very noob question about ruby inheritance, ruby object inside FXRuby - ruby

first sorry for my poor english...I've a doubt..I'm reading the FXRuby for the pragmatic programmer..and I saw this code
require 'fox16'
include Fox
class HelloWindow < FXMainWindow
def initialize(app)
super(app, "Hello, World!" , :width => 200, :height => 100)
def create
app =
It's a very basic example...actually It's he first example..but I'm so noob than I don't understand it:
app is a FXAPP object..
now I create a HelloWindow object and pass my FXApp object named "app"
so far so good
but the book write app.create
I'm calling the "create" method inside FXApp class...or not?..
why when I call app.create..ruby call the create method inside HelloWindow? is a very different object than HelloWindow class and I could can call an anscestor method (like when I use super) but not at the inverse way...
why they don't call it something like this
this way I calling the create method inside HelloWindows class..and it is descendent from FXMainWindows
I hope than you can understand (sorry for my bad english) and can help me
thanks so much

I don't know anything about FXRuby, but I answer your questions about the Ruby side of things.
When Ruby executes app.create, it will call the create method inside the FXApp class because app's type is FXApp (assuming that there is no create method defined for the singleton class of app).
When you call app.create, there is probably some code in the FXApp class to calls create on all of the windows in the app, so that's how your window's create function gets called. If you want to really find out how your window's create function is being called, try adding raise "hello" to it and see if you get a backtrace of the exception.
I don't really know the answer to your last question because it has to do with the design of the FXRuby library. But conceptually it seems like calling app.create and window.create are very different things. If you want to run the app, you should create it first. Simply creating one window isn't good enough.


Understanding Ruby define_method with initialize

So, I'm currently learning about metaprogramming in Ruby and I want to fully understand what is happening behind the scenes.
I followed a tutorial where I included some of the methods in my own small project, an importer for CSV files and I have difficulties to wrap my hand around one of the methods used.
I know that the define_method method in Ruby exists to create methods "on the fly", which is great. Now, in the tutorial the method initialize to instantiate an object from a class is defined with this method, so basically it looks like this:
class Foo
def self.define_initialize(attributes)
define_method(:initialize) do |*args| do |attribute, value|
instance_variable_set("##{attribute}", value)
Next, in an initializer of the other class first this method is called with Foo.define_initialize(attributes), where attributes are the header row from the CSV file like ["attr_1", "attr_2", ...], so the *args are not provided yet.
Then in the next step a loop loops over the the data:
#foos = data[1..-1].map do |d|*d)
So here the *d get passed as the *args to the initialize method respectively to the block.
So, is it right that when Foo.define_initialize gets called, the method is just "built" for later calls to the class?
So I theoretically get a class which now has this method like:
def initialize(*args)
... do stuff
Because otherwise, it had to throw an exception like "missing arguments" or something - so, in other words, it just defines the method like the name implies.
I hope that I made my question clear enough, cause as a Rails developer coming from the "Rails magic" I would really like to understand what is happening behind the scenes in some cases :).
Thanks for any helpful reply!
Short answer, yes, long answer:
First, let's start explaining in a really (REALLY) simple way, how metaprogramming works on Ruby. In Ruby, the definition of anything is never close, that means that you can add, update, or delete the behavior of anything (really, almost anything) at any moment. So, if you want to add a method to Object class, you are allowed, same for delete or update.
In your example, you are doing nothing more than update or create the initialize method of a given class. Note that initialize is not mandatory, because ruby builds a default "blank" one for you if you didn't create one. You may think, "what happens if the initialize method already exist?" and the answer is "nothing". I mean, ruby is going to rewrite the initialize method again, and new calls are going to call the new initialize.

In a Ruby module, how do you test if a method exists in the context which use the module?

Some context
I'm playing with Ruby to deepen my knowledge and have fun while at the same time improving my knowledge of Esperanto with a just starting toy project called Ĝue. Basically, the aim is to use Ruby facilities to implement a DSL that matches Esperanto traits that I think interesting in the context of a programming language.
The actual problem
So a first trait I would like to implement is inflection of verbs, using infinitive in method declaration (ending with -i), and jussive (ending with -u) for call to the method.
A first working basic implementation is like that:
module Ĝue
def method_missing(igo, *args, &block)
case igo
when /u$/
celo = igo.to_s.sub(/u$/, 'i').to_s
And it works. Now the next step is to make it more resilient, because there is no guaranty that celo will exists when the module try to call it. That is, the module should implement the respond_to? method. Thus the question, how do the module know if the context where module was required include the corresponding infinitive method? Even after adding extend self at the beginning of the module, inside of the module methods.include? :testi still return false when tested with the following code, although the testu call works perfectly:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require './teke/ĝue.rb'
include Ĝue
def testi; puts 'testo!' ;end
Note that the test is run directly into the main scope. I don't know if this makes any difference with using a dedicated class scope, I would guess that no, as to the best of my knowledge everything is an object in Ruby.
Found a working solution through In Ruby, how do I check if method "foo=()" is defined?
So in this case, this would be checkable through
eval("defined? #{celo}") == 'method'

