How to determine if an object is at rest? - windows-phone-7

Using the physics helper library.
I'm trying to figure out how I can determine whether a physics object is at rest. Does anyone know how to do this or have any ideas of what I could do?
An example scenario is a bouncy ball that can be picked up and thrown around. I tried creating a timer that times each individual bounce from a collision event with the floor and determines if the object is at rest based off of that but this does not work for if the user slides the ball to the left and right.
Any suggestions?

If you have runtime access to the underlying Farseer Body, then you also should have access to the property LinearVelocity, which you can check for 0 magnitude.

This is pretty basic stuff. Your physics object should be an instance of some kind of class which contains information on the object's position, velocity, etc etc. At any given time, you should be able to check the speed of the object, and obviously if its speed == 0, it is at rest.

So far I've came up with a simple method. Creating two class variables (Vector2 currentPosition, Vector2 previousPosition) and then creating a dispatcher timer that ticks every so often and using the following tick method:
void bounceTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
currentPosition = ball.Position;
if (currentPosition == previousPosition)
// Object at rest
// Object moving
previousPosition = currentPosition;
There are some issues with it though for example if it captures the balls position in the air coming up and then back down at the same position (very unlikely) and at a very high frequency in ticking it can sometimes capture the same position unexpectedly, at a slow frequency of ticking it takes time to determine if the object is at rest, anyone else have a better method?


How can I write a save GUI-Aktor for Scalafx?

Basically I want an Aktor to change a scalafx-GUI safely.
I've read many posts describing this, but there where sometimes contradictory and some years old, so some of them might be outdated.
I have a working example code and I basically want to know if this kind of programming is thread-save.
The other question is if I can configure sbt or the compiler or something in a way, that all threads (from the gui, the actors and the futures) are started by the same dispatcher.
I've found some example code "scalafx-akka-demo" on GitHub, which is 4 years old. What I did in the following example is basically the same, just a little simplified to keep things easy.
Then there is the scalatrix-example approximately with the same age. This example really worries me.
In there is a self-written dispatcher from Viktor Klang from 2012, and I have no idea how to make this work or if I really need it. The question is: Is this dispatcher only an optimisation or do I have to use something like it to be thread save?
But even if I don't absolutely need the dispatcher like in scalatrix, it is not optimal to have a dispatcher for the aktor-threads and one for the scalafx-event-threads. (And maybe one for the Futures-threads as well?)
In my actual project, I have some measurement values coming from a device over TCP-IP, going to an TCP-IP actor and are to be displayed in a scalafx-GUI. But this is much to long.
So here is my example code:
import{Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props}
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.application.{JFXApp, Platform}
import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage
import scalafx.event.ActionEvent
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.control.Button
import scalafx.stage.WindowEvent
object Main extends JFXApp {
case object Count
case object StopCounter
case object CounterReset
val aktorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("My-Aktor-system") // Create actor context
val guiActor: ActorRef = aktorSystem.actorOf(Props(new GUIActor), "guiActor") // Create GUI actor
val button: Button = new Button(text = "0") {
onAction = (_: ActionEvent) => guiActor ! Count
val someComputation = Future {
println("Doing counter reset")
guiActor ! CounterReset
Platform.runLater(button.text = "0")
class GUIActor extends Actor {
def receive: Receive = counter(1)
def counter(n: Int): Receive = {
case Count =>
Platform.runLater(button.text = n.toString)
println("The count is: " + n)
context.become(counter(n + 1))
case CounterReset => context.become(counter(1))
case StopCounter => context.system.terminate()
stage = new PrimaryStage {
scene = new Scene {
root = button
onCloseRequest = (_: WindowEvent) => {
guiActor ! StopCounter
Await.ready(aktorSystem.whenTerminated, 5.seconds)
So this code brings up a button, and every time it is clicked the number of the button increases. After some time the number on the button is reset once.
