Cocoadialog dropdown with array as list - bash

Why is the foo element not included?
items=( "invisible below" foo "invisible above" "bar" "foo" not invisible )
# invisible: ^
CocoaDialog standard-dropdown --text "Choose:" --items "${items[#]}" --string-output --float --debug

The problem is that CocoaDialog loads the list of values into an array in which the keys and values are the same. It essentially sees foo and "foo" as them same item, the second one will overwrite the first - much like an array in PHP.
So, if you change your array to this:
items=( "invisible below" foo1 "invisible above" "bar" "foo" not invisible )
You'll see that foo1 shows up:
The reason we know that it is CocoaDialog and not bash is that we can print out the array of items:
$ items=( "invisible below" foo "invisible above" "bar" "foo" not invisible )
$ printf "%s\n" "${items[#]}"
invisible below
invisible above
So, the array that you're passing is fine - CocoaDialog is just overwriting the first value with the second one.


How to iterate over values with space characters?

I have the following:
directories="directory_1 directory_2"
for k in ${directories}; do
echo "${k}"
The problem is that if I add a directory with a blank space in its name, e.g. directory 3, this fails as it is treated as two strings.
Use an array:
"bar a"
for k in "${A[#]}"; do
echo "$k"
bar a
You can read more about arrays in the manual page man bash (search for arrays with "/ Arrays" and use n to move to the next site. h lists more commands) or in the Beginners Guide.

Display Unique Shell Columns

Given we have two formatted strings that are unrelated to each other.
string_1 = "Title\nfoo bar\nbaz\nfoo bar baz boo"
string_2 = "Unrelated Title\ndog cat farm\nspace moon"
How can I use ruby or call shell commands to have each of these string display as columns in terminal? The key is that the data of each string are not building a correlated row, ie this is not a table, rather 2 lists side by side.
Title Unrelated Title
foo bar dog cat farm
baz space moon
foo bar baz boo
You can try using paste and column command together. Note that this is a shell command so spaces between the assignment operator should be corrected.
$ string_1="Title\nfoo bar\nbaz\nfoo bar baz boo"
$ string_2="Unrelated Title\ndog cat farm\nspace moon"
$ paste -d '|' <(echo -e "$string_1") <(echo -e "$string_2") | column -s'|' -t
Title Unrelated Title
foo bar dog cat farm
baz space moon
foo bar baz boo
We paste the lines with | as delimiter and tell column command to use | as a reference to form columns.
In Ruby, you could do it this way:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
string_1 = "Title\nfoo bar\nbaz\nfoo bar baz boo"
string_2 = "Unrelated Title\ndog cat farm\nspace moon"
a1 = string_1.split("\n")
a2 = string_2.split("\n") { |pair| puts "%-20s%s" % [pair.first, pair.last] }
# or
# { |left, right| puts "%-20s%s" % [left, right] }
This produces:
Title Unrelated Title
foo bar dog cat farm
baz space moon
foo bar baz boo
Hi , If you Use temp files
string_1 = "Title\nfoo bar\nbaz\nfoo bar baz boo"
string_2 = "Unrelated Title\ndog cat farm\nspace moon"
echo -e $string_1 >a.txt
echo -e $string_2 >b.txt
paste a.txt b.txt
I hope it will help.

Can bash autocompletion span an equal sign

I'm wondering if it's possible to make autocompletion span an = sign. So, for example, I want to type foo BAR=[TAB][TAB], and have it fill in the possible values for BAR. I've tried the following: I have a file called 'bar', as follows:
echo -e "BAR=100\nBAR=110\nBAR=200" | grep "^$2"
And then I do:
~> complete -C bar foo
If I type foo [TAB][TAB], it gives me some possible values for BAR. If, I type foo BAR=[TAB][TAB], it fails (it appends BAR=BAR= to the end of the command). (note, if I type bar 1 BAR=, it gives me a proper list of completions, so this is not an issue with the bar script).
This would be very useful for some scripts I have.
Create a function (in your .bashrc e.g.):
if [ "${COMP_WORDS[1]}" = "BAR" ] && [ $COMP_CWORD -eq 3 ]; then
COMPREPLY=($(echo -e "100\n110\n200" | grep ^$POS ))
and link function to command foo:
complete -F bar foo

Ruby regex- matching text if it doesn't start with a character

I was wondering how you are able to match a pattern only if it doesn't start with a specific character. I would like to match "foo" but I would not like to match "afoo." What kind of regex operator do I need for that? I can't seem to find the right one. Maybe an anchor?
For example I'd like to change
foo foo afoo foo
bar bar afoo bar
Although the answer below is correct for my example, what about if it was /foo instead of afoo? That doesn't seem to behave the same?
Sounds like you're looking for a negative look behind. If you say (?<!expr1)expr2 then it will match whatever expr2 matches as long as it isn't immediately preceded by something expr1 matches. For example:
>> 'foo foo afoo foo'.gsub(/(?<!a)foo/, 'bar')
=> "bar bar afoo bar"
str = "foo foo afoo foo"
str.gsub(/\bfoo/, "bar") #=> "bar bar afoo bar"

Bash: How do I create a variable containing a list of arguments with multi-word tokens?

I want to create a variable which is essentially a list of arguments to pass to a command or function. The pattern below with arg_string works well for foo, bar, and baz, but not for "multi word token", which I would like the command to see as a single argument.
function func() {
for arg in "$#"
echo ${arg}
arg_string="foo bar baz \"multi word token\""
arg_string="foo bar baz multi\ word\ token"
arg_string="foo bar baz 'multi word token'"
func ${arg_string}
Here is the output:
When I want:
multi word token
Just stick an eval before the function call:
eval func ${arg_string}
