Waypoint unrecognized on Ajax-loaded content - ajax

I'm loading a page into a div. I'm also attempting to establish a waypoint, so that when the user scrolls down the page, the menu will change colors.
The problem I am having is the new height of the div is not recognized by the browser once the ajax content is loaded.
Here's what I have:
$(".cta").live('click', function () {
function () {
$("#faq").waypoint(function (event, direction) {
if (direction === 'up') {
$("#siteNav li a").removeClass("siteNavSelected");
$("#siteNav li.nav3 a").addClass("siteNavSelected");
}, {
offset: function () {
return $.waypoints('viewportHeight') - $("#faq").outerHeight();
return false;
Any ideas? Thanks.

Use $.waypoints('refresh');, from the documentation:
This will force a recalculation of each waypoint’s trigger point based on its offset option. This is called automatically whenever the window is resized or new waypoints are added. If your project is changing the DOM or page layout without doing one of these things, you may want to manually call it.

I'm not familiar with the intrinsics of the waypoint plugin, but you could also bind a scroll event and then capture the .scrollTop() value. Would look something like this:
$(document).bind('scroll', function(event) {
var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
if (scrollTop < 1000 && $('siteNav li').hasClass('styleA')) { return; }
else {
$('siteNav li').removeClass('styleB');
$('siteNav li').addClass('styleA');
if (scrollTop > 1000 && $('siteNav li').hasClass('styleB')) { return; }
else {
$('siteNav li').removeClass('styleA');
$('siteNav li').addClass('styleB');
You have to play with the values a little to get it acting at the right spot. Also you have to use a greater or less than value in the test as if a user is at the top of the page and uses the scroll-wheel on his mouse to fly down the page, you don't get every value in between.


How to do Zooming individually with two PerspectiveCameras with their two objects?

I have two objects in right and left side of window.
I want to zoom those objects individually when I hover it.
var itsLeftControls, itsRightControls;
itsRightControls = new THREE.TrackballControls(itsRightCamera);
itsLeftControls = new THREE.TrackballControls(itsLeftCamera);
document.getElementById('SubContainerLeft').onmouseover = function () {
document.getElementById('SubContainerRight').onmouseover = function () {
function aMouseOverActivate(theControl)
theControl.zoomSpeed = 0.8;
function aMouseOverDeactivate(theControl)
theControl.zoomSpeed = 0.0;
function animateLeft()
function renderLeft()
itsLeftRenderer.render(itsLeftScene, itsLeftCamera);
function animateRight()
function renderRight()
itsRightRenderer.render(itsRightScene, itsRightCamera);
if I hover in left side and try to zoom with mouse scrolling wheel, it is working fine. after that when I hover in right side, I can see that same zooming effect in right side also without scrolling mouse.
How to fix this?
TrachballControls take a optional second argument that is the dom element onto which it will attach the mouse event listeners.
If this argument is not supplied, it will attach the event listeners to the document.
This means that both your trackball controls are listening for events on the document (rather than their respective containers which I think you want.)
So just send your scene container divs as the second arguments to TrackballControlls and you should be good to go.
var leftContainer = document.getElementById('SubContainerLeft');
var rightContainer = document.getElementById('SubContainerRight');
var itsRightControls = new THREE.TrackballControls(itsRightCamera, rightContainer);
var itsLeftControls = new THREE.TrackballControls(itsLeftCamera, leftContainer);

Prevent Page Reload on Module Selection DNN 9

When I click on a module inside of the module selection dialog, DNN refreshes the page (before the hovering, draggable element appears on the page). This only happens using our skin (https://github.com/2sic/dnn-theme-bootstrap3-instant).
DNN is looking for the element #dnn_ContentPane_SyncPanel (which seems to be an ajax wrapper) with Teleriks findComponent method. Because the element can't be found, DNN performs a page reload.
Our skins content pane:
<div id="ContentPane" runat="server" containertype="G" containername="Invisible Container" containersrc="default.ascx"></div>
The DNN code, that triggers the reload (last function call):
refreshPane: function (paneName, args, callback, callOnReload) {
var paneId;
if (!paneName) {
paneId = this.getModuleManager().getPane().attr('id');
} else {
paneId = this.getPaneById(paneName).attr('id');
var pane = $('#' + paneId);
var parentPane = pane.data('parentpane');
if (parentPane) {
this.refreshPane(parentPane, args, callback);
//set module manager to current refresh pane.
this._moduleManager = pane.data('dnnModuleManager');
var ajaxPanel = $find(paneId + "_SyncPanel");
if (ajaxPanel) {
//remove action menus from DOM bbefore fresh pane.
var handler = this;
pane.find('div.DnnModule').each(function () {
var moduleId = handler._moduleManager._findModuleId($(this));
$('#moduleActions-' + moduleId).remove();
this._refreshPaneId = paneId;
this._refreshCallback = callback;
} else {
//save the args into cookie, after page reload then catch the cookie
//and float the module for drag
if (args && !this._noFloat) {
this._setCookie('CEM_CallbackData', args);
if (callOnReload && typeof callback == "function") {
callback.call($('#' + paneId), [true]);
After some time, we found out what the issue was.
Our skin was using the <%=SkinPath%> syntax instead of <%#SkinPath%>, which caused DNN to force a reload. This probably has to do with the lifecycle of the document.

