Hi so my coworker requested if I could make a script. I am sure what I want it to do and wrote some pseudo code in bash style now of course this not useable for him since he is on Windows. So I tried to implement in a .bat script now here is where my knowledge comes a bit short. What I need the script to do is to connect to a certain VPN-ip if that is not avaible the localsystem should foward it to another VPN so he doesn't need to worry about it. Either one of 2 should always be reachable. But they are never at the same time. This is for test tooling.
Pseudo bashcode
while true
From local if avaible connect to it
else connect to it
try to connect to again && verify that'
echo 'error device over VPN unavaible'
My Attempted batch script, I am pretty sure that what I have now is not gonna work
#setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
#echo off
set ipaddr=%1
set state=down
for /f "tokens=5,6,7" %%a in ('ping -n 1 !ipaddr!') do (
if "x%%b"=="xunreachable." goto :endloop
if "x%%a"=="xReceived" if "x%%c"=="x1," set state=up
echo.Link is !state!
ping -n 6 >nul: 2>nul:
goto :loop
is reacheable connect
) ELSE (
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=80 connectaddress= fowardaddress=
So far as I know, you can just try to find "ttl=" to determine success/fail for a ping without worrying about all those tokens and different versions of cmd. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
set ip=
rem 2 pings waiting 900ms for a reply
ping -n 2 -w 900 %ip%|find /i "ttl=">nul || goto :fail
rem If we get here then the ping succeeded
rem do what you want here
goto :eof
rem If we get here then the ping failed.
rem do what you want here
goto :eof
The || operator basically means "if the previous command fails then do this".
I want to create a batch file to first ping a share drive on start to see if it is ready to be mapped, then map when the ping is returned. As psuedo, something like this:
while true:
ping ipaddr -t
if (ping returned):
map drive
I believe the syntax would be something like:
ping ipaddr -t
if ping:
goto mountZ
goto checkping
net use Z:....
So how do I go about setting the ping in a usable variable to break the loop?
You could use the below. If there is a TTL (Time To Live) then it will go to A, otherwise it will continue.
ping -n 1 www.google.com | findstr TTL && goto a
goto checkping
REM Mapped Drive is connected
net use K: \\\C$
If errorlevel 1 goto loop
Is one simple way of doing it.
#echo off
ping > nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 echo Not Connected & goto checkping
IF ERRORLEVEL 0 echo Connected & net use Z:....
Using the standard windows CMD Prompt, I want to PING an IP "x" amount of times, and get results that are time stamped. The following does the job but it does not give PING STATISTICS at the end AND leave me ready for the next cmd.
ping -n 13|cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %a in () do (set /p "data=" && echo(!date! !time! !data!)&ping -n 2>nul"
I believe I am asking for 13 pings, but I only get 11, is there a resolve for that? AND Bonus Points if it will automatically print to a text file!
Photochop-EXAMPLE; http://www.plumbers.cc/images/tanki/cmd-example.jpg
I am working with a IP Camera network and need a script to run on each individual PC that will perform an auto-reboot when network loss happens. I would like to be able to have the PC ping the servers IP every 5 minutes and upon loss of connectivity the PC will reboot. Each PC has a Camera viewer but periodically looses network connection with the NVR. I found almost the same issue/solution here: http://www.cam-it.org/index.php?topic=2786.0
However the script provided didn't work for me. Below is the script I found and tried but didn't function the way I needed.
#Echo off
REM Put REM in front of Echo off to view the file output
REM ---------------------------------------------------------
REM Restarts PC after 3 unsuccessful attempts to PING the
REM POE switch
REM --------------------------------------------------------
Echo Restarting PC in 60 seconds. Run SHUTDOWN -a to abort.
SHUTDOWN -r -t 60 -f
PING -n 1 %POESWITCH%|findstr /I /C:"timed out" /C:"unreachable" /C:"general failure"
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 Goto Done
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Add the reboot command and it should work for you to test a URL/IP address every 300 seconds
#echo off
set ip=www.google.com
ping -n 2 %ip% |find "TTL=" >nul || echo reboot command here
ping -n 300 localhost >nul
goto :loop
I'm trying to use a batch file to confirm a network connection using ping. I want to do batch run and then print if the ping was successful or not. The problem is that it always displays 'failure' when run as a batch. Here is the code:
#echo off
ping racer | find "Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),"
if not errorlevel 1 set error=success
if errorlevel 1 set error=failure
echo Result: %error%
'racer' is the name of my computer. I'm having my computer ping itself so I can eliminate the variable of a poor connection. As I said before, the batch always results in failure. Oddly enough, the program works fine if I copy the code into the command prompt. Does anyone know why the program works fine in the command prompt but doesn't work as a batch?
A more reliable ping error checking method:
#echo off
set "host="
ping -n 1 "%host%" | findstr /r /c:"[0-9] *ms"
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
echo Success.
) else (
This works by checking whether a string such as 69 ms or 314ms is printed by ping.
(Translated versions of Windows may print 42 ms (with the space), hence we check for that.)
