OSGI Spring MVC JSP framework - spring

Is there a way to create a "plug-in" framework for web applications that have these features:
Seemless for the developer - can use existing technologies
Spring MVC annotations (e.g. Request Mapping)
Hibernate / JPA with annotations
JSP, JSTL, and servlet views
Seperation - class loading, session, http context
e.g. each #RequestMapping is confined to a subset of the "main" URL (e.g. one "plugin" can't hijack the URL request of another "plugin" for example the URL http://localhost/rootContext/plugin1/action1?param=value will require a mapping that is relative to the "module" / "plugin" which is "plugin1" and not the root context, so if we have full seperation of http context, I expect the annotation to be #RequestMapping("action1"...)
also Parent Last classloading so each module can have it's own jars etc..
also protection on the session object to avoid overwriting session keys accedently (and for security)
Supports plain old JSPs
I'd like to have the view tehnology be JSPs, I find them much easier than Freemarker, or Velocity
I thought of Apache Felix, OSGI, Spring-OSGI MVC etc... but still need more information...

Take a closer look at Eclipse Virgo, possibly the best choice for greenfield projects for the moment which want to include Spring and JSP.


Integrate JSF2 and Spring3 (with AOP)

I am using Spring and JSF2 a lot and was wondering what the best way to integrate them is? Now i understand there are basically two ways to do this, but i have some problems with both:
a) Use normal #ManagedBean, and inject Spring-Services into that beans using #ManagedProperty: The problem is that i can't use Spring-AOP inside a #ManagedBean obviously, because it is not Spring-managed. I usually use an arround-aspect on every method annotated with my custom annotation #DatabaseOperation. Another example would be #Secured from Spring-Security and so on. I use a lot of AOP in my project and not beeing able to use them on "the top level" is really limiting for me.
b) Use SpringBeanFacesELResolver to make everything managed by Spring. On the pro side is that AOP works like a charm, but the cons are big too:
No ViewScope. I am not sure if i can trust custom view scope implementations like this https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/primefaces-spring-scopes on productive systems?
Serialization is not possible. It's already pretty complicated, but once i use AOP i can't get it to work because org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJPointcutAdvisor is not Serializable
So my question is: How do you overcome this issues? How do YOU integrate JSF2 and Spring3.x? I have been using possibility b) mostly, but on my next project i need session replication..
Any further suggestions?
The main integration pain point of the two frameworks is that JSF is usually used in a stateful way. to make the integration the most seamless, you would have to let Spring handle the statefulness and page navigations aspects himself instead of JSF, as well as bean creation and scoping.
The second important integration point is at the level of the view expression language. We want to be able to access spring beans while building the view, which means the managed bean layer is no longer needed.
The best integration available for the two frameworks is provided by introducing Spring webflow, see here for further details. With SWF, JSF no longer manages beans itself, this is done by Spring. JSF does not manage page navigation anymore, this handled in the SWF flow definition.
Also the statefulness is handled by SWF. The flow definition XML file replaces large parts of the faces-config.xml for view navigation, transition actions, bean definition, etc.
Using the SWF JSF integration means that your faces-config.xml is mostly empty. Expression language accessing directly spring beans can be used while building the view, and a view scope is available.
If you want to keep a page isolated from the rest of the application, youcan create a flow with a single view state and self-transitions. An advantage of SWF is that it prevents duplicate form submissions via a POST-REDIRECT-GET mechanism that works transparently out of the box.

Understanding contexts in Spring MVC

I am new to spring and I am creating a simple web application. I have been reading about contexts in Spring MVC.
I am using STS plugin for eclipse. I created a
Spring MVC project using the plugin.
Now I have three xml documents in the project, web.xml, root-context.xml and servlet-context.xml. These were created by STS for me.
In web.xml, dispatcher servlet is pointed towards servlet-context.xml and I understand the dispatcher servlets job is to create a web application context which knows how to resolve views and is a place for controller beans to exist.
Is my understanding correct? If so, what other job is accomplished by this context?
Now, there is a file called root-context.xml which has a component scan on my projects default package. My understanding is this context needs to have global beans which many servlets might use. Is my understanding correct? What else does this do? What kind of context is created using this file?
Now, I am further along in the project and I have several *-context.xml files (dao-context.xml, security-context.xml etc) which are loaded using contextLoaderListner (in web.xml). Is this a good idea? Or should everything go into servlet-context.xml? I think it's a good idea to have different contexts as it provides separation of concern. Comments? Also, what kind of context is created from these *-context.xml files? What is the proper folder location for these files?
Web.xml is for the servlet container like tomcat etc and all other xml files in the project are for the spring container. Is that correct? All these files are separated to provide separation of concern?
How many application contexts and web application contexts exists in the current scenario?
Why would anyone need more than one dispatcher servlet?
Why would anyone need more than one application context?
Thoughts? Comments? Corrections? Best practices?
The whole idea behind this design is to handle different architectural layers in a typical web application and provide for inheritance / override mechanism for beans across contexts. Each type of context in Spring is related to different architectural layer for e.g, web layer, service layer etc.
A Spring based web application can have multiple dispatcher servlet configured (although in majority of cases its a single servlet - but dispatcher serlvet is a servlet nonetheless and there could be multiple configured in web.xml). These can be configured to handle different url patterns. So obviously each is a different servlet and hence can have different Spring web Application context. Each of these can contain different configurations for Spring web layer like controllers,interceptors,view resolvers,locale resolvers etc. as these typically belong to the web layer of an application. All these configurations and beans are private to each dispatcher servlet so they are not visible to each other. Hence having a seperate spring web application context makes sense to enable this privacy. However there are other beans which are designed to be shared hence belong to a root context. So all the shareable things belong to the root context and it can be considered global for this web application.
Each dispatcher servlet inherits all the beans defined in the root context. However the important point to note is that the shared beans can be overridden by respective dispatcher servlet specific beans. So in web applications root context can be viewed as something which is inherited but can be overridden.
Well spring does not force you to have xml files in that way, you can very well work everything using only one xml file that would be servlet-context.xml and using only dispatcher servlet. Generally there are different files in order to define your service beans or dao beans, so this basically depends on your application design, for eg if you are using spring security you might want to add one more xml file something like security-context.xml like as I said it depends on design. You can actually eliminate context loader listener completely and still manage to do everything using dispatcher servlet.
Your question is too broad in scope, since you are new to spring may be you should get more details about spring containers and decide what suits your requirement.
I generally have my servlet-context.xml in WEB-INF and other configuration like service-context.xml in classpath, again this is no strict rule just how it suits me.

