I want to write a SQL that resets all colums in a table back to default, except a couple of colums like the primary key.
I just want to name the colums NOT to update, and reset everything else. There are quite many colums in the table, and I dont whant to write:
update my_table set column1 = DEFAULT, column2 = DEFAULT, ... where ...
for all colums, since there are quite many.
Any ideas? I am using Oracle
I don't think there is a procedure to do what you want, but if your only problem is the heavy burden of writing the SQL, you can automate that with ALL_TAB_COLUMNS view. You can improve the idea for your needs:
'update ' || TABLE_NAME ||
'set ' ||
table_name = <YOUR_TABLE>
Oracle - Alter all table column names with trim of white space in between names
For suppose column names before alter :
Home number
Mobile number
Local number
After alter column names shall be :
I've tried this way: but unable to crack:
Fully automatic way
Use this cursor based DDL hacking - statement concat.
FOR alters IN
'ALTER TABLE "'||table_name||'" RENAME COLUMN "'||column_name||
'" TO "'||replace(cols.column_name,' ','')||'"' sql_stmt
FROM all_tab_cols cols
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(column_name,'[[:space:]]')
AND owner = user --Add real schema name here
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( alters.sql_stmt ||';') ;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE alters.sql_stmt;
If you want to use the safe way
As I know you cannot perform a DDL as a dynamic SQL, so you cannot pass variables to the ALTER TABLE command, but here is what you can do instead of that.
Selecting the occurences:
SELECT table_name,column_name,replace(cols.column_name,' ','') as replace_name
FROM all_tab_cols
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(column_name,'[[:space:]]');
Use the ALTER TABLE DDL command:
alter table T_TABLE rename column "COLUMN SPACE" TO "COLUMNNOSPACE";
Try the REPLACE function
Simple question:
How to print a field's type?
Results printing the whole table description.
How to print a specific field details with a command, i.e, without a SELECT?
There is no built-in way to do this, at least in any of the clients I've used. As mentioned in comments, describe is a client wrapper around a data dictionary query, and each client can implement it differently - SQL*Plus and SQL Developer seem to be slightly different, and no client is actually required to support this command at all.
Just for fun, if you really wanted to you could create a procedure to figure out and format the data type the same as desc, something like:
create or replace procedure col_data_type (p_table_name varchar2,
p_column_name varchar2)
l_data_type varchar2(30);
select data_type
|| case when data_type = 'VARCHAR2' then '(' || data_length || ')' end
|| case when data_type = 'NUMBER' and data_precision is not null then
'(' || data_precision
|| case when data_scale is not null and data_scale > 0 then
',' || data_scale end
|| ')' end
into l_data_type
from user_tab_columns
where table_name = p_table_name
and column_name = p_column_name;
end col_data_type;
Perhaps with more special formatting for other data types, but those are the obvious ones. You can then call that with execute. With a dummy table:
create table t42(i integer, n1 number, n2 number(10), n3 number(10,5),
v varchar2(10), c clob)
set serveroutput on
exec col_data_type('T42','I');
exec col_data_type('T42','N1');
exec col_data_type('T42','N2');
exec col_data_type('T42','N3');
exec col_data_type('T42','V');
exec col_data_type('T42','C');
Not entirely sure how useful that might be, or why you want to be able to do this at all. Also notice that it requires the client to be retrieving and displaying dbms_output buffer. You could make it a function instead, which puts you back to using a select, albeit a shorter one...
I don't believe it is possible to accomplish this without using a SELECT statement.
DESC OWNER.TABLE_NAME; is basically just running a query like this anyways (although not exactly the same, that depends on your client):
WHERE OWNER = &theOwner
AND TABLE_NAME = &theTable;
If you want to only return a single column, you can do this:
WHERE OWNER = &theOwner
AND TABLE_NAME = &theTable
AND COLUMN_NAME = &theColumn;
As #AlexPoole suggests, you could work around this by writing your own custom PROCEDURE or FUNCTION to return exactly what you need, but I believe the answer to the question "is there a built in command other than SELECT that does exactly what you need" is no, there is not.
I don't think you can do this without using a SELECT. You may be able to come up with some way to route the output of DESC to a file and then parse the file out to get what you want, but honestly - SELECT is going to be much easier.
Relational databases store the description of what they store in the database, where said description can be obtained in the same manner as any other information in the database, i.e. by using a SELECT to read it. The actual tables which store this are somewhat difficult to interpret, but happily Oracle has taken pity on us poor users and provided views which present this info in an easy-to-read manner. To get the type of a field you want to do a select one of the *_TAB_COLS views, where * is either USER, ALL, or DBA. The particular columns of interest are likely going to be COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, and DATA_LENGTH.
Share and enjoy.
I want to disable NOT NULL constraints into a table to insert data for test but I can't find a way to disable unnamed constraints.
