Cannot install older version of ImageMagick via Homebrew - installation

I need to install ImageMagick 6.5.8 (or earlier might do), but even when I checkout an earlier commit, it installs the latest version (6.6.9-4). I did this:
$ git checkout -b im-6.5.6 ff414bb
(then confirmed that the working tree shows the correct version of imagemagick.rb, with #url = a .tar of version 6.5.6-5)
$ brew install imagemagick
(and it says Checking out tag 6.6.9-4 and then proceeds to install that version)
Any help would be appreciated. Thx.

Hope you managed to find a solution, if not.
Heres one that worked for me on another related issue.
brew install
This will install ImageMagic 6.5.9-8


How to change Homebrew's prefix?

I'm using MACOS M1, and started to install brew under ARM. Then at the other day, I installed some formula under x86.
When I run a command
brew doctor
And I got this message
Some of Homebrew's bottles (binary packages) can only be used with the default
prefix (/usr/local).
You will encounter build failures with some formulae.
Please create pull requests instead of asking for help on Homebrew's GitHub,
Twitter or any other official channels. You are responsible for resolving
any issues you experience while you are running this
unsupported configuration.
How to change the prefix to /usr/local/?
When I run which -a brew I got this result
Thanks in advance.
I had the same issue because I did not installed the homebrew from the local path on my terminal.
I just uninstalled the homebrew, installed it again (from the local path this time) and it is fine now.
To uninstall Homebrew, run the uninstall script from the HomeBrew/install repository.

Installing latest version of gmsh

How can I install latest version of gmsh, which is gmsh 3.0.7 on ubuntu 16.04LTS please?
Using sudo apt install gmsh it only installs gmsh 2.10.1.
I also did update and upgrade my system but still only version 2.10.1.
Any suggestion please?
First, I prefix this by saying I'm nothing like an expert, but this worked for me:
Uninstall the repository version:
sudo apt-get remove gmsh
Download a zipped copy of the latest stable release for linux from the gmsh website:
Unzip gmsh:
tar -xvzf gmsh-3.0.6-Linux64.tgz (or whatever version you've downloaded)
This makes a folder gmsh-3.0.6-Linux64 containing gmsh which is portable. Put it somewhere you can find it. I put it in my home directory.
Navigate to the bin folder:
cd ~/gmsh-3.0.6-Linux64/bin
From the bin folder you can start gmsh by typing:
I made it generally available at the command line by editing my .bashrc, adding this line:
export PATH="$PATH:/home/bob/gmsh-3.0.6-Linux64/bin"
You will need to make the path appropriate for your location.
Hope this works.
if it can help someone here, I recently compiled GMSH from source without difficulty, simply with the typical combination of cmake and make; their GitLab repository explains these few steps to follow
Although this may vary, pay attention to few libraries which weren't present on my fresh Ubuntu installation (libpng, libjpeg, and FLTK libraries), cmake properly highlighted these missing libraries. FLTK is needed for the UI.
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS has gmsh version 4.4.1 in the official repositories. So installation is again simply this:
sudo apt install gmsh

Updating Git from Version 1.9.0 to 2.2.1

My console recently made me aware that the git version I have installed on my Mac has various security flaws and I was advised to upgrade.
I don't know how to use homebrew so I have gone for an easier option. I was recommended to download the following installed by
I have installed the package but my terminal still shows:
MacBook-Pro-3:~ mruser$ git --version
git version 1.9.0
MacBook-Pro-3:~ mruser$ which git
I have noticed that this version is in the /bin/ folder, which may be the problem? Since the other version installs in the /local/ folder.
How do I remove the old git version 1.9.0 so I can successfully install the new version? (without affecting any of the applications I'm working on)
Thanks for having a look and for any input!
The Git in /usr/local (presumably 1.9.0) is shadowing the new release. To determine which program to use, your shell looks through a list of directories stored in your PATH environment variable. You can see it with echo $PATH. Generally /usr/local/bin comes before /usr/bin so you can use newer versions of software without overwriting the system supplied ones.
You need to remove the old version from /usr/local. How you do this depends on where you got Git 1.9.0. If it has an uninstaller, use it. If it doesn't, you can look through /usr/local and delete anything with "git" in it, that will probably be safe.
In the future, use a package manager like Homebrew or Macports. They will track what you have installed and make it much easier to upgrade them.