what's the 'right' way to do a MVC for JSPs in Java EE 5?

I've inherited an incomplete but small web project (Java EE 5, running on WebSphere 7).
The project consists mostly of JSPs that are accessed directly via their URL, and most JSPs look up their own reference to the EJBs (services) they need. Also, there's a Servlet for every form that gets submitted by the HTML code in the JSPs.
Architecturally speaking, is there anything wrong with this?
I was thinking it would be better to have an MVC design. I don't want to convert everything to JSF because I don't want to convert all the HTML and embedded Java scriptlets into JSF tags and managed beans.
I don't really want to use Struts or Spring MVC because they're not part of the Java EE 5 toolkit that comes out of the box with WebSphere, and I don't want to add additional complexity with the additional libs and config files.
I was thinking about building my own little MVC with a "ControllerServlet" that accepts a command and dynamically build and execute the command object, and redirect to the JSP view.
But I ask myself again, is there anything "wrong" with JSPs that post to Servlets? It's actually kind of elegant in its simplicity.
What do you think?
Any suggestions are GREATLY appreciated! Rob
You're asking a rather subjective/localized question. But ala.
There's technically nothing wrong with individual JSPs that submit to individual servlets. The only real problem is when the servlets turn out to contain duplicated code for quite common tasks like collecting request parameters, converting/validating them, setting bean properties, invoking actions, performing navigation. That is not DRY and is what a MVC framework with a single front controller and a well definied lifecycle is supposed to solve.
Or, if the servlet's tasks are actually well refactored with homegrown code to perform those common tasks, then this is in turn not very maintainable as no one else than the original developer knows the ins and outs of this custom framework. So it's hard to find anyone else willing to maintain this webapp without learning another framework again which the new developer wouldn't likely to see in other future webapps. That is why companies usually adopt an existing and well-developed MVC framework like JSF, Spring MVC, Stripes, Struts, etc.

A heavily customized Spring Web application and the dispatcher servlet

We have a web application that uses spring, struts and camel right now and there is a lot of customization we have done to allow us to know when beans are added to the context.
So, we have gotten to a point where we would like to remove struts from the application, because we are only using it to handle actions and we figure we could either use spring or camel to do the same thing. So I was able to get it to work with camel/velocity, but we didn't like how we really couldn't use the request object directly in the jsp (afaik, you have to put everything in the header of the Exchange and in the jsp you would do ${header.someReqVariableName}).
So we wanted to go the spring route, but since we load the context.xml directly, we have a provider that extends ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator and we pass the xml file name as a param, we haven't been able to figure out how to get the DispatcherServlet to work without giving it another configuration xml.
Is there a way to either:
Have camel use jsp for processing a jsp (and have all the usage of jsp tags)?
Have spring to see that a context has already been loaded and use that instead of having another new one?
Something better I have thought up?
You can use camel-jetty to expose HTTP endpoints, but I wouldn't use it for any complex web app development (JPS, etc). I'd use use Spring MVC (or similar) and use Camel for any complex routing/messaging requirements...
Here is another way, you can use the producer template to send the request to the camel context if you can get the reference of the camel context from the spring.

Pluggable pages in a Spring MVC application

I'm developing a Spring application which needs to support pluggable modules - add the JAR to the classpath and it will automatically find and load the module's Spring application context XML. This part is already working.
The problem right now is figuring out a way for the modules to provide custom JSP pages. Each module will require a configuration page, which contains form fields specific to that module.
How can I use Spring MVC to implement such pluggable pages? It should work something like so, that the module's JAR file contains the configuration page (as JSP) and its Spring MVC controller, which the surrounding application will then include into the rest of the application (maybe as a JSP fragment inside the application's page template).
If this cannot be done with Spring MVC and JSP, then what would be a good alternative?
Try adding a ResourceBundleViewResolver config to each pluggable module (not sure if having multiple resolvers will work or not, but it allows you to define views via the classpath, not specific locations. See http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/current/reference/view.html.
If having multiple resolvers in your modules don't work, then try ResourceBundleViewResolver in the main app config, and then have all pluggable modules follow the same view location setup internally to the JARs.
