Adding an 'All' option into a codeIgniter form_dropdown - codeigniter

I have an array that returns locations from the database, which I am trying to output into a form drop down using the following code:
<?php form_dropdown('idLocation', $queryLocations, set_value('idLocation'); ?>
The $queryLocations has the locationID and the locationName. And this above code works fine to display all locations, now I need to add an option called 'All' having idLocation as zero to appear at the top of location list.
Can someone please help me do this?

Just prepend the $queryLocations array with your values. Here's one way:
array('0' => 'All') + $queryLocations,
You could probably do this earlier, when you actually create the $queryLocations array as well.
$options[0] = 'All';
foreach ($results as $r) $options[$r->idLocation] = $r->locationName;
Something like that...


How to apply an operation/functionality on one column during getting data of a table in Laravel Controller?

I want to get all the data of today's Date, but during getting it I want to apply an operation on the data of one column only NOT others. This operation is from another function.
$data = Net::whereDate('created_at', Carbon::today())->get();
I have two options:
During getting data, call to that function on the specific column
After getting data, put a loop and then apply that operation and save data into new object
In this table, there is a column called profit, and I want to encode this profit into alphabets by calling encode_code() function remaining the other data as it is.
I don't know how I can do this, please help me if anyone knows.
You can use a foreach loop to get each object from the collection and for each of those object,call the desired function.
$data = Net::whereDate('created_at', Carbon::today())->get();
foreach($data as $key => $dat)
$data[$key]->profit = encode_code($dat->profit);
I think you should call the function and turn it like this
I just didn't know what you wanted to do, so this is my best
$data = Net::whereDate('created_at', Carbon::today())->get();
foreach($data as $i => $d){
$data[$i]->profit = encode_codeļ¼ˆ$d->profit);
Of course you could loop through your result and encode each row, but this would prevent you from reusing this code.
Instead you could put that encode function directly into the model, so that you can reuse it everywhere:
public function getEncodedProfit() {
return encode_code($this->profit);
Now you can just use this function everywhere in your controllers or views like that:
echo $net->getEncodedProfit();

Add row manually to eloquent result in Laravel 4.2

I am using Laravel 4.2 and i fetch all locations with this code:
$locations = Location::all();
This Locations are displayed in a select box afterwards. How can i add an additional row to the results in order to show an empty first option in the select box.
The options then should be:
choose a location
location 1
location 2
I just want to add an additional item to the result in $locations.
Thanks in advance
You can use:
{!! Form::select('location', ['' => 'Select your location'] + $locations, null , ['class' => 'form-control']) !!}
to update the view. In Laravel 5 there are attribute accessors to append an extra field with your eloquent collection.
Few other ways to do this are:
$locations[null] = 'choose a location';
Form::select('location', $locations);
Form::select('location',[null=>'Please Select'] + $locations);
Another way is to loop through the result and update it. Use json_decode() or 'toArray()` to convert your result into array format.
Otherwise you have to store choose a location as the first row value in your locations table(I know that is inappropriate for the requirement).
You should look at the put method for collections:
This method is not available in 4.2. You should make a custom Collection class and use it in your model by overwriting the newCollection method.

How do i display the selected value in multiselect while editing and updating the options(codeigniter)

How do i display the selected value in multiselect while editing and updating the options.
my multiselect function is:
foreach ($subjects as $sub){
echo form_multiselect('subject[]',$subject_list,'',$js,$subject_selected); ?>
if I m wrong please correct me..
It should be like
echo form_multiselect('subject[]',$subject_list,$subject_selected,$js); ?>
Lets you create a standard multiselect field. The first parameter will contain the name of the field, the second parameter will contain an associative array of options, and the third parameter will contain the value or values you wish to be selected. The parameter usage is identical to using form_dropdown() above, except of course that the name of the field will need to use POST array syntax, e.g. foo[].
I have searched for this thing and have failed so many times. But at last find a way around to resolve the issue.
This is the way that I have came across with.
$manpower_list = array();
$manpowers = $this->db->select(', m.manpower_name')
->from('task_manpower tm')
->join('manpower m', 'tm.manpower_id =')
->where('tm.deleted', 0)->where('m.deleted', 0)
->where('tm.task_id', $model_info->id)
foreach ($manpowers as $power) {
$manpower_list[] = $power->id;
<?php echo form_dropdown("manpower_id[]", $manpower_dropdown, $manpower_list, "class='select2 validate-hidden form-control' id='manpower_id' multiple='multiple'"); ?>
Hope it helps someone.

