Take token from this bash string/array...not sure which it is - bash

Hi I am writing a bash script and I have a string
What I want to do is examine the '3'. The first thing I did was get rid of the periods by doing this. bar=echo $foo|tr '.' ' ' with backticks around echo until the last single quote (not sure how to accomplish writing that.
When I do an echo $bar it prints 1 0 3. Now how do I create a variable that holds only the 3? thank you very much

As you are no doubt learning about bash, there are many many ways to achieve your goals. I think #Mat's answer using bar=${foo##*.} is the best so far, although he doesn't explain how or why it works. I strongly recommend you check out the bash tutorial on tldp, it is my goto source when I have questions like this. For string manipulation, there is a section there that discusses many of the different ways to go about this sort of thing.
For example, if you know that foo is always going to be 5 characters long, you can simply take the fifth character from it:
That is, make bar the fifth position of foo (remember, we start counting from zero, not from one).
If you know it is always going to be the last position of foo, then you can just count backwards:
bar=${foo: -1}
Notice there is a space between the -1 and the colon, you need that (or parenthesis) to escape the negative sign.
To explain #Mat's answer, I had to look at the link I provided above. Apparently the double pound signs (hash mark, octothorpe, whatever you want to call them) in the expression:
Mean to delete longest match of $substring from front of $string. So you are looking for the longest match of *. which equates to everything before a dot. Pretty cool, huh?

This should work:
bar=$(echo $foo|cut -d. -f3)
If you know you only want the part after the last dot (not the third item in a .-separated list) you can also do this:
Advantage: no extra process or subshell started.

One way: Build an array and take position 2:
array=(`echo $foo | tr . ' '`)
echo ${array[2]}

This should also work too:
echo $foo | awk -F. '{print $3}'


How to create a script that takes a string and converts it to another managed string?

My intent is to capture the values of a string that I type and have those values be shifted to other letters. Essentially it would be a fake translation program or custom cipher generation script. Example of function:
I would type the sentence:
Who are you?
and the output would be shifted by lets say 1 to the next consonant or vowel, for example. The script would also need to know how to skip vowels or consonants as needed, and for the sake of argument y would always be considered a vowel. So the output would be:
Xju eso auy?
This is something I wanted to attempt for a creative writing project as a means of making another language. Ideally the shift variable could be an input as well to work with to find the best outcome. Possibly even variable shifts for vowels and consonants at the same time?
If you truly are doing this for a creative writing project, then I submit that diving deep into the programming is not warranted. None of the input transformations you described require decisions to be made by the program. That is; once an encoding is chosen, the incoming letters will be each be firmly associated with outgoing letters. This greatly expands your options for how to achieve this, and greatly simplifies the complexity of the task.
Since you tagged Terminal, here are a couple commands you could use in action:
echo "Who are you?" | perl -pe 'tr/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/A-Za-z/'
outputs: Jub ner lbh?
This is the famous Rot13 "encoding" (all it does is substitute the letter that is 13 later in the alphabet). It's particularly handy as 13 is half the alphabet's 26, so putting some "encoded" text in will give you back the original text:
echo "Jub ner lbh?" | perl -pe 'tr/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/A-Za-z/'
outputs: Who are you?
echo just sends text to the screen or other commands. Here we echo our text "How are you?" into a pipe | to pass it to the next command perl, which is a very powerful and flexible text-manipulation and reporting program. The rest of the line is just instructions for perl on how to spin 13 letters later in the alphabet.
Quick note; normally hitting return runs the command in terminal. You can put a backslash \ at the end of a line though and hit return, it will then let you keep typing on the next line but treat it all as one command. Handy for lining things up.
echo "How are you?" | tr \
'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' \
outputs: Ujk dqt pji?
There's another command, tr. This example demonstrates an arbitrary substitution—in this case, random. It looks through that first long set of letters, and swaps in instead the letter in the second long set that is in the matching position. Since this substitution example is random, you could use this kind of mapping to create "Cryptogram" puzzles.
The great thing about the tr command is that you can tell it to use whatever input-to-output "mapping" you'd like. Sure, it's a bit manual, but hey—no programming needed!
Here's the mapping to achieve your requested "consonants and vowels" example shift:
echo "Who are you?" | tr \
'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' \
Outputs: Xju esi auy? Not doing it by hand has its advantages—you missed a vowel in there.
So if you need to rapidly try different mappings, consider learning a bit more about perl (or simpler: sed. or more complex: awk. Or or or…). If, instead, you don't mind a bit of careful command-construction, just lining up each incoming letter with your desired output letter, I think tr would serve nicely.

