Dynamic combo and mootools get method doesn't work in IE8 - internet-explorer-8

I have a problem with the Mootools get method and IE8. This is the thing.
I have a select combo that loads dynamically the options with a Request.HTML
<select name="model" id="model" class="customSelectModel">
var req = new Request.HTML({
method: 'get',
url: loadModels,
data: "model="+model,
update: $('model'),
Also, the select has a custom style, with this: http://vault.hanover.edu/~stilson/simpleselectstyle/
The problem is when I load the content of model, IE throw me an error:
Object doesn't support this property or method.
I don't know why, but
does not work with IE8 (as usually, it works perfectly with the other browsers) . I'm using Mootools 1.3.2
Any ideas? Thanks a lot.

you cannot update <select> elements content via innerHTML in a cross-browser fashion, which the update: $("model") will try to do.
I would suggest refactoring via an onComplete: function() {} where you:
delete all child elements of model
iterate through options elements sent via HTML and inject them into the model
call whatever method your custom styling provides (if it has any) to freshen object members for model and fireEvent("change") to highlight your new selected choice for scripting, if you need it.
for your second question.
this.options.get("value") returns selected value.
if its a multiple select, it can have more than 1 value.
mootools provides selectel.getSelected() which returns an array of options you can iterate to get text from. hence:
selectel.getSelected().get("text") will return ["sometext"] or ["sometext1", "sometext2"] on a multiple select.


KendoDropdown placed in fancybox popup = Bad practice?

There is a problem when I put Kendo Dropdown List info Fancybox - Popup.
For detail:
I have page A :this page contains Kendo Dropdown list (with id = #myDropdown).
I have page B : I put my Fancybox caller here- I mean I use Fancybox to load page A (by ajax)
Everything look well , but I got a problem here:
You know, when I initialize a Dropdown List, Kendo-UI will create an "anchor" Tag for UI-effect purpose.
DropdownList has id = #myDropdown
Kendo will create one more Tag with id = #myDropdown-list.
After closing the Fancybox-popup , The "#myDropdown" was removed from DOM, but "#myDropdown-list". It still on the DOM overtime, and it willing to be double after I call the popup again(ofcourse if dont refresh current page).
And The Kendo-DateTimePicker as the same too.
p/s: and so sorry about by english if it was too bad :D. I hope you get my question.
im going to put my "popup" in iframe.But I dont know if it is good when using iframe in this case...
Using IFrame or not is not the cause of the error. I tried with a container and without it to load the fancybox via ajax, but it didn't make a difference.
What I found is sort of a hack, however it solves the problem. Let's suppose we have a code which creates the popup and the popup's content is located in the href 'popupFrame':
'href': 'popupFrame',
'type': 'ajax',
beforeClose: removeKendoHelpers
The other part is the function which is called before closing the popup:
function removeKendoHelpers() {
Of course you can create the removeKendoHelpers as an inline function and if there are more parts to remove then put that code into the removeKendoHelpers function as well.
One interesting remark: in the fancybox API onCleanup and onClosed are listed as options but they do not work, instead use beforeClose or afterClose.
Actually a lot of problem is solved with calling the kendo widget's destroy() method. It solves the removing problems for the widgets except for one of the three helper divs of the DateTimePicker, so the close looks like the following:
function removeKendoHelpers() {
And to resolve the date time picker's actual problem which is I think a bug in the kendop framework (I will report this and hopefully get some feedback) the last function only needs to be extended with:
OTHER solution:
This one is more crude but works like a charm for me even if the page has multiple kendo controls and even if you open another fancybox from your fancybox.
Wrap the fancybox creation in a function, like:
function openFancyBox() {
$("body").append("<div class='fancybox-marker'></div>");
'href': 'popupFrame',
'type': 'ajax',
beforeClose: removeKendoHelpers
This will create a new div at the very end of the body tag, and the function at the closing of the fancybox uses this:
function removeKendoHelpers() {
I hope these solves all your problem!

How to display the query result without reloading the page?

I want to show my users data from my mysql database without reloading the page.
I am using Codeigniter. I have a dropdown menu like the following, - when the page loads I want it to show all data by default. But when any user selects any name it will query to database and show results immediately without having the page reloaded.
I already have a controller, model and view to display all data from database but I don't know how to get the dropdown menu work after a person has selected a value, to fetch data from database and show immediately without reloading the page.
I have some basic knowledge of PHP but I have no idea about AJAX. Would you please kindly give me an example or idea on how to do this?
I am not expecting you to write the code for me, I am just asking for an example or a guideline. :)
Thanks in Advance.
<select name="info">
<option value="">Select a person:</option>
<option value="11080101">John</option>
<option value="11080102">Bon Jovi</option>
It sounds like with what you are aiming to achieve this isn't really a codeigniter related question but more a HTML, JQUERY question.
Using jQuery To Manipulate and Filter Data over at Net-tuts shows a jquery solution to sorting and filtering data. Their solution is based on a table but the principals are there so a modification can get it to do what you want it to do.
well i can give you the flow of how can you try it
trigger a jquery event on selecting an dropdown menu item. if you don't have any idea how to do it try reading the documentation of jquery for using selectors .
once you have the selected element , extract its value and send an ajax call to your path
like this (for jquery ajax visit jqapi it has all the documentation for jquery ajax functions and its derivatives)
$.post('/user/data/' + id , function(response) {
$.post('/user/data/', 'id=' + id , function(response) {
and now you have your data in reponse so you can do whatever you wish to do with it

Update form values in Django without reloading page?

