How to test for GNU or BSD version of rm? - bash

The GNU version of rm has a cool -I flag. From the manpage:
-I prompt once before removing more than three files, or when removing recursively. Less
intrusive than -i, while still giving protection against most mistakes
Macs don't:
$ rm -I scratch
rm: illegal option -- I
usage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ...
unlink file
Sometimes people have coreutils (the GNU version) installed on Macs and sometimes they don't. Is there a way to detect this command line flag before proceeding? I'd like to have something like this in my bash_profile:
if [ has_gnu_rm_version ]; then
alias rm="rm -I"

strings /bin/rm | grep -q 'GNU coreutils'
if $? is 0, it is coreutils

I would recommend not starting down this road at all. Target your scripts to be as portable as possible, and only rely on flags/options/behaviors you can count on. Shell scripting is hard enough - why add more room for error?
To get a sense of the kind of thing I have in mind, check out Ryan Tomayko's Shell Haters talk. He also has a very well-organized page with links to POSIX descriptions of shell features and utilities. Here's rm, for example.

I'd say test the output of rm -I on a temp file, if it passes then use the alias
touch /tmp/my_core_util_check
if rm -I /tmp/my_core_util_check > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
alias rm="rm -I"
rm /tmp/my_core_util_check;

You could always ask rm its version with --version and check to see if it says gnu or coreutils like this:
rm --version 2>&1 | grep -i gnu &> /dev/null
[ $? -eq 0 ] && alias rm="rm -I"

how about something like this?
rm -I &> /dev/null
if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then
echo coreutils detected
echo bsd version detected


GNU ls from Coreutils missing OS X ACL implementation

I'm using brew to retrieve and install common GNU versions of terminal commands and utils with brew install coreutils.
Then in my .bash_profile I'm including their PATH with
if [ -d $(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin ]; then
PATH="$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
so far so good, I can use use the GNU version of coreutils.
The problem comes from ls. Apple implement ACL that is not implemented on GNU ls. I discovered this by banging my head many times and not understanding why (for example) ls -le# would give me error ls: invalid option -- 'e'.
So now I understood that GNU ls is the problem.
how can I source all the coreutils BUT ls?
I want to use the Apple version of ls but keep on using the rest of the coreutils. How can I achieve this modifying my .bash_profile?
If I create a flag to understand if I am currently using coretuils or not and as a consequence I'll create an alias:
if [[ $(brew) && -d $(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin ]]; then
PATH="$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export PATH
if [[ ls_flag -eq true ]]; then
alias ls=/bin/ls
This will work if I stop my .bash_profile here. But another problem arise from the following conditions. I use them to understand if I'm using the GNU ls or the Apple ls and chose the correct option to colorise the ls command:
# Detect which `ls` flavour is in use
if ls --color > /dev/null 2>&1; then # GNU `ls`
alias ls='ls --color=always'
# load my color scheme (it only works with GNU ls)
# dircolors only work with coreutils
eval `dircolors ~/.dotfiles/data/dircolors`
else # OS X `ls`
alias ls='ls -G'
So, at this point ls should be:
1) alias ls=/bin/ls # from the 1st condition ls_flag == true
2) alias ls='ls -G' # from the 2nd condition "if ls --color" (false)
BUT if I prompt ls -# will still throw an error telling me that I'm still using the GNU ls...wondering why the last alias will override the previous ones...
This is wrong
if [[ ls_flag -eq true ]]; then
alias ls=/bin/ls
You're missing the $ for $ls_flag and -eq is used for numeric comparison within [[ ... ]]
Since "true" and "false" are commands, you want to write
if $ls_flag; then
alias ls=/bin/ls
or, more tersely
$ls_flag && alias ls=/bin/ls
You could create an alias:
alias ls=/bin/ls

