Is there an efficient data structure for row and column swapping? - data-structures

I have a matrix of numbers and I'd like to be able to:
Swap rows
Swap columns
If I were to use an array of pointers to rows, then I can easily switch between rows in O(1) but swapping a column is O(N) where N is the amount of rows.
I have a distinct feeling there isn't a win-win data structure that gives O(1) for both operations, though I'm not sure how to prove it. Or am I wrong?

Without having thought this entirely through:
I think your idea with the pointers to rows is the right start. Then, to be able to "swap" the column I'd just have another array with the size of number of columns and store in each field the index of the current physical position of the column.
m =
[0] -> 1 2 3
[1] -> 4 5 6
[2] -> 7 8 9
c[] {0,1,2}
Now to exchange column 1 and 2, you would just change c to {0,2,1}
When you then want to read row 1 you'd do
for (i=0; i < colcount; i++) {
print m[1][c[i]];

Just a random though here (no experience of how well this really works, and it's a late night without coffee):
What I'm thinking is for the internals of the matrix to be a hashtable as opposed to an array.
Every cell within the array has three pieces of information:
The row in which the cell resides
The column in which the cell resides
The value of the cell
In my mind, this is readily represented by the tuple ((i, j), v), where (i, j) denotes the position of the cell (i-th row, j-th column), and v
The would be a somewhat normal representation of a matrix. But let's astract the ideas here. Rather than i denoting the row as a position (i.e. 0 before 1 before 2 before 3 etc.), let's just consider i to be some sort of canonical identifier for it's corresponding row. Let's do the same for j. (While in the most general case, i and j could then be unrestricted, let's assume a simple case where they will remain within the ranges [0..M] and [0..N] for an M x N matrix, but don't denote the actual coordinates of a cell).
Now, we need a way to keep track of the identifier for a row, and the current index associated with the row. This clearly requires a key/value data structure, but since the number of indices is fixed (matrices don't usually grow/shrink), and only deals with integral indices, we can implement this as a fixed, one-dimensional array. For a matrix of M rows, we can have (in C):
int RowMap[M];
For the m-th row, RowMap[m] gives the identifier of the row in the current matrix.
We'll use the same thing for columns:
int ColumnMap[N];
where ColumnMap[n] is the identifier of the n-th column.
Now to get back to the hashtable I mentioned at the beginning:
Since we have complete information (the size of the matrix), we should be able to generate a perfect hashing function (without collision). Here's one possibility (for modestly-sized arrays):
int Hash(int row, int column)
return row * N + column;
If this is the hash function for the hashtable, we should get zero collisions for most sizes of arrays. This allows us to read/write data from the hashtable in O(1) time.
The cool part is interfacing the index of each row/column with the identifiers in the hashtable:
// row and column are given in the usual way, in the range [0..M] and [0..N]
// These parameters are really just used as handles to the internal row and
// column indices
int MatrixLookup(int row, int column)
// Get the canonical identifiers of the row and column, and hash them.
int canonicalRow = RowMap[row];
int canonicalColumn = ColumnMap[column];
int hashCode = Hash(canonicalRow, canonicalColumn);
return HashTableLookup(hashCode);
Now, since the interface to the matrix only uses these handles, and not the internal identifiers, a swap operation of either rows or columns corresponds to a simple change in the RowMap or ColumnMap array:
// This function simply swaps the values at
// RowMap[row1] and RowMap[row2]
void MatrixSwapRow(int row1, int row2)
int canonicalRow1 = RowMap[row1];
int canonicalRow2 = RowMap[row2];
RowMap[row1] = canonicalRow2
RowMap[row2] = canonicalRow1;
// This function simply swaps the values at
// ColumnMap[row1] and ColumnMap[row2]
void MatrixSwapColumn(int column1, int column2)
int canonicalColumn1 = ColumnMap[column1];
int canonicalColumn2 = ColumnMap[column2];
ColumnMap[row1] = canonicalColumn2
ColumnMap[row2] = canonicalColumn1;
So that should be it - a matrix with O(1) access and mutation, as well as O(1) row swapping and O(1) column swapping. Of course, even an O(1) hash access will be slower than the O(1) of array-based access, and more memory will be used, but at least there is equality between rows/columns.
