Can I automatically lazily evaluate function parameters in Mathematica? - wolfram-mathematica

In Mathematica, I'd like to do something along the lines of:
f[Rational[a_, b_], Rational[c_, d_]] := {a+c, b+d}
But if I evaluate it with expressions of the following form I get the wrong result:
In: f[Rational[50, 100], Rational[4, 10]]
Out: {3, 7}
(* Expected: 54 / 110 -> 27 / 55 *)
Is there any way I can force Mathematica to stop simplifying the expression immediately? I can just do a hold on whatever I pass in, then have the function in question just call ReleaseHold[..] on whatever what was passed in.
This solution is very ugly though, and I don't want to have to do this. I know some functions in Mathematica automatically hold whatever is passed in and delay evaluating it for some reason or another, and I would like to do this here.
In short: How can I force Mathematica to lazily evaluate something being passed into a function without having to manually hold it?

In the standard evaluation procedure, each argument of a function is evaluated in turn. This is prevented by setting the attributes HoldFirst, HoldRest and HoldAll. These attributes make Mathematica "hold" particular arguments in an unevaluated form.
SetAttributes[yourFunction, HoldFirst]
The docs say any auto-Held arguments are automatically evaluated the first time you use them in the function body. However if for some reason you want to continue working with the argument in the Hold form (e.g. if you'd like to do pattern-matching and rewriting on the unevaluated form of the expression), then perhaps you can re-Hold it.

Using the HoldAll attribute ninjagecko mentioned I was able to craft a solution.
There was actually another issue going on that I wasn't able to see immediately. Specifically, my function wasn't pattern matching as I thought it would be.
I thought my initial issue was simply that Mathematica was automatically simplifying my expressions and I needed to lazily evaluate the parameters being passed in for the correct behavior.
In reality, I forgot that there are multiple ways of representing expressions in Mathematica. As a toy example consider the following function which extracts the numerator and denominator of a fraction:
ExtractNumDem[Fraction[a_, b_]] := {a, b}
(* Already incorrect, ExtractNumDem[4 / 100] gives {1, 25} *)
Just adding the HoldAll (Or HoldFirst even) attribute results in another issue:
SetAttributess[ExtractNumDem, HoldAll];
ExtractNumDem[4 / 100] (* Gives ExtractNumDem[4 / 100] *)
The expression 4 / 100 is actually evaluating to Times[4, Power[100, -1]]. To fix this second issue I had to add a definition for fractions that look like that:
ExtractNumDem[Times[a_, Power[b_, -1]] := {a, b}
ExtractNumDem[4/100] (* Now gives {4, 100} *)
My solution to fixing the issue in my original answer applied the same exact principle. Here's some code to actually see the issue I was running into:
ExtractNumDem[Rational[a_, b_]] := {a, b}
ExtractNumDem[4 / 100]
SetAttributes[ExtractNumDem, HoldAll];
ExtractNumDem[4 / 100]
ExtractNumDem[Times[a_, Power[b_, -1]]] := {a, b}


How do I find the maximum positive value in an array in Mathematica?

I have an array of expressions, each depends on a.
I want to find the minimal positive value, as it depends on a, without having to substitute for a.
For example, if the array is [a^2, 1-2a, 1], then the function, call it MinPositive would return:
(MinPositive[a^2, 1-2a, 1]) /. a-> 0
(MinPositive[a^2, 1-2a, 1]) /. a-> 0.7
and so on.
Any ideas?
I would appreciate help to write the MinPositive function so that it can be used, for example, instead of the regular Min function.
Did you have something like this in mind? Return the expression that retsults in the min value..
minp[lst_, a_, v_] := (
pos = Select[lst, ((# /. a -> v) > 0) &];
Last#Sort[pos , ( (#1 /. a -> v ) > (#2 /. a -> v )) &])
minp[{a^2, 1 - 2 a, 1}, a, .2] -> a^2
minp[{a^2, 1 - 2 a, 1}, a, .48] -> 1-2 a
minp[{a^2, 1 - 2 a, 1}, a, 2] -> 1
The expression
[a^2, 1-2a, 1]
is not a well-formed Mathematica expression, perhaps you mean
{a^2, 1-2a, 1}
which is a valid expression for a list of 3 elements. Mathematica doesn't really do arrays as such, though lists can generally be used to model arrays.
On the other hand the expression
MinPositive[a^2, 1-2a, 1]
is a valid call to a function called MinPositive with 3 arguments.
All that to one side, I think you might be looking for a function call such as
MinPositive[{a^2, 1-2a, 1}/.a->0]
in which the value of 0 will be substituted for a inside the call to MinPositive but will not be applied outside that call.
It's not clear from your question whether you want help to write the MinPositive function; if you do, edit your question and make it clear. Further, your question title asks for the maximum positive value, while the body of your question refers to minima. You might want to sort that out too.
I don't have Mathematica on this machine so I haven't checked this, but it should be close enough for you to finish off:
minPositive[lst_List] := Min[Select[lst,#>0&]]
which you would then call like this
minPositive[{a^2, 1-2a, 1}]
(NB: I avoid creating functions with a name with an initial capital letter.)
Or, considering your comment, perhaps you want something like
minPositive[lst_List, rl_Rule] := Min[Select[lst/.rl,#>0&]]
which you would call like this:
minPositive[{a^2, 1-2a, 1},a->2]
The trouble, for you, with an expression such as
(MinPositive[a^2, 1-2a, 1]) /. a-> 0
is that the normal evaluation loop in Mathematica will cause the evaluation of the MinPositive function before the replacement rule is applied. How then can Mathematica figure out the minimum positive value in the list when a is set to a particular value ?
To prevent evaluation of the arguments before calling the body of the function is achieved by setting the attributes of the function to HoldAll (prevents evaluations of all arguments), HoldFirst (prevents the evaluation of the first argument only) or HoldRest (prevents the evaluation of all but the first argument).
In addition, since "a" by itself is not an argument, you need to use Block to isolate it from (potential) definitions for "a"
SetAttributes[minPositive, HoldAll]
minPositive[lst_List] := Block[{a},Min[Select[lst /. a -> 0, # > 0 &]]]
and even if you explicitly set a to some other value, say
minPositive[{a^2, 1 - 2 a, 100}]
returns 9 as expected