CakePHP Pagination sort() on Related Models

I have two models: Plans and PlanDetails.
Relationship is: PlanDetails hasMany Plans. Plans belongTo PlanDetails.
In the PlanDetails view.ctp, I am pulling in related Plans.
I am trying to sort the Plans by ANY field (I've tried them all), and I cannot get it working. I assume I am overlooking something very simple.
Here is my base code:
PlanDetail >> view.ctp:
...foreach ($planDetail['Plan'] as $plan_edit) :
$class = null;
if ($i++ % 2 == 0) {
$class = ' class="altrow"';
<?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('Plan ID', ''); ?>...
...<?php echo $plan_edit['id']; ?>
...function view($id = null) {
if (!$id) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid plan detail', true));
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
$this->PlanDetail->recursive = 2; // To run the editable form deeper.
$this->set('planDetail', $this->PlanDetail->read(null, $id));
$this->set('plan', $this->paginate('Plan'));
I should add, no errors are being thrown and the sort() arrows on the ID field are showing as expected, but the sort order DOES not change when clicked either way.
Sorry, I'm not able to comment on the question itself, but I've noticed that in your action, you set planDetail to be the PlanDetail record you read (with recursive set to 2), and then you set plan to be the result of the paginate call.
Then, in your view template, you're iterating over $planDetail's contained Plan association, like this:
foreach ($planDetail['Plan'] as $plan_edit):
But in order to get the sorting and pagination done, you need to be displaying the results of the paginate call i.e. iterate over the records contained in $plan.
Do a debug($plan) in your view template to see what results you get there and to see if the records' ordering changes when you sort by different fields.
Also, perhaps you're using syntax I'm not aware of, but if you simply call $this->paginate('Plan') in your controller, I don't know that you're going to get only the related Plan records for your particular PlanDetail record. (There's nothing tying the $id passed into your view action with the Plan records.) You might need to add some conditions to the paginate call, like so:
$this->paginate['Plan'] = array('conditions' => array('Plan.plan_detail_id' => $id));
$this->set('plans', $this->paginate('Plan'));
Here is what I did to solve this. Based on some helpful direction from johnp & tokes.
...$i = 0;
foreach ($plan as $plan_edit) : // note $plan here.
In my plan_details_controller.php view action:
$conditions = array("Plan.plan_detail_id" => "$id");
$this->set('plan', $this->paginate('Plan', $conditions)); // note "plan" in the first argument of set (this is required to pass the results back to the view). Also. The $condition is set to return ONLY plans that match the plan_detail_id of id (on the plan_details table).
And in my view, in order to get my results (because I changed the array name), I had to change the way I was getting the values to:
$plan_edit['Plan']['modified'] // note I placed ['Plan'] in front of these calls as the array called for this to get the data...
Well until the next problem! SOLVED.

Remembering CodeIgniter form_dropdown fields

This works...
form_dropdown('location', $location_options, $this->input->post('location'));
But when I try and use an array to add extra attributes, it stops working... Why is this?
$attributes = array(
'name' => 'location',
'id' => 'location'
form_dropdown($attributes, $location_options, $this->input->post('location'));
The name of the dropdown list is included in the array of attributes so i don't see how this is any different to the first example. Whenever the form is posted posted back, it resets to the start.
Can anyone help me out with this?
It's just the wrong syntax.
Please have a look at the docu:
form_dropdown('location', $location_options, $this->input->post('location'), "id='location'");
Your code should look something like the above. And by the way: if you're using the form_validation library you could use set_value instead of $this->input->post ...
$attributes = ' id="bar" class="foo" onChange="some_function();"';
$location_options = array(
'IN' =>'India',
'US' =>'America'
form_dropdown('location', $location_options, $this->input->post('location'),$attributes);
Parameters :
1st param will assign to name of the field,
2nd will get your options,
3rd is for default value,
4th one is for extra properties to add like javascript function, id, class ...