I tried to be as agnostic as possible when it comes to exactly how you implement your matrix, so I wrote some C. If you'd prefer another language, I can change it (it would be best if you understood), but I think it's pretty self descriptive, though I can't ensure it's correctedness as far as C goes, since I'm actually a C++ guys trying to act like a C guy right now (and did I mention I don't have coffee?). Personally, writing in a full OO language would do it the entrie design more justice, and also give the code some beauty, but like I said, this was a quickly whipped up implementation.


Data Structure with fast access to nth of elements satisfying condition

I'm filling a stack/vector (a dynamically sized container with fast random access by index with insertion only at the end) with composite data (a struct, class, tuple…). For a specific attribute with a small set of possible values, I will want to access the nth of all elements in the stack where this attribute satisfies a condition. To achieve this, additional information can be stored along each composite or in a separate data structure.
Note that the vector is large and that the compared attribute has a small value range but is compared to a set of allowed values. Also the attributes aren't distributed evenly throughout composites in the vector.
Pseudocode of a O(n) naïve approach. How can I improve this:
enum Fruit { apple, orange, banana, potato };
struct c {
Fruit a;
Data d;
// Let's assume v has a length of many thousand and that the distribution of fruits is *not* completely random e.g. that maybe potato only rarely occurs or that bananas tend to come in packs
c getFruit(vector<c> v, set<Fruit> s, int n) {
int counter=0;
// iterate over all of v's indices
for(int i=0 ; i<v.length; i+=1) {
if(v[i].a in s) {
if(n==counter) {
return v[i];
// note: The attribute is compared to a set (arbitrary combination of fruits)!
getFruit(largeVector, set{apple, orange, potato}, 15234)
Another approach would be to create a vector for each possible set of fruits which would be super fast O(1) but not so memory efficient.
(Although I do have to implement this now, I'm really just asking out of curiousity because my data is small enough to just go with the naïve approach.)
Any argument why there doesn't seem to a more efficient way is very much approved as well.
Edit: It should be noted that new elements may be appended between queries for indices using the algorithm in question so any caches have to grow with the vector and both growing the vector and this filtered access should be fast.
For each index of the vector, store the preceding number of each fruit.
Then you can do a binary search to find the first index where the sum of the desired fruit counts is sufficient.
If you don't want to use that much memory, then store the counts in a separate arrays, and only store them for every 16th index or so in the main array. Your binary search will then get you an index within 16 positions of the desired answer, and you can do a linear scan from there.

Grouping numbers in a list

I came across the following question,
You are given an array A of n elements. These elements are now added to a new list L which is initially empty , in a certain order based on the given q queries.
In each query you are given an integer i that corresponds to A[i] in the array A. This means that you have to add the element A[i] to the list L.
After each element is added to the list L, make groups among the elements in the list L. Two elements will be in same group if their indexes in the array A are consecutive.
For each group we define the group’s value as axb where a is the largest value in that group and b is the size of that group.
Print the maximum group value among all the groups that are formed after each element is added to the list L.
My approach was to use a map<int,vector<int>> where key is the group number and value is a vector containing group size, max. of group. I also had an array g and g[i] indicated group number of a[i], -1 if it is not in any group. The code below is a part of my implementation, but I'm sure there are better ways to solve this question as this solution of mine gave TLE and WA in some cases,and I can't seem to figure out the correct approach. Pls suggest optimal way to solve this.
int g[a.size()+2]; //+2 because queries start with index 1, and g[i] corresponds to a[i-1]
for(int i=0;i<a.size()+2;i++)
int gno=1;
map<int,vector<int> > m;
vector<int> ans;
int mx=0;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<queries.size();i++){
int q = queries[i];
if(g[q-1]==-1 && g[q+1]==-1){
//create new group with current eleent as first element
g[q] = gno; //gno is the group number.