Other proposals, such as matching time= or TTL are not as reliable, because pinging IPv6 addresses doesn't show TTL (at least not on my Windows 7 machine) and translated versions of Windows may show a translated version of the string time=. Also, not only may time= be translated, but sometimes it may be time< rather than time=, as in the case of time<1ms.
If you were to
echo "Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),"
you would see the % is stripped. You need to escape it as % has a special meaning within a batch file:
"Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0%% loss),"
However its simpler to use TTL as the indication of success;
.. | find "TTL"
Testing for 0% loss may give a false positive, in this scenario:
Let's say you normally have a network drive on some_IP-address, and you want to find out whether or not it's on.
If that drive is off, and you ping some_IP-address, the IP address from which you ping, will respond:
Answer from your_own_IP-address: target host not reachable
... 0% loss
You might be better off using if exist or if not exist on that network location.
I 'm not exactly sure what the interaction between FIND and setting the error level is, but you can do this quite easily:
#echo off
for /f %%i in ('ping racer ^| find /c "(0%% loss)"') do SET MATCHES=%%i
echo %MATCHES%
This prints 0 if the ping failed, 1 if it succeeded. I made it look for just "0% loss" (not specifically 4 pings) so that the number of pings can be customized.
The percent sign has been doubled so that it's not mistaken for a variable that should be substituted.
The FOR trick serves simply to set the output of a command as the value of an environment variable.
Another variation without using any variable
ping racer -n 1 -w 100>nul || goto :pingerror
echo Host down
goto eof
exit /b
Yes ping fails to return the correct errorlevel. To check the network connection and the computer I used "net view computername" then checked %errorlevel% - simple and easy
First of all
>#echo off
>for /f %%i in ('ping racer ^| find /c "(0%% loss)"') do SET MATCHES=%%i
>echo %MATCHES%
Does not work. If it won't fail, it will detect 0%, because it has 0%.
If it fails, does not work either, because it will have 100% loss, which means, it found the 0% loss part behind the 10
10(0% loss)
Have it detect for 100% loss like so:
>for /f %%i in ('ping -n 1 -l 1 %pc% ^| find /c "(100%% loss)"') do SET check=%%i
Errorlevel might be a bit messed up, but it works like a charm:
>if '%check%'=='1' goto fail
>if '%check%'=='0' echo %pc% is online.&goto starting
1 means it failed
0 means it succeeded
In my script is use links.
Goto fail will go to :fail in my script which will message me that %pc% (which I'll have the user input in the beginning) is offline and will go for another run.
>color 0c
>title %pc% is offline
>echo %pc% is offline
>PING -n 6>nul
>goto choice
I hope this helps.
The most simple solution to this I can think of:
set error=failure
ping racer -n 1 -w 100>nul 2>&1 && set error=success
Of course, -w needs to be adjusted if on a slow link (100ms might be too short over Dialup ;-))
ping has an errorlevel output value. Success is 0, failure is 1.
Just do this:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=28ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=29ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=29ms TTL=57
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 28ms, Maximum = 30ms, Average = 29ms
C:\>echo %errorlevel%
C:\>ping foo.bar
Ping request could not find host foo.bar. Please check the name and try again.
C:\>echo %errorlevel%
As you can see there is no need for all this scripting overkill.
Based on Alex K's note, this works for me on Windows 7:
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
for /f %%i in (PCS.TXT) do (
ping -n 2 %%i |find "TTL=" > NUL && SET bHOSTUP=1
IF !bHOSTUP! equ 1 (
) else (
echo Host UP %1
echo Host DOWN %1
exit /B
ping && echo Success || echo failed
I liked the concept of the FIND in the ping results but why not just FIND the Reply from the Address being pinged?
In the example below I enter an IP address as a variable, PING that IP, then look for that variable in the reply string, using the FIND Command.
If the Reply String contains anything other than the correct IP it reports failure.
If you want you can just read the value of ERRORLEVEL from the FIND.
That will give you a reliable value to work with.
#echo off
Set /P IPAdd=Enter Address:
ping %IPAdd% | find "Reply from %IPAdd%:"
if not errorlevel 1 set error=success
if errorlevel 1 set error=failure
echo Result: %error%
I needed to reset a wifi connection because it has issues. This was my quick solution.
#echo off
Rem Microsoft Windows 10 ping test to gateway.
Rem Run batch file from an administrative command prompt.
Rem Send one ping to the gateway. Write the results to a file.
ping -n 1 > pingtest.txt
Rem Search for unreachable in the file.
c:\windows\system32\findstr.exe "unreachable" pingtest.txt
Rem errorlevel 0 reset the adapter if 1 then wait 10 minutes and test again
if %errorlevel%==1 goto waiting
Rem unreachable was found reset the adapter.
Rem write the date and time the reset was done.
echo Reset date: %date% time: %time% >> resettimes.txt
Rem issue netsh interface show interface to find your adapter's name to reset
Rem my adapter is "wi-fi"
netsh interface set interface "wi-fi" disable
timeout /t 5
netsh interface set interface "wi-fi" enable
echo "It is online waiting 10 minutes"
timeout /t 600
goto starting