AWK - I need to write a one line shell command that will count all lines that

I need to write this solution as an AWK command. I am stuck on the last question:
Write a one line shell command that will count all lines in a file called "file.txt" that begin with a decimal number in parenthesis, containing a mix of both upper and lower case letters, and end with a period.
This is the format of lines we want to print. Lines that do not match this format should be skipped:
(10) This is a sample line from file.txt that your script should
(117) And this is another line your script should count.
Lines like this, as well as other non-matching lines, should be skipped:
15 this line should not be printed
and this line should not be printed
Thanks in advance, I'm not really sure how to tackle this in one line.
This is not a homework solution service. But I think I can give a few pointers.
One idea would be to create a counter, and then print the result at the end:
awk '<COND> {c++} END {print c}'
I'm getting a bit confused by the terminology. First you claim that the lines should be counted, but in the examples, it says that those lines should be printed.
Now of course you could do something like this:
awk '<COND>' file.txt | wc -l
The first part will print out all lines that follow the condition, but the output will be parsed to wc -l which is a separate program that counts the number of lines.
Now as to what the condition <COND> should be, I leave to you. I strongly suggest that you google regular expressions and awk, it shouldn't be too hard.
I think the requirement is very clear
Write a one line shell command that will count all lines in a file called "file.txt" that begin with a decimal number in parenthesis, containing a mix of both upper and lower case letters, and end with a period.
1. begin with a decimal number in parenthesis
2. containing a mix of both upper and lower case letters
3. end with a period
check all three conditions. Note that in 2. it doesn't say "only" so you can have extra class of characters but it should have at least one uppercase and one lowercase character.
The example mixes concepts printing and counting, if part of the exercise it's very poorly worded or perhaps assumes that the counting will be done by wc by a piped output of a filtering script; regardless more attention should have been paid, especially for a student exercise.
Please comment if anything not clear and I'll add more details...