vector<int> v;
mx = max(mx,m[gno][0]*m[gno][1]);
else if(g[q-1]!=-1 && g[q+1]==-1){
//join current element to left group
g[q] = g[q-1];
m[g[q]][1] = max(m[g[q]][1],a[q-1]);
mx = max(mx,m[g[q]][0]*m[g[q]][1]);
else if(g[q-1]==-1 && g[q+1]!=-1){
//join current element to right group
g[q] = g[q+1];
m[g[q]][1] = max(m[g[q]][1],a[q-1]);
mx = max(mx,m[g[q]][0]*m[g[q]][1]);
//join both groups to left and right
int g1 = g[q];
int i;
m[g[q]][0] += 1 + m[g[q+1]][0];
m[g[q]][1] = max(m[g[q]][1],max(a[q-1],m[g[q+1]][1]));
mx = max(mx,m[g[q]][0]*m[g[q]][1]);
I would not actually build list L. It may be too costly in time to find what to do with a new value: is it a new group on itself, does it extend an existing group, do two groups need to merge into one? If the first values are all far apart, you'll have many groups, and you need to iterate them with each new incoming value: this is not efficient.
I would just collect all the values first and only then see how they fit in groups.
There are two ways to collect the values:
Store them in a list, and when all values have been collected, sort the list in ascending order
Flag the entry in an array of booleans of size n. This way you do not have to sort it, but afterwards you do need to iterate the whole array to find the values in ascending order.
Method 1 will be the best when q is a lot less than n. Method 2 will be better for greater q.
With both methods you'll be able to iterate over the found values in ascending order, and while doing so you can identify the groups, their value, and also keep track of the largest group-value. Only one sweep is needed to find the answer.
Let's start with two simplifying assumptions:
no duplicates. Once a given index i has been "queried", it will never be queried again.
no negative numbers. All elements are positive or zero, so the largest value in a group is always positive or zero, so expanding a group (or merging two groups) will never cause the overall "maximum group value" to decrease.
(Further below I'll show how to not require those assumptions, but for now this will simplify the picture.)
So, whenever we "query" an index i, there are four cases:
i-1 is currently the right-endpoint of a group (by which I mean its greatest index) and i+1 is currently the left-endpoint of another group.
In this case, we need to merge the two groups into a single group, with i bridging the gap between them.
i-1 is currently the right-endpoint of a group, but i+1 is not currently in any group.
In this case we need to extend the group to cover i.
i-1 is not currently in any group, but i+1 is currently the left-endpoint of a group.
In this case, as in the previous case, we need to extend the group to cover i.
Neither i-1 nor i+1 is in a group.
In this case, we have a new group with just one element.
In all cases, the key thing to note is that we're only interested in the endpoints of groups. So we don't need a general mapping from indices to their groups . . . which is good, because when we merge two groups, it would be expensive to then go and update every single index from one group to point to the other.
So we just need three mappings:
std::unordered_map<int, int> map_from_left_endpoint_to_right_endpoint;
std::unordered_map<int, int> map_from_right_endpoint_to_left_endpoint;
std::unordered_map<int, int> map_from_left_endpoint_to_largest_value;
To distinguish the four cases, we use e.g. map_from_right_endpoint_to_left_endpoint.find(i - 1) (which returns an iterator pointing to the left-endpoint of the group that i-1 is the right-endpoint of, if applicable; otherwise it returns map_from_right_endpoint_to_left_endpoint.end()). We then delete entries as they become no-longer-applicable (due to groups being extended or merged in a given direction), in addition to (obviously) inserting new entries, and updating the values of existing entries.
In addition to those values, we also need an
int maximum_group_value = 0;
and whenever we extend a group or merge two groups, we check whether the value of the resulting group (meaning its largest_value * (right_endpoint - left_endpoint + 1) is greater than maximum_group_value. If so, we update maximum_group_value and return it; if not, we return maximum_group_value as-is.