hammer.js detect variables in panmove and unbind when it hits certain criteria

my goal is detect when an element has reached a certain margin-left, and than unbind or stop the panmove from continuing if it hits that threshold.
I have a "panmove" bound to an element using hammer.js, and jquery hammer plugin.
I noticed that in the panmove, console.log(e) will fire hundreds of times as you move the elements, which is expected. If you however put an if statement in the panmove function, it only goes off of the initial state of the first panmove and not the current one.
.bind("panmove", function (e) {
var count = 0;
var _this = $(e.target);
var _thisDataLeft = _this.attr("data-left");
var _thisDataMaxLeft = _this.attr("data-maxleft"); // this is derived from the width of the Delete box, which can be any width.
if (Math.abs(_thisDataLeft) < Number(_thisDataMaxLeft)) {
_this.css({ left: Number(_thisDataLeft) + e.gesture.deltaX }); // controls movement of top layer
I noticed that the console.log(count++) always fires 1, instead of iterating up, as if it is only reading it once in the beginning.
How can I run an if statement inside of this Pan, so that it is always the current information, and not just the first iteration?
Ended up moving away from Hammer.js, was not able to get the results I needed. It looks like the more basic jquery.event.move.js was easier to use than hammer.
here is my example in js fiddle
$(document).ready(function () {
// http://stephband.info/jquery.event.move/
// http://stephband.info/jquery.event.swipe/
// add swipe functionality to the rows.
// I think you will need to add the swipe left, after it is activated by a HOLD down press.
// idk, how do you always make something swipable.
var wrap = $('ul#main');
$('ul#main > li')
.on('movestart', function (e) {
console.log("move start");
// var $li = $(e.target).closest('.swipable'); // this would be normal live integration
var $li = $(e.target);
if ($li.attr("data-hasplaceholder") !== "true") { // if it does not have a placeholder, add one.
$li.attr("data-hasplaceholder", true); // signify that a placeholder has been created for this element already.
// If the movestart heads off in a upwards or downwards
// direction, prevent it so that the browser scrolls normally.
if ((e.distX > e.distY && e.distX < -e.distY) ||
(e.distX < e.distY && e.distX > -e.distY)) {
// To allow the slide to keep step with the finger,
// temporarily disable transitions.
wrap.addClass('notransition'); // add this to the container wrapper.
.on('move', function (e) {
// event definitions
// startX : 184, where from left the mouse curser started.
// deltaX: ?
// distX: how far the mouse has moved, if negative moving left. Still need to account for double movement, currently can only handle one movement.
var maxLeft = $('.rightContent').width();
var marginLeftNum = Number($(this).css('margin-left').replace(/[^-\d\.]/g, ''));
if (marginLeftNum <= -maxLeft && e.deltaX < 0) { // Case when user is at outermost left threshold, and trying to move farther left.
$(this).css({ 'margin-left': -maxLeft });
else if (marginLeftNum == -maxLeft && e.deltaX > 0) { // When user is at threshold, and trying to move back right.
$(this).css({ 'margin-left': marginLeftNum + e.deltaX });
else if (e.target.offsetLeft>=0 && e.deltaX>0) { // If the offset is 0 or more, and the user is scrolling right (which is a positive delta, than limit the element. )
$(this).css({ 'margin-left': 0 });
// Must have a Negative offset, and e.deltaX is Negative so it is moving left.
else if (e.deltaX < 0) { // Case when element is at 0, and mouse movement is going left.
$(this).css({ 'margin-left': marginLeftNum + e.deltaX });
else { // Moving Right when not on 0
$(this).css({ 'margin-left': marginLeftNum + e.deltaX });
.on('swipeleft', function (e) {
.on('activate', function (e) {
// not seeing this activate go off, i think this is custom function we can add on if swipe left hits a threshold or something.
.on('moveend', function (e) {
console.log("move end");
var createBackgroundSpacer = function ($shoppingListRow) {
var border = 2;
$shoppingListRow.css({ 'width': $shoppingListRow.width() + border, 'height': $shoppingListRow.height() + border }); // gives itself set width and height
// placeholder HTML
var leftPlaceholder = $('<div class="leftPlaceholder"></div>').css({ 'height': $shoppingListRow.height()});
var rightPlaceholder = $('<div class="rightPlaceholder"></div>')
var rightContent = $('<div class="rightContent">Delete</div>').css({ 'height': $shoppingListRow.height()});
var placeHolder = $('<div class="swipePlaceholder clearfix"></div>'); // goes around the two floats.
placeHolder.css({ 'width': $shoppingListRow.width(), 'height': $shoppingListRow.height() });
placeHolder.append(leftPlaceholder, rightPlaceholder);
$shoppingListRow.before(placeHolder); // adds placeholder before the row.
$shoppingListRow.css({ 'marginTop': -($shoppingListRow.height() + border) });