I found enough info to disable named constraints, but I couldn't find a example to disable unnamed NOT NULL constraint.
I would like to implement this without querying the data dictionary, but... I'm willing to do that if its the only way. But I would like to use a clean ALTER TABLE DDL.
You will need to query the data dictionary, something like this will disable all constraints on the table. Be aware though, that this will disable the constraint system wide, not just for your session.. Perhaps what you really want is to defer the constraint?
drop table testxx
drop table testxx succeeded.
create table testxx ( id number not null )
create table succeeded.
select status from user_constraints where table_name = 'TESTXX'
1 rows selected
for cnames in ( select table_name,constraint_name from user_constraints where table_name = 'TESTXX' ) loop
execute immediate 'alter table ' || cnames.table_name || ' disable constraint ' || cnames.constraint_name;
end loop;
anonymous block completed
select status from user_constraints where table_name = 'TESTXX'
1 rows selected
You can also just alter the column as follows
create table test_null (col_n number not null);
alter table test_null modify col_n number null;
I would like to do an INSERT / SELECT, this means INSERT in the TARGET_TABLE the records of the SOURCE_TABLE, with this assumption:
The SOURCE and the TARGET table have only a SUBSET of common columns, this means in example:
==> The SOURCE TABLE has ALPHA, BETA and GAMMA columns;
==> The TARGET TABLE has BETA, GAMMA and DELTA columns.
What is the most efficient way to produce INSERT / SELECT statements, respecting the assumption that not all the target columns are present in the source table?
The idea is that the PL/SQL script CHECKS the columns in the source table and in the target table, makes the INTERSECTION, and then produces a dynamic SQL with the correct list of columns.
Please assume that the columns present in the target table, but not present in the source table, have to be left NULL.
I wish to extract the data from SOURCE into a set of INSERT statements for later insertion into the TARGET table.
You can assume that the TARGET table has more columns than the SOURCE table, and that all the columns in the SOURCE table are present in the TARGET table in the same order.
Thank you in advance for your useful suggestions!
In Oracle, You can get common columns with this SQL query:
select column_name
from user_tab_columns
where table_name = 'TABLE_1'
select column_name
from user_tab_columns
where table_name = 'TABLE_2'
Then you iterate a cursor with the mentioned query to generate a comma separated list of all values returned. Put that comma separated string into a varchar2 variable named common_fields. Then, you can:
sql_sentence := 'insert into TABLE_1 (' ||
common_fields ||
') select ' ||
common_fields ||
' from TABLE_2';
execute immediate sql_sentence;
Is it possible via script/tool to generate authomatically many delete statements based on the tables fk relations, using Oracle PL/SQL?
In example: I have the table: CHICKEN (CHICKEN_CODE NUMBER) and there are 30 tables with fk references to its CHICKEN_CODE that I need to delete; there are also other 150 tables foreign-key-linked to that 30 tables that I need to delete first.
Is there some tool/script PL/SQL that I can run in order to generate all the necessary delete statements based on the FK relations for me?
(by the way, I know about cascade delete on the relations, but please pay attention: I CAN'T USE IT IN MY PRODUCTION DATABASE, because it's dangerous!)
I'm using Oracle DataBase 10G R2.
Please pay attention to this:
Generate Delete Statement From Foreign Key Relationships in SQL 2008?
Another user has just written it in SQL SERVER 2008, anyone is able to convert to Oracle 10G PL/SQL?
I am not able to... :-(
Please assume that V_CHICKEN and V_NATION are the criteria to select the CHICKEN to delete from the root table: the condition is: "where COD_CHICKEN = V_CHICKEN AND COD_NATION = V_NATION" on the root table.
(My first answer became too long and difficult to edit, and it got Community Wikified, which is really annoying. Here is the latest version of the script.)
This script attempts to perform a cascading delete through recursion. It should avoid infinite loops when there are circular references. But it requires that all circular referential constraints have ON DELETE SET NULL or ON DELETE CASCADE.