Now, what if duplicates are allowed, such that a given index i might be "queried" after it already belongs to a group?
The simplest approach is to simply keep track of which i-s have already been queried; but a more elegant approach, if desired, might be to change map_from_left_endpoint_to_right_endpoint from a std::unordered_map to a std::map, and then use something like this:
bool is_already_in_a_group(
std::map<int, int> const & map_from_left_endpoint_to_right_endpoint,
int const i) {
// get iterator to first element *after* index (or to 'end()' if no such):
auto iter = map_from_left_endpoint_to_right_endpoint.upper_bound(index);
// if that pointer points to 'begin()', then there are no elements
// at or before index:
if (iter == map_from_left_endpoint_to_right_endpoint.begin()) {
return false;
// otherwise, move iterator to point to the last element whose key is
// less than or equal to index:
// . . . and check whether the value of that element is greater than
// or equal to index (meaning that [key, value] spans index):
return iter->second >= index;
to check if the greatest key in map_from_left_endpoint_to_right_endpoint that is less than or equal to i is mapped to a value that is greater than or equal to i.
This adds a fifth case to our case analysis above — "if i is already inside a group, just do nothing and return maximum_group_value" — but other than that, has no effect.
Note that this same approach also lets us eliminate map_from_right_endpoint_to_left_endpoint, if we want: the above function could easily be tweaked to int get_left_endpoint_for_right_endpoint by changing its return statement to return iter->second == index ? iter->first : -1;.
At this point it becomes sensible to define a Group class with three fields (left_endpoint, right_endpoint, and largest_value), and just keep a single map_from_left_endpoint_to_group.
Lastly — what if negative values are allowed, such that the "maximum group value" can actually decrease as the result of a query? (For example, if the array elements are [-1, -10] and the queries are i=0, i=1, then the results are maximum_group_value=-1, maximum_group_value=-2.) In such a case, we need to keep track of the values of all current groups, because any one of them might suddenly become the maximum.
For that, instead of storing a single int maximum_group_value, we can maintain a heap of groups, ordered by value, that we push into every time we create/extend/merge groups. (We can just use a std::vector<Group> for this, plus std::push_heap with an appropriate comparator, or with an appropriate definition for operator<(Group const &, Group const &).) After each query, we check if the top group on the heap (the first element in the vector) is still a group that actually exists; if so, we return its value, otherwise we pop it (using std::pop_heap) and repeat.
As an optimization, we can also store int maximum_group_value, and eliminate the heap once we've encountered a nonnegative array-element (since as soon as a given group contains a nonnegative array-element, its value can never decrease again, and obviously the maximum group value will be the value of one of those groups).

how to read all 1's in an Array of 1's and 0's spread-ed all over the array randomly

I have an Array with 1 and 0 spread over the array randomly.
int arr[N] = {1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1....................N}
Now I want to retrive all the 1's in the array as fast as possible, but the condition is I should not loose the exact position(based on index) of the array , so sorting option not valid.
So the only option left is linear searching ie O(n) , is there anything better than this.
The main problem behind linear scan is , I need to run the scan even
for X times. So I feel I need to have some kind of other datastructure
which maintains this list once the first linear scan happens, so that
I need not to run the linear scan again and again.
Let me be clear about final expectations-
I just need to find the number of 1's in a certain range of array , precisely I need to find numbers of 1's in the array within range of 40-100. So this can be random range and I need to find the counts of 1 within that range. I can't do sum and all as I need to iterate over the array over and over again because of different range requirements
I'm surprised you considered sorting as a faster alternative to linear search.
If you don't know where the ones occur, then there is no better way than linear searching. Perhaps if you used bits or char datatypes you could do some optimizations, but it depends on how you want to use this.
The best optimization that you could do on this is to overcome branch prediction. Because each value is zero or one, you can use it to advance the index of the array that is used to store the one-indices.
