ckeditor javascript document wrapper - ckeditor

I found the following answer when looking for code to navigate the editors text area elements.. The code works, the onlyu problem is i dont understand why..
var documentWrapper = editorname.document; //replace by your CKEDitor instance ID
var documentNode = documentWrapper.$; // or documentWrapper['$'] ;
The answer was got from the folloing stackOverflow link :
ckeditor scrollIntoView to a div element within the editor
In particular could someone explain to me the syntax documentWrapper.$;
Ive no idea what this means??

The "$" represents the actual DOM object that the CKEDITOR class object is pointing to.
In this case you're working with the "CKEDITOR.dom.document" class. Find the documentaion here:
Your object named "documentWrapper" is a CKEDITOR object. It would have any properties described in the CKEDITOR API docs for that class object. You would also use CKEDITOR methods on it.
When you work with "documentWrapper.$", you're working with a DOM object that's described in the Document Object Model Specifications. See Specs here:
This object will have the properties described for this object type in the DOM specs. You wouldn't use CKEDITOR methods on this object, you would use the methods described in the DOM specs for this object type.
So the "$" is a generic representaion of whichever DOM object (document, head, body, div, span, p, etc.) the CKEDITOR class object is pointing to.
documentWrapper.someFunction(); would use a CKEDITOR method on a CKEDITOR class object.
documentWrapper.$.someFunction(); would use a DOM method on a DOM object.

Difference between editor passed as argument to plugins/dialogs and editor returned by getParentEditor().
They would usually be the same object. But if you have multiple editor instances on one page, you need to use getParentEditor to make sure you're working with the correct editor instance.
Especially if multiple editors are sharing one toobar: How Do I Get Multiple CKEditor Instances to Share the Same Toolbar?
You can take a look at the code for dialog radio buttons in the CKEditor directory:
Or on the docs site:
When the plugin is loaded it uses the active editor instance to load the text for the title and labels because they will be the same for all the instances sharing the toolbar:
CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'radio', function( editor )
(42) label : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.radioTitle,
(43) title : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.radioTitle,
But for the methods used in the dialog, it uses getParentEditor(), so that the actions will be performed on the correct editor instance:
editor = this.getParentEditor();
(22) onOk : function() ........ editor = this.getParentEditor();


How to appendChild in the Wix Corvid/Code IDE

I've searched thru Corvid docs and Stack, not finding anything.
Is there a way to appendChild() in Wix Corvid(Code)?
EDIT: Wix does not allow DOM access directly. I assumed that people answering this would know i was looking for an alternative to appencChild and knew this method could not be used as is in Wix.
so to clarify: is there a way to add a child to a parent element using Wix's APIs?
It depends what you are trying to achieve,
the only thing off the top of my head is adding more items to a repeater
which you can do by first getting the initial data from the repeater, adding another item to array and reassign the data property of the repeater
const initialData = $w('#repeater').data
const newItem = {
_id: 'newItem1', // Must have an _id property
content: 'some content'
const newData = [...initialData, newItem]
$w('#repeater').data = newData$w.Repeater.html#data
In Corvid, you cannot use any function which accesses the DOM.
Coming from one of the developers of Corvid:
Accessing document elements such as div, span, button, etc is off-limits. The way to access elements on the page is only through $w. One small exception is the $w.HtmlComponent (which is based on an iFrame). This element was designed to contain vanilla HTML and it works just fine. You just can't try to trick it by using parent, window, top, etc.
Javascript files can be added to your site's Public folder, but the same limitations apply - no access to the DOM.
Read more here:

Could find kendoNumericTextBox by class name

I am trying to attach change event handler to the instance of kendoNumercTextBox.
I am able to get the instance of kendoNumercTextBox control using its ID, however Im not able to get the instance using class name
here is the code
I DO NOT want to attach event handler at the time of instantiating
the control. I want to get the existing instance and then attach the
event handler.
Also i am actually using Kendo ASP.NET MVC, however
dojo doesn't allow me to write cshtml so i am using kendo UI for
the demo purpose above. But i think end result would be same.
The NumericTextBox is created like below in cshtml
#(Html.Kendo().NumericTextBoxFor(x =>x.numerictextbox).HtmlAttributes(new {#class = "MyClass"}))
You need to use a more specific jQuery selector. This for example will get the correct element which is the one with the data-role attribute:
var numerictextboxByClassName = $(".MyClass [data-role]")
If you use the developer tools in your browser to inspect the text box, you'll see that 'MyClass' is on several elements that comprise the widget, hence the need to be more specific. It is also worth noting that the handler will only attach to the first instance found using the selector so this method cannot be used to attach a handler to several such controls at the same time.

ckeditor generated code W3C validation : there is no attribute "data-cke-saved-src"

I am working with CKEditor in an intranet and try to validate my code with W3C markup validation service.
The validation markup service find this error :
Error Line 547, Column 2455: there is no attribute "data-cke-saved-src"
<img alt="" data-cke-saved-src="http://portail-rep/Contents/images/Java…
How can i disable this functionnality of ckeditor protecting code to make my code ok for W3C validation ?
CKEditor uses many special attributes and elements to implement some of its features. However, they are used only internally and should be stripped out when getting data by editor.getData(). Therefore editor produces valid markup.
E.g. open, switch to source mode and you'll see that the image doesn't have the data-cke-saved-src attribute. However, if you'll use Firebug or Webkit's dev tools you'll find that the image has this attribute.
PS. In fact, data-cke-saved-src is a valid attribute in HTML5.
I had same problem now. This problem has been solved by using CKEDITOR config on blur event.
I'am using inline editing on element.
My ck config contain on blur event which have destroy method.
CKEDITOR.config.on = {
blur: function() {
Using is simply:
On element click will create instance of new editor and it enable inline editing.
Now if user click outside of editor and on blur event invoked, editor destroy it self and if no editor instance exist, the content of the data is cleaned from data-cke attributes.

How do I manage the Id/Name of a CKEditor instance?

I am creating my CKEditor on a dynamically created div. It seems that CKEDITOR.instances holds the instance with an Id of 'elementX' where X is the index of the instance created.
I want to be able to managed the name myself so I can destroy the editor when the editor is closed down.
I've tried setting the 'Name' property on the CKEDITOR using the callback function in the JQuery CKEDITOR adapter wrapper and also the config object passed into the editor, but I'm not having any luck.
Can anyone suggest a way of being able to ensure that the name CKEDITOR assigns to the editor is predictable so I can destroy it?
I'm aware that CKEditor seems to name editors normally by the element ID. However, I don't have an id on the element.
The "instanceCreated" event is fired for every editor instance created.
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceCreated', function ( event, data ) {
var editor = event.editor,
element = editor.element; = $(element).attr('name');
} );

WatiN: How to type text in the Body allocated in other Frame

This is link to TinyMCE redactor: TinyMCE
I have a task: To type text in the textfield of TinyMCE. But this in not a textfield, this is a Body that doesn't have a method "TypeText();"
Please show me the code example, that can type the text in the TinyMCE Body
string js = "tinyMCE.activeEditor.setContent('tekst');";
tinyMce and watin don't play well together.
I generally have to use a combination of javascript (using browser.eval) and the setAttributeValue('value') of textfield objects.
You could set the Text property of the Body element.
I was in a similar scenario (different editor / same concept) and got the body text set via javascript
string js = "document.getElementById('theEditor').contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = 'Hello World!';";
Notes about the above code
'theEditor' is the ID of the editor frame.
myEditorPage is a Page class I created
RichTextEditor is the Frame object in my page class that corresponds to the 'theEditor' IDed frame.
Works like a champ.
My scenario
Some 3rd party editor I don't remember.