self-deleting shell script

I've looked around for an answer to this one but couldn't find one.
I have written a simple script that does initial server settings and I'd like it to remove/unlink itself from the root directory on completion. I've tried a number of solutions i googled ( for example /bin/rm $ but the script always seems to remain in place. Is this possible? Below is my script so far.
#! /bin/bash
cd /root/
wget -r -nH -np --cut-dirs=1
rm -f index.html* *.gif */index.html* */*.gif robots.txt
ls -al /root/
if [ -d /usr/local/psa ]
echo plesk > /root/bin/INST_SERVER_TYPE.txt
chmod 775 /root/bin/*
rm -rf /root/etc | rm -rf /root/bin | rm -rf /root/log | rm -rf /root/old
sed -i "75s/false/true/" /etc/permissions/jail.conf
exit 1;
elif [ -d /var/webmin ]
echo webmin > /root/bin/INST_SERVER_TYPE.txt
chmod 775 /root/bin/*
rm -rf /root/etc | rm -rf /root/bin | rm -rf /root/log | rm -rf /root/old
sed -i "67s/false/true/" /etc/permissions/jail.conf
exit 1;
echo no-gui > /root/bin/INST_SERVER_TYPE.txt
chmod 775 /root/bin/*
rm -rf /root/etc | rm -rf /root/bin | rm -rf /root/log | rm -rf /root/old
sed -i "67s/false/true/" /etc/permissions/jail.conf
exit 1;
rm -- "$0"
Ought to do the trick. $0 is a magic variable for the full path of the executed script.
This works for me:
Maybe you didn't really mean to have the '$' in '$'?
The script can delete itself via the shred command (as a secure deletion) when it exits.
# Function that is called when the script exits:
function finish {
echo "Securely shredding ${currentscript}"; shred -u ${currentscript};
# Do your bashing here...
# When your script is finished, exit with a call to the function, "finish":
trap finish EXIT
The simplest one:
Usage: ./path/to/the/script/above
Note: /path/to/rm must not have blank characters at all.
I wrote a small script that adds a grace period to a self deleting script based on
user742030's answer
function selfShred {
if (( $SHREDDING_GRACE_SECONDS > 0 )); then
echo -e "Shreding ${0} in $SHREDDING_GRACE_SECONDS seconds \e[1;31mCTRL-C TO KEEP FILE\e[0m"
while (( $SLEEP_LEFT > 0 )); do
for (( j=0; j < $SLEEP_LEFT - 1; j++ )); do
echo -en $LINE "\r"
sleep 1
(( SLEEP_LEFT-- ))
shred -u "${0}"
trap selfShred EXIT
See the repo here:
$0 may not contain the script's name/path in certain circumstances. Please check the following: (Choosing between $0 and BASH_SOURCE...)
The following script should work as expected in these cases:
source - the script is sourced;
./ - executed interactively;
/bin/bash -- - passed as an argument to a shell program.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ...
rm -- "$( readlink -f -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0}" 2> '/dev/null'; )";
Please check the following regarding shell script source reading and execution since it may affect the behavior when a script is deleted while running: (How Does Linux deal with shell scripts?...)
Related: (How can I get the source directory of a Bash script from...)
Just add to the end:
rm -- "$0"
Why remove the script at all? As other have mentioned it means you have to keep a copy elsewhere.
A suggestion is to use a "firstboot" like approach. Simply create an empty file in e.g. /etc/sysconfig that triggers the execution of this script if it is present. Then remove that file at the end of the script.
Modify the script so it has the necessary chkconfig headers and place it in /etc/init.d/ so it is run at every boot.
That way you can rerun the script at a later time simply by recreating the trigger script.
Hope this helps.

bash completion of makefile target

Suppose I have a simple makefile like:
echo "hello world"
echo "bye bye"
Then in bash I want something like:
make h < tab >
so it can complete to
make hello
I found a simple way like creating empty files hello and bye but I'm looking for something more sophisticated.
Add this in your ~/.bash_profile file or ~/.bashrc file
complete -W "\`grep -oE '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+:([^=]|$)' ?akefile | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$//'\`" make
This searches for a target in your Makefile titled 'Makefile' or 'makefile' (note the capital ? wildcard in ?akefile) using grep, and pipes it over to the complete command in bash which is used to specify how arguments are autocompleted. The -W flag denotes that the input to the complete command will be a wordlist which is accomplished by passing the results of grep through sed which arranges it into the desirable wordlist format.
Caveats and gotchas:
Your make file is named 'GNUMakefile' or anything else other than 'Makefile' or 'makefile'. If you frequently encounter such titles consider changing the regular expression ?akefile accordingly.
