What does SetPriorityClass(REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS) actually do? - winapi

Does it:
Prevent interrupts from firing
Prevent context switching from happening
on the processor (unless the thread sleeps)?
If it does prevents the above from happening:
How come when I run a program on a processor with this flag, I still get inconsistent timing results? Shouldn't the program take the same amount of time every time, if there's nothing interrupting it?
If it does NOT prevent the above from happening:
Why does my system (mouse, keyboard, etc.) lock up if I use it incorrectly? Shouldn't drivers still get some processor time?

It basically tells the system scheduler to only a lot time to your thread till it gives it up(via Sleep or SwitchToThread) or dies. As for timing not being the same, the OS still runs inbetween each run, this can change ram and caching etc. Secondly, most timing is inaccurate, so it will fluctuate(especially system quanta based timing like GetTickCount). The OS many also have thing things going on, like power saving/dynamic freq adjustment, so you best check would be to use RDTSC, though even with that you might notice other stuff running(especially if you can run more than one physical thread).


Strategy for asynchronously flushing view of file to disk

I am writing an application that maps a file into memory to make some information resilient to failures (crash, power outage, etc). I know that the idea is to flush as infrequently as allowable, but to Do Things Right, and considering the goal, it seems to me that I should essentially flush to disk whenever the data has changed.
All the mapped data fits into a single page. I have a burst usage pattern (nothing happens for a looong time, then all of a sudden you'd modify the information ~20 times in a row). For this reason, I'm hesitant about FlushViewOfFile, since it seems to be synchronous. Flushing at every hit on a burst would seem to be inefficient.
Is there not a way I can tell Windows to flush pages the next time it has an idle cycle, and without having me wait until it does it?
I do not believe that there is a function in Windows for that. FlushViewOfFile is what you have to work with. You're going to have to think of a 'scheduler' for your program that matches your use-case/profile. Something like starting a short timer after each hit, which resets if there is another hit and if it expires flushes the page, and one long timer which if it expires flushes the page despite still being in a burst would probably work nicely for you. In any case, you'll need to profile what the usage will be and have the program act accordingly.

Character device driver hangs the system - how to avoid?

I'm writing a simple writable character device driver (2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64, under VirtualBox), and since it's not mature yet, it tends to crash/freeze (segfaults, infinite loops).
I'm testing it like this: $> echo "some data" > /dev/my_dev, and if crash/freeze occurs, the whole system (VirtualBox) freezes. I tried to move all the work to another kernel thread to avoid the system-wide freeze, but it doesn't help.
Is it possible to "isolate" such a crash/freeze, so that I'd be able to kill the process, in whose context the kernel module runs?
The module runs in kernel context. That's why debugging it is difficult and bugs can easily crash the system. Infinite loop is not really an issue as it just slows the system down, but doesn't cause a crash. Writing to the wrong memory region however is fatal.
If you are lucky, you would get a kernel oops before the freeze. If you test your code in one of the TTYs, rather than the GUI, then you might immediately see the oops (kernel BUG log) on the screen which you can study and might be helpful to you.
In my experience however, it's best to write and test the kernel-independent code in user-space, probably with mock functions and test it heavily, run valgrind on it, and make sure it doesn't have bugs. Then use it in kernel space. You'd be surprised at how much of a kernel module's code may in fact not need kernel context at all. Of course this very much depends on the functionality of the kernel module.
To actually debug the code in kernel space, there are tools which I have never used, such as kgdb. What I do myself usually is a mixture of printks and binary search. That is, if the crash is so severe that the kernel oops is not shown at all. First, I put printk (possibly with a delay after) in different places to see which parts of the code are reached before the oops. tail -f /var/log/messages comes in handy. Then, I do binary search; disable half of the code to see if the crash occurs. If not, possibly the problem is in the second half. If it occurs, surely the problem is in the first half. Repeat!
The ultimate way of writing a bug-free kernel module is to write code that doesn't have bugs in the first place. Of course, this is rarely possible, but if you write clean and undefined-behavior-free C code and write very concise functions whose correctness is obvious and you pay attention to the boundaries of arrays, it's not that hard.

Handling windows events in a tight loop?