Difference in argument evaluation in Mathematica: Plot vs. PlotLog

I can't seem to understand the difference between the behaviour of Plot and PlotLog (and other log-scale plotting functions) in Mathematica. Let's say I have this simple function:
f [a_] := Length[Range[0, a]]
now running Plot[f[x], {x, 1, 10}] yields a correct graph, but when I try
PlotLog[f[x], {x, 1, 10}]
I get no output save the following error:
Range::range: "Range specification in Range[1,x] does not have appropriate bounds."
Looks like the evaluation of x is postponed which makes it impossible to create a list from Range, but why on Earth would it happen to log-scale plotting functions only and how do I handle this issue?
PlotLog doesn't exists. If you use LogPlot it will work correctly.
In any case, you may have problems with that definition. I would recommend to define f like f2[a_Real] := Length[Range[0, a]] or f3[a_?NumericQ] := Length[Range[0, a]]so only numbers will be passed to Range.
For example, with your definition, this will fail:
NIntegrate[f[x], {x, 1, 10}]
During evaluation of In[43]:= Range::range: Range specification in Range[0,x] does not have appropriate bounds. >>
But defining a as NumericQ or Real, it will work.

backing file in memory explaination

In another thread The best way to construct a function with memory, it was described how to back in file a function:
$runningLogFile = "/some/directory/runningLog.txt";
flog[x_, y_] := flog[x, y] = f[x, y] /.
v_ :> (PutAppend[Unevaluated[flog[x, y] = v;], $runningLogFile]; v)
I feel like I understand most of the ingredients here without understanding exactly how this works. Any chance someone could walk me through exactly how this is evaluated?
Let's walk through the evaluation of flog[1, 2], step-by-step...
flog[1, 2]
When this expression is evaluated, Mathematica will substitute 1 for x and 2 for y in the definition of flog given in the question. This yields the next step in our tour:
flog[1, 2] =
f[1, 2] /. v_ :> (PutAppend[Unevaluated[flog[1, 2] = v;], $runningLogFile];
Note carefully that the assignment here, flog[1, 2] = ..., is part of the definition of flog itself.
/. is an infix operator that is an alternate representation of the ReplaceAll function. ReplaceAll will apply a replacement rule to the value of the first argument. Hold that thought -- we'll come back to it. The first argument is flog[1, 2] = f[1, 2]. This expression will evaluate f[1, 2] and then assign the result to flog[1, 2]. For the sake of discussion, let's assume that f[1, 2] returns 345. Thus, a new definition will be added to flog, namely flog[1, 2] = 345. After assignment, we can check the definition of flog:
Observe that where flog only had a single definition initially but now it has two -- the newly added flog[1, 2] definition caching the result of that call. This is frequently called "memoization".
flog[1, 2] = 345 may have the side-effect of establishing a new definition for flog but, like every expression in Mathematica, it yields a value as well. The value is 345 which, after much ado, will be the first argument to ReplaceAll.
The second argument to ReplaceAll is an invocation of the :> operator, an infix expression of the RuleDelayed function. In an effort to keep this post to a manageable size, we'll simply note that the rule evaluates to itself in this context.
So, now we have an expression that involves /. to evaluate...
345 /. v_ :> (PutAppend[Unevaluated[flog[1, 2] = v;], $runningLogFile]; v
A replacement expression matches its first argument (345) with the pattern component of the replacement rule (v_). v_ matches 345 (or anything else for that matter) and gives 345 the name v for purposes of replacement. ReplaceAll then substitutes 345 for every occurrence of v in the right hand side of the rule. The result is the next expression to be evaluated...
(PutAppend[Unevaluated[flog[1, 2] = 345;], $runningLogFile]; 345)
Here we have two expressions separated by a semicolon. Incidentally, ; is an infix operator that expands to CompoundExpression. The first expression involves PutAppend which writes the value of its first argument to the file named as the value of the second argument. Note, however, that the first argument is wrapped in Unevaluated. This suppresses the evaluation of the first argument so that it will be written exactly as-is to the file: flog[1, 2] = 345;. Should the current Mathematica session end, the written expression can be read into a future Mathematica session to re-establish the memoized result for flog[1, 2].
CompoundExpression discards the value of all arguments except the last. Here, the last argument is 345. Since we have come to the end of our expression, this will be the final return value of the original call. That is, flog[1, 2] returns 345 -- although as we saw there were side-effects that saved this result to memory and disk for future reference.
Future calls to flog[1, 2]
Now if flog[1, 2] is called again, Mathematica will find the new definition flog[1, 2] = 345. 345 will be returned directly, without any of the complications that we discussed above. In particular, it won't even call f[1, 2] again. This, of course, was the whole motivation for this example. The assumption was that f was very expensive to calculate, justifying all of these gymnastics to minimize the number of times that calculation occurs.

