run findbugs through maven eclipse - maven

how to run findbugs through eclipse with maven project. I have configured in maven as:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
i want to know what are the errors/warnings reported by findbugs.

You will find the report during the usual compile package phase created in the target directory. If you like to see a more readable output you have to use the findbugs goal in the reporting block instead of the build block.

You could also just use the findbugs eclipse plugin which will give you a nice eclipse window that points you directly to all of your bugs.


Having trouble exporting maven javafx probject

I recently made my own version of the 2048 game in javafx. I used maven and eclipse to build the project and whenever I run the project in eclipse it works perfectly fine. However, when I exported the project into a runnable jar, the jar wouldn't run. I tried running it from the command terminal to see what was wrong. I got the error "JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application." The thing is when I created the maven project on eclipse I made sure to add the javafxml achetype to my maven project. I thought this would ensure that javafx would work with my project. This is my first time working with maven, so any advice would be appreciated.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Default configuration for running -->
<!-- Usage: mvn clean javafx:run -->

How to resolve a conflict with a system scope dependency jar

I have a jar that my code depends on and it is located locally on my PC.
That jar contains the 'org.apache.commons.lang3' package but an older version or a version that contains the class 'StringUtils' but without all of its methods.
In my maven pom, I am using the 'org.apache.commons.lang3' dependency also but at runtime I get the error 'NoSuchMethodError' which means that during runtime it is using the commons.lang3 version of the jar and not the one from my dependency.
Is there a way to force it to use the dependency in my pom file?
Here is how my pom looks like:
<project xmlns=""
<!-- build fat jar file with dependencies -->
It is not possible to remove such packages in a jar with Maven. I have to manualy edit and remove the packages from the jar file.
Thank you all for taking the time to answer!

How to generate a SINGLE jar contains /src/main/java and /src/test/java

I have created a maven project and trying to generate a SINGLE jar file should contain both /src/main/java & /src/test/java.
But it is generating two SEPARATE jar files. Please let me know, how can I achieve this in maven?
generated jar files:
my pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
You cannot access test classes from application code. So no maven plugin will help you to add src/main/java and src/test/java in a single executable jar.
If at all you want to access the main classes from the test project, check the answer similar to your question on stackoverflow here:
How can I include test classes into Maven jar and execute them?
I have tried with below approach and it worked.

What dependency scope for Derby JDBC drivers in intergration scope (cayenne)

I am trying to build my pom.xml so that I can automatically create my database schema when running 'mvn install'. I'm using the "maven-cayenne-plugin" to do this. This is plugin is being called (at the integration-test phase), as I can see the output. But the mojo fails with the exception: (I used the -e and -X flag to see this).
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
(I get the same if I try and use the EmbeddedDriver and whether or not I include 'derbyclient' or simply 'derby' as my dependency).
Here's a pom.xml that should replicate the issue.
I'm using MVN 3 on Windows.
[ Apache Maven 3.0.4 (r1232337; 2012-01-17 08:44:56+0000) ]
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
This also requires a valid cayenne "" file (in src/main/resources), here's one I made earlier:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<data-map xmlns=""
<db-entity name="TEST">
<db-attribute name="ID" type="INTEGER" isPrimaryKey="true" isMandatory="true"/>
Adding more information.
The derbyclient- does contain the class 'org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver' (just expanded the JAR from Netbeans).
The -X flag seems to show that the CLASSPATH is correctly referencing the JAR:
[DEBUG] (f) classpathElements = [<PROJECT-PATH>\mvn\target\classes, <HOME-DIR>\.m2\repository\org\apache\derby\derbyclient\\derbyclient-]
SOLUTION:working pom.xml (see answer and my comment):
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
To ensure that the Derby driver is available during plugin execution (vs during your code compilation), you need to add it as a dependency of the plugin itself:

About pom.xml run and outputs

I am new to pom and i run the below pom.xml it executed successfully but there is no results found in under target folder.
please tell me how to execute my pom and where i found my results (Like : Outputs)
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
the pom is valid, try:
mvn package
if everything goes well, maven will package your project into a jar file at target/yy_artifactid-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
you can use Exec Maven Plugin to run java programs
add the the plugin to your pom.xml:
remember to change the org.example.Main to the main class of your program which should contains a static entry method: ** public static void main (String[] args)**
and then run: mvn compile exec:exec
to execute the unit tests of your application, put test cases under src/test/java fold, and run mvn test