I have written a compiler and interpreter for a scripting language. The interpreter is a DLL ('The Engine') which runs in a single thread and can load many 100s or 1000s of compiled byte-code applications and excecute them as a set of internal processes. There is a main loop that excecutes a few instructions from each of the loaded app processes before moving one to the next process.
The byte code instruction in the compiled apps can either be a low level instructions (pop, push, add, sub etc) or a call to an external function library (which is where most of the work is done). These external libararies can call back to the engine to put the internal processes into a sleep state waiting for a particular event upon which the external function (probably after receiving an event) will wake up the internal process again. If all internal processes are in a sleep state (which the are most of the time) then I can put the Engine to sleep as well thus handing off the CPU to other threads.
However there is nothing to prevent someone writing a script which just does a tight loop like this:
Which means my main loop will never enter a sleep state and so the CPU goes up to 100% and locks up the system. I want my engine to run as fast as possibly, whilst still handling windows events so that other applications are still responsive when a tight loop similar to the above is encountered.
So my first question is how to add code to my main loop to ensure windows events are handled without slowing down the main engine which should run at the fastest speed possible..
Also it would be nice to be able to set the maximum CPU usage my engine can use and throttle down the CPU usage by calling the occasional Sleep(1)..
So my second question is how can I throttle down then CPU usage to the required level?
The engine is written in Borland C++ and makes calls to the win32 API.
Thanks in advance
1. Running a message loop at the same time as running your script
I want my engine to run as fast as
possibly, whilst still handling
windows events so that other
applications are still responsive when
a tight loop similar to the above is
The best way to continue running a message loop while performing another operation is to move that other operation to another thread. In other words, move your script interpreter to a second thread and communicate with it from your main UI thread, which runs the message loop.
When you say Borland C++, I assume you're using C++ Builder? In this situation, the main thread is the only one that interacts with the UI, and its message loop is run via Application->Run. If you're periodically calling Application->ProcessMessages in your library callbacks, that's reentrant and can cause problems. Don't do it.
One comment to your question suggested moving each script instance to a separate thread. This would be ideal. However, beware of issues with the DLLs the scripts call if they keep state - DLLs are loaded per-process, not per-thread, so if they keep state you may encounter threading issues. For the moment purely to address your current question, I'd suggest moving all your script execution to a single other thread.
You can communicate between threads many ways, such as by posting messages between them using PostMessage or PostThreadMessage. Since you're using Borland C++, you should have access to the VCL. It has a good thread wrapper class called TThread. Derive from this and put your script loop in Execute. You can use Synchronize (blocks waiting) or Queue (doesn't block; method may be run at any time, when the target thread processes its message loop) to run methods in the context of another thread.
As a side note:
so that other
applications are still responsive when
a tight loop similar to the above is
This is odd. In a modern, preemptively multitasked version of Windows other applications should still be responsive even when your program is very busy. Are you doing anything odd with your thread priorities, or are you using a lot of memory so that other applications are paged out?
2. Handling an infinite loop in a script
You write:
there is nothing to prevent someone
writing a script which just does a
tight loop like this:
while(1) x=1; endwhile
Which means my main loop will never
enter a sleep state and so the CPU
goes up to 100% and locks up the
but phrase how to handle this as:
Also it would be nice to be able to
set the maximum CPU usage my engine
can use and throttle down the CPU
usage by calling the occasional
So my second question is how can I
throttle down then CPU usage to the
required level?
I think you're taking the wrong approach. An infinite loop like while(1) x=1; endwhile is a bug in the script, but it should not take down your host application. Just throttling the CPU won't make your application able to handle the situation. (And using lots of CPU isn't necessarily a problem: if it the work is available for the CPU to run, do it! There's nothing holy about using only a bit of your computer's CPU. It's there to use after all.) What (I think) you really want is to be able to continue to have your application able to respond when running this script (solved by a second thread) and then:
Detect when a script is 'not responding', or not calling into your callbacks
Be able to take action, such as asking the user if they want to terminate the script
An example of another program that does this is Firefox. If you go to a page with a misbehaving script, eventually you'll get a dialog asking if you want to stop the script running.
Without knowing more about how your script is actually interpreted or run, I can't give a detailed answer to these two. But I can suggest an approach, which is:
Your interpreter probably runs a loop, getting the next instruction and executing it. Your interactivity is currently provided by a callback running from one of those instructions being executed. I'd suggest making use of that by having your callback simply log the time it was last called. Then in your processing thread, every instruction (or every ten or a hundred) check the current time against the last callback time. If a long time has passed, say fifteen or thirty seconds, it may be an indication that the script is stuck. Notify the main thread but keep processing.
For "time", something like GetTickCount is probably sufficient.
Next step: Your main UI thread can react to this by asking the user what to do. If they want to terminate the script, communicate with the script thread to set a flag. In your script processing loop, again every instruction (or hundred) check for this flag, and if it's set, stop.
When you move to having one thread per script interpreter, you TThread's Terminated flag for this. Idiomatically for something that runs infinitely in a thread, you run in a while (!Terminated && [any other conditions]) loop in your Execute function.
To actually answer your question about using less CPU, the best approach is probably to change your thread's priority using SetThreadPriority to a lower priority, such as THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL. It will still run if nothing else needs to run. This will affect your script's performance. Another approach is to use Sleep as you suggest, but this really is artificial. Perhaps SwitchToThread is slightly better - it yields to another thread the OS chooses. Personally, I think the CPU is there to use, and if you solve the problem of an interactive UI and handling out-of-control scripts then there should be no problem with using all CPU if your script needs it. If you're using "too much" CPU, perhaps the interpreter itself could be optimised. You'll need to run a profiler and find out where the CPU time is being spent.
Although a badly designed script might put you in a do-nothing loop, don't worry about it. Windows is designed to handle this kind of thing, and won't let your program take more than its fair share of the CPU. If it does manage to get 100%, it's only because nothing else wants to run.