Forgetting to source your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file after making the changes. I add this seemingly trivial detail since, to the uninitiated it is unfamiliar.
For any change to your bash files to take effect, source them using the command
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_profile
PS. You also now have the added ability to display the possible make targets by pressing [Tab] twice just like in bash completion. Just make sure you add a space after the command make before typing [Tab] twice.
This answer from 2010 is outdated - the project mentioned here seems to have been discontinued.
Could this be what you're looking for?
make [Tab] would complete on all
targets in Makefile. This project was
conceived to produce programmable
completion routines for the most
common Linux/UNIX commands, reducing
the amount of typing sysadmins and
programmers need to do on a daily
There's a useful package called bash-completion available for most every OS. It includes Makefile completion.
(If you're using macOS and Homebrew, you can get this via brew install bash-completion.)
This seems to be default in at least Debian Lenny:
$ grep Makefile /etc/bash_completion
# make reads `GNUmakefile', then `makefile', then `Makefile'
elif [ -f ${makef_dir}/Makefile ]; then
# before we scan for targets, see if a Makefile name was
# deal with included Makefiles
The header of this file states:
# The latest version of this software can be obtained here:
# RELEASE: 20080617.5
Here is a completion script that looks at the .PHONY: declaration.
_make_phony_words() {
local opt_revert
if [ -n "${BASH_VERSION:-}" ]; then
shopt -q nullglob || {
opt_revert=1 ; shopt -s nullglob ;
elif [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ]; then
[[ -o nullglob ]] || {
opt_revert=1 ; setopt nullglob
for f in ./?akefile ./*.make ; do
sed -nEe '/^.PHONY/ { s/^.PHONY:[ ]?// ; p ; } ' "$f" | tr ' ' $'\n' | sort -u
if [ -n "$opt_revert" ]; then
[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ] && unsetopt nullglob
[ -n "${BASH_VERSION:-}" ] && shopt -u nullglob
unset opt_revert
_make_phony_complete() {
local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
COMPREPLY+=( $(compgen -W "$( _make_phony_words )" -- ${cur}) )
complete -F _make_phony_complete make
Makefile completion on steroids!
I had 2 problems with the normal completions:
Problem #1
Sometimes you have targets you want to call like make greet:hi and make greet:hola sort of like namespacing Makefile target names. So your Makefile ends up looking like:
echo "hola world"
# OR a .PHONY target
.PHONY: greet\:hi
echo "hi world"
In this case the auto-completions after : don't show up as it uses \: in the Makefile as shown above.
Problem #2
There wasn't a way to navigate through the list of all Makefile targets that match my input using arrow keys (or CTRL-p / CTRL-n) in my bash shell.
Basically, I wanted to use fuzzy search like approach on the targets (i.e. fzf).
FZF Repo:
Install FZF Dependency
Using Homebrew
You can use Homebrew (on macOS or Linux)
to install fzf.
brew install fzf
$(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install
Using Linux package managers
Package Manager
Linux Distribution
Alpine Linux
sudo apk add fzf
Debian 9+/Ubuntu 19.10+
sudo apt-get install fzf
conda install -c conda-forge fzf
sudo dnf install fzf
NixOS, etc.
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.fzf
Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S fzf
pkg install fzf
pkgin install fzf
pkg_add fzf
Void Linux
sudo xbps-install -S fzf
sudo zypper install fzf
FZF and : compatible auto-complete command
Put this in your .bashrc
complete -W "\`grep -oE '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+[\\:]*[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+:([^=]|$)' ?akefile | sort | uniq | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$//' | sed 's/[\]//g' | fzf\`" make
Now just typing make and then hitting the key will work!
DEMO: in action!
Then you can use as following:
make using fzf
I added so I follow "include" directives in Makefile. So my .bashrc looks like this:
function followMakefile() {
grep -oE '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+:([^=]|$)' ?akefile | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$//'
for x in `grep -E '^include' ?akefile | sed 's/include //'`
grep -oE '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+:([^=]|$)' $x | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$//'
complete -W "\`followMakefile\`" make
In Ubuntu 10.04, source the following file:
. /etc/bash_completion
or uncomment it in

