How does a website load only part of the page and still display full on URLs? - ajax

I am looking at the Gawker blogs (, and I'm curious about how they are made.
When I click for on a link only the article part of the page reloads displaying a loading icon while it does.
But what I can't figure out is that links point to new URLs like and its not something like I see on ajax pages that they put a tag at the end of the url from javascript to mark the page after an ajax request.
Can I change the full blown URL from javascript or what is happening?

When it happens, the website is using the HTML5 History API. This API can change the url (via JavaScript) without changing the page.
See for browser support.
If you would like to implement it in yout website, would be very useful.


What are full page reloads and Why did we need to do full page reloads without ajax?

I was reading up on ajax and how it empowers us to exchange data with a server behind the scenes and consequently avoid full page reloads. My confusion lies here, I don't really understand what full-page reloads mean. I think it's probably cause I've been working with ajax/react since the start I guess and have not really seen any webpage of mine fully reload when I access stuff from a database or an api.
It'd be great if someone could explain what they are and why did we need them before ajax?
A full page load is where the entire page is downloaded from the server. A page typically consists of several sections: header, footer, navigation, and content. In a classic web application without AJAX, a user clicks on a link to another page, and has to download the full page, even though only the main content is changing. The header, footer, and navigation all get downloaded again even though they don't change.
With AJAX there is the opportunity to only change the parts of the page that will change. When a user clicks on the link, JavaScript loads just the content for that link and inserts it into the current page. The header, footer, and navigation don't need to reload.
This introduces other problems that need attention.
When AJAX inserts new content into the page, the URL doesn't change. That makes it difficult for users to bookmark or link to specific content. Well written AJAX applications use history.pushState() to update the URL when loading content via AJAX.
There are then two paths to get to every piece of content. Users can either load the URL containing that content directly, or load the content into some other page by following a link. Web developers need to test and ensure both work.
Search engines have trouble crawling AJAX powered sites. For best compatibility, you need to employ server side rendering (SSR) or pre-rendering to serve initial content on a page load that doesn't require JavaScript.
Even for Googlebot (which executes JavaScript) care must be taken to make an AJAX powered site crawlable. Googlebot doesn't simulate user actions like clicking, scrolling, hovering, or moving the mouse.
Content needs to appear on page load without any user interaction
You must use <a href=...> links for navigation so that Googlebot can find other pages by scanning the document object model (DOM). For users, JavaScript can intercept clicks on those links and prevent a full page load by using return false from the onclick handler or event.preventDefault() in the click handler.

Does a pages URL change with AJAX?

I'm taking an online course from a site that does not provide for asking questions about the content, so I am asking you.
This is one of the MUSTS for page titles:
"On a so-called single-page application — in which AJAX is used to bring in new content without refreshing or loading the entire web page — any time that the URL changes, the page title should be updated accordingly"
I always thought that if you used ajax to change part of a page the page itself would remain static. That is why would a URL change with an AJAX call. Are there any examples showing what this looks like?
AJAX requests don’t change the browser URL or history. To mimic the behaviour of traditional websites, single page apps will modify the URL and history and use the URL to change the view.
For more on changing the browser history, see Adding and modifying History entries.

"Fetch as Google" renders all pages to look like my homepage

I am trying to figure out why my website's posts and pages such as my resume are getting a "Complete" status with a green check mark (seemingly no errors or redirects) when fetching and rendering as google, but all of them "render" and look like my homepage. The page speed insights tool seems to be using the same rendering engine as it seems to have the same issue.
The html served from my website on initial page load is the correct HTML and content. No redirects occur. The initial page load does not fetch content via JS. I mention this because although my website is not a one page application (I'm using Wordpress), I do use ajax in combination with a post variable flag to fetch new page content when the user navigates to the next page (after the initial page load).
I have verified that all of my pages have been indexed using the "site:" trick in Google search. They are indexed properly, but they aren't "rendering" properly.
Should I be worried? Should I just ignore that the pages aren't rendering properly? It doesn't make any sense. Is anyone else having this issue?
Your resume page has a response type of content-type image/gif so google thinks that the page is an image??

Why is my ajax content not being indexed by google

I have tried to set my site up ( )according to the guidelines set out here : However, it appears that Google has updated their indexes (because I see the revisions to the meta description tags) but the ajax content does not show up in the index.
I am trying to use the “Handle pages without hash fragments” option.
If you view either of the following:
you will correctly see the HTML snap shot with my content. (those are the two pages I an most concerned about).
Any Ideas? Am I doing something wrong? How do you get google to correclty recognize the tag.
I'm typing this as an answer, since it got a little to long to be a comment.
First of all, your links seems to point to localhost:8080/about, and not /about, which probably is why google doesn't index it in the first place.
Second, here's my experience with pushstate urls and Google AJAX crawling:
My experience is that ajax crawling with pushstate urls is handled a little differently by google than with hashbang urls. Since google won't know that your url is a pushstate url (since it looks just like a regular url), you need to add <meta name="fragment" content="!"> to all your pages, not only the "root" page. And google doesn't seem to know that the pages are part of the same application, so it treats every page as a separate Ajax application. So the Google bot will never actually create a navigation structure inside _escaped_fragment_, like _escaped_fragment_=/about, as it would with a hashbang url (#!/about). Instead, it will request /about?_escaped_fragment_= (which you aparently already have set up). This goes for all your "deep links". Instead of /?_escaped_fragment_=/thelink, google will always request /thelink?_escaped_fragment_=.
But as said initially, the reason it doesn't work for you is probably because you have localhost:8080 urls in your _escaped_fragment_ generated html.
Googlebot only knows to crawl the escaped fragment if your urls conform to the hash bang standard. As users navigate your site, your urls need to be:!contact!about
Googlebot actually needs to see these urls in the source code so that it can follow them. Then it knows to download the following urls:
On your site you appear to be loading a new page on each click, and then loading the content of each page via AJAX too. This is not how I would expect an AJAX site to work. Usually the purpose of using AJAX is so that the user never has to load a whole new page. When the user clicks, the new content section is loaded and inserted into the page. You serve the navigation once and then you only serve escaped fragments of the content.

Links in pages won't load using Ajax

I am using a script for Ajax from Dynamic Drive on my site to load content into my div. It has worked great for me until I created a page where I want links. For some reason I am finding that if I create a page with a single link, the page will not load. I can click on it all I want and the page still will not load. If I have a page that is just purely text content, it loads. Is this a flaw with Ajax, or am I not doing something right? My intention with my site is to have a "Store" section so I can use Amazon Affiliates. I can't even get my page to load even if I have a simple link say pointing to Unfortunately this Ajax script has been the only successful way I've been able to get my content to load into my main div. For some odd reason links in the links section on my site will appear and that page will load, but not for my "store" page.
My site is:
I'm not asking for a direct code, but just a step in the right direction.
'store.html' gives a 404 Not found... Does this file exist? That is probably your problem... Your links.html page for example has a link to ASPCA and that works fine.
You may also want to look into jQuery, as this is a bit neater for doing ajax and other javascript effects. You could probably get all that javascript mumbo jumbo down to 5 lines or so...
Also remember that your site isn't going to be particularly google friendly with all the content being loaded in via javascript.