Total system freezing when using timers in graphical application

I’m really stuck with this issue and will greatly appreciate any advice.
The problem:
Some of our users complain about total system “freezing” when using our product. No matter how we tried, we couldn’t reproduce it in any of systems available for troubleshooting.
The product:
Physically, it’s a 32bit/64bit DLL. The product has a self-refreshing GUI, which draws a realtime spectrogram of an audio signal
Problem details:
What I managed to collect from a number of fragmentary reports makes the following picture:
When GIU is opened, sometimes immediately, sometimes after a few minutes of GIU being visible, the system completely stalls, without possibility to operate with windows, start Task Manager etc. No reactions on keyboard, no mouse cursor seen (or it’s seen but is not responsibe to mouse movements – this I do not know). The user has to hard-reset the system in order to reboot. What is important, I think, is that (in some cases) for some time the GIU is responsive and shows some adequate pictures. Then this freezing happens. One of the reports tells that once the system was frozen, the audio continued to be rendered – i.e. heard by the reporter (but the whole graphic shell of Windows was already frozen). Note: in this sort of apps it’s usually a specialized thread which is responsible for sound processing.
The freezing is more or less confirmed to happen for 2 users on Windows7 x64 using both 32 and 64 bit versions of the DLL, never heard of any other OSs mentioned with connection to this freezing (though there was 1 report without any OS specified).
That’s all that I managed to collect.
The architecture / suspicions:
I strongly suspect that it’s the GUI refreshing cycle that is a culprit.
Basically, it works like this:
There is a timer that triggers callbacks at a frame rate of approx 25 fps.
In this callback audio analysis is performed and GUI updated
Some details about the timer:
It’s based on this call:
CreateTimerQueueTimer(&m_timerHandle, NULL, xPlatformTimerCallbackWrapper,
this, m_firstExpInterval, m_period, WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD);
We create a timer and m_timerHandle is called periodically.
Some details about the GUI refreshing:
It works like this:
HDC hdc = GetDC (hwnd);
// Some drawing
My intuition tells me that this CreateTimeQueueTimer might be not the right decision. The reference page tells that in case of using WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD:
The callback function is invoked by the timer thread itself. This flag
should be used only for short tasks or
it could affect other timer
operations. The callback function is
queued as an APC. It should not
perform alertable wait operations.
I don’t remember why this WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD option was chosen actually, now WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT seems equally suitable for me.
In fact, I don’t see any major difference in using any of the options mentioned in the reference page.
Is anything of what was told give anyone any clue on what might be wrong?
Have you faced similar problems, what was the reason?
Thanks for any info!
Update: 2010-02-20
Unfortunatelly, the advise given here (which I could check so far) didn't help, namelly:
changing to WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT in CreateTimerQueueTimer(&m_timerHandle,NULL,xPlatformTimerCallbackWrapper,this,m_firstExpInterval,m_period, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT);
the reenterability guard was already there
I havent' yet checked if updateding the GUI in WM_PAINT hander helps or not
Thanks for the hints anyway.
Now, I've been playing with this for a while, also got a real W7 intallation (I used to use the virtual one) and it seems that the problem can be narrowed down.
On my installation, using of the app really get the GUI far less responsive, although I couldn't manage to reproduce a total system freezing as someone reported.
My assumption now is this responsiveness degradation and reported total freezing have a common origin.
Then I did some primitive profiling and found that at least one of the culprits is BitBlt function that is called approx 50 times a second
BitBlt ((HDC)pContext->getSystemContext (), // hdcDest
destRect.left + pContext->offset.h,
destRect.top + pContext->offset.v,
destRect.right - destRect.left,
destRect.bottom - destRect.top,
The regions being copied are not really large (approx. 400x200 pixels). It is used for displaying the backbuffer and is executed in the timer callback.
If I comment out this BitBlt call, the problem seems to disappear (at least partly).
On the same machine running WinXP everything works just fine.
Any ideas on this?
Most likely what's happening is that your timer callback is taking more than 25 ms to execute. Then another timer tick comes along and it starts processing, too. And so on, and pretty soon you have a whole bunch of threads sucking down CPU cycles, all trying to do your audio analysis and in short order the system is so busy doing thread context switches that no real work gets done. And all the while, more and more timer ticks are getting placed into the queue.
I would strongly suggest that you use WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT here, rather than WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD. Also, you need to prevent overlapping timer callbacks. There are several ways to do that.
You can use a critical section in your timer callback. When the callback is triggered it calls TryEnterEnterCriticalSection and if not successful, just returns without doing anything.
You can do something similar using a volatile variable and InterlockedCompareExchange.
Or, you can change your timer to be a one-shot (WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE), and then re-set the timer at the end of every callback. That would make the thing execute 25 ms after the last one completed.
Which you choose is up to you. If your analysis often takes longer than 25 ms but not more than 35 ms, then you'll probably get a smoother update rate using WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE. If it's rare that analysis takes more than 25 ms, or if it often takes more than about 35 ms (but less than 50 ms), then you're probably better off using one of the other techniques.
Of course, if it often takes longer than 25 ms, then you probably want to increase the time (reduce the update rate).
Also, as one of the commenters pointed out, it's possible that the problem also involves accessing the GUI from the timer thread. You should do all of your analysis in the timer thread, store the results somewhere that the main thread can access it, and then send a message to the window proc, telling it to update the display.
Have you asked the users to disable Aero/WDMDWM? With Aero enabled, rendering is implemented quite different. Without Aero, the behaviour will be similar to XP. Not that it solves anything, but it will give you a clue as to what the problem is.

