Ruby RegEx issue - ruby

I'm having a problem getting my RegEx to work with my Ruby script.
Here is what I'm trying to match:{GUID}/{GUID}/
Here is the RegEx that I've tested and should be matching the string as shown above:
3 capturing groups:
group 1: ([-a-zA-Z0-9#:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b(\/[-a-zA-Z0-9#:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]*)([\/\/[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\/\/[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\/\/])*?\/)
group 2: (\/[-a-zA-Z0-9#:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]*)
group 3: ([\/\/[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\/\/[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\/\/])
Ruby is giving me an error when trying to validate a match against this regex:
empty range in char class: (My RegEx goes here) (SyntaxError)
I appreciate any thoughts or suggestions on this.

You could simplify things a bit by using URI to deal parsing the URL, \h in the regex, and scan to pull out the GUIDs:
uri = URI.parse(your_url)
path = uri.path
guids = path.scan(/\h{8}-\h{4}-\h{4}-\h{4}-\h{12}/)
If you need any of the non-path components of the URL the you can easily pull them out of uri.
You might need to tighten things up a bit depending on your data or it might be sufficient to check that guids has two elements.

You have several errors in your RegEx. I am very sleepy now, so I'll just give you a hint instead of a solution:
the first [ does not belong there. Also, having \/\/ inside [] is unnecessary - you only need each character once inside []. Also,
is greedy, and includes a period - indeed, includes all chars (AFAICS) that can come after it, effectively swallowing the whole string (when you get rid of other bugs). Consider {2,256}? instead.


Ruby regexp /(\/.*?(?=\/|$)){2}/

My regexp behaves just like I want it to on, but not like I want it in irb.
I'm trying to make a regular expression that will match the following:
A forward slash,
then 2 * any number of random characters (i.e. `.*`),
up to but not including another /
OR the end of the string (whichever comes first)
I'm sorry as that was probably unclear, but it's my best attempt at an English translation.
Here's my current attempt and hopefully that will give you a better idea of what I'm trying to do:
The usage scenario is I want to be able to take a path like /foo/bar/baz/bin/bash and shorten it to the level I'm at in the filesystem, in this case the second level (/foo/bar). I'm trying to do this using the command path.scan(-regex-).shift.
The usage scenario is I want to be able to take a path like /foo/bar/baz/bin/bash and shorten it to the level I'm at in the filesystem, in this case the second level (/foo/bar)
Ruby already has a class for handling paths, Pathname. You can use Pathname#relative_path_from to do what you want.
require 'pathname'
path ="/foo/bar/baz/bin/bash")
# Normally you'd use Pathname.getwd
cwd ="/foo/bar")
# baz/bin/bash
puts path.relative_path_from(cwd)
Regexes just invite problems, like assuming the path separator is /, not honoring escapes, and not dealing with extra /. For example, "//foo/bar//b\\/az/bin/bash". // is particularly common in code which joins together directories using paths.join("/") or "#{dir}/#{file}.
For completeness, the general way you match a single piece of a path is this.
That's the beginning of the string, a /, then 1 or more characters which are not /. Using [^/]+ means you don't have to try and match an optional / or end of string, a very useful technique. Using %r{} means less leaning toothpicks.
But this is only applicable to a canonicalized path. It will fail on //foo//b\\/ar/. You can try to fix up the regex to deal with that, or do your own canonicalization, but just use Pathname.

Regex for matching everything before trailing slash, or first question mark?

I'm trying to come up with a regex that will elegantly match everything in an URL AFTER the domain name, and before the first ?, the last slash, or the end of the URL, if neither of the 2 exist.
This is what I came up with but it seems to be failing in some cases:
regex = /[http|https]:\/\/.+?\/(.+)[?|\/|]$/
In summary: should return
2013/07/31/a-new-health-care-approach-dont-hide-the-price should return
2013/07/31/a-new-health-care-approach-dont-hide-the-price should return
Please don't use Regex for this. Use the URI library:
require 'uri'
str_you_want = URI("").path
See everything about this famous question for a good discussion of why these kinds of things are a bad idea.
Also, this XKCD really says why:
In short, Regexes are an incredibly powerful tools, but when you're dealing with things that are made from hundred page convoluted standards when there is already a library for doing it faster, easier, and more correctly, why reinvent this wheel?
If lookaheads are allowed
Copy + Paste this in
See here with ruby regex tester:
Image using javascript regex, but it works out the same
(?=) is just a a lookahead
I basically set up three matches from 2XXX up to (in this order):
(?=\?\w+) # lookahead for a question mark followed by one or more word characters
(?=/\s+) # lookahead for a slash followed by one or more whitespace characters
.*\w # match up to the last word character
I'm pretty sure that some parentheses were not needed but I just copy pasted.
There are essentially two OR | expressions in the (A|B|C) expression. The order matters since it's like a (ifthen|elseif|else) type deal.
You can probably fix out the prefix, I just assumed that you wanted 2XXX where X is a digit to match.
Also, save the pitchforks everyone, regular expressions are not always the best but it's there for you when you need it.
Also, there is xkcd ( for everything:

ruby regex hangs

I wrote a ruby script to process a large amount of documents and use the following URI to extract URIs from a document's string representation:
#Taken from:
( # Capture 1: entire matched URL
[a-z][\w-]+: # URL protocol and colon
\/{1,3} # 1-3 slashes
| # or
[a-z0-9%] # Single letter or digit or '%'
| # or
www\d{0,3}[.] # "www.", "www1.", "www2." … "www999."
| # or
[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\/ # looks like domain name followed by a slash
(?: # One or more:
[^\s()<>]+ # Run of non-space, non-()<>
| # or
\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\) # balanced parens, up to 2 levels
(?: # End with:
\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\) # balanced parens, up to 2 levels
| # or
[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’] # not a space or one of these punct chars
It works pretty well for 99.9 percent of all documents but always hangs up my script when it encounters the following token in of the documents: token = "synsem:local:cat:(subcat:SubMot,adjuncts:Adjs,subj:Subj),"
I am using the standard ruby regexp oeprator: token =~ URI_REGEX and I don't get any exception or error message.
First I tried to solve the problem encapsulating the regex evaluation into a Timeout::timeoutblock, but this degrades performance to much.
Any other ideas on how to solve this problem?
Your problem is catastrophic backtracking. I just loaded your regex and your test string into RegexBuddy, and it gave up after 1.000.000 iterations of the regex engine (and from the looks of it, it would have gone on for many millions more had it not aborted).
The problem arises because some parts of your text can be matched by different parts of your regex (which is horribly complicated and painful to read); it seems that the "One or more:" part of your regex and the "End with:" part struggle over the match (when it's not working), trying out millions of permutations that all fail.
It's difficult to suggest a solution without knowing what the rules for matching a URI are (which I don't). All this balancing of parentheses suggests to me that regexes may not be the right tool for the job. Maybe you could break down the problem. First use a simple regex to find everything that looks remotely like a URI, then validate that in a second step (isn't there a URI parser for Ruby of some sort?).
Another thing you might be able to do is to prevent the regex engine from backtracking by using atomic groups. If you can change some (?:...) groups into (?>...) groups, that would allow the regex to fail faster by disallowing backtracking into those groups. However, that might change the match and make it fail on occasions where backtracking is necessary to achieve a match at all - so that's not always an option.
Why reinvent the wheel?
require 'uri'
uri_list = URI.extract("Text containing URIs.")
URI.extract("Text containing URIs.") is the best solution if you only need the URIs.
I finally used pat ='http')to get the built-in URI parsing regexp and use it in match = str.match(pat, start_pos) to iteratively parse the input text URI by URI. I am doing this because I also need the URI positions in the text and the returned match object gives me this information match.begin(0).

how to use regex negation string

can any body tell me how to use regex for negation of string?
I wanna find all line that start with public class and then any thing except first,second and finally any thing else.
for example in the result i expect to see public class base but not public class myfirst:base
can any body help me please??
Use a negative lookahead:
If Peter is correct and you're using Visual Studio's Find feature, this should work:
:b matches a space or tab
~(...) is how VS does a negative lookahead
:i matches a C/C++ identifier
The rest is standard regex syntax:
^ for beginning of line
$ for end of line
. for any character
* for zero or more
+ for one or more
| for alternation
Both the other two answers come close, but probably fail for different reasons.
Note how there is a (non-capturing) group around the negative lookahead, to ensure it applies to more than just the first position.
And that group is less restrictive - since . excludes newline, it's using that instead of \S, and the $ is not necessary - this will exclude the specified words and match others.
No slashes wrapping the expression since those aren't required in everything and may confuse people that have only encountered string-based regex use.
If this still fails, post the exact content that is wrongly matched or missed, and what language/ide you are using.
Turns out you're using Visual Studio, which has it's own special regex implementation, for some unfathomable reason. So, you'll be wanting to try this instead:
I have no way of testing that - if it doesn't work, try dropping the $, but otherwise you'll have to find a VS user. Or better still, the VS engineer(s) responsible for this stupid non-standard regex.
Here is something that should work for you
The second look a head could be changed to a $(end of line) or another anchor that works for your particular use case, like maybe a '{'
Edit: Try changing the last part to:

Very odd issue with Ruby and regex

I am getting completely different reults from string.scan and several regex testers...
I am just trying to grab the domain from the string, it is the last word.
The regex in question:
The string (1 single line, verified in Ruby's runtime btw)
str = 'Show more results from'
Work fine, but in ruby....
irb(main):050:0> str.scan /([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\.)*\w{1,4}$/
=> [["informer."]]
I would think that I would get a match on ,which is my goal.
Your regex is correct, the result has to do with the way String#scan behaves. From the official documentation:
"If the pattern contains groups, each individual result is itself an array containing one entry per group."
Basically, if you put parentheses around the whole regex, the first element of each array in your results will be what you expect.
It does not look as if you expect more than one result (especially as the regex is anchored). In that case there is no reason to use scan.
'Show more results from'[ /([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\.)*\w{1,4}$/ ]
#=> ""
If you do need to use scan (in which case you obviously need to remove the anchor), you can use (?:) to create non-capturing groups.
' lala'.scan( /(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\.)*\w{1,4}/ )
#=> ["", "lala", ""]
You are getting a match on Check the value of $&. The return of scan is an array of the captured groups. Add capturing parentheses around the suffix, and you'll get the .com as part of the return value from scan as well.
The regex testers and Ruby are not disagreeing about the fundamental issue (the regex itself). Rather, their interfaces are differing in what they are emphasizing. When you run scan in irb, the first thing you'll see is the return value from scan (an Array of the captured subpatterns), which is not the same thing as the matched text. Regex testers are most likely oriented toward displaying the matched text.
How about doing this :
This returns
On your test string.