Simple approach:
int end = 0;
int indices[N];
for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
if( arr[i] ) indices[end++] = i; // Slow due to branch prediction
Without branching:
int end = 0;
int indices[N];
for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
indices[end] = i;
end += arr[i];
[edit] I tested the above, and found the version without branching was almost 3 times faster (4.36s versus 11.88s for 20 repeats on a randomly populated 100-million element array).
Coming back here to post results, I see you have updated your requirements. What you want is really easy with a dynamic programming approach...
All you do is create a new array that is one element larger, which stores the number of ones from the beginning of the array up to (but not including) the current index.
arr : 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
count : 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 7
(I've offset arr above so it lines up better)
Now you can compute the number of 1s in any range in O(1) time. To compute the number of 1s between index A and B, you just do:
int num = count[B+1] - count[A];
Obviously you can still use the non-branch-prediction version to generate the counts initially. All this should give you a pretty good speedup over the naive approach of summing for every query:
int *count = new int[N+1];
int total = 0;
count[0] = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
total += arr[i];
count[i+1] = total;
// to compute the ranged sum:
int range_sum( int *count, int a, int b )
if( b < a ) return range_sum(b,a);
return count[b+1] - count[a];
Well one time linear scanning is fine. Since you are looking for multiple scans across ranges of array I think that can be done in constant time. Here you go:
Scan the array and create a bitmap where key = key of array = sequence (1,2,3,4,5,6....).The value storedin bitmap would be a tuple<IsOne,cumulativeSum> where isOne is whether you have a one in there and cumulative Sum is addition of 1's as and wen you encounter them
Array = 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0
Tuple: (1,1) (1,2) (0,2) (0,2) (1,3) (0,3) (1,4) (1,5) (1,6) (0,6) (1,7) (0,7)
CASE 1: When lower bound of cumulativeSum has a 0. Number of 1's [6,11] =
cumulativeSum at 11th position - cumulativeSum at 6th position = 7 - 3 = 4
CASE 2: When lower bound of cumulativeSum has a 1. Number of 1's [2,11] =
cumulativeSum at 11th position - cumulativeSum at 2nd position + 1 = 7-2+1 = 6
Step 1 is O(n)
Step 2 is 0(1)
Total complexity is linear no doubt but for your task where you have to work with the ranges several times the above Algorithm seems to be better if you have ample memory :)
Does it have to be a simple linear array data structure? Or can you create your own data structure which happens to have the desired properties, for which you're able to provide the required API, but whose implementation details can be hidden (encapsulated)?
If you can implement your own and if there is some guaranteed sparsity (to either 1s or 0s) then you might be able to offer better than linear performance. I see that you want to preserve (or be able to regenerate) the exact stream, so you'll have to store an array or bitmap or run-length encoding for that. (RLE will be useless if the stream is actually random rather than arbitrary but could be quite useful if there are significant sparsity or patterns with long strings of one or the other. For example a black&white raster of a bitmapped image is often a good candidate for RLE).
Let's say that your guaranteed that the stream will be sparse --- that no more than 10%, for example, of the bits will be 1s (or, conversely that more than 90% will be). If that's the case then you might model your solution on an RLE and maintain a count of all 1s (simply incremented as you set bits and decremented as you clear them). If there might be a need to quickly get the number of set bits for arbitrary ranges of these elements then instead of a single counter you can have a conveniently sized array of counters for partitions of the stream. (Conveniently-sized, in this case, means something which fits easily within memory, within your caches, or register sets, but which offers a reasonable trade off between computing a sum (all the partitions fully within the range) and the linear scan. The results for any arbitrary range is the sum of all the partitions fully enclosed by the range plus the results of linear scans for any fragments that are not aligned on your partition boundaries.
For a very, very, large stream you could even have a multi-tier "index" of partition sums --- traversing from the largest (most coarse) granularity down toward the "fragments" to either end (using the next layer of partition sums) and finishing with the linear search of only the small fragments.