How can I get the behavior of GNU's readlink -f on a Mac? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed last year.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question last year and left it closed:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
Improve this question
On Linux, the readlink utility accepts an option -f that follows additional links. This doesn't seem to work on Mac and possibly BSD based systems. What would the equivalent be?
Here's some debug information:
$ which readlink; readlink -f
readlink: illegal option -f
usage: readlink [-n] [file ...]
MacPorts and Homebrew provide a coreutils package containing greadlink (GNU readlink). Credit to Michael Kallweitt post in
brew install coreutils
greadlink -f file.txt
readlink -f does two things:
It iterates along a sequence of symlinks until it finds an actual file.
It returns that file's canonicalized name—i.e., its absolute pathname.
If you want to, you can just build a shell script that uses vanilla readlink behavior to achieve the same thing. Here's an example. Obviously you could insert this in your own script where you'd like to call readlink -f
cd `dirname $TARGET_FILE`
# Iterate down a (possible) chain of symlinks
while [ -L "$TARGET_FILE" ]
cd `dirname $TARGET_FILE`
# Compute the canonicalized name by finding the physical path
# for the directory we're in and appending the target file.
PHYS_DIR=`pwd -P`
echo $RESULT
Note that this doesn't include any error handling. Of particular importance, it doesn't detect symlink cycles. A simple way to do this would be to count the number of times you go around the loop and fail if you hit an improbably large number, such as 1,000.
EDITED to use pwd -P instead of $PWD.
Note that this script expects to be called like ./script_name filename, no -f, change $1 to $2 if you want to be able to use with -f filename like GNU readlink.
You may be interested in realpath(3), or Python's os.path.realpath. The two aren't exactly the same; the C library call requires that intermediary path components exist, while the Python version does not.
$ pwd
$ ls -l
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 miles wheel 0 Jul 11 21:08 a
lrwxr-xr-x 1 miles wheel 1 Jul 11 20:49 b -> a
lrwxr-xr-x 1 miles wheel 1 Jul 11 20:49 c -> b
$ python -c 'import os,sys;print(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]))' c
I know you said you'd prefer something more lightweight than another scripting language, but just in case compiling a binary is insufferable, you can use Python and ctypes (available on Mac OS X 10.5) to wrap the library call:
import ctypes, sys
libc = ctypes.CDLL('libc.dylib')
libc.realpath.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
libc.__error.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
libc.strerror.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
def realpath(path):
buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024) # PATH_MAX
if libc.realpath(path, buffer):
return buffer.value
errno = libc.__error().contents.value
raise OSError(errno, "%s: %s" % (libc.strerror(errno), buffer.value))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print realpath(sys.argv[1])
Ironically, the C version of this script ought to be shorter. :)
A simple one-liner in perl that's sure to work almost everywhere without any external dependencies:
perl -MCwd -e 'print Cwd::abs_path shift' ~/non-absolute/file
Will dereference symlinks.
Usage in a script could be like this:
readlinkf(){ perl -MCwd -e 'print Cwd::abs_path shift' "$1";}
ABSPATH="$(readlinkf ./non-absolute/file)"
You might need both a portable, pure shell implementation, and unit-test coverage, as the number of edge-cases for something like this is non-trivial.
See my project on Github for tests and full code. What follows is a synopsis of the implementation:
As Keith Smith astutely points out, readlink -f does two things: 1) resolves symlinks recursively, and 2) canonicalizes the result, hence:
realpath() {
canonicalize_path "$(resolve_symlinks "$1")"
First, the symlink resolver implementation:
resolve_symlinks() {
local dir_context path
path=$(readlink -- "$1")
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
dir_context=$(dirname -- "$1")
resolve_symlinks "$(_prepend_path_if_relative "$dir_context" "$path")"
printf '%s\n' "$1"
_prepend_path_if_relative() {
case "$2" in
/* ) printf '%s\n' "$2" ;;
* ) printf '%s\n' "$1/$2" ;;
Note that this is a slightly simplified version of the full implementation. The full implementation adds a small check for symlink cycles, as well as massages the output a bit.
Finally, the function for canonicalizing a path:
canonicalize_path() {
if [ -d "$1" ]; then
_canonicalize_dir_path "$1"
_canonicalize_file_path "$1"
_canonicalize_dir_path() {
(cd "$1" 2>/dev/null && pwd -P)
_canonicalize_file_path() {
local dir file
dir=$(dirname -- "$1")
file=$(basename -- "$1")
(cd "$dir" 2>/dev/null && printf '%s/%s\n' "$(pwd -P)" "$file")
That's it, more or less. Simple enough to paste into your script, but tricky enough that you'd be crazy to rely on any code that doesn't have unit tests for your use cases.
Install homebrew
Run "brew install coreutils"
Run "greadlink -f path"
greadlink is the gnu readlink that implements -f. You can use macports or others as well, I prefer homebrew.
I made a script called realpath personally which looks a little something like:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys
What about this?
function readlink() {
(cd "$DIR" && echo "$(pwd -P)")
A lazy way that works for me,
$ brew install coreutils
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/greadlink /usr/local/bin/readlink
$ which readlink
Install brew
Follow the instructions at
Install the coreutils package
brew install coreutils
Create an Alias or Symlink
3a. Create an an alias (per user)
You can place your alias in ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, or wherever you are used to keeping your bash aliases. I personally keep mine in ~/.bashrc
alias readlink=greadlink
3b. Create a symbolic link (system wide)
ln -s /usr/local/bin/greadlink /usr/local/bin/readlink (credit: Izana)
This will create a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin while keeping the original readlink binary in tact. It works because the search for readlink will return 2 results. But the second in /usr/local/bin will take precedence.