A better way to call methods on an instance

My question has a couple layers to it so please bear with me? I built a module that adds workflows from the Workflow gem to an instance, when you call a method on that instance. It has to be able to receive the description as a Hash or some basic data structure and then turn that into something that puts the described workflow onto the class, at run-time. So everything has to happen at run-time. It's a bit complex to explain what all the crazy requirements are for but it's still a good question, I hope. Anyways, The best I can do to be brief for a context, here, is this:
Build a class and include this module I built.
Create an instance of Your class.
Call the inject_workflow(some_workflow_description) method on the instance. It all must be dynamic.
The tricky part for me is that when I use public_send() or eval() or exec(), I still have to send some nested method calls and it seems like they use 2 different scopes, the class' and Workflow's (the gem). When someone uses the Workflow gem, they hand write these method calls in their class so it scopes everything correctly. The gem gets to have access to the class it creates methods on. The way I'm trying to do it, the user doesn't hand write the methods on the class, they get added to the class via the method shown here. So I wasn't able to get it to work using blocks because I have to do nested block calls e.g.
workflow() do # first method call
# first nested method call. can't access my scope from here
state(:state_name) do
# second nested method call. can't access my scope
event(:event_name, transitions_to: :transition_to_state)
One of the things I'm trying to do is call the Workflow#state() method n number of times, while nesting the Workflow#event(with, custom_params) 0..n times. The problem for me seems to be that I can't get the right scope when I nest the methods like that.
It works just like I'd like it to (I think...) but I'm not too sure I hit the best implementation. In fact, I think I'll probably get some strong words for what I've done. I tried using public_send() and every other thing I could find to avoid using class_eval() to no avail.
Whenever I attempted to use one of the "better" methods, I couldn't quite get the scope right and sometimes, I was invoking methods on the wrong object, altogether. So I think this is where I need the help, yeah?
This is what a few of the attempts were going for but this is more pseudo-code because I could never get this version or any like it to fly.
# Call this as soon as you can, after .new()
def inject_workflow(description)
public_send :workflow do
description[:workflow][:states].each do |state| do |name, event|
public_send name.to_sym do # nested call occurs in Workflow gem
# nested call occurs in Workflow gem
public_send :event, event[:name], transitions_to: event[:transitions_to]
From what I was trying, all these kinds of attempts ended up in the same result, which was my scope isn't what I need because I'm evaluating code in the Workflow gem, not in the module or user's class.
Anyways, here's my implementation. I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction!
module WorkflowFactory
# ...
def inject_workflow(description)
# Build up an array of strings that will be used to create exactly what
# you would hand-write in your class, if you wanted to use the gem.
description_string_builder = ['include Workflow', 'workflow do']
description[:workflow][:states].each do |state| do |name, state_description|
if state_description.nil? # if this is a final state...
description_string_builder << "state :#{name}"
else # because it is not a final state, add event information too.
"state :#{name} do",
"event :#{state_description[:event]}, transitions_to: :#{state_description[:transitions_to]}",
description_string_builder << "end\n"
# Use class_eval to run that workflow specification by
# passing it off to the workflow gem, just like you would when you use
# the gem normally. I'm pretty sure this is where everyone's head pops...
define_singleton_method(:has_workflow?) { true }
rescue Exception => e
define_singleton_method(:has_workflow?) { !!(puts e.backtrace) }
# This is the class in question.
class Job
include WorkflowFactory
# ... some interesting code for your class goes here
def next! choose the correct event
# and in some other place where you want your "job" to be able to use a workflow, you have something like this...
job =
# => false
until job.done? do! end
# progresses through the workflow and manages its own state awareness
I started this question off under 300000 lines of text, I swear. Thanks for hanging in there! Here's even more documentation, if you're not asleep yet.
module in my gem

Ruby - how to intercept a block and modify it before eval-ing or yield-ing it?

I have been thinking about blocks in Ruby.
Please consider this code:
div {
h2 'Hello world!'
This calls the method div(), and passes a block to it.
With yield I can evaluate the block.
h2() is also a method, and so is drag().
Now the thing is - h2() is defined in a module, which
is included. drag() on the other hand resides on an
object and also needs some additional information.
I can provide this at run-time, but not at call-time.
In other words, I need to be able to "intercept"
drag(), change it, and then call that method
on another object.
Is there a way to evaluate yield() line by line
or some other way? I don't have to call yield
yet, it would also be possible to get this
code as string, modify drag(), and then
eval() on it (although this sounds ugly, I
just need to have this available anyway
no mater how).
If I'm understanding you correctly, it seems that you're looking for the .tap method. Tap allows you to access intermediate results within a method chain. Of course, this would require you to restructure how this is set up.
You can kind of do this with instance_eval and a proxy object.
The general idea would be something like this:
class DSLProxyObject
def initialize(proxied_object)
#target = proxied_object
def drag
# Do some stuff
def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
#target.send(method, *args, &block)
You could implement each of your DSL's methods, perform whatever modifications you need to when a method is called, and then call what you need to on the underlying object to make the DSL resolve.
It's difficult to answer your question completely without a less general example, but the general idea is that you would create an object context that has the information you need and which wraps the underlying DSL, then evaluate the DSL block in that context, which would let you intercept and modify individual calls on a per-usage basis.

Is this ruby metaprogramming abuse?

I am new to Ruby, and have a gem that I am making to interact with a JSONRPC API and basically all calls and responses are similar enough, that every API call can be handled with one function, like:
but I would like to also (for convenience sake) be able to do:
Is there any reason not to do this by using Module.const_missing to return a dummy class that has a method_missing which will allow passing the call from Module::APINamespace.NamespaceMethod to Module::api_command('APINamespace.NamespaceMethod')
Is there a more elegant or civilized way to do this?
Yes, I'm sorry, but to my mind that hack is ridiculous. :)
First of all, i'm assuming that your api_command method is actually invoking methods on the APINamespace module, as implied by this line: Module::api_command('APINamespace.NamespaceMethod')
Given the above, why not just set a constant equal to APINamespace in your module?
MyModule::APINamespace = ::APINamespace
I'm still not entirely understanding your situation, but perhaps this:
module MyModule
def self.const_missing(c)
Now you can invoke any top-level constant as if it was defined on your module; say there was a module called StrangeAPI at top-level, if you use the hack above, you can now invoke its methods as follows:
Is this what you want?