Using sed to modify line not containing string

I am trying to write a bash script that uses sed to modify lines in a config file not containing a specific string. To illustrate by example, I could have ...
/some/file/path1 ipAddress1/subnetMask(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
/some/file/path2 ipAddress1/subnetMask(rw,sync,no_root_squash,anonuid=-1)
/some/file/path3 ipAddress2/subnetMask(rw,sync,no_root_squash,anonuid=0)
/some/file/path4 ipAddress2/subnetMask(rw,sync,no_root_squash,anongid=-1)
/some/file/path5 ipAddress2/subnetMask(rw,sync,no_root_squash,anonuid=-1,anongid=-1)
And I want every line's parenthetical list to be changed such that it contains strings anonuid=-1 and anongid=-1 within its parentheses ...
/some/file/path1 ipAddress1/subnetMask(rw,sync,no_root_squash,anonuid=-1,anongid=-1)
/some/file/path2 ipAddress1/subnetMask(rw,sync,no_root_squash,anonuid=-1,anongid=-1)
/some/file/path3 ipAddress2/subnetMask(rw,sync,no_root_squash,anonuid=-1,anongid=-1)
/some/file/path4 ipAddress2/subnetMask(rw,sync,no_root_squash,anongid=-1,anonuid=-1)
/some/file/path5 ipAddress2/subnetMask(rw,sync,no_root_squash,anonuid=-1,anongid=-1)
As can be seen from the example, both anonuid and anongid may already exist within the parentheses, but it is possible that the original parenthetical list has one string but not the other (lines 2, 3, and 4), the list has neither (line 1), the list has both already set properly (line 5), or even one or both of them are set incorrectly (line 3). When either anonuid or anongid is set to a value other than -1, it must be changed to the proper value of -1 (line 3).
What would be the best way to edit my config file using sed such that anonuid=-1 and anongid=-1 is contained in each line's parenthetical list, separated by a comma delimiter of course?
I think this does what you want:
sed -e '/anonuid/{s/anonuid=[-0-9]*/anonuid=-1/;b gid;};s/)$/,anonuid=-1)/;:gid;/anongid/{s/anongid=[-0-9]*/anongid=-1/;b;};s/)$/,anongid=-1)/'
Basically, it has two nearly identical parts with the first dealing with anonuid and the second anongid, each with a bit of logic to decide if it needs to replace or add the appropriate values. (It doesn't bother to check if the value is already correct, that would just complicate things while not changing the results.)
You can use sed to specify the lines you are interested in:
$ sed '/anonuid=..*,anongid=..*)$/!p' $file
The above will print (p) all lines that don't match the regular expression between the two slashes. I negated the expression by using the !. This way, you're not matching lines with both anaonuid and anongid in them.
Now, you can work on the non-matching lines and editing those with the sed s command:
$ sed '/anonuid=..*,anongid=..*)$/!s/from/to/`
The manipulation might be fairly complex, and you might be passing multiple sed commands to get everything just right.
However, if the string no_root_squash appear in each line you want to change, why not take the simple way out:
$ sed 's/no_root_squash.*$/no_root_squash,anonuid=-1,anongid=-1)/' $file
This is looking for that no_root_squash string, and replacing everything from that string to the end of the line with the text you want. Are there lines you are touching that don't need to be edited? Yes, but you're not really changing those lines. You're basically substituting /no_root_squash,anonuid=-1,anongid=-1) with the same /no_root_squash,anonuid=-1,anongid=-1).
This may be faster even though it's replacing text that doesn't need replacing because there's less processing going on. Plus, it's easier to understand and support in the future.
Thanks David! Yeah I was considering going that route, but I didn't want to rely 100% on every line containing no_root_squash. My current config file only ends in that string, but I'm just not 100% sure that won't potentially be different in the field. Do you think there would be a way to change that so it just overwrites from the end of the last string not containing anonuid=-1 or anongid=-1 onward?
What can you guarantee will be in each line?
You might be able to do a capture group:
sed 's/\(sync,[^,)]*\).*/\1,anonuid=-1,anongid=-1)/' $file
The \(..\) is a capture group. It basically captures that portion of the matching regular expression, and then allows you to reuse it via the \1. I'm capturing from the word sync to a group of characters not including a comma or a closing parentheses. Then, I'm appending the capture group, a comma, and your anon uid and gid.
Will that work?
Maybe I am oversimplifying:
sed 's/anonuid=[-0-9]*[^)]//g;s/anongid=[-0-9]*[^)]//g;s/[)]/anonuid=-1,anongid=-1)/g' test.txt > test3.txt
This just drops any current instance of anonuid or anongid and adds the string
"anonuid=-1,anongid=-1" into the parentheses

Bash script frequency analysis of unique letters and repeating letter pairs how should i build this script?