e.g. which readlink
To undo this change simply unlink /usr/local/bin/readlink
Additional Tools
You can create similar aliases or symlinks for other coreutils such as gmv, gdu, gdf, and so on. But beware that the GNU behavior on a mac machine may be confusing to others used to working with native coreutils, or may behave in unexpected ways on your mac system.
coreutils is a brew package that installs GNU/Linux core utilities which correspond to the Mac OSX implementation of them so that you can use those
You may find programs or utilties on your mac osx system which seem similar to Linux coreutils ("Core Utilities") yet they differ in some ways (such as having different flags).
This is because the Mac OSX implementation of these tools are different. To get the original GNU/Linux-like behavior you can install the coreutils package via the brew package management system.
This will install corresponding core utilities, prefixed by g. E.g. for readlink, you will find a corresponding greadlink program.
In order to make readlink perform like the GNU readlink (greadlink) implementation, you can create a simple alias or symbolic link after you install coreutils.
FreeBSD and OSX have a version of statderived from NetBSD.
You can adjust the output with format switches (see the manual pages at the links above).
% cd /service
% ls -tal
drwxr-xr-x 22 root wheel 27 Aug 25 10:41 ..
drwx------ 3 root wheel 8 Jun 30 13:59 .s6-svscan
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 5 Jun 30 13:34 .
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 30 Dec 13 2013 clockspeed-adjust -> /var/service/clockspeed-adjust
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 29 Dec 13 2013 clockspeed-speed -> /var/service/clockspeed-speed
% stat -f%R clockspeed-adjust
% stat -f%Y clockspeed-adjust
Some OS X versions of stat may lack the -f%R option for formats. In this case -stat -f%Y may suffice. The -f%Y option will show the target of a symlink, whereas -f%R shows the absolute pathname corresponding to the file.
If you're able to use Perl (Darwin/OS X comes installed with recent verions of perl) then:
perl -MCwd=abs_path -le 'print abs_path readlink(shift);' linkedfile.txt
will work.
The easiest way to solve this problem and enable the functionality of readlink on Mac w/ Homebrew installed or FreeBSD is to install 'coreutils' package. May also be necessary on certain Linux distributions and other POSIX OS.
For example, in FreeBSD 11, I installed by invoking:
# pkg install coreutils
On MacOS with Homebrew, the command would be:
$ brew install coreutils
Not really sure why the other answers are so complicated, that's all there is to it. The files aren't in a different place, they're just not installed yet.
Here is a portable shell function that should work in ANY Bourne comparable shell.
It will resolve the relative path punctuation ".. or ." and dereference symbolic links.
If for some reason you do not have a realpath(1) command, or readlink(1) this can be aliased.
which realpath || alias realpath='real_path'
real_path () {
for I in $1
# Resolve relative path punctuation.
if [ "$I" = "." ] || [ -z "$I" ]
then continue
elif [ "$I" = ".." ]
then FOO="${FOO%%/${FOO##*/}}"
else FOO="${FOO}/${I}"
## Resolve symbolic links
if [ -h "$FOO" ]
set `ls -l "$FOO"`
while shift ;
if [ "$1" = "->" ]
then FOO=$2
shift $#
echo "$FOO"
also, just in case anybody is interested here is how to implement basename and dirname in 100% pure shell code:
# the dir name excludes the least portion behind the last slash.
dir_name () {
echo "${1%/*}"
# the base name excludes the greatest portion in front of the last slash.
base_name () {
echo "${1##*/}"
You can find updated version of this shell code at my google site:
This code is licensed under the terms of the 2-clause (freeBSD style) license.
A copy of the license may be found by following the above hyperlink to my site.
Begin Update
This is such a frequent problem that we have put together a Bash 4 library for free use (MIT License) called realpath-lib. This is designed to emulate readlink -f by default and includes two test suites to verify (1) that it works for a given unix system and (2) against readlink -f if installed (but this is not required). Additionally, it can be used to investigate, identify and unwind deep, broken symlinks and circular references, so it can be a useful tool for diagnosing deeply-nested physical or symbolic directory and file problems. It can be found at or
End Update
Another very compact and efficient solution that does not rely on anything but Bash is:
function get_realpath() {
[[ ! -f "$1" ]] && return 1 # failure : file does not exist.
[[ -n "$no_symlinks" ]] && local pwdp='pwd -P' || local pwdp='pwd' # do symlinks.
echo "$( cd "$( echo "${1%/*}" )" 2>/dev/null; $pwdp )"/"${1##*/}" # echo result.
return 0 # success
This also includes an environment setting no_symlinks that provides the ability to resolve symlinks to the physical system. As long as no_symlinks is set to something, ie no_symlinks='on' then symlinks will be resolved to the physical system. Otherwise they will be applied (the default setting).
This should work on any system that provides Bash, and will return a Bash compatible exit code for testing purposes.
There are already a lot of answers, but none worked for me... So this is what I'm using now.
readlink_f() {
local target="$1"
[ -f "$target" ] || return 1 #no nofile
while [ -L "$target" ]; do
target="$(readlink "$target")"
echo "$(cd "$(dirname "$target")"; pwd -P)/$target"
Since my work is used by people with non-BSD Linux as well as macOS, I've opted for using these aliases in our build scripts (sed included since it has similar issues):
# If you're running macOS, use homebrew to install greadlink/gsed first:
# brew install coreutils
# Example use:
# # Gets the directory of the currently running script
# dotfilesDir=$(dirname "$(globalReadlink -fm "$0")")
# alias al='pico ${dotfilesDir}/aliases.local'
function globalReadlink () {
# Use greadlink if on macOS; otherwise use normal readlink
if [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]; then
greadlink "$#"
readlink "$#"
function globalSed () {