Installing meld on OS X

After I got MacPorts installed and did a 'sudo port -v selfupdate', I try to install meld.
The installation just starts to Fetching all kinds of stuff
this goes on and on.
Is that normal?
You may want to install it via HomeBrew (already mentioned before):
brew install homebrew/gui/meld
Though you may face stability issues (as I did). So I'd rather recommend to use "Meld for OSX":
Go to
Download DMG file you prefer (e.g. "Download latest DMG"
Install it to your Applications folder
We are basically done, but it is not accessible via command line.
Write a small wrapper to run from Terminal:
echo -e '#!/bin/sh
open -W -a Meld --args $params' | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/meld
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/meld
Try (you must use absolute paths though):
meld /home/a.txt /home/b.txt
Or just run Meld from menu.
meld is now available in homebrew. The formula can be found here.
See this answer by cmedeiros on SuperUser for more information on installing and getting it to work. This is much easier than using MacPorts.
Current command with updated formula to install meld with homebrew is:
brew install caskroom/cask/meld
Yes, it is normal to pull in dependencies but it shouldn't take too long. For comparison, installing Meld with Homebrew took about 15 minutes for me.
For reference, my installation of Meld on OS X Mavericks:
Install Xcode from the app store
Install XQuartz from package (Meld will complain if you don't have it)
command line: 'brew install meld'
If you are prompted to install the Xcode command line tools at some point, do so.
Hope this helps.
Unfortunately, the is very normal with MacPorts, and is the reason that people many have switched to homebrew
However, I found this post because homebrew doesn't include Meld. Sigh.
Consider downloading macOS meld version dmg
Brew now works brew install --cask meld.
UPDATE Jul-23-2020
Just do :
brew install homebrew/gui/meld
using the updated brew link: brew install caskroom/cask/meld
even after this its not working when I install backup and restore tool by google. I guess its messing up with the python version.

How to install scons on Mac OS X

Can you please tell me how can I install scons on MacOSX?
I don't see a mac specified download from
Thank you.
An alternative to MacPorts would be to use HomeBrew, where you'd just to
brew install scons
Download the tarball and then refer to the first chapter of the user guide, Building and Installing SCons. In short:
# cd scons-1.2.0
# python install
Install MacPorts, then at the Terminal (Applications > Utilities >, type:
sudo port install scons
This command will automatically download and install scons for you. MacPorts requires that you have the developer tools installed, so if you don't, you will need to download and install the Xcode 3 DVD.
NOTE 1: Xcode 2.5 is the last version of Xcode that will work on Mac OS X Tiger.
NOTE 2: This may seem awfully painful if you don't already have MacPorts installed. However, you really should go this route, as MacPorts makes it easy to update installed software, it automatically manages dependencies between software, and it makes it easier to install other packages in the future.
If you have the Python setuptools, the following will install scons-1.2.0 from sourceforge:
easy_install scons
But bear in mind the issues people raise with setuptools.
Also, keep in mind this question and the answers about virtualenv and pip for isolating Python environments.
There is also a GUI installer for SCons on Mac OS X that I wrote available for download here:
Since version 2.3.0 SCons should work without installing:
# get the source and switch to stable 2.3.0 version
hg clone -r 2.3.0
# make sure to use Python 2 for now
python scons/src/scripts/
When running 2.3.0 from source, the SCons.__version__ is not set correctly, so EnsureSConsVersion() will likely to fail if that's ok for you.
pull down SCons source and put it in /Library/Python/X.X/. Make sure you have the dir structure like this: /Library/Python/X.X/SCons/
remember, import searches for modules, and /Library/Python/XXX is by default in the search path.
