CSS ID's and Classes defined on one element if there are children which one is the parent? - subclass

Given a structure like:
<div class="Stargate" id="MGM">
<div class="SG1">
<div id="Atlantis">
What will be SG1's and Atlantis' parent Stargate or MGM?

There's no difference, both Stargate and MGM is on the same parent div. But you'll find MGM to be the "better" or "stronger" of the two ways of identifying that div.
With "better/stronger" I mean that the id will have implications in CSS/javascript, for example, in CSS the id is stronger.
#MGM .SG1 {
/* very strong selector */
.Stargate .SG1 {
/* not so strong selector */
In javascript you have
var parentDiv = document.getElementById('MGM');
where the document.getElementById is widely supported whilst the corresponding document.getElementsByClassName is a relatively new addition to modern browsers.


Comment out a part of Vue template element

Sometimes it is needed to comment out some element attribute without having to remember it in order to restore it quickly after some tests.
Commenting out whole element is achievable with HTML commenting syntax
<!-- <h2>Hello</h2> -->
However this won't work with a single attribute (causes rendering error)
<my-comp id="my_comp_1"
<!-- :disabled="!isValid" -->
The best approach I could see and used before was to make a tag backup by copying whole element and settings v-if="false" for it (or comment out whole copied element) and continue to experiment with original one
I don't think you can put an HTML comment inside a component tag, for much the same reason you can't put comments inside an HTML element opening tag. It's not valid markup in either situation. I think the closest you could come would be to place the comment in the quotes:
:disabled="// !isValid"
Which would have the same effect as:
Depending on whether your component can handle that value being missing, that might fit your needs.
Prefix the attribute value with data- or Wrap with data attribute.
<my-comp id="my_comp_1"
data-_click="handleClick"> # `#` could not be used
<my-comp id="my_comp_1"
I'll with the attribute set to something like data-FIXME.
I got these solutions to work. I thought of solution 1.
Starting code:
v-for="foo in foos"
#click="foo.on = !foo.on /* JavaScript comment. */"
{{ foo.name }} {{foo.on}}
The Vue directive HTML attribute that needs to be disabled: #click="foo.on = !foo.on"
How the final div tag will run:
v-for="foo in foos"
Solutions 1 and 2 keep the disabled attribute inside its tag. I didn't find a good way to make a "raw string". To keep the attribute in the tag, the outer and inner quotes must be different.
sol. 1: I made a new v-bind attribute (:lang) to put the disabled attribute in.
:lang='en /* #click="foo.on = !foo.on" */'
Sol. 2: Pick a Vue directive. Put the attribute in.
v-for="foo in foos /* #click='foo.on = !foo.on' */"
Solutions 3 and 4 put the attribute outside the tag.
Sol. 3:
<div v-if="false">
#click="foo.on = !foo.on"
Sol. 4: <!-- #click="foo.on = !foo.on" -->
One way to remove/hide component attributes is to create a custom directive for it.
Let's say you create a directive called v-hide and put it in your component as:
<my-comp v-model="value" #click="handleClick" v-hide :disable='true'></my-comp>
And the output would be:
<my-comp v-model="value" #click="handleClick"></my-comp>
Here is a working example:
Vue.component ('my-component', {
template: `<p> A custom template </p>`
Vue.directive('hide', {
inserted: function (el) {
console.log('el before hide', el)
while(el.attributes.length > 0)
console.log('el after hide', el)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data () {
return {
someValue: 'Hello'
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#2.5.3/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<my-component v-model='someValue' v-hide :disable='true'></my-component>