Change text in Div using jQuery, MetaData and Map highlights

I'm a newbie to jQuery and I have a map with a highlight plugin, when mouse over an area I want to change the text in a div with an ID and the text I will get it from the area attribute Alt="some text"
Here is the code that used for area loops, I'm pretty sure I can add a small function here but I couldn't figure it out.
clicks$(".tabs area").click(function(){
//areas loop:
$(".tabs area").each(function(){
var d = $(this).data('maphilight') || {};
if(d.alwaysOn == true){
d.alwaysOn = false;
var data = $(this).data('maphilight') || {};
data.alwaysOn = true;
$(this).data('maphilight', data).trigger('alwaysOn.maphilight');
if ($(this).hasClass("current") == false)
var thisTarget = $(this).attr("href");
$(this).parents(".tabs").nextAll(".tab-content").children(":visible").fadeOut(1, function() {
return false;
Any help or suggestions on how I can get this done would be highly appreciated.
I'm not familiar with the highlights plugin, but I think you just wanna add a mouseover event to each area like so (you would place this before/after your .click declaration):
$(".tabs area").mouseover(function() {
var alt_text = $(this).attr('alt');
}).mouseout(function() {
//do something on mouseout

Restrict the min/max zoom on a Bing Map with v7 of the AJAX control?

I'm working on a site that makes use of v7 of the Bing Maps AJAX Control. One of the things I need to do is restrict the zoom level so as to prevent users from zoom in past a certain level, or zoom out past a certain level.
I found a "getZoomRange" method on the Map object, after inspecting it, it simply returns an object literal with "min" and "max" properties. So, I figured overloading it would probably do the trick:
// "map" is our Bing Maps object
map.getZoomRange = function ()
return {
max: 14
min: 5
...but no. It has no effect (it actually has something to do with the appearance of the zoom slider when using the default Dashboard).
Hijacking the event and preventing it from proceeding also seems to have no effect.
According to Bing Maps support, the only way to do this (which isn't particularly elegant, and results in some unwelcome jitter on the map) is as follows:
// "map" is our Bing Maps object, overload the built-in getZoomRange function
// to set our own min/max zoom
map.getZoomRange = function ()
return {
max: 14,
min: 5
// Attach a handler to the event that gets fired whenever the map's view is about to change
// Forcibly set the zoom to our min/max whenever the view starts to change beyond them
var restrictZoom = function ()
if (map.getZoom() <= map.getZoomRange().min)
'zoom': map.getZoomRange().min,
'animate': false
else if (map.getZoom() >= map.getZoomRange().max)
'zoom': map.getZoomRange().max,
'animate': false
I was dealing with a similar issue and I ended up doing something very similar to what MrJamin describes in his answer, with one (subtle, but major) difference: I added a handler for targetviewchanged. According to the official docs on MSDN, 'targetviewchanged' occurs when the view towards which the map is navigating changes. Also, instead of calling Map#getZoom, I used Map#getTargetZoom which returns the zoom level of the view to which the map is navigating. Note, this approach prevents jitter.
Here's the shortened version of my code:
function restrictZoom(map,min,max) {
var targetZoom = map.getTargetZoom();
var adjZoom = targetZoom;
if(targetZoom > max) {
adjZoom = max;
} else if(targetZoom < min) {
adjZoom = min;
if(targetZoom != adjZoom) {
Another way to achieve this is to handle the event thrown when the mouse wheel is moved. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg427609.aspx
When you handle the mousewheel event, you can check whether the mouse wheel is being scrolled forwards or backwards, and then check the map.targetZoom() in order to compare with a min or max zoom value. If the min or max are exceeded, then set event.handled = true. This prevents the event from being handled by any other handlers which prevents default behaviour. From the documentation:
A boolean indicating whether the event is handled. If this property is
set to true, the default map control behavior for the event is
See below:
var Zoom = {
MAX: 10,
MIN: 2
var mouseWheelHandler = function(event) {
// If wheelDelta is greater than 0, then the wheel is being scrolled forward which zooms in
if(event.wheelDelta > 0) {
if(map.getTargetZoom() >= Zoom.MAX) {
event.handled = true;
else {
if(map.getTargetZoom() <= Zoom.MIN) {
event.handled = true;
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(map, 'mousewheel', mouseWheelHandler);
