is there any free barcode reader sdk for Windows Phone 7? - windows

I am developing windows mobile application to scan a product barcode by using in built camera. Can you tell me something about barcode reader sdk which are supporting windows mobile 7?

In Windows Phone 7, with the upcoming Mango update, there will be direct access to the camera feed, without having to take a picture of the barcode. Prior to Mango, there is a library that can be downloaded from Codeplex, called ZXIng (Zebra Crossing).
Are you developing for Windows Phone, or Windows Mobile? There is no Windows Mobile 7 - with the complete rewrite, the name changed to Windows Phone.

There is always this library (zxing):
It does a pretty decent job, and is able to read a number of different barcodes/qrcodes/and so on.
I updated the link to the silverlight version.
You can see the documentation here:
It's fairly easy to implement, as he's given everything you need for WP7.


ibeacons Technology from Microsoft

I just come across about ibeacons technology which introduced by Apple but haven't got any API/framework from Microsoft.
Is there any API or framework available from Microsoft which gives support for Ibeacons implementation?
Unfortunately, this is not possible with Windows Phone 8, because it only supports Bluetooth 3.1 iBeacons require Bluetooth 4.0, also known as BluetoothLE.
In October 2013, Nokia announced that upcoming phones would have Bluetooth LE support. Unfortunately, these only allow OS-level pairing with Bluetooth LE devices. There is no public api.
This makes it impossible to develop a third-party iBeacon Library for the Windows Phone similar to the Android iBeacon Library.
Unfortunately, Windows Phone users will have to wait for a later release with either native iBeacon support or a public BluetoothLE API that allows a third party to develop a Windows iBeacon Library.
Update: this appears to remain impossible with Windows Phone 8.1. See my comment on the answer from #keni
Windows 10 will support Bluetooth LE Advertisements. Current status as of today (4/23/2015) is that the preview build of Windows 10 still has an incomplete SDK implementation and a few bugs. However, next week a new build will be introduced and it can be safely assumed that we'll get a good glimpse on how this will actually work.
Sending and receiving pure Advertisements works already. Have a look at the Sample that you can download from github here:
a public BluetoothLE API will come in Window Phone 8.1
Please read the following blog post for BLE for developers in Windows 8.1

How to develop SIP (VOIP) application

I developed sip application in Android. and now I am developing it in Windows Phone 8. I am new in Windows phone and don't know anything that Which library should be use here? Do Microsoft provide free library for SIP?
Please any suggest me Which way will be best for developing or any source code or library or demo application?
I think you can start from this example.
There is a full sample app there.
Take a look at boghe, it's the SIP video client for Windows Phone 8 and Surface Pro. You'll learn a lot from there.
It also cover VoIP apps for Windows Phone 8, which teaches you to integrate VoIP into WP8 experience

Windows 8 speech to text and text to speech API

I guess the question pretty much says it all?
And I would prefer not to access cloud services such as Microsoft Translator and Project Hawaii?
Is there any direct API I can access?
(For metro apps)
I was able to get the Microsoft Speech Platform working on my Windows 7 laptop (both Voice Recognition and Text-to-Speech). You just need to install SDK and the runtime. You can also download additional Voice and Language packs. I would think it should work on Windows 8 as well. Here is a good sample on how to set it up to recognize some basic phrases like "Find restaurants near Seattle".
There are some new APIs for Windows 8.1:
Text-To-Speech sample:
//build video on Channel9:
There are no Text to Speech or Speech to text libraries available in .Net for Windows 8 apps. System.Speech and such is not available. You will need to roll your own or find compatible 3rd party library.
I use Bing Translator service in my apps, but that has been removed from existance, they brought the text translator services into Azure, but did not bring speech over and they disabled the old website to get API keys for bing translator. Hadn't heard of Project Hawaii before will have to check it out.
Microsoft's speech API seems available in Windows 7. Was it taken out of Windows 8?
You can now Access Bing Services for Windows 8 , the service has been just released and is in Beta1 stage

Windows Phone - XNA & SIlverlight

I was wondering if it is actually true that Microsoft is discontinuing XNA and Silverlight. If this is the case? What shall I learn to make applications for Windows Phone? What shall I learn to make simple/easy 2D based games (not c++)?
What are the alternatives with Windows 8?
There is no official announcement from Microsoft that says they are discontinuing Silverlight/XNA.
Of course, a lot of us have our own reasons to believe that Silverlight is dying. I would not say the same about XNA. At least not yet :-) Don't forget XBox.
For the next version of Windows Phone (8), application programming model is going to be based on/same as Windows 8 (Win RT). And they have been promoting DirectX as a technology to develop games for Windows 8 (WinRT). XNA is officially not supported in Metro Mode.
To program games in DirectX, C++ is not the only option. Managed DirectX can be used with C#/VB. You can look into that.
And if you know Silverlight, your understanding on XAML would really help you a lot with new Metro Style apps (Phone and Windows). So, you don't have to worry about that part.
It's hard to say something about a rumor, but in this case the best thing that you can do is to stay in contact with Microsoft and its forums or social network.
For example
Windows Phone 8 will surely introduce a support for DirectX and C++, XNA is a subset, more or less, of DirectX, if Microsoft will introduce DirectX in its phones i see no point for keeping XNA; Silverlight is a technology that will never succeed at this point, even Flash is dead, you can imagine what is the situation about Silverlight that is a really really really small player in this market and it's not even portable.
For games it's better to use XNA, because eventually you'll start to create 3d games.
Silverlight is more adapted for common applications, like notepad, browser and other stuff.
And again, if you want to create games, learn more Xna.
As there is no official statement yet, it's hard to say what will happen with those platforms. If you want to create games, you might consider using MonoGame.
What is MonoGame?
MonoGame is an Open Source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4
Framework. Our goal is to allow XNA developers on Xbox 360, Windows &
Windows Phone to port their games to the iOS, Android, Mac OS X, Linux
and Windows 8 Metro. PlayStation Mobile development is currently in
I had a demo of a few games made in MonoGame on Windows 8 last week and I gotta say I was pretty impressed.

Windows phone based live video streaming Application

i am hoping to develop a live video streaming app for windows phone.
I want to know what protocols and libraries support are provided for windows phone?
I want to implement a sort of Video chat application..
An example for Android and Iphone:
As you have an IIS-7.5 tag I am going to assume you are talking about streaming from a server to multiple WP7 devices. In which case you may want to consider using IIS 7.X for the streaming portion. The following link shows how you can build the client app for Windows Phone 7:
The sample requires the IIS Smooth Streaming Client (1.1), Silverlight 4, and the Visual Studio Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools.
At the moment live streaming is possible but it ill not be allowed on AppHub for distribution. This is because you have to hack the dll's. This is because when you switch from your app to the camera it physically goes to the camera mode. To live stream you have to override this.
Her is the Code Project