Problems with running an application under controlled environment (Win32)

I'm not exactly sure how to tag this question or how to write the title, so if anyone has a better idea, please edit it
Here's the deal:
Some time ago I had written a little but cruicial part of a computing olympiad management system. The system's job is to get submissions from participants (code files), compile them, run them against predefined test cases, and return results. Plus all the rest of the stuff you can imagine it should do.
The part I had written was called Limiter. It was a little program whose job was to take another program and run it in a controlled environment. Controlled in this case means limitations on available memory, computing time and access to system resources. Plus if the program crashes I should be able to determine the type of the exception and report that to the user. Also, when the process terminated, it should be noted how long it executed (with a resolution of at least 0.01 seconds, better more).
Of course, the ideal solution to this would be virtualization, but I'm not that experienced to write that.
My solution to this was split into three parts.
The simplest part was the access to system resources. The program would simply be executed with limited access tokens. I combined some of the basic (Everyone, Anonymous, etc.) access tokens that are available to all processes in order to provide practically a read-only access to the system, with the exception of the folder it was executing in.
The limitation of memory was done through job objects - they allow to specify maximum memory limit.
And lastly, to limit execution time and catch all the exceptions, my Limiter attaches to the process as a debugger. Thus I can monitor the time it has spent and terminate it if it takes too long. Note, that I cannot use Job objects for this, because they only report Kernel Time and User Time for the job. A process might do something like Sleep(99999999) which would count in none of them, but still would disable the testing machine. Thus, although I don't count a processes idle time in its final execution time, it still has to have a limit.
Now, I'm no expert in low-level stuff like this. I spent a few days reading MSDN and playing around, and came up with a solution as best I could. Unfortunately it seems it's not running as well as it could be expected. For most part it seems to work fine, but weird cases keep creeping up. Just now I have a little C++ program which runs in a split second on its own, but my Limiter reports 8 seconds of User mode time (taken from job counters). Here's the code. It prints the output in about half a second and then spends more than 7 seconds just waiting:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector< vector<int> > dp(50000, vector<int>(4, -1));
cout << dp.size();
The code of the limiter is pretty lengthy, so I'm not including it here. I also feel that there might be something wrong with my approach - perhaps I shouldn't do the debugger stuff. Perhaps there are some common pitfalls that I don't know of.
I would like some advice on how other people would tackle this problem. Perhaps there is already something that does this, and my Limiter is obsolete?
Added: The problem seems to be in the little program that I posted above. I've opened a new question for it, since it is somewhat unrelated. I'd still like comments on this approach for limiting a program.
Running with a debugger attached can change the characteristics of the application. Performance can be impacted, and code paths can even change (if the target process does things based on the presence of a debugger, i.e. IsDebuggerPresent).
A different approach that we've used is to configure our own application to run as the JIT debugger. By setting the AeDebug registry key, you can control what debugger is invoked when an application crashes. This way you only jump in when the target process crashes, and it doesn't impact the process during normal run-time.
This site has some details about setting the postmortem debugger: Configuring Automatic Debugging.
Your approaches for limiting the memory, getting timing etc. all sound perfectly fine.