In this example-code I tried to bring the scalafx-GUI, the actor and the Future to influence each other. So the button click sends a message to the actor, and then the actor changes the gui - which is what I am testing here.
The Future also sends to the actor and changes the gui.
So far, this example works and I haven't found everything wrong with it.
But unfortunately, when it comes to thread-safety this doesn't mean much
My concrete questions are:
Is the method to change the gui in the example code thread save?
Is there may be a better way to do it?
Can the different threads be started from the same dispatcher?
(if yes, then how?)
To address your questions:
1) Is the method to change the gui in the example code thread save?
JavaFX, which ScalaFX sits upon, implements thread safety by insisting that all GUI interactions take place upon the JavaFX Application Thread (JAT), which is created during JavaFX initialization (ScalaFX takes care of this for you). Any code running on a different thread that interacts with JavaFX/ScalaFX will result in an error.
You are ensuring that your GUI code executes on the JAT by passing interacting code via the Platform.runLater method, which evaluates its arguments on the JAT. Because arguments are passed by name, they are not evaluated on the calling thread.
So, as far as JavaFX is concerned, your code is thread safe.
However, potential issues can still arise if the code you pass to Platform.runLater contains any references to mutable state maintained on other threads.
You have two calls to Platform.runLater. In the first of these (button.text = "0"), the only mutable state (button.text) belongs to JavaFX, which will be examined and modified on the JAT, so you're good.
In the second call (button.text = n.toString), you're passing the same JavaFX mutable state (button.text). But you're also passing a reference to n, which belongs to the GUIActor thread. However, this value is immutable, and so there are no threading issues from looking at its value. (The count is maintained by the Akka GUIActor class's context, and the only interactions that change the count come through Akka's message handling mechanism, which is guaranteed to be thread safe.)
That said, there is one potential issue here: the Future both resets the count (which will occur on the GUIActor thread) as well as setting the text to "0" (which will occur on the JAT). Consequently, it's possible that these two actions will occur in an unexpected order, such as button's text being changed to "0" before the count is actually reset. If this occurs simultaneously with the user clicking the button, you'll get a race condition and it's conceivable that the displayed value may end up not matching the current count.
2) Is there may be a better way to do it?
There's always a better way! ;-)
To be honest, given this small example, there's not a lot of further improvement to be made.
I would try to keep all of the interaction with the GUI inside either GUIActor, or the Main object to simplify the threading and synchronization issues.
For example, going back to the last point in the previous answer, rather than have the Future update button.text, it would be better if that was done as part of the CounterReset message handler in GUIActor, which then guarantees that the counter and button appearance are synchronized correctly (or, at least, that they're always updated in the same order), with the displayed value guaranteed to match the count.
If your GUIActor class is handling a lot of interaction with the GUI, then you could have it execute all of its code on the JAT (I think this was the purpose of Viktor Klang's example), which would simplify a lot of its code. For example, you would not have to call Platform.runLater to interact with the GUI. The downside is that you then cannot perform processing in parallel with the GUI, which might slow down its performance and responsiveness as a result.
3) Can the different threads be started from the same dispatcher? (if yes, then how?)
You can specify custom execution contexts for both futures and Akka actors to get better control of their threads and dispatching. However, given Donald Knuth's observation that "premature optimization is the root of all evil", there's no evidence that this would provide you with any benefits whatsoever, and your code would become significantly more complicated as a result.
As far as I'm aware, you can't change the execution context for JavaFX/ScalaFX, since JAT creation must be finely controlled in order to guarantee thread safety. But I could be wrong.
In any case, the overhead of having different dispatchers is not going to be high. One of the reasons for using futures and actors is that they will take care of these issues for you by default. Unless you have a good reason to do otherwise, I would use the defaults.