picking specific symbol definitions in mathematica (not transformation rules)

I have a following problem.
dvs = DownValues[f];
this gives
dvs =
HoldPattern[f[1]] :> 1,
HoldPattern[f[2]] :> 2,
HoldPattern[f[_]] :> 0
My problem is that I would like to extract only definitions for f[1] and f[2] etc but not the general definition f[_], and I do not know how to do this.
I tried,
Cases[dvs, HoldPattern[ f[_Integer] :> _ ]] (*)
but it gives me nothing, i.e. the empty list.
Interestingly, changing HoldPattern into temporary^footnote
dvs1 = {temporary[1] :> 1, temporary[2] :> 2, temporary[_] :> 0}
and issuing
Cases[dvs1, HoldPattern[temporary[_Integer] :> _]]
{temporary[1] :> 1, temporary[2] :> 2}
and it works. This means that (*) is almost a solution.
I do not not understand why does it work with temporary and not with HoldPattern? How can I make it work directly with HoldPattern?
Of course, the question is what gets evaluated and what not etc. The ethernal problem when coding in Mathematica. Something for real gurus...
With best regards
footnote = I typed it by hand as replacement "/. HoldPattern -> temporary" actually executes the f[_]:=0 rule and gives someting strange, this excecution I certainly would like to avoid.
The reason is that you have to escape the HoldPattern, perhaps with Verbatim:
In[11]:= Cases[dvs,
Verbatim[HoldPattern][HoldPattern[f[_Integer]]], _]]
Out[11]= {HoldPattern[f[1]] :> 1, HoldPattern[f[2]] :> 2}
There are just a few heads for which this is necessary, and HoldPattern is one of them, precisely because it is normally "invisible" to the pattern-matcher. For your temporary, or other heads, this wouldn't be necessary. Note by the way that the pattern f[_Integer] is wrapped in HoldPattern - this time HoldPattern is used for its direct purpose - to protect the pattern from evaluation. Note that RuleDelayed is also wrapped in Verbatim - this is in fact another common case for Verbatim - this is needed because Cases has a syntax involving a rule, and we do not want Cases to use this interpretation here. So, this is IMO an overall very good example to illustrate both HoldPattern and Verbatim.
Note also that it is possible to achieve the goal entirely with HoldPattern, like so:
In[14]:= Cases[dvs,HoldPattern[HoldPattern[HoldPattern][f[_Integer]]:>_]]
Out[14]= {HoldPattern[f[1]]:>1,HoldPattern[f[2]]:>2}
However, using HoldPattern for escaping purposes (in place of Verbatim) is IMO conceptually wrong.
To calrify a little the situation with Cases, here is a simple example where we use the syntax of Cases involving transformation rules. This extended syntax instructs Cases to not only find and collect matching pieces, but also transform them according to the rules, right after they were found, so the resulting list contains the transformed pieces.
In[29]:= ClearAll[a, b, c, d, e, f];
Cases[{a, b, c, d, e, f}, s_Symbol :> s^2]
Out[30]= {a^2, b^2, c^2, d^2, e^2, f^2}
But what if we need to find elements that are themselves rules? If we just try this:
In[33]:= Cases[{a:>b,c:>d,e:>f},s_Symbol:>_]
Out[33]= {}
It doesn't work since Cases interprets the rule in the second argument as an instruction to use extended syntax, find a symbol and replace it with _. Since it searches on level 1 by default, and symbols are on level 2 here, it finds nothing. Observe:
In[34]:= Cases[{a:>b,c:>d,e:>f},s_Symbol:>_,{2}]
Out[34]= {_,_,_,_,_,_}
In any case, this is not what we wanted. Therefore, we have to force Cases to consider the second argument as a plain pattern (simple, rather than extended, syntax). There are several ways to do that, but all of them "escape" RuleDelayed (or Rule) in some way:
In[37]:= Cases[{a:>b,c:>d,e:>f},(s_Symbol:>_):>s]
Out[37]= {a,c,e}
In[38]:= Cases[{a:>b,c:>d,e:>f},Verbatim[RuleDelayed][s_Symbol,_]:>s]
Out[38]= {a,c,e}
In[39]:= Cases[{a:>b,c:>d,e:>f},(Rule|RuleDelayed)[s_Symbol,_]:>s]
Out[39]= {a,c,e}
In all cases, we either avoid the extended syntax for Cases (last two examples), or manage to use it to our advantage (first case).
Leonid, of course, completely answered the question about why your temporary solution works but HoldPattern does not. However, as an answer to your original problem of extracting the f[1] and f[2] type terms, his code is a bit ugly. To solve just the problem of extracting these terms, I would just concentrate on the structure of the left-hand-side of the definition and use the fact that FreeQ searches at all levels. So, defining
f[1] = 1; f[2] = 2; f[_] := 0;
dvs = DownValues[f];
All of the following
Select[dvs, FreeQ[#, Verbatim[_]] &]
Select[dvs, FreeQ[#, Verbatim[f[_]]] &]
Select[dvs, ! FreeQ[#, HoldPattern[f[_Integer]]] &]
yield the result
{HoldPattern[f[1]] :> 1, HoldPattern[f[2]] :> 2}
Provided there are no f[...] (or, for the first version, Blank[]) terms on the right-hand-side of the downvalues of f, then one of the above will probably be suitable.
Based on Simon's excellent solution here, I suggest:
Cases[DownValues[f], _?(FreeQ[#[[1]], Pattern | Blank] &)]