Obviously such a structure represents trade offs between the complexity of building and maintaining the structure (inserting requires additional operations and, for an RLE, might be very expensive for anything other than appending/prepending) vs the expense of performing arbitrarily long linear search/increment scans.
the purpose is to be able to find the number of 1s in the array at any time,
given that relatively few of the values in the array might change between one moment when you want to know the number and another moment, and
if you have to find the number of 1s in a changing array of n values m times,
... you can certainly do better than examining every cell in the array m times by using a caching strategy.
The first time you need the number of 1s, you certainly have to examine every cell, as others have pointed out. However, if you then store the number of 1s in a variable (say sum) and track changes to the array (by, for instance, requiring that all array updates occur through a specific update() function), every time a 0 is replaced in the array with a 1, the update() function can add 1 to sum and every time a 1 is replaced in the array with a 0, the update() function can subtract 1 from sum.
Thus, sum is always up-to-date after the first time that the number of 1s in the array is counted and there is no need for further counting.
(EDIT to take the updated question into account)
If the need is to return the number of 1s in a given range of the array, that can be done with a slightly more sophisticated caching strategy than the one I've just described.
You can keep a count of the 1s in each subset of the array and update the relevant subset count whenever a 0 is changed to a 1 or vice versa within that subset. Finding the total number of 1s in a given range within the array would then be a matter of adding the number of 1s in each subset that is fully contained within the range and then counting the number of 1s that are in the range but not in the subsets that have already been counted.
Depending on circumstances, it might be worthwhile to have a hierarchical arrangement in which (say) the number of 1s in the whole array is at the top of the hierarchy, the number of 1s in each 1/q th of the array is in the second level of the hierarchy, the number of 1s in each 1/(q^2) th of the array is in the third level of the hierarchy, etc. e.g. for q = 4, you would have the total number of 1s at the top, the number of 1s in each quarter of the array at the second level, the number of 1s in each sixteenth of the array at the third level, etc.
Are you using C (or derived language)? If so, can you control the encoding of your array? If, for example, you could use a bitmap to count. The nice thing about a bitmap, is that you can use a lookup table to sum the counts, though if your subrange ends aren't divisible by 8, you'll have to deal with end partial bytes specially, but the speedup will be significant.
If that's not the case, can you at least encode them as single bytes? In that case, you may be able to exploit sparseness if it exists (more specifically, the hope that there are often multi index swaths of zeros).
So for:
u8 input = {1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1....................N};
You can write something like (untested):
uint countBytesBy1FromTo(u8 *input, uint start, uint stop)
{ // function for counting one byte at a time, use with range of less than 4,
// use functions below for longer ranges
// assume it's just one's and zeros, otherwise we have to test/branch
uint sum;
u8 *end = input + stop;
for (u8 *each = input + start; each < end; each++)
sum += *each;
return sum;
countBytesBy8FromTo(u8 *input, uint start, uint stop)
u64 *chunks = (u64*)(input+start);
u64 *end = chunks + ((start - stop) >> 3);
uint sum = countBytesBy1FromTo((u8*)end, 0, stop - (u8*)end);
for (; chunks < end; chunks++)
if (*chunks)
sum += countBytesBy1FromTo((u8*)chunks, 0, 8);
The basic trick, is exploiting the ability to cast slices of your target array to single entities your language can look at in one swoop, and test by inference if ANY of the values of it are zeros, and then skip the whole block. The more zeros, the better it will work. In the case where your large cast integer always has at least one, this approach just adds overhead. You might find that using a u32 is better for your data. Or that adding a u32 test between the 1 and 8 helps. For datasets where zeros are much more common than ones, I've used this technique to great advantage.
Why is sorting invalid? You can clone the original array, sort the clone, and count and/or mark the locations of the 1s as needed.

A function to reproduce the same number for each input

say you have some data consisting of 2 columns and 1 billion rows, like:
I want to create a function that will always give what's in column 2 if given an input from column one, so that it will be mapping values from column one to column two the same way it appeared in the data.
Column 1 is sequential from 0 to 1E9 (one billion)
Column 2 can ONLY be {0,1,2,3}
I don't want to just store the data in an array.. I want code that can calculate this map.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
If the keys are dense, a 1d array should be fine where weights[key] = weight
Otherwise, a lookup structure such as a dictionary would work if the keys are sparse.
