Ploblem of This code(show pr0cess) [ps Linux] - bash

This code show user's process load (%cpu)
ps aux | awk 'NR!=1{print $1}' | sort | uniq | awk '{print "ps aux | grep "$1}' | awk '{printf $0; printf " | awk"; printf "{sum +="; print "$3}" }' | sed "s/{/ '{/g" | sed "s/3}/3} END {print \$1,sum}'/g" > 0.out
chmod 755 0.out
bash 0.out
This Code show same user in some OS(UBUNTU) example:
root 11.5
root 0
root 0
root 1.8
root 1.3
root 0
root 1.1
but show different user(uniq) on some OS example2:
root 11.5
daemon 0
syslog 0 ....
How can i write for example2 only.i want diff3rent user's %cpu.

You can replace all that with:
ps ahx -o "%U %C" | awk '
{cpu[$1] += $2}
END {for (user in cpu) {print user, cpu[user]}}


Why is the RX and TX values ​the same when executing the network packet statistics script on centos8?

##test1 on rhel8 or centos8
$for i in 1 2;do cat /proc/net/dev | grep ens192 | awk '{print "RX:"$2"\n""TX:"$10}';done | awk '{print $0}' | tee 111

Store value of impala results in a variable in linux

I have a requirement to retrieve 239, 631 etc from the below output and store it in a variable in linux -- this is output of impala results..
| organization_id |
| 239 |
| 631 |
| 632 |
| 633 |
below is the query I am running.
x=$(impala-shell -q "${ORG_ID}" -ki "${impalaserver}");
How to do it?
Could you please try following. This will be deleting duplicates for all Input_file(even a single id comes in 1 organization_id it will NOT br printed in other stanza then too)
your_command | awk -v s1="'" 'BEGIN{OFS=","} /---/{flag=""} /organization_id/{flag=1;getline;next} flag && !a[$2]++{val=val?val OFS s1 $2 s1:s1 $2 s1} END{print val}'
In case you need to print ids(which are coming in 1 stanza and could come in other stanza of organization_id then try following):
your_command | awk -v s="'" 'BEGIN{OFS=","} /---/{print val;val=flag="";delete a} /organization_id/{flag=1;getline;next} flag && !a[$2]++{val=val?val OFS s1 $2 s1:s1 $2 s1} END{if(val){print val}}'
What about this :
x=$(impala-shell -B -q "${ORG_ID}" -ki "${impalaserver}")
I just added the -B option which removes the pretty-printing and the header.
If you want comma-separated values you can pipe the result to tr :
echo $x | tr ' ' ','

Compute the total memory used by Docker containers in Bash

How to compute in one Bash command line the total memory used by Docker containers running on the local Docker engine?
I use the following command to compute the total memory used in MB.
docker stats --no-stream --format 'table {{.MemUsage}}' | sed 's/[A-Za-z]*//g' | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum "MB"}'
or if any are larger than 1GiB
docker stats --no-stream --format 'table {{.MemUsage}}' | sed 's/\.\([0-9]*\)GiB/\1MiB/g' | sed 's/[A-Za-z]*//g' | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum "MB"}'
docker stats --no-stream --format '{{.MemUsage}}' | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/GiB/ * 1024/;s/MiB//;s/KiB/ \/ 1024/' | bc -l | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'
Breaking this down:
docker stats --no-stream --format '{{.MemUsage}}' - Get only the memory usage
awk '{print $1}' - Strip the total memory from each line
sed 's/GiB/ * 1024/;s/MiB//;s/KiB/ \/ 1024/' - Normalize values into MiB
bc -l - Run calculations
awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' - Sum all lines
To get total memory regardless of container size --KiB, MiB, or GiB
docker stats --no-stream --format 'table {{.MemUsage}}' | sed -n '1!p' | cut -d '/' -f1 | sed 's/GiB/ * 1024 MiB/;s/MiB/ * 1024 KiB/;s/KiB/ * 1024/; s/$/ +\\/; $a0' | bc | numfmt --to=iec-i --suffix=B "$#"