# Use gsed if on macOS; otherwise use normal sed
if [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]; then
gsed "$#"
sed "$#"
Optional check you could add to automatically install homebrew + coreutils dependencies:
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
# Install brew if needed
if [ -z "$(which brew)" ]; then
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL";
# Check for coreutils
if [ -z "$(brew ls coreutils)" ]; then
brew install coreutils
I suppose to be truly "global" it needs to check others...but that probably comes close to the 80/20 mark.
POSIX compliant readlink -f implementation for POSIX shell scripts
This is POSIX compliant (no bashism). It uses neither readlink nor realpath. I have verified that it is exactly the same by comparing with GNU readlink -f (see test results). It has error handling and good performance. You can safely replace from readlink -f. The license is CC0, so you can use it for any project.
This code is adopted in the bats-core project.
# POSIX compliant version
readlinkf_posix() {
[ "${1:-}" ] || return 1
CDPATH='' # to avoid changing to an unexpected directory
[ -e "${target%/}" ] || target=${1%"${1##*[!/]}"} # trim trailing slashes
[ -d "${target:-/}" ] && target="$target/"
cd -P . 2>/dev/null || return 1
while [ "$max_symlinks" -ge 0 ] && max_symlinks=$((max_symlinks - 1)); do
if [ ! "$target" = "${target%/*}" ]; then
case $target in
/*) cd -P "${target%/*}/" 2>/dev/null || break ;;
*) cd -P "./${target%/*}" 2>/dev/null || break ;;
if [ ! -L "$target" ]; then
printf '%s\n' "${target:-/}"
return 0
# `ls -dl` format: "%s %u %s %s %u %s %s -> %s\n",
# <file mode>, <number of links>, <owner name>, <group name>,
# <size>, <date and time>, <pathname of link>, <contents of link>
link=$(ls -dl -- "$target" 2>/dev/null) || break
target=${link#*" $target -> "}
return 1
Please refer to the latest code. It may some fixed.
Better late than never, I suppose. I was motivated to develop this specifically because my Fedora scripts weren't working on the Mac. The problem is dependencies and Bash. Macs don't have them, or if they do, they are often somewhere else (another path). Dependency path manipulation in a cross-platform Bash script is a headache at best and a security risk at worst - so it's best to avoid their use, if possible.
The function get_realpath() below is simple, Bash-centric, and no dependencies are required. I uses only the Bash builtins echo and cd. It is also fairly secure, as everything gets tested at each stage of the way and it returns error conditions.
If you don't want to follow symlinks, then put set -P at the front of the script, but otherwise cd should resolve the symlinks by default. It's been tested with file arguments that are {absolute | relative | symlink | local} and it returns the absolute path to the file. So far we've not had any problems with it.
function get_realpath() {
if [[ -f "$1" ]]
# file *must* exist
if cd "$(echo "${1%/*}")" &>/dev/null
# file *may* not be local
# exception is ./file.ext
# try 'cd .; cd -;' *works!*
local tmppwd="$PWD"
cd - &>/dev/null
# file *must* be local
local tmppwd="$PWD"
# file *cannot* exist
return 1 # failure
# reassemble realpath
echo "$tmppwd"/"${1##*/}"
return 0 # success
You can combine this with other functions get_dirname, get_filename, get_stemname and validate_path. These can be found at our GitHub repository as realpath-lib (full disclosure - this is our product but we offer it free to the community without any restrictions). It also could serve as a instructional tool - it's well documented.
We've tried our best to apply so-called 'modern Bash' practices, but Bash is a big subject and I'm certain there will always be room for improvement. It requires Bash 4+ but could be made to work with older versions if they are still around.
echo $(cd $(dirname file1) ; pwd -P)
I wrote a realpath utility for OS X which can provide the same results as readlink -f.
Here is an example:
(jalcazar#mac tmp)$ ls -l a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jalcazar jalcazar 11 8月 25 19:29 a -> /etc/passwd
(jalcazar#mac tmp)$ realpath a
If you are using MacPorts, you can install it with the following command: sudo port selfupdate && sudo port install realpath.
Truely platform-indpendent would be also this R-onliner
readlink(){ RScript -e "cat(normalizePath(commandArgs(T)[1]))" "$1";}
To actually mimic readlink -f <path>, $2 instead of $1 would need to be used.
I have simply pasted the following to the top of my bash scripts:
#!/usr/bin/env bash -e
declare script=$(basename "$0")
declare dirname=$(dirname "$0")
declare scriptDir
if [[ $(uname) == 'Linux' ]];then
# use readlink -f
scriptDir=$(readlink -f "$dirname")
# can't use readlink -f, do a pwd -P in the script directory and then switch back
if [[ "$dirname" = '.' ]];then
# don't change directory, we are already inside
scriptDir=$(pwd -P)
# switch to the directory and then switch back
cd "$dirname"
scriptDir=$(pwd -P)
cd "$pwd"
And removed all instances of readlink -f. $scriptDir and $script then will be available for the rest of the script.
While this does not follow all symlinks, it works on all systems and appears to be good enough for most use cases, it switches the directory into the containing folder, and then it does a pwd -P to get the real path of that directory, and then finally switch back to the original.
Perl has a readlink function (e.g. How do I copy symbolic links in Perl?). This works across most platforms, including OS X:
perl -e "print readlink '/path/to/link'"
For example:
$ mkdir -p a/b/c
$ ln -s a/b/c x
$ perl -e "print readlink 'x'"
The answer from #Keith Smith gives an infinite loop.
Here is my answer, which i use only on SunOS (SunOS miss so much POSIX and GNU commands).
It's a script file you have to put in one of your $PATH directories:
! (($#)) && echo -e "ERROR: readlink <link to analyze>" 1>&2 && exit 99
while [ -L "$link" ]; do
link=$(/bin/ls -ldq "$link")
link="${link##* -> }"
link=$(realpath "$link")
[ "$link" == "$lastlink" ] && echo -e "ERROR: link loop detected on $link" 1>&2 && break
echo "$link"
This is what I use:
stat -f %N $your_path
The paths to readlink are different between my system and yours. Please try specifying the full path:
/sw/sbin/readlink -f