Ok,first post..
So I have this assignment to decrypt cryptograms by hand,but I also wanted to automate the process a little if not all at least a few parts,so i browsed around and found some sed and awk one liners to do some things I wanted done,but not all i wanted/needed.
There are some websites that sort of do what I want, but I really want to just do it in bash for some reason,just because I want to understand it better and such :)
The script would take a filename as parameter and output another file such as solution$1 when done.
if [ -e "$PWD/$1" ]; then
echo "$1 exists"
echo "$1 doesnt exists"
Would start the script to see if the file in param exists..
Then I found this one liner
sed -e "s/./\0\n/g" $1 | while read c;do echo -n "$c" ; done
Which works fine but I would need to have the number of occurences per letter, I really don't see how to do that.
Here is what I'm trying to achieve more or less http://25yearsofprogramming.com/fun/ciphers.htm for the counting unique letter occurences and such.
I then need to put all letters in lowercase.
After this I see the script doing theses things..
-a subscript that scans a dictionary file for certain pattern and size of words
the bigger words the better.
For example: let's say the solution is the word "apparel" and the crypted word is "zxxzgvk"
is there a regex way to express the pattern that compares those two words and lists the word "apparel" in a dictionnary file because "appa" and "zxxz" are similar patterns and "zxxzgvk" is of similar length with "apparel"
Can this be part done and is it realistic to view the problem like this or is this just far fetched ?
Another subscript who takes the found letters from the previous output word and that swap
letters in the cryptogram.
The swapped letters will be in uppercase to differentiate them over time.
I'll have to figure out then how to proceed to maybe rescan the new found words to see if they're found in a dictionnary file partly or fully as well,then swap more letters or not.
Did anyone see this problem in the past and tried to solve it with the patterns in words
like i described it,or is this just too complex ?
Should I log any of the swaps ?
Maybe just scan through all the crypted words and swap as I go along then do another sweep
with having for constraint in the first sweep to not change uppercase letters(actually to use them as more precise patterns..!)
Anyone did some similar script/program in another langage? If so which one? Maybe I can relate somehow :)
Maybe we can use your insight as to how you thought out your code.
I will happily include the cryptograms I have decoded and the one I have yet to decode :)
Again, the focus of my assignment is not to do this script but just to resolve the cryptograms. But doing scripts or at least trying to see how I would do this script does help me understand a little more how to think in terms of code. Feel free to point me in the right directions!
The cryptogram itself is based on simple alphabetic substitution.
I have done a pastebin here with the code to be :) http://pastebin.com/UEQDsbPk
In pseudocode the way I see it is :
call program with an input filename in param and optionally a second filename(dictionary)
verify the input file exists and isnt empty
read the file's content and echo it on screen
transform to lowercase
scan through the text and count the amount of each letter to do a frequency analysis
ask the user what langage is the text supposed to be (english default)
use the response to specify which letter frequencies to use as a baseline
swap letters corresponding to the frequency analysis in uppercase..
print the changed document on screen
ask the user to swap letters in the crypted text
if user had given a dictionary file as the second argument
then scan the cipher for words and find the bigger words
find words with a similar pattern (some letters repeating letters) in the dictionary file
list on screen the results if any
offer to swap the letters corresponding in the cipher
print modified cipher on screen
ask again to swap letters or find more similar words
More or less it the way I see the script structured.
Do you see anything that I should add,did i miss something?
I hope this revised version is more clear for everyone!
Tl,dr to be frank. To the only question i've found - the answer is yes:) Please split it to smaller tasks and we'll be happy to assist you - if you won't find the answer to these smaller questions before.
If you can put it out in pseudocode, it would be easier. There's all kinds of text-manipulating stuff in unix. The means to employ depend on how big are your texts. I believe they are not so big, or you would have used some compiled language.
For example the easy but costly gawk way to count frequences:
awk -F "" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) freq[$i]++;}END{for(i in freq) printf("%c %d\n", i, freq[i]);}'
As for transliterating, there is tr utility. You can forge and then pass to it the actual strings in each case (that stands true for Caesar-like ciphers).
grep -o . inputfile | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
$ echo 'aAAbbbBBBB123AB' | grep -o . | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
5 B
3 b
3 A
1 a
1 3
1 2
1 1

TEXTMATE: delete comments from document

I know that you can use this to remove blank lines
sed /^$/d
and this to remove comments starting with #
sed /^#/d
but how to you do delete all the comments starting with // ?
You just need to "escape" the slashes with the backslash.
the ^ operator binds it to the front of the line, so your example will only affect comments starting in the first column. You could try adding spaces and tabs in there, too, and then use the alternation operator | to choose between two comment identifiers.
/^[ \t]*(\/\/|$)/
If you simply want to remove comments from the file, then you can do something like:
I don't know what the 'd' operator at the end does, but the above expression should match for you modulo having to escape the parentheses or the alternation operator (the '|' character)
Edit 2:
I just realized that using a Mac you may be "shelling" that command and using the system sed. In that case, you could try putting quotation marks around the search pattern so that the shell doesn't do anything crazy to all of your magic characters. :) In this case, 'd' means "delete the pattern space," so just stick a 'd' after the last example I gave and you should be set.
Edit 3:
Oh I just realized, you'll want to beware that if you don't catch things inside of quotes (i.e. you don't want to delete from # to end of line if it's in a string!). The regexp becomes quite a bit more complicated in that case, unfortunately, unless you just forgo checking lines with strings for comments. ...but then you'd need to use the substitution operation to sed rather than search-and-delete-match. ...and you'd need to put in more escapes, and it becomes madness. I suggest searching for an online sed helper (there are good regex testers out there, maybe there's one for sed?).
Sorry to sort of abandon the project at this point. This "problem" is one that sed can do but it becomes substantially more complex at every stage, as opposed to just whipping up a bit of Python to do it.