X11: How to delay repainting until all events are processed?

I'm writing a program that has an X11/Xlib interface, and my event processing loop looks like this:
while (XNextEvent(display, &ev) >= 0) {
switch (ev.type) {
// Process events
The problem is when the window is resized, I get a bunch of Expose events telling me which parts of the window to redraw. If I redraw them in direct response to the events, the redraw operation lags terribly because it is so slow (after resizing I get to see all the newly invalidated rectangles refresh one by one.)
What I would like to do is to record the updated window size as it changes, and only run one redraw operation on the entire window (or at least only two rectangles) when there are no more events left to process.
Unfortunately I can't see a way to do this. I tried this:
do {
XPeekEvent(display, &ev);
while (XCheckMaskEvent(display, ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask, &ev)) {
switch (ev.type) {
// Process events, record but don't process redraw events
// No more events, do combined redraw here
Which does actually work, but it's a little inefficient, and if an event arrives that I am not interested in the XCheckMaskEvent call doesn't remove it from the queue, so it stays there stopping XPeekEvent from blocking, resulting in 100% CPU use.
I was just wondering whether there is a standard way to achieve the delayed/combined redraw that I am after? Many of the Xlib event processing functions seem to block, so they're not really suitable to use if you want to do some processing just before they block, but only if they would block!
EDIT: For the record, this is the solution I used. It's a simplified version of n.m.'s:
while (XNextEvent(display, &ev) >= 0) {
switch (ev.type) {
// Process events, remember any redraws needed later
if (!XPending(display)) {
// No more events, redraw if needed
FWIW a UI toolkit such as GTK+ does it this way:
for each window, maintains a "damage region" (union of all expose events)
when the damage region becomes non-empty, adds an "idle handler" which is a function the event loop will run when it doesn't have anything else to do
the idle handler will run when the event queue is empty AND the X socket has nothing to read (according to poll() on ConnectionNumber(dpy))
the idle handler of course repaints the damage region
In GTK+, they're changing this over to a more modern 3D-engine oriented way (clean up the damage region on vertical sync) in a future version, but it's worked in the fairly simple way above for many years.
When translated to raw Xlib, this looks about like n.m.'s answer: repaint when you have a damage region and !XPending(). So feel free to accept that answer I just figured I'd add a little extra info.
If you wanted things like timers and idles, you could consider something lke libev it's designed to just drop a couple of source files in your app (it isn't set up to be an external dependency). You would add the display's file descriptor to the event loop.
For tracking damage regions, people often cut-and-paste the file "miregion.c" which is from the "machine independent" code in the X server. Just google for miregion.c or download the X server sources and look for it. A "region" here is simply a list of rectangles which supports operations such as union and intersect. To add damage, union it with the old region, to repair damage, subtract it, etc.
Try something like the following (not actually tested):
while (TRUE) {
if (XPending(display) || !pendingRedraws) {
// if an event is pending, fetch it and process it
// otherwise, we have neither events nor pending redraws, so we can
// safely block on the event queue
XNextEvent (display, &ev);
if (isExposeEvent(&ev)) {
pendingRedraws = TRUE;
else {
else {
// we must have a pending redraw
pendingRedraws = FALSE;
It could be beneficial to wait for 10 ms or so before doing the redraw. Unfortunately the raw Xlib has no interface for timers. You need a higher-level toolkit for that (all toolkits including Xt have some kind of timer interface), or work directly with the underlying socket of the X11 connection.

Can't reset my gametime to zero in XNA

I'm creating a game with XNA 4.0 and I have a problem with resetting the game time in my game,
the problem is I'm using this code for adding my objects in game:
Timespan prevSpawn =;
Timespan objectSpawnTime = timespan.fromsec(5);
if (gameTime.TotalGameTime - prevSpawn> objectSpawnTime)
prevSpawn = gameTime.TotalGameTime;
I want to reset the game time to zero, when start the game again or game end and goes to mainmenu and hit the play again, I want to reset gametime.
As i understand from the MSDN entry below, the GameTime.TotalGameTime property will continue 'ticking' until you end the game, or, entire application.
Perhaps it would be wiser to use your own object, for which you can reset with any of your actions and hence have more control over the time span. Then you could still use this property for counting the difference from one and the other.
i.e. when you reset/restart etc, do not refer to TotalGameTime and try to make it be zero, but refer to your own object's timespan, or to (TotalGameTime - TimeWhenReset) where TimeWhenReset is the timespan copied from TotalGameTime when you reset.
This is untested, but I think that it should work if I understood correctly.
For a more accurate timer, you would be better using a time span, and a DateTime vairable. Set the DateTime to now when you want to start the timer, and in the TimeSpan do something like this:
timer = StartTime - DateTime.Now;
This will give you a timer you can deploy at any time.