Not sure if you also needed help on the random part, but the cumulative sum and a rand(sum(weights)) will select randomly with a bias on numbers with larger weights.
edited for clarity weights is the array
Assuming #munch1324 is correct, and the problem is:
Given a collection of 1000 data points, dynamically generate a function that matches the data set.
then yes, I think it is possible. However, if your goal is for the function to be a more compact representation of the data collection, then I think you are out of luck.
Here are two possibilities:
Piecewise-defined function
int function foo(int x)
if (x==0) return 0;
if (x==1) return 0;
if (x==2) return 3;
if (x==3) return 4;
Polynomial interpolation
N data points can be fit to exactly match a N-1 degree polynomial.
Given the collection of 1000 data points, use your favorite method to solve for the 1000 coeffecients of a 999-degree polynomial.
Your resulting function would then be:
int[] c; // Array of 1000 polynomial coefficients that you solved for when given the data collection
int function foo(int x)
return c[999]*x^999 + c[998]*x^998 + ... + c[1]*x + c[0];
This has obvious issues, because you have 1000 coefficients to store, and will have numerical issues raising x values to such high powers.
If you are looking for something a little more advanced, the Lagrange polynomial will give you the polynomial of least degree that fits all of your data points.

Storing a bucket of numbers in an efficient data structure

I have a buckets of numbers e.g. - 1 to 4, 5 to 15, 16 to 21, 22 to 34,....
I have roughly 600,000 such buckets. The range of numbers that fall in each of the bucket varies. I need to store these buckets in a suitable data structure so that the lookups for a number is as fast as possible.
So my question is what is the suitable data structure and a sorting mechanism for this type of problem.
Thanks in advance
If the buckets are contiguous and disjoint, as in your example, you need to store in a vector just the left bound of each bucket (i.e. 1, 5, 16, 22) plus, as the last element, the first number that doesn't fall in any bucket (35). (I assume, of course, that you are talking about integer numbers.)
Keep the vector sorted.
You can search the bucket in O(log n), with kind-of-binary search. To search which bucket does a number x belong to, just go for the only index i such that vector[i] <= x < vector[i+1]. If x is strictly less than vector[0], or if it is greater than or equal to the last element of vector, then no bucket contains it.
EDIT. Here is what I mean:
#include <stdio.h>
// ~ Binary search. Should be O(log n)
int findBucket(int aNumber, int *leftBounds, int left, int right)
int middle;
if(aNumber < leftBounds[left] || leftBounds[right] <= aNumber) // cannot find
return -1;
if(left + 1 == right) // found
return left;
middle = left + (right - left)/2;
if( leftBounds[left] <= aNumber && aNumber < leftBounds[middle] )
return findBucket(aNumber, leftBounds, left, middle);
return findBucket(aNumber, leftBounds, middle, right);
#define NBUCKETS 12
int main(void)
int leftBounds[NBUCKETS+1] = {1, 4, 7, 15, 32, 36, 44, 55, 67, 68, 79, 99, 101};
// The buckets are 1-3, 4-6, 7-14, 15-31, ...
int aNumber;
for(aNumber = -3; aNumber < 103; aNumber++)
int index = findBucket(aNumber, leftBounds, 0, NBUCKETS);
if(index < 0)
printf("%d: Bucket not found\n", aNumber);
printf("%d belongs to the bucket %d-%d\n", aNumber, leftBounds[index], leftBounds[index+1]-1);
return 0;
You will probably want some kind of sorted tree, like a B-Tree, B+ Tree, or Binary Search tree.
If I understand you correctly, you have a list of buckets and you want, given an arbitrary integer, to find out which bucket it goes in.
Assuming that none of the bucket ranges overlap, I think you could implement this in a binary search tree. That would make the lookup possible in O(logn) (whenere n=number of buckets).