How to construct a list of Set's

I have a large set of parameters P which take several distinct sets of values V_i and want to use ActionMenu[] to make assigning P=V_i easy, like so:
ActionMenu["Label", {"name_1" :> (P = V_1;),..}]
Now the problem is that the set of V_i's is large and not static, so instead of coding a long list {"opt_1" :> (P = V_1;),..} over and over by hand, I'd like to generate it.
I am completely stumped at how to do it. The general approach is something like
where listOfActions should be something like
But this does not work. And since Set[] is a very special function, none of my other usual approaches work (building a Table[], replacing headers, etc). How do you go about constructing a list of Set[] operations?
There may be more to your question that I haven't grokked yet but maybe this will get you on the right track.
MapThread[Hold[#1 = #2]&, {{a, b, c}, {1, 2, 3}}]
returns a list of unevaluated "Set"s like so:
{Hold[a = 1], Hold[b = 2], Hold[c = 3]}
If you call ReleaseHold on the above then the assignments will actually happen.
More on Hold and relatives here:
Mathematica: Unevaluated vs Defer vs Hold vs HoldForm vs HoldAllComplete vs etc etc
Here's an alternative solution that I've used when I've wanted to have RuleDelayed applications that have side-effects. You use a different head to substitute in for Set until you have your expression on the right-hand side of a RuleDelayed form (where it'll be held by RuleDelayed's HoldRest attribute) and then subsitute Set back in. When I do this, I like to use Module to create a unique symbol for me. This way you don't have to use Defer, which is an even more unpleasantly slippery construct than Unevaluated.
Here's an example:
Attributes[set] = Attributes[Set];
With[{rhs = MapThread[set, Unevaluated[{{x, y, z}, {1, 2, 3}}]]},
"name1" :> rhs /. {set -> Set, List -> CompoundExpression}]]
The reason the set symbol is given the same attributes as Set, and the reason the Unevaluated is there, is to make sure this works even if someone has already assigned a value to x, y or z.
Another possibility is to wrap all your Set expressions up as closures and then use Scan to call them when the RuleDelayed is evaluated, like so:
With[{thunks = MapThread[Function[{a, b}, (a = b) &, HoldAll],
Unevaluated[{{x, y, z}, {1, 2, 3}}]]},
"name1" :> Scan[#[] &, thunks]]