Can someone explain callback/event firing

In a previous SO question it was recommended to me to use callback/event firing instead of polling. Can someone explain this in a little more detail, perhaps with references to online tutorials that show how this can be done for Java based web apps.
The definition of a callback from Wikipedia is:
In computer programming, a callback is
executable code that is passed as an
argument to other code. It allows a
lower-level software layer to call a
subroutine (or function) defined in a
higher-level layer.
In it's very basic form a callback could be used like this (pseudocode):
void function Foo()
MessageBox.Show("Operation Complete");
void function Bar(Method myCallback)
//Perform some operation
//When completed execute the callback method
static int Main()
Bar(Foo); //Pops a message box when Bar is completed
Modern languages like Java and c# have a standardized way of doing this and they call it events. An event is simply a special type of property added to a class that contains a list of Delegates / Method Pointers / Callbacks (all three of these things are the same thing. When the event gets "fired" it simply iterates through it's list of callbacks and executes them. These are also referred to as listeners.
Here's an example
public class Button
public event Clicked;
void override OnMouseUp()
//User has clicked on the button. Let's notify anyone listening to this event.
Clicked(); //Iterates through all the callbacks in it's list and calls Invoke();
public class MyForm
private _Button;
public Constructor()
_Button = new Button();
//Different languages provide different ways of registering listeners to events.
// _Button.Clicked += Button_Clicked_Handler;
// _Button.Clicked.AddListener(Button_Clicked_Handler);
public void Button_Clicked_Handler()
MessageBox.Show("Button Was Clicked");
In this example the Button class has an event called Clicked. It allows anyone who wants to be notified when is clicked to register a callback method. In this case the "Button_Clicked_Handler" method would be executed by Clicked event.
Eventing/Callback architecture is very handy whenever you need to be notified that something has occurred elsewhere in the program and you have no direct knowledge of when or how this happens.
This greatly simplifies notification. Polling makes it much more difficult because you are responsible for checking every so often whether or not an operation has completed. A simple polling mechanism would be like this:
static void CheckIfDone()
//Button has been clicked.
The problem is that this particular situation would block your existing thread and have to continue checking until Button.IsClicked is true. The nice thing about eventing architecture is that it is asynchronous and let's the Acting Item (button) notify the listener when it is completed instead of the listener having to keep checking,
The difference between polling and callback/event is simple:
Polling: You are asking, continuously or every fixed amount of time, if some condition is meet, for example, if some keyboard key have been pressed.
Callback: You say to some driver, other code or whatever: When something happens (the keyboard have been pressed in our example), call this function, and you pass it what function you want to be called when the event happens. This way, you can "forget" about that event, knowing that it will be handled correctly when it happens.
Callback is when you pass a function/object to be called/notified when something it cares about happens. This is used a lot in UI - A function is passed to a button that is called whenever the button is pressed, for example.
There are two players involved in this scenario. First you have the "observed" which from time to time does things in which other players are interested. These other players are called "observers". The "observed" could be a timer, the "observers" could be tasks, interested in alarm events.
This "pattern" is described in the book "Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides.
Two examples:
The SAX parser to parse XML walks
trough an XML file and raises events
each time an element is encountered.
A listener can listen to these
elements and do something with it.
Swing and AWT are based on this
pattern. When the user moves the
mouse, clicks or types something on
the keyboard, these actions are
converted into events. The UI
components listen to these
events and react to them.
Being notified via an event is almost always preferable to polling, especially if hardware is involved and that event originates from a driver issuing a CPU interrupt. In that case, you're not using ANY cpu at all while you wait for some piece of hardware to complete a task.

Showing completion in a progress bar

In this particular situation, there are 9 automated steps in a process that take varying lengths of time. We currently have a number showing percentage in the center of a progress bar, but it suffers from the common stop-and-go problem of racing up to 33%, waiting a long time, racing up to 55%, waiting an even longer time, then finishing.
What's the best way to present this to the user? Should we remove the number, remove the whole progress bar in favor of an ajax-type circle animation, add descriptive text for the nine steps and checking them off or leave it the way it is? What are your thoughts?
If it really takes a long time, AJAX type of animation is probably not a good idea. I'd go with checklist of items.
The progress bar serves to reassure the user that something is going on. When you do not have a more detailed list of steps, I would recommend 'faking' them.
A basic solution would be to run a timer and slowly increase the progress, capping it at the next logic step value. If the steps take wildly different amounts of time, you can manually adjust the delta value for every timer 'tick' depending in which step you're in.
However, a better solution (I once implemented it this way, but I cannot post the code :)), would be to slowly decrease the delta as the step continues -- so it never quite makes it to the next step. Then the next step arrives, you have a nice jump and the cycle repeats.
In some cases it's more important for a progress bar to indicate that something is happening than for it to be accurate and smooth. Users tend to panic when progress bars stop progressing.
If you have problems with the bar freezing for periods of time, it might be better to replace it with a generic animation that reassures the user that something is happening without worrying about showing how far along the process is. Or, leave the progress bar in place, but add some additional animation as a placebo.
To expand Cadet Pirx's answer, here's some WinForms C# code. You'll need a new UserControl. Put a ProgressBar control on it, called inner. Add the following code:
public partial class ZenoProgressBar : UserControl
private const int DEFAULT_FACTOR_VALUE = 10;
private const int DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_VALUE = 100;
public ZenoProgressBar()
/// <summary>
/// The "speed" of the progress bar. While it will never get to
/// the end, it uses this number to decide how much further to
/// go each time Increment is called. For example, setting it to
/// 2 causes half of the remaining distance to be covered.
/// </summary>
public int Factor { get; set; }
public int Maximum { get; set; }
private void ZenoProgressBar_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
inner.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
public void Increment()
inner.Value += (inner.Maximum - inner.Value) / Factor;
I had almost the exact same problem. We also had 9 steps, so the bar would go 11%, 22% 33% etc. and also with some steps taking longer than others.
I decided to make two of the longer steps count as two, so we how had 11 steps, so it wasn't as obvious, and the jumps weren't always even: 9%, 18%, 36%, 45%, 54%, 72%, 81%, 90%, done. The step values were always the same, but since the size of the step wasn't obvious, it worked..
