virtual addressing v.s. physical addressing - memory-management

I do not quite understand the benefit of "multiple independent virtual address, which point to the same physical address", even though I read many books and posts,
E.g.,in a similar question Difference between physical addressing and virtual addressing concept,
The post claims that program will not crash each other, and
"in general, a particular physical page only maps to one application's
virtual space"
Well, in, in section "shared virtual memory", it says
"For example there could be several processes in the system running
the bash command shell. Rather than have several copies of bash, one
in each processes virtual address space, it is better to have only one
copy in physical memory and all of the processes running bash share
If one physical address (e.g., shell program) mapped to two independent virtual addresses, how can this not crash? Wouldn't it be the same as using the physical addressing?
what does virtual addressing provide, which is not possible or convenient from physical addressing? If no virtual memory exists, i.e., two directly point to the same physical memory? i think, by using some coordinating mechanism, it can still work. So why bother "virtual addressing, MMU, virtual memory" these stuff?

There are two main uses of this feature.
First, you can share memory between processes, that can communicate via the shared pages. In facts, shared memory is one of the simplest forms of IPC.
But shared readonly pages can also be used to avoid useless duplication: most of times, the code of a program does not change after it has been loaded in memory, so its memory pages can be shared among all the processes that are running that program. Obviously only the code is shared, the memory pages containing the stack, the heap and in general the data (or, if you prefer, the state) of the program are not shared.
This trick is improved with "copy on write". The code of executables usually doesn't change when running, but there are programs that are actually self-modifying (they were quite common in the past, when most of the development was still done in assembly); to support this stuff, the operating system does read-only sharing as explained before, but, if it detects a write on one of the shared pages, it disables the sharing for such page, creating an independent copy of it and letting the program write there.
This trick is particularly useful in situations in which there's a good chance that the data won't change, but it may happen.
Another case in which this technique can be used is when a process forks: instead of copying every memory page (which is completely useless if the child process does immediately an exec) , the new process shares with the parent all its memory pages in copy on write mode, allowing quick process creation, still "faking" the "classic" fork behavior.

If one physical address (e.g., shell program) mapped to two independent virtual addresses
Multiple processes can be built to share a piece of memory; e.g. with one acting as a server that writes to the memory, the other as a client reading from it, or with both reading and writing. This is a very fast way of doing inter-process communication (IPC). (Other solutions, such as pipes and sockets, require copying data to the kernel and then to the other process, which shared memory skips.) But, as with any IPC solution, the programs must coordinate their reads and writes to the shared memory region by some messaging protocol.
Also, the "several processes in the system running the bash command shell" from the example will be sharing the read-only part of their address spaces, which includes the code. They can execute the same in-memory code concurrently, and won't kill each other since they can't modify it.
In the quote
in general, a particular physical page only maps to one application's virtual space
the "in general" part should really be "typically": memory pages are not shared unless you set them up to be, or unless they are read-only.


Trying to share memory in windows across multiple processes, multple languages

I have an application where I have 3 different processes that need to run concurrently, in 3 different languages, on Windows:
A "data gathering" process, which interfaces with a sensor array. The developers of the sensor array have been kind enough to provide us with their C# source code, which I can modify. This should be generating raw data and shoving it into shared memory
A "post-processing" process. This is C++ code that uses CUDA to get the processing done as fast as possible. This should be taking raw data, moving it to the GPU, then taking the results from the GPU and communicating it to--
A feedback controller written in Matlab, which takes the results of the post-processing and uses it to make decisions on how to control a mechanical system.
I've done coursework on parallel programming, but that coursework all worked in Linux, where I used the mmap.h for coordination between multiple processes. This makes sense to me--you ask the OS for a page in virtual memory to be mapped to shared physical memory addresses, and the OS gives you some shared memory.
Googling around, it seems like the preferred way to set up shared memory between processes in Windows (in fact, the only "easy" way to do it in Matlab) is to use memory-mapped files, but this seems completely bonkers to me. If I'm understanding correctly, a memory-mapped file grabs some disk space and maps it to the physical address space, which is then mapped into the virtual address space for any process that accesses the same memory-mapped file.
This seems about three times more complex than it needs to be just to get multiple processes to map pages in their virtual address space to the same physical memory. I don't feel like I should be doing anything remotely related to disk I/O for what I'm trying to accomplish, especially since performance is a big issue for me (ideally I should be able to process 1000 sets of data per second, though that's not a hard limit). Is this really the right way to coordinate my processes?