It would be simple to do this, just define the left branch to be less than the low end of the bucket, the right branch to be greater than the right end. So in your example we'd end up with a tree something like:
/ \
5-15 22-34
To search for, say, 7, you just check the root. Less than 16? Yes, go left. Less than 5? No. Greater than 15? No, you're done.
You just have to be careful to balance your tree (or use a self balancing tree) in order to keep your worst-case performance down. this is really important if your input (the bucket list) is already sorted.
+1 to the kind-of binary search idea. It's simple and gives good performance for 600000 buckets. That being said, if it's not good enough, you could create an array with MAX BUCKET VALUE - MIN BUCKET VALUE = RANGE elements, and have each element in this array reference the appropriate bucket. Then, you get a lookup in guaranteed constant [O(1)] time, at the cost of using a huge amount of memory.
If A) the probability of accessing buckets is not uniform and B) you knew / could figure out how likely a given set of buckets were to be accessed, you could probably combine these two approaches to create a kind of cache. For example, say bucket {0, 3} were accessed all the time, as was {7, 13}, then you can create an array CACHE. . .
int cache_low_value = 0;
int cache_hi_value = 13;
. . . which will allow you to find a bucket in O(1) time assuming the value you're trying to associate a value with a bucket is between cache_low_value and cache_hi_value (if Y <= cache_hi_value && Y >= cache_low_value; then BUCKET = CACHE[Y]). On the up side, this approach wouldn't use all the memory on your machine; on the downside, it'd add the equivalent of an additional operation or two to your bsearch in the case you can't find your number / bucket pair in the cache (since you had to check the cache in the first place).
A simple way to store and sort these in C++ is to use a pair of sorted arrays that represent the lower and upper bounds on each bucket. Then, you can use int bucket_index= std::distance(lower_bounds.begin(), std::lower_bound(lower_bounds, value)) to find the bucket that the value will match with, and if (upper_bounds[bucket_index]>=value), bucket_index is the bucket you want.
You can replace that with a single struct holding the bucket, but the principle will be the same.
Let me see if I can restate your requirement. It's analogous to having, say, the day of the year, and wanting to know which month a given day falls in? So, given a year with 600,000 days(an interesting planet), you want to return a string that is either "Jan","Feb","Mar"... "Dec"?
Let me focus on the retrieval end first, and I think you can figure out how to arrange the data when initializing the data structures, given what has already been posted above.
Create a data structure...
typedef struct {
int DayOfYear :20; // an bit-int donating some bits for other uses
int MonthSS :4; // subscript to select months
int Unused :8; // can be used to make MonthSS 12 bits
char MonthStr[12] = "Jan","Feb","Mar"... "Dec";
To initialize, use a for{} loop to set BUCKET_LIST.MonthSS to one of the 12 months in MonthStr.
On retrieval, do a binary search on a vector of BUCKET_LIST.DayOfYear (you'll need to write a trivial compare function for BUCKET_LIST.DayOfYear). Your result can be obtained by using the return from bsearch() as the subscript into MonthStr...
pBucket = (BUCKET_LIST *)bsearch( v_bucket_list);
MonthString = MonthStr[pBucket->MonthSS];
The general approach here is to have collections of "pointers" to the strings attached to the 600,000 entries. All of the pointers in a bucket point to the same string. I used a bit int as a subscript here, instead of 600k 4 byte pointers, because it takes less memory (4 bits vs 4 bytes), and BUCKET_LIST sorts and searches as a species of int.
Using this scheme you'll use no more memory or storage than storing a simple int key, get the same performance as a simple int key, and do away with all the range checking on retrieval. IE: no if{ } testing. Save those if{ }s for initializing the BUCKET_LIST data structure, and then forget about them on retrieval.
I refer to this technique as subscript aliasing, as it resolves a many-to-one relationship by converting the subscript of the many to the subscript of the one - very efficiently I might add.
My application was to use an array of many UCHARs to index a much smaller array of double floats. The size reduction was enough to keep all of the hot-spot's data in L1 cache on the processor. 3X performance gain just from this one little change.
