Magento customers associated to website "Admin" - magento

What is the purpose of having a customer Associated to Website "admin" in magento instead of the normal default website, etc? I cant seem to find the logic of why that exists.

I think it is only based on where the customer was created. The weird thing is I know if you do something like a forgot password attempt on one website but your account was associated to another it will redirect you to the other one. I assume if the store id is 0 it will just redirect you the the current one.


Multiple sites link to one back end, how to track which site traffic came from in laravel?

I have this web service that I'm trying to offer to multiple businesses of the same genre. They are all individual businesses not affiliated with each other but they can all use one database for submitting info. I basically want to put a link on each separate website that these businesses already have that will point a user to a generic login form that will dump their info into my database and track which company they came from. So if a user goes to Company A and clicks "sign up", i want it to take them to the sign up form but on the back end I'll know to put Company A's credentials with the user affiliation. Likewise if they went to Company B, i'd associate them with Company B. I don't know how to go about doing this in Laravel. Can i generate a custom URL for each company? if so, how do i do that so that i can track the company info? Side note: every company who uses this would also have a company profile with all their info already in my system. Could i create a database column for "company URL" and throw an if statement saying "if url==company A, do 'this'"? I just need a good direction to start in. thanks in advance.
You can add a header to the request going to Laravel says which company the request came from
Company model has many users and User model belongs to company change your routes of Login and Register Controllers to add company on your requests

Share customer account in multi shop with session id in Magento

We have a multishop setup and are trying to share the shopping cart in Magento. We are using the tutorial at and are by part 2. In this part there is explained how to share customer account by session id as following:
If you have different domains, in this case you can add session ID to the URL for another store. Use this construction "Mage::getModel('core/url')->addSessionParam()->getUrl('...')" to get the URL with session parameter.
We are trying to make this work, but do not find out where we have to place / replace the "Mage::getModel('core/url')->addSessionParam()->getUrl('...')".
Can someone help us how to insert this part?

Magento Password Reset Link

We run a multi-store/view magento site. Let's say our site is called (running the "retail" store) and another url running the "trade" store
When a customer requests a password reset from, they get a password reset link like this:
Clicking this link re-directs to login page with the error Your password reset link has expired..
However, if you replace the "trade" from the domain with "www" like this:
The password reset appears to be working correctly.
Any idea why this is happening? Have I configured the magento incorrectly? Is this a known bug?
Customers are shared either per website, either across all websites, so at least, a customer account is usable on all of the store views that a website contains. Consequently, it is normal that the password reset link works for your store views.
In fact, if you would like to separate the customer accounts between your store views, you would have to create separate websites that would not share customers.
Is that subdomain password protected? That could be a problem or if subdomain is set up with a password protected extension, they won't be able to access without already being logged in. So you'll have to allow them access to that url first otherwise it'll keep redirecting. I had the same problem.
Check the cookie domain for the website In Magento 1 it's in System->Configuration->Web->Session Cookie Management. (Making sure that you change the scope in the top left to the Website you want to update it for.
I have a store that has multiple websites, each with their own view and does not share accounts across websites, and had the same problem. Changing the cookie path fixed it for me.

What is the Preferred Method to having multiple websites share checkout sessions

I have implemented many multi site implementations in the past, so I get how to set up the environment. What I haven't done, is set up multiple websites that can share the same cart session.
So if you are on and add something to your cart or are logged on, when you go to you are logged in and have the same items in your cart.
From what I read around the forums, well there isn't much about the best way to share session. But I do know that using the configuration to enable SID on the frontend will pass the session id if you transfer between sites. I figured this is all you need to have, but I see where people are saying that only stores can share checkout sessions and that stores can have their own domain.
I am thinking the best way to do this is to setup multiple websites not one website multiple stores and then just make sure when linking to the other site, I use proper magento url methods to build out the link and it will pass over the SID and the users session will be transferred over.
Is this the preferred way to do this? Is there anything I need to know in terms of configuration? Is there any negatives doing it this? Is there a better way?,
Well if you want to have such possibility only for logged customers then i propose to you to use sales_flat_quote table which is represented by Mage::getModel('sales/quote').
With this model you can manage cart and focus only in passing customer identifier which would bring us to security subject... How would you pass customer identifier in secure way as SID isn't very secure.
Plus SEO doesn't like SID in URL from what i've heard.

Add role to the customer and give certain permissions in Magento

I am working on the website where by using magento I need to create an account when the user is registered, then I need to give that user permission to add products to my predefined categories. I don't know how this could be done. And I really need help with this.
I think you're looking for a dropshipping extension.
This one is said to be one of the best:
There are few of these types of extensions, so a quick google search will show you all of them.
are you referring to a customer on the front-end or an admin user on the back-end?
For an admin user you can limit a admin users permissions by assigning them to a role that can only interact with the catalog module.