How can I check if a program exists from a Bash script?

How would I validate that a program exists, in a way that will either return an error and exit, or continue with the script?
It seems like it should be easy, but it's been stumping me.
POSIX compatible:
command -v <the_command>
Example use:
if ! command -v <the_command> &> /dev/null
echo "<the_command> could not be found"
For Bash specific environments:
hash <the_command> # For regular commands. Or...
type <the_command> # To check built-ins and keywords
Avoid which. Not only is it an external process you're launching for doing very little (meaning builtins like hash, type or command are way cheaper), you can also rely on the builtins to actually do what you want, while the effects of external commands can easily vary from system to system.
Why care?
Many operating systems have a which that doesn't even set an exit status, meaning the if which foo won't even work there and will always report that foo exists, even if it doesn't (note that some POSIX shells appear to do this for hash too).
Many operating systems make which do custom and evil stuff like change the output or even hook into the package manager.
So, don't use which. Instead use one of these:
command -v foo >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require foo but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }
type foo >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require foo but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }
hash foo 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "I require foo but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }
(Minor side-note: some will suggest 2>&- is the same 2>/dev/null but shorter – this is untrue. 2>&- closes FD 2 which causes an error in the program when it tries to write to stderr, which is very different from successfully writing to it and discarding the output (and dangerous!))
If your hash bang is /bin/sh then you should care about what POSIX says. type and hash's exit codes aren't terribly well defined by POSIX, and hash is seen to exit successfully when the command doesn't exist (haven't seen this with type yet). command's exit status is well defined by POSIX, so that one is probably the safest to use.
If your script uses bash though, POSIX rules don't really matter anymore and both type and hash become perfectly safe to use. type now has a -P to search just the PATH and hash has the side-effect that the command's location will be hashed (for faster lookup next time you use it), which is usually a good thing since you probably check for its existence in order to actually use it.
As a simple example, here's a function that runs gdate if it exists, otherwise date:
gnudate() {
if hash gdate 2>/dev/null; then
gdate "$#"
date "$#"
Alternative with a complete feature set
You can use scripts-common to reach your need.
To check if something is installed, you can do:
checkBin <the_command> || errorMessage "This tool requires <the_command>. Install it please, and then run this tool again."
The following is a portable way to check whether a command exists in $PATH and is executable:
[ -x "$(command -v foo)" ]
if ! [ -x "$(command -v git)" ]; then
echo 'Error: git is not installed.' >&2
exit 1
The executable check is needed because bash returns a non-executable file if no executable file with that name is found in $PATH.
Also note that if a non-executable file with the same name as the executable exists earlier in $PATH, dash returns the former, even though the latter would be executed. This is a bug and is in violation of the POSIX standard. [Bug report] [Standard]
Edit: This seems to be fixed as of dash 0.5.11 (Debian 11).
In addition, this will fail if the command you are looking for has been defined as an alias.
I agree with lhunath to discourage use of which, and his solution is perfectly valid for Bash users. However, to be more portable, command -v shall be used instead:
$ command -v foo >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "I require foo but it's not installed. Aborting." >&2; exit 1; }
Command command is POSIX compliant. See here for its specification: command - execute a simple command
Note: type is POSIX compliant, but type -P is not.
It depends on whether you want to know whether it exists in one of the directories in the $PATH variable or whether you know the absolute location of it. If you want to know if it is in the $PATH variable, use
if which programname >/dev/null; then
echo exists
echo does not exist
otherwise use
if [ -x /path/to/programname ]; then
echo exists
echo does not exist
The redirection to /dev/null/ in the first example suppresses the output of the which program.
I have a function defined in my .bashrc that makes this easier.
command_exists () {
type "$1" &> /dev/null ;
Here's an example of how it's used (from my .bash_profile.)
if command_exists mvim ; then
export VISUAL="mvim --nofork"
Expanding on #lhunath's and #GregV's answers, here's the code for the people who want to easily put that check inside an if statement:
command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
Here's how to use it:
if exists bash; then
echo 'Bash exists!'
echo 'Your system does not have Bash'
Try using:
test -x filename
[ -x filename ]
From the Bash manpage under Conditional Expressions:
-x file
True if file exists and is executable.
To use hash, as #lhunath suggests, in a Bash script:
hash foo &> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
echo >&2 "foo not found."
This script runs hash and then checks if the exit code of the most recent command, the value stored in $?, is equal to 1. If hash doesn't find foo, the exit code will be 1. If foo is present, the exit code will be 0.
&> /dev/null redirects standard error and standard output from hash so that it doesn't appear onscreen and echo >&2 writes the message to standard error.
Command -v works fine if the POSIX_BUILTINS option is set for the <command> to test for, but it can fail if not. (It has worked for me for years, but I recently ran into one where it didn't work.)
I find the following to be more failproof:
test -x "$(which <command>)"
Since it tests for three things: path, existence and execution permission.
There are a ton of options here, but I was surprised no quick one-liners. This is what I used at the beginning of my scripts:
[[ "$(command -v mvn)" ]] || { echo "mvn is not installed" 1>&2 ; exit 1; }
[[ "$(command -v java)" ]] || { echo "java is not installed" 1>&2 ; exit 1; }
This is based on the selected answer here and another source.
If you check for program existence, you are probably going to run it later anyway. Why not try to run it in the first place?
if foo --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo Found
echo Not found
It's a more trustworthy check that the program runs than merely looking at PATH directories and file permissions.
Plus you can get some useful result from your program, such as its version.
Of course the drawbacks are that some programs can be heavy to start and some don't have a --version option to immediately (and successfully) exit.
Check for multiple dependencies and inform status to end users
for cmd in latex pandoc; do
printf '%-10s' "$cmd"
if hash "$cmd" 2>/dev/null; then
echo OK
echo missing
Sample output:
latex OK
pandoc missing
Adjust the 10 to the maximum command length. It is not automatic, because I don't see a non-verbose POSIX way to do it:
How can I align the columns of a space separated table in Bash?
Check if some apt packages are installed with dpkg -s and install them otherwise.
See: Check if an apt-get package is installed and then install it if it's not on Linux
It was previously mentioned at: How can I check if a program exists from a Bash script?
I never did get the previous answers to work on the box I have access to. For one, type has been installed (doing what more does). So the builtin directive is needed. This command works for me:
if [ `builtin type -p vim` ]; then echo "TRUE"; else echo "FALSE"; fi
I wanted the same question answered but to run within a Makefile.
