will be seen in the frontend. Read more in the TYPO3 Wiki
Most common errors (apart from typos) are wrong file paths, non-existing HTML-templates or missing subparts in modified templates. Also, forgetting to include static templates for an extension might leave the intermediate user puzzled. Just as a starting point :).
Hope that helps, please post any additions into the comments.

The most important thing is, not to rely on code you found via google. Have a look into TSref and check what is possible.
Just some little additions which are easy to overlook (IMHO):
The template analyser has an option: "View the complete TS Listing", so can search in the whole created typoscript! Including conditions.
TS Object Browser: you can check conditions to simulate different situations
If you need to debug TypoScript configuration in the backend, go to the "Info"-Modul, select a page in the page tree and then select "Page TSconfig" in the main window. There you will get a info about Page TS Config.
These system extensions are usually installed, but they can be deactivated:
info_pagetsconfig (info modul)
tsconfig_help (addition to the info modul)
It may happen, that someone else just deactivated them.

SIMPLE: use headerData in typoscript and view source code by this you can debug typoscript.


Lazy load CKEditor 4

Currently finding issue lazy loading CKEditor 4, appreciate any advice. What I tried:
Including ckeditor_basic.js but this already needs a CKEDITOR
Loading ckeditor.js on click but this complains
'Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because
of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience.' as well as
some others errors, fails badly.
Any advice appreciated!
If you would like to insert CKEditor script dynamically you can use technique from this code pen - https://codepen.io/j_swiderski/pen/qPGRGb. It is important to wait for ckeditor.js to load before creating editor instance thus using setInterval to check if CKEDITOR object is available seems like a good idea.
In your comments you have written, you don't want editor to load every time you load the page. One of the reasons for that might be the size of ckeditor.js file.
If you think editor.js is too big it is important to answer yourself how much plugins you really need and then create editor accordingly to your needs using the online builder. Please have a look at below samples using dev-tools and notice the difference in ckeditor.js size: Full package has 600KB while Basic Package has only 400KB. If you just need the basic formatting then your ckeditor.js could get even smaller and should not be a problem when loading the page.
If you have created some custom plugins then recommended practice is to get CKEditor source code from Githhub, fork it, make changes/add custom plugins, build your editor. That way you will get minified and obfuscated editor instance which includes your custom plugins and again should not be a problem when loading the page.

Typo3 DCE field configuration is empty

Dear Stackoverflow community,
i have a problem with the typo3 dce extension. I did not find anything from searching and have not seen this problem in any time.
When i create a field in the dce there should be a configuration in the textarea below the dropdown menu. (picture)
Empty DCE configuration
I can not create a working dce without this configuration.
I think it is a general problem but i do not know which one and from where it comes.
Any suggestions?
even if I dont work with DCE i got two possible solutions for you:
Looks like the extension requires silently fluid or css styled content included, so you can try to add them to your template (at the template configuration -> includes). Try "fluid_styled_content" first.
The second possible solution is a missconfiguration. Cause I dont know the structure i can just refer to the extension documentation -> User Manual

Angular 2 Errors and Typescript - how to debug?