awk query with numbers vs. strings

I am writing a function in R that will generate an awk script to pull in rows from a csv according to conditions that a user selected through a UI.
This is the example of the string generated by the function:
$ tail -n +2 ../data/faults_main_only_dp_1_shopFlag.csv |
> parallel -k -q --block 500M --pipe \
> awk -F , '$5 > "2013-01-01" && $5 < "2015-11-05" && ($3 == "20116688") && ($20 == "Disregard") {print $1 "," $3 "," $17 "," $20 }' |
> head | csvlook
It doesn’t return anything because $3 is a numeric variable. Neither does:
$ tail -n +2 ../data/faults_main_only_dp_1_shopFlag.csv |
> parallel -k -q --block 500M --pipe \
> awk -F , '$5 > "2013-01-01" && $5 < "2015-11-05" && ($3 == 20116688) && ($20 == Disregard) {print $1 "," $3 "," $17 "," $20 }' |
> head | csvlook
… because $20 is a string.
This returns a portion of the dataset:
$ tail -n +2 ../data/faults_main_only_dp_1_shopFlag.csv |
> parallel -k -q --block 500M --pipe \
> awk -F , '$5 > "2013-01-01" && $5 < "2015-11-05" && ($3 == 20116688) && ($20 == "Disregard") {print $1 "," $3 "," $17 "," $20 }' |
> head | csvlook`
| 5058.0 | 20116688.0 | 4162 | Disregard |
| 5060.0 | 20116688.0 | 3622 | Disregard |
| 5060.0 | 20116688.0 | 3619 | Disregard |
| 5061.0 | 20116688.0 | 766 | Disregard |
| 5059.0 | 20116688.0 | 3603 | Disregard |
| 5055.0 | 20116688.0 | 1013 | Disregard |
| 5058.0 | 20116688.0 | 1012 | Disregard |
| 5055.0 | 20116688.0 | 4163 | Disregard |
| 5060.0 | 20116688.0 | 4225 | Disregard |
| 5061.0 | 20116688.0 | 3466 | Disregard |
Unfortunately, I don’t currently have a way of anticipating which of the variables that the user selects through the UI will be string or numerical (I know how to do that, but it will take time that I’d rather not spend if there was a workaround). Is there a way to cast each variable a string before the comparison or have some other way of dealing with this issue?
Edit This is what the raw data look like:
$ csvcut -c15:20 faults_main_only_dp_1_shopFlag.csv | head
-0.8100106,-1.0,3604,25.07.01 11367,2.0,Work Item
-0.81860137,840.0,766,25.07.01 11367,5.0,Disregard
-0.8100140690000001,-1.0,4279,25.07.01 11367,2.0,Work Item
-0.8100509640000001,-2.0,4279,25.07.01 11367,2.0,Work Item
-0.8102342,14.0,3604,25.07.01 11367,2.0,Work Item
-0.8181563620000001,831.0,3604,25.07.01 11367,5.0,Disregard
-0.81022054,11.0,3604,25.07.01 11367,2.0,Work Item
-0.8102272,11.0,4279,25.07.01 11367,2.0,Work Item
-0.8083836999999999,17.0,766,25.07.01 11367,5.0,Disregard
awk can do the int <--> string comparison if the token can be converted. Note that you're using comma as the field separator and spaces will be part of the fields. If it's not a decimal point issue where your numbers are integers,
Check these three cases
$ echo "42,42" | awk -F, '$1=="42" && $2==42{print "works";next} {print "does not work"}'
$ echo "42, 42" | awk -F, '$1=="42" && $2==42{print "works";next} {print "does not work"}'
$ echo "42 , 42" | awk -F, '$1=="42" && $2==42{print "works";next} {print "does not work"}'
does not work
The string interpretation (first field) should not have the space!
You can try setting up your field separator to " *, *"
UPDATE: If your integers get .0 floating point extensions which you can ignore, convert the them to int before the comparison
$ echo "42.0 , 42" | awk -v FS=" *, *" 'int($1)=="42" && $2=="42"{print "works";next} {print "does not work"}'
Here your generic value will be quoted but the field will be converted to int before the string conversion. You need to know what fields are numeric what fields are string though.

replace string in comma delimiter file using nawk

I need to implement the if condition in the below nawk command to process input file if the third column has more that three digit.Pls help with the command what i am doing wrong as it is not working.
123 | abc | 321456 | tre
213 | fbc | 342 | poi
123 | abc | 321### | tre
213 | fbc | 342 | poi
cat inputfile.txt | nawk 'BEGIN {FS="|"; OFS="|"} {if($3 > 3) $3=substr($3, 1, 3)"###" print}'
awk 'length($3) > 3 { $3=substr($3, 1, 3)"###" } 1 ' FS=\| OFS=\| test1.txt
This works with gawk:
awk -F '[[:blank:]]*\\\|[[:blank:]]*' -v OFS=' | ' '
$3 ~ /^[[:digit:]]{4,}/ {$3 = substr($3,1,3) "###"}
' inputfile.txt
It won't preserve the whitespace so you might want to pipe through column -t