#if [[ ! -x "$(shell command -v ghead)" ]]; then \
echo 'ghead does not exist. Please install it.'; \
exit -1; \
It could be simpler, just:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
# if local program 'foo' returns 1 (doesn't exist) then...
if ! type -P foo; then
echo 'crap, no foo'
echo 'sweet, we have foo!'
Change foo to vi to get the other condition to fire.
hash foo 2>/dev/null: works with Z shell (Zsh), Bash, Dash and ash.
type -p foo: it appears to work with Z shell, Bash and ash (BusyBox), but not Dash (it interprets -p as an argument).
command -v foo: works with Z shell, Bash, Dash, but not ash (BusyBox) (-ash: command: not found).
Also note that builtin is not available with ash and Dash.
zsh only, but very useful for zsh scripting (e.g. when writing completion scripts):
The zsh/parameter module gives access to, among other things, the internal commands hash table. From man zshmodules:
The zsh/parameter module gives access to some of the internal hash ta‐
bles used by the shell by defining some special parameters.
This array gives access to the command hash table. The keys are
the names of external commands, the values are the pathnames of
the files that would be executed when the command would be in‐
voked. Setting a key in this array defines a new entry in this
table in the same way as with the hash builtin. Unsetting a key
as in `unset "commands[foo]"' removes the entry for the given
key from the command hash table.
Although it is a loadable module, it seems to be loaded by default, as long as zsh is not used with --emulate.
martin#martin ~ % echo $commands[zsh]
To quickly check whether a certain command is available, just check if the key exists in the hash:
if (( ${+commands[zsh]} ))
echo "zsh is available"
Note though that the hash will contain any files in $PATH folders, regardless of whether they are executable or not. To be absolutely sure, you have to spend a stat call on that:
if (( ${+commands[zsh]} )) && [[ -x $commands[zsh] ]]
echo "zsh is available"
The which command might be useful. man which
It returns 0 if the executable is found and returns 1 if it's not found or not executable:
which - locate a command
which [-a] filename ...
which returns the pathnames of the files which would
be executed in the current environment, had its
arguments been given as commands in a strictly
POSIX-conformant shell. It does this by searching
the PATH for executable files matching the names
of the arguments.
-a print all matching pathnames of each argument
0 if all specified commands are
found and executable
1 if one or more specified commands is nonexistent
or not executable
2 if an invalid option is specified
The nice thing about which is that it figures out if the executable is available in the environment that which is run in - it saves a few problems...
Use Bash builtins if you can:
which programname
type -P programname
For those interested, none of the methodologies in previous answers work if you wish to detect an installed library. I imagine you are left either with physically checking the path (potentially for header files and such), or something like this (if you are on a Debian-based distribution):
dpkg --status libdb-dev | grep -q not-installed
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
apt-get install libdb-dev
As you can see from the above, a "0" answer from the query means the package is not installed. This is a function of "grep" - a "0" means a match was found, a "1" means no match was found.
This will tell according to the location if the program exist or not:
if [ -x /usr/bin/yum ]; then
echo "This is Centos"
I'd say there isn't any portable and 100% reliable way due to dangling aliases. For example:
alias john='ls --color'
alias paul='george -F'
alias george='ls -h'
alias ringo=/
Of course, only the last one is problematic (no offence to Ringo!). But all of them are valid aliases from the point of view of command -v.
In order to reject dangling ones like ringo, we have to parse the output of the shell built-in alias command and recurse into them (command -v isn't a superior to alias here.) There isn't any portable solution for it, and even a Bash-specific solution is rather tedious.
Note that a solution like this will unconditionally reject alias ls='ls -F':
test() { command -v $1 | grep -qv alias }
If you guys/gals can't get the things in answers here to work and are pulling hair out of your back, try to run the same command using bash -c. Just look at this somnambular delirium. This is what really happening when you run $(sub-command):
First. It can give you completely different output.
$ command -v ls
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
$ bash -c "command -v ls"
Second. It can give you no output at all.
$ command -v nvm
$ bash -c "command -v nvm"
$ bash -c "nvm --help"
bash: nvm: command not found
a=${apt-cache show program}
if [[ $a == 0 ]]
echo "the program doesn't exist"
echo "the program exists"
#program is not literal, you can change it to the program's name you want to check
The hash-variant has one pitfall: On the command line you can for example type in
to have process executed. For this the parent folder of one_folder must be in $PATH. But when you try to hash this command, it will always succeed:
hash one_folder/process; echo $? # will always output '0'
I second the use of "command -v". E.g. like this:
md=$(command -v mkdirhier) ; alias md=${md:=mkdir} # bash
emacs="$(command -v emacs) -nw" || emacs=nano
alias e=$emacs
[[ -z $(command -v jed) ]] && alias jed=$emacs
I had to check if Git was installed as part of deploying our CI server. My final Bash script was as follows (Ubuntu server):
if ! builtin type -p git &>/dev/null; then
sudo apt-get -y install git-core
To mimic Bash's type -P cmd, we can use the POSIX compliant env -i type cmd 1>/dev/null 2>&1.
man env
# "The option '-i' causes env to completely ignore the environment it inherits."
# In other words, there are no aliases or functions to be looked up by the type command.
ls() { echo 'Hello, world!'; }
type ls
env -i type ls
env -i type $cmd 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "$cmd not found"; exit 1; }
If there isn't any external type command available (as taken for granted here), we can use POSIX compliant env -i sh -c 'type cmd 1>/dev/null 2>&1':
# Portable version of Bash's type -P cmd (without output on stdout)
typep() {
command -p env -i PATH="$PATH" sh -c '
export LC_ALL=C LANG=C
cmd="`type "$cmd" 2>/dev/null || { echo "error: command $cmd not found; exiting ..." 1>&2; exit 1; }`"
[ $? != 0 ] && exit 1
case "$cmd" in
*\ /*) exit 0;;
*) printf "%s\n" "error: $cmd" 1>&2; exit 1;;
' _ "$1" || exit 1
# Get your standard $PATH value
#PATH="$(command -p getconf PATH)"
typep ls
typep builtin
typep ls-temp
At least on Mac OS X v10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) using Bash 4.2.24(2) command -v ls does not match a moved /bin/ls-temp.
My setup for a Debian server:
I had the problem when multiple packages contained the same name.
For example apache2. So this was my solution:
function _apt_install() {
apt-get install -y $1 > /dev/null
function _apt_install_norecommends() {
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends $1 > /dev/null
function _apt_available() {
if [ `apt-cache search $1 | grep -o "$1" | uniq | wc -l` = "1" ]; then
echo "Package is available : $1"
echo "Package $1 is NOT available for install"
echo "We can not continue without this package..."
echo "Exitting now.."
exit 0
function _package_install {
_apt_available $1
if [ "${PACKAGE_INSTALL}" = "1" ]; then
if [ "$(dpkg-query -l $1 | tail -n1 | cut -c1-2)" = "ii" ]; then
echo "package is already_installed: $1"
echo "installing package : $1, please wait.."
_apt_install $1
sleep 0.5
function _package_install_no_recommends {
_apt_available $1
if [ "${PACKAGE_INSTALL}" = "1" ]; then
if [ "$(dpkg-query -l $1 | tail -n1 | cut -c1-2)" = "ii" ]; then
echo "package is already_installed: $1"
echo "installing package : $1, please wait.."
_apt_install_norecommends $1
sleep 0.5