I'm currently working on a project in Django and currently I'm working on a form that includes several elements. Each element is dynamic and needs to have it's options updated when the element above it changes value. I know I can use AJAX to update the elements contents whenever another one is changed in value, but I was wondering if there was a more Django way, or anyway to do this server side? My main goal is to do it without reloading the entire page each time, any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
Update: My question is very similar to Django ajax form, choicefields dependancy But I don't fully understand what's going on in the answer. If someone could explain it in a little more detail, that would solve all of my problems for now. I'm trying what that answer says, but I'm getting 500 and 403 errors when I try to load it.
Follow Up: Apparently all of my issues were coming from an outdated jQuery library, once I updated it, everything worked again!
AFAIK there isn't a canonical Django way of doing Ajax… But it's fairy straight forward to do yourself:
First you've got to create a view which returns whatever JSON data will be needed to update the view. For example, the list of cities in a province:
from django.utils import simplejson as json
def list_cities(request):
cities = city_names_in_province(request.GET["province"])
return json.dumps(cities)
Second you've got to call that view from the HTML (assuming jQuery):
<select id="provinces">
<select id="cities" disabled="true">
$("#provinces").change(function() {
var province = $(this).val();
$.getJSON("{% url list_cities %}", { province: province }, function(cities) {
var cities_select = $("#cities");
… put the `cities` list into the `cities_select` …
And, apart from the “prettying up” and error checking (eg, what happens if the call to list_cities fails?), that's basically all there is to it.

ASP.NET MVC 3 Dynamic Controls and Unobtrusive Validation

Good afternoon everyone. I was wondering if there is anyway to have the MVC framework automatically wire up the data-val* attributes on the controls or do we need to manually create and apply the attributes to dynamic content?
I have a view that initially calls a partial view passing in the main viewmodel. This partial view is bound to a complex property on my main viewmodel. The partial view simply contains a set of cascading dropdown lists. On initial load of the page I have a call to #Html.Partial("PartialName", Model), the two dropdown lists’ validation works perfectly if I try to submit without selecting proper values. I also have another button on the page that if clicked loads another instance of the partial view on the page. If I now try to submit the form these controls, although they are bound to the same model and although I have set the correct .ValidationMessageFor helpers, no validation appears for them since the dropdownlists do not appear to be generated with the data-val* attributes. Is there any way that I can get them to appear correctly? I also noticed that the associated <span /> tag associated to the .ValidationMessageFor is not generated either. Has anyone run into this problem as well, if so how did you resolved?
Here is the javascript function that I call to load the partial on the button's onClick event:
function AddNewVehicle() {
type: 'GET',
url: '/ReservationWizard/AddVehicleToReservation',
data: $('#reservation-wizard-form').serialize(),
dataType: 'HTML',
async: true,
success: function (data) {
if (data != null) {
The problem is that if you are not inside a form context, the HTML helpers such as TextBoxFor do not output any client validation data-* attributes. The first time when the page loads you invoke your Html.RenderPartial inside an Html.BeginForm() but later when you use AJAX to append form elements there is no longer this form context and there won't be any data-* client validation attributes generated. One possible solution would be to put the form inside the partial and then update the entire form during the AJAX call and in the success callback re-parse the client validation rules using $.validator.unobtrusive.parse('#vehicle-selection-container').
But if you want to keep only a single element inside the partial you are pretty much on your own :-) Here's a blog post which covers your scenario that you might take a look at.
So what can I say: unobtrusive client validation is great on paper and Scott Gu's blog posts but at some stage of the development of real world applications people start to realize its limitations. That's one of the reasons why I directly use the jquery.validate plugin and no MS jquery.unobtrusive. And, yes I know that I repeat my server validation logic in the javascript and yes I don't care because I have total control. Oh, and on the server I use FluentValidation.NET instead of data annotations for pretty much the same reasons as the client side part :-)
So maybe some day in MVC 4 Microsoft will finally make validation right (imperative vs declarative) but until this day comes, we just need to be searching for workarounds.

jQuery children of cloned element not responding to events

I am using jQuery to clone a div ("boxCollection") containing groups ("groupBox") each of which contains a set of inputs. The inputs have change events tied to them at $(document).ready, but the inputs inside the cloned divs do not respond to the event triggers. I can not get this to work in IE7, IE8, or FF3.
Here is my sample code:
<div class="boxCollection"><div class="groupBox" id="group_1"><input type="text"></input></div></div>
jQuery events:
index = $(this).attr("id").substring(6);
if($("input[name='collection_"+index+"']").val() == "")
$("input[name='collection_"+index+"']").val("Untitled Collection "+index);
jQuery clone statement:
Use live() to automatically put event handlers on dynamically created elements:
$(".groupBox[id*='group']").live("change", function() {
You appear to be putting a change() event handler on a <div> however (based on your sample HTML). Also, I would recommend not using an attribute selector for this. You've given it a class so instead do:
$("div.groupBox ...")...
Lastly, you are trying to give each text input a unique name. You don't say what your serverside technology is but many (most?) will handle this better than that. In PHP for example you can do:
And $_POST will contain an element "box" with an array of three values.
I'm not sure if this will work, but I'm going to give it a shot and say that you need to assign live events
$(".groupBox[id*='group']").live('change', function() { });
You'll probably have a problem with change and live in IE6/7, so I advise you to use the livequery plugin to resolve that issue.
