I would like to reset the server being tested (e.g. wipe sessions, reboot, etc.) for the next test. How can I configure a test plan to run cleanup code (a single call to an appropriately configured HTTP Sampler would be enough) after all the test threads have completed?
You can do this with your Test Plan Structure, by using two different thread groups. Group A would run all the tests, then Group B would run the clean up. Under "test plan" select the option to NOT run thread groups concurrently; thus B will execute after A completes.
I am trying to execute my JMeter script via Azure Load Testing, I have setup a duration time in the JMeter script but when I execute via Azure Load Testing ,it does not get reflected, I cant figure from where the time is getting set. I am not sure how to configure that or where it gets overridden. Any support is appreciated.
If you provided duration_in_sec in your Azure Load Test Configuration - it will override whatever you have in the .jmx test script
If you didn't - the duration will be taken from the Thread Group(s)
If you haven't specified duration in the Thread Group - the test will end as soon as the last thread (virtual user) executes last iteration of the last Sampler in the last Thread Group.
Otherwise you test will run forever.
More information: JMeter Tutorial: Getting Started With the Basics
I am using jmeter to test at my dev server.
The Scenario is like This.
0. Turn OFF all firewalls both local PC(so called, HOST) and client PC(so called, CLIENT)
Turn on Jmeter at my HOST
--> add Thread Group, bzm-Parellel Controller. I am not certain at this point
Connect to CLIENT (once)
-> maybe, by SSH Command or REMOTE Start
execute my test script at CLIENT (several times, more than 100 times)
-> such as, 'ls' 'pwd' 'mkdir dir123' 'ls' IN A ROW!!
-> maybe, by OS Process Sampler. I am not certain at this point
get result of (3) at my HOST jmeter by View Results Tree
This is the scenario that I Thought
Can anyone help me with this issue.
Cuz, there's too many Samplers and less information, I'm suffering such a tough moments.
Thank you for reading.
Turning off firewall is not the best idea, just open the port you will be using, default port for SSH is 22 and normally it's getting opened more or less automatically when you install OpenSSH server
I don't think you need Parallel Controller, it has very specific use cases like simulating AJAX requests, it will be sufficient to specify the desired number of users/loops/test duration on Thread Group level
Remote start is for JMeter distributed testing, if you want to run a shell command on the client use OS Process Sampler or SSH Command sampler, see How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter article for more details.
The same is for point 2, if you need to create a directory depending on your HOST and CLIENT operating systems you need to choose one of the aforementioned samplers. Just be aware that only first operation/iteration succeeds, all the subsequent attempts you will get cannot create directory ‘dir123’: File exists. I'm also not certain what you're trying to test here? SSH server performance? Operating system performance? Network performance?
If you add View Results Tree listener to your Test Plan and run your test in GUI mode it will automatically catch all the Samplers results
I want to run a load test on my server. I have built couple of different test plans and I need to execute all the test plans at the same time.
I'm using a few instances of JMeter on three different machines and I'm trying to figure out whether I can schedule my JMeter scripts to be started at a certain time?
One way would be to run, on each of my machines, a script in which I run my JMeter test plans at a certain time
The reason I decided to not use JMeter in master/slave mode is that each of my test plans would generate a load from different parts of my application. So I need each of my JMeter instances to run a different Thread Group.
If you don't want to install software as Jenkins
You can schedule jmeter execution in exact time using crontab, example:
Schedule a cron to execute at 2am daily.
This will be useful for scheduling database backup on a daily basis.
0 2 * * * /bin/sh backup.sh
Depending on your operating system:
Windows: Task Scheduler
Linux: crontab
MacOS: launchd
You can also consider installing a CI/CD solution like Jenkins, BuiltBot or CruiseControl which provide VCS system integration as well as possibility to schedule builds at the specific time or run basing on various triggers.
a solution to my question is to use "at" command which allows us to schedule a job at a certain time. Since I needed my test script to be executed only once, I decided to take this approach.
For example, following command would schedule a task at 12:01 PM (you need to make sure that your user is assigned all the required permissions to run this job)
echo "JMETER_HOME/jmeter -n -t MT_TEST_PLAN.jmx -l MY_TEST_RESULT.jtl" | at 12:01 PM
Although, I do not support the usage of Jmeter GUI for executing load tests, it depends with how many users you are executing. If the user load is small, you can use Start Time/End Time in the Threadgroup.
If you are using windows machines to execute load test, you can use windows task scheduler to run load tests at some specific time.
I have a test plan which contains a test suite which has 4 sub suites of automated test cases. I want to execute all the subsuites one after the other without manual intervention. Is it possible?
try running test cases from command prompt, this requires the least manual intervention, as once all things are set you need to change only the build number to run your test cases.
refer this link
I have a VSTS project with a list of 30 LoadTest tests that I want to run sequentially. All tests are independent from each other.
When I try to run all the tests, it starts with the first test and it executes it perfectly, but once the first test is finished, it automatically starts to mark the rest of the tests as completed, but without executing them.
Do I have to configure any option to run all of them together? Am I missing something?
Note: when the first test is finished it also asks me if I want to view the "detailed results from the load test".
Any advice/comment is welcomed...
UPDATE (16/07/2010)
More info... I'm trying to run the load tests as in the image that you can see at freeimagehosting.net/image.php?69cc93fa7b.gif. After the first loadtest is finished the rest of them are just marked as completed.
The load tests are individual tests, and have never seen a way to execute them simultaneously. You create individual web tests that you then put into a load test to run.