table_owner VARCHAR2,
parent_table VARCHAR2,
where_clause VARCHAR2
) IS
/* Example call: execute delete_cascade('MY_SCHEMA', 'MY_MASTER', 'where ID=1'); */
child_cons VARCHAR2(30);
parent_cons VARCHAR2(30);
child_table VARCHAR2(30);
child_cols VARCHAR(500);
parent_cols VARCHAR(500);
delete_command VARCHAR(10000);
new_where_clause VARCHAR2(10000);
/* gets the foreign key constraints on other tables which depend on columns in parent_table */
CURSOR cons_cursor IS
SELECT owner, constraint_name, r_constraint_name, table_name, delete_rule
FROM all_constraints
WHERE constraint_type = 'R'
AND delete_rule = 'NO ACTION'
AND r_constraint_name IN (SELECT constraint_name
FROM all_constraints
WHERE constraint_type IN ('P', 'U')
AND table_name = parent_table
AND owner = table_owner)
AND NOT table_name = parent_table; -- ignore self-referencing constraints
/* for the current constraint, gets the child columns and corresponding parent columns */
CURSOR columns_cursor IS
SELECT cc1.column_name AS child_col, cc2.column_name AS parent_col
FROM all_cons_columns cc1, all_cons_columns cc2
WHERE cc1.constraint_name = child_cons
AND cc1.table_name = child_table
AND cc2.constraint_name = parent_cons
AND cc1.position = cc2.position
ORDER BY cc1.position;
/* loops through all the constraints which refer back to parent_table */
FOR cons IN cons_cursor LOOP
child_cons := cons.constraint_name;
parent_cons := cons.r_constraint_name;
child_table := cons.table_name;
child_cols := '';
parent_cols := '';
/* loops through the child/parent column pairs, building the column lists of the DELETE statement */
FOR cols IN columns_cursor LOOP
IF child_cols IS NULL THEN
child_cols := cols.child_col;
child_cols := child_cols || ', ' || cols.child_col;
IF parent_cols IS NULL THEN
parent_cols := cols.parent_col;
parent_cols := parent_cols || ', ' || cols.parent_col;
/* construct the WHERE clause of the delete statement, including a subquery to get the related parent rows */
new_where_clause :=
'where (' || child_cols || ') in (select ' || parent_cols || ' from ' || table_owner || '.' || parent_table ||
' ' || where_clause || ')';
delete_cascade(cons.owner, child_table, new_where_clause);
/* construct the delete statement for the current table */
delete_command := 'delete from ' || table_owner || '.' || parent_table || ' ' || where_clause;
-- this just prints the delete command
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(delete_command || ';');
-- uncomment if you want to actually execute it:
--EXECUTE IMMEDIATE delete_command;
-- remember to issue a COMMIT (not included here, for safety)
The problem is if the top level key column isn't propagated all the way down to the bottom.
If you can do DELETE FROM grandchild WHERE parent_id = :1, it is fine.
If you have to do,
DELETE FROM grandchild
WHERE child_id in (SELECT id FROM child WHERE parent_id = :1)
then going down six or seven deep will give you ugly (and probably slow) queries.
While you said you can't make the constraints CASCADE, can you make them deferrable initally immediate ? That way existing code should not be impacted. Your 'delete' session would make all constraints deferred. Then delete from the parent, delete from the child where the record wasn't in the parent, delete from the grandchild where there's no match in the child etc...
This is a great exercise in developing your PL/SQL skills and general Oracle knowledge!
You need to identify all constrained columns in all tables with relations descending from your master table. You can get all the information you need from two views: ALL_CONSTRAINTS and ALL_CONS_COLUMNS. (If all the tables are in the same schema as the user executing the script, you can use USER_CONSTRAINTS and USER_CONS_COLUMNS if you prefer)
This query will find all the foreign key constraints which refer back to a given table (CUSTOMER in this example):
SELECT constraint_name, table_name, constraint_type
FROM all_constraints
WHERE constraint_type = 'R'
AND r_constraint_name IN (SELECT constraint_name
FROM all_constraints
WHERE constraint_type IN ('P', 'U')
AND table_name = 'CUSTOMER');
------------------------------ -
Now, for each of the results from that query, you can use the CONSTRAINT_NAME column to get a table and column name which you can use to write DELETE statements to delete all child rows in all child tables.
This example gets the table and column name for a constraint called CUSTOMER_FK1
SELECT table_name, column_name
FROM user_cons_columns
WHERE constraint_name = 'CUSTOMER_FK1'
----------------------------- ------------------------------------
So you could do, for example:
DELETE FROM reservation
WHERE customer_uid = 00153464
DELETE FROM reservation
WHERE customer_uid IN (SELECT customer_uid
FROM customer
WHERE customer_type = 'X')
But your child tables also have child tables, so of course you will have to delete those child rows (call them grandchild rows) first. Supposing there is a table called reservation_detail which has a foreign key relationship with reservation, your delete command for reservation_detail might look like:
DELETE FROM reservation_detail
WHERE reservation_uid in (SELECT reservation_uid
FROM reservation
WHERE customer_uid IN (SELECT customer_uid
FROM customer
WHERE customer_type = 'X')
And if reservation_detail also has children... you get the idea. Of course you could use joins instead of nested queries, but the principle is the same: the more levels deep your dependencies go, the more complex your delete commands become.
So now you know how to do it, the challenge is to write a generic PL/SQL script to delete all child rows, grandchild rows, great-grandchild rows ... (ad infinitum) for any given table, from the bottom up. You will have to employ recursion. Should be a fun program to write!
(Last edit: removed the script; see my other answer for the final solution.)