I've just started a project to learn Angular2 and Typescript+Javascript. I come from a Java background and my approach to debugging projects is usually a combination of stack traces, compile errors, and - on larger projects - lots of test cases. However, much of this doesn't seem to directly translate to the world of web-dev; particularly debugging my code that's interacting with Angular2's libraries.
Could anyone suggest any approaches that I can take to debug code working with Angular2? Specifically; how can I see what parts of my HTML/TS is causing issues? I've checked the console, from which I can see that I've broken Angular2, but it doesn't seem much more informative from that.
Just to clarify; I don't want help for this specific instance. I'd like to learn how to diagnose+fix these problems myself.
Assuming you're using Chrome, you can put breakpoints in the "sources" tab in your console. Those breakpoints can be set on the ts files. If you need informations from the js file, you can uncheck Javascript sourcemaps in the console settings: this will allow you to put breakpoints in the js files.
On a breakpoint, you can do the usual (watch, spies, stack trace, etc...). You can also write js in the console accessing local variables directly, for instance:
function b(){
var c = 1;
// if you put a breakpoint here and type c in the console, it will write "1"
Specifically in angular 2, you might want to add breakpoints in the "throw e" lines in their library, you'll get more detailed stack traces. If you click on the "..." in their stack traces, you'll get access to your file that caused the error.
That's for actual bugs. Now, for performance, on the "timeline" tab, you can click on the "record" button on the top left. Once you're done recording (click "finish"), you'll see CPU usage. You can zoom on events in the timeline to see which part of the code is using up too much resource.
You can also track memory by checking the "memory" checkbox.
If you need to debug an iframe, there is a select box in console saying "top frame" which you can set to whichever iframe you want.
If I've forgotten anything important, just ask :).
Open web developer console, go to "Sources" section. Press "cntrl+p". A search box will open where type ".ts" and find your file or directly search your file like "myfile.ts". Open it and you can put breakpoints directly in the code, the same way we put breakpoints in a js file and Voila, you can debug Typescript.
I think this doesn't just hold for Angular2, but given you come from a Java background I assume this is more like "how do I successfully debug JavaScript web apps" in general.
Related to this I highly suggest you to take a look at the Chrome Devtools page (given you use Chrome which has very neat devtools build-in).
On that page there are a lot of useful tutorials. Specifically in your case probably the article on Debugging JavaScript which has some cool tipps like conditional debugging, breaking on DOM modifications, even break on caught/uncaught exceptions etc.
I also often suggest people to do the free Code School course on Discover Devtools which is nice as well.
In the case of TypeScript, also make sure that you enable sourcemaps. As you probably know TypeScript isn't directly executed by the browser, but rather it is being "compiled" (or as it's called "transpiled") into JavaScript. That said, you probably don't wanna debug the transpiled JS but rather the TypeScript code you wrote. To enable sourcemaps, set the proper flag in your tsconfig.json:
"version": "1.6.2",
"compilerOptions": {
"sourceMap": true
"exclude": [
If you are coming from the Java world, there's a good chance you are already using IntelliJ IDEA from JetBrains. If so, then it is possible to debug JavaScript (and TypeScript) applications directly in the IDE using the same interface you use for Java applications.
JetBrains has some documentation on the subject that might help.
As was said in other answers, you can also use the Chrome Inspector's debugger. Personally, I greatly prefer using IntelliJ to do that instead.
If you are just looking for examples on how the workflow goes, then take a look at this Github project that shows the use of Webpack with Angular2.

Joomla 3 modifying < and > when I save articles - breaks php

I'm running the current JCK as the default editor on Joomla 3.2 with PHPCode 2.5 and I have the JCK option to convert HTML entities turned off as well as the option to force simple '&' turned on.
In this configuration I can create and edit articles and custom HTML modules containing PHP just fine... the syntax highlighting, etc., all works as expected. I can switch back and forth between WYSIWYG editing mode and SOURCE editing mode and everything remains as I edited it.
However, whenever I save the article/module the '<' and '>' characters in the PHP code have all been converted to their corresponding '<' and '>' HTML entities and the PHP code won't run when loaded on the site (for the obvious reasons).
I have searched high and low and can't figure out what setting I'm missing, or what extension I need, to be able to fix this so I can execute custom PHP in my articles/modules.
I presume the same would be true of javascript since it, too, uses these symbols in the source.
EDIT: For the record, I was able to switch to the RokPad editor and save the PHP that way without it breaking. However, I know I should be able to do this directly inside JCK. I used to be able to do this in Joomla 1.6, I just can't seem to make it work in Joomla 3.
Try this,
Check this extension this may help or another methods you can check
How to include html or php codes into joomla article
Hope its helps..

Benefits of hiding file extension (of a webpage) and URL rewriting

The benefits of hiding a file extension that I know of are user-friendly URLs, and a thin layer of security (I say thin because if someone really wanted to find out the extension of a file whose type has been hidden, it probably wouldn't be difficult. Am I wrong?).
But why should you do this (hide the extension), rather than use a file of type "file", with no extension? For example, if I have an extension-less file named "404", Error page works without error (pretend I have absolutely no IE visitors).
Is there any added benefit of actively hiding the extension of a file that has one, over using files that don't have extensions? See any linked pages from schema.org for an example.
You hide the file extensions because it is Good Design.
The idea is that URIs and URLs are independent of implementation and the user should not bother about what type of file he is looking at, whether .php or .html. If I want to look at a page on the latest Fender Strats, I should just go to something like www.fender.com/strats/latest and get all that I need.
The added benefit is that the URL remains "Uniform" and you don't have to change it (especially when the user bookmarks your site), if one day you decide to shift from php to Django or Rails.
Shorter urls are one benefit of leaving out the extension?