Same addresses pointing to different values - fork system call

When a fork is called, the stack and heap are both copied from the parent process to the child process. Before using the fork system call, I malloc() some memory; let's say its address was A. After using the fork system call, I print the address of this memory in both parent and child processes. I see both are printing the same address: A. The child and parent processes are capable of writing any value to this address independently, and modification by one process is not reflected in the other process. To my knowledge, addresses are globally unique within a machine.
My question is: Why is it that the same address location A stores different values at the same time, even though the heap is copied?
There is a difference between the "real" memory address, and the memory address you usually work with, i.e. the "virtual" memory address. Virtual memory is basically just an abstraction from the Operating System in order to manage different pages, which allows the OS to switch pages from RAM into HDD (page file) and vice versa.
This allows the OS to continue operating even when RAM capacity has been reached, and to put the relevant page file into a random location inside RAM without changing your program's logic (otherwise, a pointer pointing to 0x1234 would suddenly point to 0x4321 after a page switch has occured).
What happens if you fork your process is basically just a copy of the page file, which - I assume - allows for smarter algorithms to take place, such as copying only if one process actually modifies the page file.
One important aspect to mention is that forking should not change any memory addresses, since (e.g. in C) there can be quite a bit of pointer logic in your application, relying on the consistency of the memory you allocated. If the addresses were to suddenly change after forking, it would break most, if not all, of this pointer logic.
You can read more on this here: or, if you're truly interested, I recommend reading "Operating Systems - Internals and Design Principles" by William Stallings, which should cover most things including why and how virtual memory is used. There is also an excellent answer to this in this StackOverflow thread. Lastly, you might want to also read answers from this, this and this question.

Virtual memory- don't fully-understand why we need it beyond security reasons?

In several books and on websites a reason given for virtual memory management is that it allows only part of a program to be loaded in to RAM and therefore more efficient use of RAM is made.
1) Why do we need virtual memory management to only load part of a program? Why could we not load part of a program using physical addresses?
2) Beyond the security reasons for separating the different parts (stack, heap etc) of a process' memory in to various physical locations, I really don't see what other benefits there are to virtual memory?
3) Why is it important the process thinks the addresses are continuous (courtesy of virtual addresses) when in reality they are discontinuous?
EDIT: I know the obvious reason that virtual memory allows more memory to be treated as if it were RAM.
There are a number of advantages to using virtual memory over strictly physical memory, some of which you've already listed. Basically it allows your programs to just use memory without having to worry about where it comes from or what else might be competing for it. It makes memory appear to be flat and contiguous, even if it's spread out across various sections of physical memory and to disk.
1) Why do we need virtual memory management to only load part of a
program? Why could we not load part of a program using physical
You can try that with purely physical addresses, but what if there's not a large enough single block available? With virtual addresses you can bridge sections of physical RAM and make them appear as one large block. You can also move things around in memory without interrupting processes that would be surprised to have that happen.
2) Beyond the security reasons for separating the different parts
(stack, heap etc) of a process' memory in to various physical
locations, I really don't see what other benefits there are to virtual
It also helps keep memory from getting overly fragmented. Makes it easier to segregate memory in use by one process from memory in use by another.
3) Why is it important the process thinks the addresses are continuous
(courtesy of virtual addresses) when in reality they are
Try iterating over an array that's split between two discontinuous sections of memory and then come ask that again. Or allocating a buffer for some serial communications, or any number of times that your software expects a single chunk of memory.
1) Why do we need virtual memory management to only load part of a program? Why could we not load part of a program using physical addresses?
Some of us are old enough to remember 32-bit systems with 8MB of memory. Even compressing a small image file would exceed the physical memory of the system.
It's likely that the paging aspect of virtual memory will vanish in the future as system memory and storage merge.
2) Beyond the security reasons for separating the different parts (stack, heap etc) of a process' memory in to various physical locations, I really don't see what other benefits there are to virtual memory?
See #1. The amount of memory required by a program may exceed the physical memory available.
That said, the main security reasons are to separate the various processes and the system address space. Any separation of stack, heap, code, are usually for convenience and error detection.
Advantages then include:
Process memory in excess of physical memory
Separation of processes
Manages access to the kernel (and in some systems other modes as well)
Prevents executing non-executable pages.
Prevents writing to read only pages (code, data).
Easy of programming
3) Why is it important the process thinks the addresses are continuous (courtesy of virtual addresses) when in reality they are discontinuous?
I presume you are referring to virtual addresses. This is simply a matter of convenience. It would make no sense to make them non-contiguous.
1) Why do we need virtual memory management to only load part of a
program? Why could we not load part of a program using physical
Well, you obviously are aware that programs' size can range from some KB's to several GBs or even more than that. But, as we have kind of a limitation on our main memory aka RAM (because of cost issues), so the whole program bigger than the size of RAM can't be loaded as whole at once. So, to achieve the desired result scientists (computer scientists) developed a method virtual memory. It'd help to achieve
a) first space equal to size of some portion of hard-disk(not total),but the major part that would easily accomodate parts of running program. Say, if the running program's size exceeds the size of RAM, then the program is kinda cut into segments (not really), only the relevant part which could easily fit into memory is called, and the subsequent codes are called as per address by address in sequence or as per instruction call!
b) less burden on physical memory and thereby enabling other programs in the main memory to keep running. Well there are several more reasons!
2) Beyond the security reasons for separating the different parts
(stack, heap etc) of a process' memory in to various physical
locations, I really don't see what other benefits there are to virtual
Separation of heap,stack,etc. is for storing several kinds of operations running at times. They all are different data-structures and hence they will be storing possibly different program's values or, even if similar program's values, then also distinct instruction sequence's address! Say, stack would be storing a recursive call's return address (the calling address) whereas the heap would be pointing at current code of execution of the program!
Also, it is not the virtual memory which has this storage scheme but it's actually fit in the main memory. Also,there are several portions of heap also, which performs different functions entirely! Also, I already mentioned benefits of virtual memory -- helps in running several programs simultaneously,optimises caching, addressing using paging, segmentation, etc.
3) Why is it important the process thinks the addresses are continuous
(courtesy of virtual addresses) when in reality they are
Would it be better in the world if there had been counting like 1,2,3,4,5,etc. which we are familiar or had it started like 1,5,2,4,3, etc. even though knowing the true pattern rejecting the choice to render it discontinuous? Well, at least I'd have chosen the pattern option to perform any task. Similar is the case with physical (main) memory! The physical memory renders the exact address and it clearly fetches the addresses in a dis-continuous manner -- kinda mingled.
But wait, WOW, we have a mechanism like virtual memory which has led to the formation of the actual discontinuous memory locations to a fixed regular/continuous memory location! Virtual memory using paging, segmentation has made the work same, but to make us understand easier. Also,due to relative indexing in paging and due to segmentation -- the address/memory location appears continuous though the actual address is always determined the paging scheme or segment's starting address! Hence, the virtual-memory renders as if we are working with a continuous memory location. Isn't it good/better!

