Online service for Ruby code highlighting with html output - ruby

I write articles about ROR with a lot of Ruby code inside.
I need an online service such as to make my code insertions beatiful. This resource fine, but it is quite simple and not allow to show numbers of line. Of course output should be in HTML format.
Could you help me?

it called
Ryan Bates made a railscast to shouw howto highlight a ruby code anysc with Redis. background processing is really useful for such kind of tasks.


Generating Jekyll Pages from Liquid and Markdown instead of HTML

I'm using a slightly modified version of the example generator from Jekyll's plugins section of their docs ( and I'm curious if there is any way to parse a liquid/markdown file instead of a plain HTML files from the example?
Notice this line:
self.read_yaml(File.join(base, '_layouts'), 'category_index.html')
That category index.html file is the target file which will be used in generated files. My goal is to be able to pass an object to a my generator from my _config file which I can then use to build a bunch of pages from a .markdown file instead. Does anyone know if this is possible or have any recommendations for achieving this? I looked into the Kramdown lib that's used to parse markdown internally, and I'm not opposed to invoking it myself if I have to, just wasn't sure if I was going deeper than I needed to for something that should be so simple. The API for the Page object which my generator creates is here:
Thanks a ton,
- Keith
You can generate virtually any format you want, from virtually any data source you want, in a generator, because you're writing straight Ruby with full access to the Jekyll object model. For example, here's a generator I put together the other night that fetches GitHub commits during jekyll build.
The question I would be asking is this:
Do I need a plugin to accomplish this?
If so, do I need a formal generator plugin as discussed in the Jekyll docs?
Or should I subclass, monkey-patch, or otherwise change the behavior of the built-in generator?
Also, the differences between Markdown and HTML files in this context (where you control 100% of what gets generated) are mostly nominal. read_yaml IIRC will actually read the front matter from both, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Extracting source code from a document for testing

I wrote tutorials for some Ruby gems I wrote. It is in markdown (Kramdown) text document. To ensure the integrity of the source code in the tutorials as the development of the gems continue I want to extract the source code from the tutorial document and run test to ensure the code is correct and working. Before reinventing the wheel I searched but found nothing on this kind of problem. Is there any software that can help me solve my problem? Ruby software would be cool but I'm not particular about the language. I'm sure I can't be the first person to encounter this problem.
The other option is to only have place holders in the tutorial documents and have all the files externally en then populate the document prior to publishing. This would mean a lot more loose files but would be significantly easier to implement.
Org mode in emacs can do that, but it means you can't write in Markdown.
Are you after something like Ruby DocTest?

best HTML code sharing app

I've been searching google for a while to determine the most coder-friendly example boxes.
I'm wanting to share varying forms of ECMA script (JS for example) etc that provides the user with color coding and a simple way of copying the code. I know there are several out there, but I wanted to get some opinions from SOF since you guys probably have good experience with code.
so- What's the code-sharing tool you [would] use?
the solution
I ended up using Gist for complete snippets and am using Syntax Highlighter for *incomplete * code samples. There's a Drupal plugin for the Syntax Highlighter, but I dare say it's more of a pain to figure out the plugin than it is to just do things the old fashioned way (old fashioned being like 5 years ago..)
I use
Color coding — check
HTML, CSS, JS — check
Live demo — check
gist has syntax highlighting and users can download the files separately, as a zip archive or using git. You can embed the files easily on other sites.
Additionally, the site tracks changes and other users can add comments or fork a gist to change it themselves.

BlogEngine.Net Code Formatting Extension that works?

For months now I've been trying to find a code syntax formatting extension that works for BlogEngine.Net. I'm not fond of the behavior of the default formatting extension, and have tried a couple of others (manoli is among them), but they always seem to interact badly with the TinyMCE editor. Does anyone know of an extension that works, or a different approach that will allow me to make code samples pretty on my blog without hacking the crap out of the HTML myself?
I would try using Windows Live Writer along w/ the Paste From Visual Studio plugin. One you go WLW, you'll never go back to that damn TinyMCE interface.
WLW here:
Plugin here:
Thanks, Rafe. Thanks to this post that Hanselman put up the day after I asked the question, I downloaded WLW and am now using it. As far as getting prettily formatted code, I'm using cut-and-paste from a little tool developed and available on
Check out SyntaxHighlighter.. Works excellent. For easy integration into BlogEngine have a look at my blog post.

Code syntax formatter for posting code on webpages

Is there a utility that will generate html or css for blocks of code (.net c#) when you post it on a website?
I have seen several websites with very nicely formatted code and I dont believe they do this manually.
Google prettify -
I prefer Syntax Highlighter implementations (I'm using Wordpress plugin implementation for my blog).
It is based on JavaScript and does
not care about what you have on the
Posts with this formatting display
properly on different RSS feeds and
can be copied to clipboard.
It is trivial to extend syntax
rules. I'm using that to highlight
custom operators in Boo-based DSL (see sample post)
Multiple languages are supported
You can get JavaScript syntax-highlighting scripts, such as this one by Dean Edwards.
This is also a jQuery version apparently based on it which looks good.
CopySourceAsHtml is an add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 that allows you to copy source code, syntax highlighting, and line numbers as HTML.
It's highly configurable, and works much better than the download page would make you expect! Don't know if there is something similar for VS 2008
If you don't have the ability to add the google prettifier CSS reference, this would be a better way to go, as what you get is a complete HTML with the required style. I use it all the time on our developers wiki, and loving it.
An even better solution, if you don't want to bother installing anything, is to just use the little web app I wrote called BlogTrog CodeWindow:
It's easy to use. Just paste your code and embed the results.
