How to update a screen when an event occurs at another screen? - user-interface

I am developing a chat application in blackberry.
I have made a main screen which acts like the home screen of the application. Whenever application is started this screen appears first.
There are like 5 screens (1 Main screen and 4 other screens).
My problem is..I want to update this 1 main screen when something happens on other 4 screens. Like For example, if I'm using the voice recording screen of my application. I have to add an icon to my main screen of the application indicating I have recorded a voice message after I have finished up.
I am not able to get the logic for doing this. Since I want to update a screen's UI which is already on stack, from a screen which is at the top of the stack.
And also, I want to keep those things at the main screen of the application whenever I start my application(just like history of the activities).
please help.

Read this article:
It shows how to update UI from different thread using Observer Design pattern. But you can use same technique to update screen from different screens.

Take a look at MVC design pattern.
Implement screens as Views which get notified when data model changed.


Xamarin Android MvvmCross Onboarding

so I'm developing an app that uses MvxSplashScreenActivity for its splash screen and it works well. I just got a feature request for onboarding screens to be shown to first time users. Here comes the problem, I can't seem to find a place to hook in code like if new user then do onboarding else show the splash screen. Is this possible or am I not thinking about it correctly. I will be using this AppIntro for the onboarding slides. Any assistance will be appreciated
I like to funnel users through another activity that has the same layout as the splash screen, which allows you to do any other initialisation and decide where the user should go. This means that you show every user the splash screen and every user the 'loading' screen, but where they go next depends on whether they are a new user or not. The user won't be able to tell the difference between the splash screen and your loading screen unless you want them too so it appears seamless. So it will look like:
Splash -> Main Loading Screen -> if new user Onboarding else the first screen of your app
If you are making any calls to an API or doing anything else that could take a while here it is wise to show an activity indicator also, so the user knows something is happening and the app isn't frozen.
I implemented Jason's suggestion. Basically, always show the splash screen and based on whether it's a new user or not show the onboarding screen or home screen.

Nativescript + Vuejs - Show dialog while app is in background

I am developing an app very similar to Uber in Nativescript + Vuejs.
There is a moment in the flow of the application, where a driver, having accepted a trip, runs the device's default satnav application (eg Google Map, Waze, etc.) to perform GPS navigation. The point is that while the driver is navigating -with the maps application in the foreground- there is a use case where he can receive an offer to take another trip (as the current trip is soon to end), which he has to confirm or reject/dismiss. Is there a way to do one of the following scenarios:
Show a dialog that appears above the map application showing trip details and two CTA buttons? Like a dark overlay maybe?
Return my application to foreground to show the dialog (leaving the maps application in the background). Important detail is that the map application is opened programmatically by my application.
Please remember that I am using nativescript and not Java/Obj-C.
Thank you!

Call indicator bar is not responding for audio and video call

I have implemented Twilio voice kit successfully in the application.
I am not able to move in the application from call indicator. Also, I am not able to see green bar on other application screen when user moves from call screen. I have added custom view in navigation bar, but it's not much responsive.
I have following doubts for the same.
Is there any default property which I need to enable to display
native call indicator in the application?
Do I need to put a custom
view as I have done? If yes then what will be the best approach to do
Is there any alternative to display custom call indicator inside
the application rather than adding view in navigation bar?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
As far as I know, CallKit framework does not have any API for you to use to display their native UI regarding the calls. The green indicator bar is shown if you have an active VoIP call and your app is running in background.
By tapping on it it will just open your VoIP app.
The best approach is to use a custom-built UIView, placed on a separate UIWindow that has the same level as the system's status bar and add a tap gesture on it to achieve what the native green bar is doing. Also, you can even add the animation that fades in and out a label to create the same experience as the native green bar.

WP7: Is it possible to intercept the backstack before the journal thumbnail is created/stored

You all know the Windows Phone backstack right. If you go through some apps, tap the Home key after starting each app. Now tap and hold the Backkey to see the Backstack. You can now see some small images of your apps, and can pick which one to go to right.
Is it possible to intercept before the backstack image is created? I have tried to blur my page in various events (include OnNavigatingFrom) to no avail.
My guess is some other event (probably something we don't have access to) is triggered and a bitmap is created, because when you use the Backstack to navigate you can just see a slight transition from the saved image to a real page IMO.
Does anyone know if its possible to intercept or manipulate these images on the backstack?
Example screenshot from WP emulator of the Backstack thumbnails
Following my comment, I've just tried this:
Set a breakpoint anywhere in the code
Start the app with the debugger attached, then let it reach the breakpoint
While the execution is stopped by the debugger, long press on the back button
The task switching UI is displayed even though the managed code execution is stopped
From there, I think we can safely conclude that the task switching and the thumbnail are handled entirely by native code. Therefore, there's nothing you can do.
I recently wrote a blogpost in which I discuss the ways I tried to hide data from the application snapshot. (You can read it here:
The outcome: You just can't hide it.

Kiosk Applications - OS X programming - Multiple monitors

I've learnt Cocoa + Objective C primarily for iPhone development, and I need to utilize this skill set to build a very basic kiosk application for OS X in a couple of days. The application is basically as follows :
The setup has two touch screen monitors, the app must be running full screen mode. The monitor on the right acts as a detail view to a list of options on the left. There are 3 options on the monitor on the left. Picking one will play a movie on the right, Picking two will take you to a quiz, Picking 3 will pull up a Webview.
The user may not use any other operations on the PC. (I've started reading about OS X application development and realized Cocoa provides a kiosk mode for these types of apps)
My questions briefly are
Firstly, any help on how to get my app running in a kiosk mode is much appreciated! I'm under a bit of a time crunch (2 days to get all this done, talk about life in startups!), so completely static content is fine, I'm slightly worried about how OS X will handle full screen mode if an app has been written in a smaller window size. (Scaling etc.)
Next, assuming there are two windows, one on each screen, how do I deal with focus? If the user suddenly gets bored with content on the right and touches the window on the left, the first touch will probably act to focus the window and the second will act as a click on the button. I'd like to avoid this scenario!)
What are the navigation paradigms in OS X ? I'm guessing it's not as simple as [navigationController pushViewController]? In short, how do I display a new view over an existing view?
Firstly, any help on how to get my app running in a kiosk mode is much appreciated!
Next, assuming there are two windows, one on each screen, how do I deal with focus? If the user suddenly gets bored with content on the right and touches the window on the left, the first touch will probably act to focus the window and the second will act as a click on the button. I'd like to avoid this scenario!)
Click-through is the default. If you have any custom views, respond to acceptsFirstMouse: with YES to support click-through in them.
What are the navigation paradigms in OS X ?
Typically either window-based or source-list-based. Your application is atypical.
I'm guessing it's not as simple as [navigationController pushViewController]?
It's simpler and more complex at the same time. There is no stack to manage; you can have multiple windows up at the same time. It gets more complex when you want everything in one window (as in your kiosk-mode app), in which case you end up using tab views (with or without tabs) to enable the user to switch from one view to another.
In short, how do I display a new view over an existing view?
You don't. Layering one view over another in the same superview is barely supported at all in AppKit, and almost always wrong.
In a normal application, you should make multiple windows. In an app like yours, you'll need to use tab views. View controllers may help you here, although NSViewControllers are very different from UIViewControllers (as I mentioned, no view stack); they're more similar to NSWindowControllers.