Does virtual address matching matter in shared mem IPC?

I'm implementing IPC between two processes on the same machine (Linux x86_64 shmget and friends), and I'm trying to maximize the throughput of the data between the processes: for example I have restricted the two processes to only run on the same CPU, so as to take advantage of hardware caching.
My question is, does it matter where in the virtual address space each process puts the shared object? For example would it be advantageous to map the object to the same location in both processes? Why or why not?
It doesn't matter as long as the OS is concerned. It would have been advantageous to use the same base address in both processes if the TLB cache wasn't flushed between context switches. The Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) cache is a small buffer that caches virtual to physical address translations for individual pages in order to reduce the number of expensive memory reads from the process page table. Whenever a context switch occurs, the TLB cache is flushed - you don't want processes to be able to read a small portion of the memory of other processes, just because its page table entries are still cached in the TLB.
Context switch does not occur between processes running on different cores. But then each core has its own TLB cache and its content is completely uncorrelated with the content of the TLB cache of the other core. TLB flush does not occur when switching between threads from the same process. But threads share their whole virtual address space nevertheless.
It only makes sense to attach the shared memory segment at the same virtual address if you pass around absolute pointers to areas inside it. Imagine, for example, a linked list structure in shared memory. The usual practice is to use offsets from the beginning of the block instead of aboslute pointers. But this is slower as it involves additional pointer arithmetic. That's why you might get better performance with absolute pointers, but finding a suitable place in the virtual address space of both processes might not be an easy task (at least not doing it in a portable way), even on platforms with vast VA spaces like x86-64.
I'm not an expert here, but seeing as there are no other answers I will give it a go. I don't think it will really make a difference, because the virutal address does not necessarily correspond to the physical address. Said another way, the underlying physical address the OS maps your virtual address to is not dependent on the virtual address the OS gives you.
Again, I'm not a memory master. Sorry if I am way off here.

What is the purpose of allocating pages in the pagefile with CreateFileMapping?

The function CreateFileMapping can be used to allocate space in the pagefile (if the first argument is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE). The allocated space can later be memory mapped into the process virtual address space.
Why would I want to do this instead of using just VirtualAlloc?
It seems that both functions do almost the same thing. Memory allocated by VirtualAlloc may at some point be pushed out to the pagefile. Why should I need an API that specifically requests that my pages be allocated there in the first instance? Why should I care where my private pages live?
Is it just a hint to the OS about my expected memory usage patterns? (Ie, the former is a hint to swap out those pages more aggressively.)
Or is it simply a convenience method when working with very large datasets on 32-bit processes? (Ie, I can use CreateFileMapping to make >4Gb allocations, then memory map smaller chunks of the space as needed. Using the pagefile saves me the work of manually managing my own set of files to "swap" to.)
PS. This question is sparked by an article I read recently:
From the CreateFileMappingFunction:
A single file mapping object can be shared by multiple processes.
Can the Virtual memory be shared across multiple processes?
One reason is to share memory among different processes. Different processes by only knowing the name of the mapping object can communicate over page file. This is preferable over creating a real file and doing the communications. Of course there may be other use cases. You can refer to Using a File Mapping for IPC at MSDN for more information.