Dynamics charts using chartist and angular with ng-repeate

I now and I can show a chart with dynamic data but a fixed number of chart. When I want to show a dynamic number of charts, something happens with ng-repeate. I said something happens, because if in mycharts[0].container.outerHTML I had the html that I need to show the graph (generated by the library), and if I copy and paste in a fixed place in my html, it will show the graph. My ng-repeate code looks as follow:
<div class="row" ng-controller="nodesDataTablesCtrl as nodeCtrl" >
<div ng-repeat="(index, node) in nodeCtrl.nodes" on-finish-render>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<div id="{{ node.name }}_MEMORY" class="ct-chart snp_dynamic_chart"></div>
I found a solution, I'm not sure if is a bug of ng-repeate or Chartist.
In my ng-repeate I use nodeCtrl.nodes, which is an array that I receive from an http.get, my solution was create an range function, wich is, a function that receive a Number and return a list from 0 to n-1. Instead of passing the nodeCtrl.nodes which is updated everytime I make a request, I update a variable numberOfNodes with the range function, I mean, my new ng-repeat will be as follow:
<div ng-repeat="(index, node) in nodeCtrl.numberOfNodes" on-finish-render>
and in the success function of my request I do:
numberOfNodes = range(nodeCtrl.nodes.length)
which from my point of view make that ng-repeate don't update in some way internally.
Is important to se that programatically it shouldn't be differen but ...

Need waypoints repeating on multiple items

Here's my code, lifted from waypoints docs:
var sticky = new Waypoint.Sticky({
element: $('.objectheader')[0]
<div class="object" id="object2">
<div class="objectheader" id="header2">Header Item 2</div>
<div class="objectbody" id="body2"><img src="images/samplechart.png" /></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
Basically, I have multiple objects (the list will grow, so hard coding for each ID isn't an option) that each contain an objectheader and objectbody. Every time I hit an objectheader, I want it to apply the sticky class and stick at the top until it reaches a new one, however it's only working on the first object. I know I'm missing something simple here...
with [0] you are specifying the very first element. You need to iterate over them to add a waypoint to each element...
var sticky = [];
sticky[idx] = new Waypoint.Sticky({ element: this });
then sticky will be an array of all your waypoint objects.

using foundation 5 joyride with tabs

Is there a way to switch tabs with foundation 5 Joyride?
I have foundation tabs on the page and want Joyride to point elements on different tabs.
Like mentioned in the comment from Steven, you could use the callback either in the pre or post step callback function you activate the tab you need.
post_step_callback : function (){}, // A method to call after each step
pre_step_callback : function (){} // A method to call before each step
Hope this helps...
Here's what worked for me. I looked around and couldn't find anything useful, so wrote this. The hardest part was figuring out how to get the id of the target anchor. This was found buried in the 'this' object available to the callback.
The 'content' class is used by foundation to identify the content to display when a tab is clicked. So traversing up the .parents tree finding the enclosing elements gives you the content tab(s) holding your link. And then of course you have to add an id to the <a> element of the tab you want to click. If you name it the same as your content div, with '-a' appended, you should be good to go.
<dl class="tabs radius" data-tab id="my_tabs">
<dd class="active">Tab 1</dd>
<dd class="active">Tab 2</dd>
<div class="tabs-content">
<div class="content" id="tab1">
<article id="joyride_stop1">...</article>
<div class="content" id="tab2">
<article id="joyride_stop2">...</article>
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).foundation('joyride', 'start', {
pre_step_callback: function(i, tip) {
var target = $(this.$target)[0].id;
if($('#' + target).parents('.content').length > 0) {
$('#' + target).parents('.content').each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if($('#' + id).is(':visible') == false) {
$('#' + id + '-a').click();
This will work on any page, whether it contains tabs or not, so it can be universally included across a site.

HtmlAgilityPack Div Class Contains String

I'm trying to scrape only article text from web pages. I have discovered that the article is always surrounded with div tags. Unfortunately the class of these div tags is slightly different for each web page. I looked into using XPath but I don't think it will work due to the different class names. Is there a way I can get all the div tags and then get the class?
<div class="entry_single">
<p>I recently traveled without my notebook for the first time in ages.</p>
<div class="entry-content-pagination">
<p>Ward 9 Ald. Steven Dove</p>
That'd be easier using Linq.
foreach(HtmlNode div in doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("div"))
string className = div.GetAttributeValue("class", string.Empty);
// do something with class name
